Testting database event #2

Nama Event : AP PROS <<
OBS : [Uni]-Anchient

tempat untuk link SS

Save Replay : tempat untuk link SR

Game Name : AP PROS <<
Game Length : 14:08
Dota Winner Side : not determined

Saver : [Uni]-Anchient
Host : Cr-2
Mode : ap

# Nick Hero Flame.Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N 1 [D]BLOOD U00F 0Disconnected 12:55 29s at 12:25 20s at 00:00 112(123) 3 2 22 1797 0 0 2 [Uni]-Anchient H071 1Finished 14:09 71s at 12:57 15s at 01:33 119(133) 1 1 37 4465 2 0 3 [r]oyal_flush NC00 0Disconnected 12:55 55s at 12:00 27s at 00:35 87(102) 1 1 20 0709 1 0 4 Locked- N01V 0Disconnected 12:55 68s at 00:30 29s at 12:26 77( 96) 1 0 24 1845 2 0 5 FreakyWeaky N0MK 0Disconnected 12:55 29s at 12:25 28s at 00:23 95(109) 0 1 14 0674 1 0 6 sleepingwsirens HC92 0Left the game 13:12 34s at 11:59 28s at 12:43 140(164) 2 1 9 2963 0 0 7 Akitsu O00J 0Finished 14:09 27s at 00:52 17s at 09:14 82( 88) 1 0 10 0430 4 0 8 ERROR-E404 H00H 0Left the game 13:07 34s at 00:39 22s at 00:09 83( 90) 1 3 13 2270 2 0 9 MOONLIGHT 0Left the game 13:20 9s at 01:11 7s at 00:49 156(156) 1 1 25 1609 1 0 10 qwerty- H00T 0Left the game 14:03 28s at 01:36 24s at 00:19 162(186) 0 1 16 2180 2 0

[details=Chatlog]00:00 [D]BLOOD U00F All Shortest load by player [[Uni]-Anchient] was 6.18 seconds. 00:00 [D]BLOOD U00F All Longest load by player [sleepingwsirens] was 27.89 seconds. 00:00 [D]BLOOD U00F [Uni]-Anchient Your load time was 6.18 seconds. 00:00 [D]BLOOD U00F All This Game host by MetroWorld 00:02 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 00:02 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -hhn 00:02 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies -don 00:03 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -don 00:03 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies -hhn 00:03 FreakyWeaky N0MK Allies -clear 00:03 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -di 00:04 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -ii 00:04 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies -tips 00:05 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -cson 00:07 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies -water red 00:08 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -water 7up 00:08 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies -ii 00:10 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -music special 00:11 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -clear 00:12 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies -clear 00:12 [r]oyal_flush NC00 Allies -ii 00:13 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -ah 00:13 FreakyWeaky N0MK Allies pake 1 hero dulu e 00:14 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -ah 00:14 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -ah 00:14 [r]oyal_flush NC00 Allies -hhn 00:15 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -ah 00:18 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -clear 00:21 FreakyWeaky N0MK Allies -clear 00:25 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 00:29 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies -clear 00:32 Locked- N01V Allies -hhn 00:33 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 00:37 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 00:38 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -random 00:39 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -clear 00:43 Locked- N01V Allies katanya mau kasih liat necro 00:53 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies lpa 00:59 Locked- N01V Allies ahh spik bae lo homo 01:03 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -repick 01:08 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies [sa-1] - gue barusan necro 01:09 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 01:12 FreakyWeaky N0MK Allies -clear 01:12 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies tnya wanna_flat 01:16 Locked- N01V Allies yah kan gak ada gua 01:17 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 01:17 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies abis rata 01:19 FreakyWeaky N0MK Allies -clear 01:26 Locked- N01V Allies itu id lo yang !! udah laku ? 01:30 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies blm 01:32 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 01:34 FreakyWeaky N0MK Allies -random 01:35 FreakyWeaky N0MK Allies -clear 01:36 Locked- N01V Allies awkawkawk 01:44 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 02:08 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 02:08 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies mid thz 02:15 FreakyWeaky N0MK Allies -hhn 02:16 FreakyWeaky N0MK Allies -clear 02:21 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies kurir bro 02:25 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -clear 02:35 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 02:42 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies open 02:43 Locked- N01V Allies ye 02:44 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 02:44 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies tuh 02:47 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies mantap 02:48 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies -clear 05:15 [D]BLOOD U00F All sleepingwsirens: 285ms, ERROR-E404: 84ms, qwerty-: 83ms, MOONLIGHT: 82ms, Akitsu: 82ms, [D]BLOOD: 17ms, 05:15 [D]BLOOD U00F All FreakyWeaky: 14ms, [r]oyal_flush: 12ms, [Uni]-Anchient: 9ms, Locked-: 7ms 05:15 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies !p 05:37 ERROR-E404 H00H All niat 06:01 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 06:35 [D]BLOOD U00F All sleepingwsirens: 160ms, ERROR-E404: 82ms, MOONLIGHT: 82ms, qwerty-: 78ms, Akitsu: 60ms, [r]oyal_flush: 12ms, 06:35 [D]BLOOD U00F All [Uni]-Anchient: 10ms, [D]BLOOD: 8ms, Locked-: 8ms, FreakyWeaky: 7ms 06:35 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies !p 06:35 [D]BLOOD U00F All Setting sync limit to 200 packets. 06:35 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies !sl 200 06:53 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies miss 06:58 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies miss 07:25 Locked- N01V Allies MISS 07:25 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies 0 07:25 Locked- N01V Allies MISS 07:29 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies lama stun nya 08:18 FreakyWeaky N0MK Allies -1 08:22 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 08:58 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 09:16 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies miss 09:17 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies miss 09:50 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies arrow 10:06 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies parah sumpah 10:24 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies gk jelas lo los 10:31 Locked- N01V Allies awkkaw 10:36 Locked- N01V Allies bingung tae 10:37 Locked- N01V Allies nm 11:31 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies 0 12:04 FreakyWeaky N0MK Allies -clear 12:16 [D]BLOOD U00F All sleepingwsirens has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect. 12:16 sleepingwsirens HC92 All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain). 12:17 [D]BLOOD U00F All qwerty-: 89ms, Akitsu: 89ms, ERROR-E404: 86ms, MOONLIGHT: 80ms, sleepingwsirens: 40ms, [D]BLOOD: 14ms, 12:17 [D]BLOOD U00F All [Uni]-Anchient: 10ms, Locked-: 9ms, FreakyWeaky: 8ms, [r]oyal_flush: 7ms 12:17 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies !p 12:17 [D]BLOOD U00F All Setting sync limit to 500 packets. 12:17 [D]BLOOD U00F Allies !sl 500 12:24 Locked- N01V Allies -clear 12:26 [Uni]-Anchient H071 Allies SK nggak rencar ? 12:30 [D]BLOOD U00F All Player [sleepingwsirens] reconnected with GProxy++! 12:55 [D]BLOOD U00F All Locked- has lost the connection (timed out). 12:55 [D]BLOOD U00F All [D]BLOOD has lost the connection (timed out). 12:55 qwerty- H00T All [r]oyal_flush has lost the connection (timed out). 12:55 qwerty- H00T All FreakyWeaky has lost the connection (timed out). 13:01 Akitsu O00J All buset 13:02 [Uni]-Anchient H071 All bah 13:07 qwerty- H00T All ERROR-E404 has left the game voluntarily. 13:12 qwerty- H00T All sleepingwsirens has left the game voluntarily. 13:12 [Uni]-Anchient H071 All remake kak 13:20 qwerty- H00T All MOONLIGHT has left the game voluntarily. 14:03 qwerty- H00T All qwerty- has left the game voluntarily.

[details=Gamelog]00:00:00 Game starting 00:00:01 Mode : ap 00:00:02 Locked- -clear 00:00:02 [D]BLOOD -hhn 00:00:02 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:00:02 [Uni]-Anchient -don 00:00:03 [D]BLOOD -don 00:00:03 [Uni]-Anchient -hhn 00:00:03 FreakyWeaky -clear 00:00:04 [D]BLOOD -di 00:00:04 [D]BLOOD -ii 00:00:05 [Uni]-Anchient -tips 00:00:05 [D]BLOOD -cson 00:00:05 MOONLIGHT -weather moonlight 00:00:06 ERROR-E404 -ii 00:00:07 [Uni]-Anchient -water red 00:00:08 [D]BLOOD -water 7up 00:00:08 [Uni]-Anchient -ii 00:00:11 [D]BLOOD -music special 00:00:11 sleepingwsirens -clear 00:00:12 [D]BLOOD -clear 00:00:12 [Uni]-Anchient -clear 00:00:12 [r]oyal_flush -ii 00:00:13 [D]BLOOD -ah 00:00:13 Akitsu -ii 00:00:14 [D]BLOOD -ah 00:00:14 [D]BLOOD -ah 00:00:15 [r]oyal_flush -hhn 00:00:15 [D]BLOOD -ah 00:00:15 Akitsu -don 00:00:18 [D]BLOOD -clear 00:00:20 MOONLIGHT -music off 00:00:21 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:00:21 Akitsu -hhn 00:00:21 FreakyWeaky -clear 00:00:22 ERROR-E404 -random0... 00:00:25 ERROR-E404 -random 00:00:25 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:00:25 Locked- -clear 00:00:29 [Uni]-Anchient -clear 00:00:32 Locked- -hhn 00:00:34 Locked- -clear 00:00:37 Locked- -clear 00:00:38 [D]BLOOD -random 00:00:39 [D]BLOOD -clear 00:00:59 ERROR-E404 -hhn 00:01:03 [D]BLOOD -repick 00:01:09 Locked- -clear 00:01:12 FreakyWeaky -clear 00:01:13 ERROR-E404 -repick 00:01:14 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:01:17 Locked- -clear 00:01:20 FreakyWeaky -clear 00:01:22 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:01:32 Locked- -clear 00:01:34 FreakyWeaky -random 00:01:35 FreakyWeaky -clear 00:01:41 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:01:44 Locked- -clear 00:01:49 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:02:04 qwerty- -clear 00:02:06 ERROR-E404 -ii 00:02:08 Locked- -clear 00:02:15 FreakyWeaky -hhn 00:02:16 FreakyWeaky -clear 00:02:25 [D]BLOOD -clear 00:02:31 Creep spawning 00:02:35 Locked- -clear 00:02:36 qwerty- -clear 00:02:40 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:02:44 Locked- -clear 00:02:48 [D]BLOOD -clear 00:02:50 qwerty- -clear 00:02:51 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:03:34 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:03:42 qwerty- -clear 00:03:50 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:04:24 qwerty- -clear 00:04:48 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:04:55 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:04:56 qwerty- -clear 00:05:28 Akitsu mini map signal 00:05:33 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:05:36 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:06:00 [D]BLOOD First Kill: Killed ERROR-E404 00:06:00 [D]BLOOD Killed ERROR-E404 00:06:01 Locked- -clear 00:06:02 qwerty- -clear 00:06:02 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:06:05 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:06:09 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:06:13 qwerty- -clear 00:06:22 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:06:50 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:06:51 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:06:53 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:06:53 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:06:53 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:06:54 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:06:54 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:06:54 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:06:59 qwerty- -clear 00:07:15 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:07:15 qwerty- -clear 00:07:20 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:07:21 qwerty- -clear 00:07:32 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:07:34 qwerty- -clear 00:07:46 qwerty- -clear 00:08:01 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:08:14 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:08:15 [Uni]-Anchient Killed MOONLIGHT 00:08:16 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:08:16 qwerty- -clear 00:08:17 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:08:18 FreakyWeaky -1 00:08:21 qwerty- -clear 00:08:21 [D]BLOOD mini map signal 00:08:22 Locked- -clear 00:08:23 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:08:25 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:08:26 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:08:26 qwerty- -clear 00:08:34 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:08:57 [D]BLOOD Killed ERROR-E404 00:08:58 qwerty- -clear 00:08:59 Locked- -clear 00:08:59 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:09:17 Akitsu mini map signal 00:09:18 Akitsu mini map signal 00:09:19 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:09:22 qwerty- -clear 00:09:23 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:09:23 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:09:23 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:09:23 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:09:24 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:09:24 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:09:24 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:09:24 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:09:24 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:09:26 Akitsu mini map signal 00:09:27 Akitsu mini map signal 00:09:27 Akitsu mini map signal 00:09:28 qwerty- -clear 00:09:34 MOONLIGHT Killed [D]BLOOD 00:09:35 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:09:35 qwerty- -clear 00:09:40 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:09:43 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:09:48 qwerty- -clear 00:09:51 qwerty- -clear 00:09:52 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:09:58 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:09:58 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:09:58 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:09:59 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:09:59 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:09:59 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:10:03 Akitsu Killed [Uni]-Anchient 00:10:04 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:10:11 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:10:12 qwerty- -clear 00:10:19 ERROR-E404 Killed [D]BLOOD 00:10:20 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:10:20 qwerty- -clear 00:10:38 qwerty- -clear 00:10:47 qwerty- -clear 00:10:47 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:11:07 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:11:14 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:11:23 qwerty- -clear 00:11:28 [Uni]-Anchient mini map signal 00:11:29 Akitsu mini map signal 00:11:29 Akitsu mini map signal 00:11:31 Akitsu mini map signal 00:11:41 Akitsu mini map signal 00:11:53 [D]BLOOD Killed ERROR-E404 00:11:54 sleepingwsirens Killed FreakyWeaky 00:11:54 qwerty- -clear 00:11:55 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:11:59 [r]oyal_flush Killed qwerty- 00:11:59 qwerty- -clear 00:12:00 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:12:00 sleepingwsirens Killed [r]oyal_flush 00:12:03 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:12:04 FreakyWeaky -clear 00:12:04 Locked- Killed sleepingwsirens 00:12:10 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:12:12 MOONLIGHT mini map signal 00:12:18 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:12:24 Locked- -clear 00:12:26 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:12:32 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:12:49 Akitsu mini map signal 00:12:55 Locked- Disconnected 00:12:55 [D]BLOOD Disconnected 00:12:55 [r]oyal_flush Disconnected 00:12:55 FreakyWeaky Disconnected 00:12:55 [Uni]-Anchient Stats: 20 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 neutrals 00:12:55 Locked- Stats: 14 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 neutrals 00:12:56 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:12:57 qwerty- -clear 00:13:02 qwerty- Killed Locked- 00:13:02 qwerty- -clear 00:13:03 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:13:04 qwerty- -clear 00:13:07 ERROR-E404 Left the game 00:13:07 ERROR-E404 Stats: 15 creep kills - 2 denies - 0 neutrals 00:13:12 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:13:12 sleepingwsirens Left the game 00:13:12 MOONLIGHT Stats: 9 creep kills - 2 denies - 0 neutrals 00:13:13 qwerty- -clear 00:13:13 Akitsu Killed [D]BLOOD 00:13:13 qwerty- -clear 00:13:14 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:13:20 MOONLIGHT -clear 00:13:20 MOONLIGHT Left the game 00:13:21 sleepingwsirens Stats: 26 creep kills - 1 denies - 0 neutrals 00:13:22 qwerty- -clear 00:13:46 sleepingwsirens Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower 00:13:47 qwerty- -clear 00:13:58 qwerty- -clear 00:14:03 qwerty- Left the game 00:14:03 FreakyWeaky Stats: 18 creep kills - 2 denies - 0 neutrals 00:14:09 Akitsu Finished 00:14:09 [Uni]-Anchient Finished 00:14:08 Game terminated

Reward Clear

[details=Win Event]1.odi 2.bagas 3.prayoga 4.orang 5.gantenf


Date :Minggu, 20 September 2015
Game length :41:43
Game Winner :Sentinel

SS :http://jmp.sh/1CgOi2m
SR :http://jmp.sh/1CgOi2m

Observer :whoami
Host :Bot-FU
Dota Mode :ap

[details=GAMECODE]# Nick Hero Flame.Lag Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N 1 kong Nfir 2 Disconnected 27:48 34s at 22:12 34s at 01:45 90(108) 2 5 48 6 7 5 18 2 AnotherMan Nbrn 1 Finished 41:45 58s at 33:59 46s at 00:00 62( 70) 8 6 47 4589 7 25 3 WHOAMI H00Q 11 Finished 41:55 57s at 00:01 55s at 37:54 72( 87) 37 7 68 11147 10 0 4 Kaneky_1st Opgh 0 Finished 41:55 210s at 38:12 77s at 33:57 53( 65) 12 4 97 21338 8 25 5 tessaviolet H00S 4Lag Finished 41:46 26s at 01:54 24s at 00:01 70( 76) 5 5 78 41186 13 25 6 sidu HC92 0 Finished 41:47 44s at 00:04 23s at 26:07 103(108) 6 7 68 54592 3 7 7 susanoo Usyl 0 Finished 41:48 47s at 28:32 35s at 21:24 76( 91) 5 13 79 51182 8 2 8 aXel Huth 0 Left the game 40:27 21s at 02:27 18s at 05:06 109(114) 1 21 14 0 23 5 3 9 proitucacad H071 0 Left the game 05:51 39s at 00:01 20s at 01:36 74( 89) 0 11 1 0 2 1 0 10 kusu U00F 1 Finished 41:45 47s at 38:29 41s at 30:52 113(127) 11 14 59 71456 9 2

[details=CHATLOG]00:00 WHOAMI H00Q All Shortest load by player [sidu] was 6.77 seconds. 00:00 WHOAMI H00Q All Longest load by player [WHOAMI] was 19.81 seconds. 00:00 WHOAMI H00Q WHOAMI Your load time was 19.81 seconds. 00:00 WHOAMI H00Q All This game is hosted by RevoGamers 00:00 WHOAMI H00Q All Powered by MetroWorld 00:08 tessaviolet H00S Allies -clear 00:15 kong Nfir Allies -ah 00:18 kong Nfir Allies -ii 00:20 kong Nfir Allies -don 00:21 kong Nfir Allies -clear 00:29 WHOAMI H00Q All [sa-1] - proitucacad: 322ms, AnotherMan: 196ms, susanoo: 106ms, WHOAMI: 88ms, aXel: 47ms, sidu: 41ms, kong: 39ms, 00:29 WHOAMI H00Q All [sa-1] - kusu: 36ms, Kaneky_1st: 24ms, tessaviolet: 10ms 00:29 kong Nfir Allies !p 00:30 tessaviolet H00S Allies -random int 00:32 WHOAMI H00Q All Setting sync limit to 450 packets. 00:32 kong Nfir All !sl 450 00:35 WHOAMI H00Q All Setting game latency to 98 ms. 00:35 kong Nfir All !l 98 01:03 WHOAMI H00Q Allies weh 01:07 WHOAMI H00Q Allies carry 4 01:13 tessaviolet H00S Allies begitulah 01:15 tessaviolet H00S Allies axe 01:16 tessaviolet H00S Allies roto 01:25 WHOAMI H00Q Allies pick axe kong 01:32 proitucacad H071 All agi 4 anjing 01:37 tessaviolet H00S All emang anjing kalian 01:38 kong Nfir Allies u aj 01:41 AnotherMan Nbrn All bagus kok 01:46 tessaviolet H00S Allies gw mid ya vroh 01:49 tessaviolet H00S Allies belajaran 01:50 kong Nfir Allies kurir 01:53 kong Nfir Allies gw aja mid 01:53 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies ok 01:59 tessaviolet H00S Allies lu hero apa 02:01 kong Nfir Allies nvm 02:02 WHOAMI H00Q Allies pick anti carry enak :v 02:06 tessaviolet H00S Allies yowes lar 02:07 tessaviolet H00S Allies gw bwh 02:08 WHOAMI H00Q Allies legi cin 02:14 tessaviolet H00S Allies axe asli 02:14 kong Nfir Allies nvm :* 02:15 tessaviolet H00S Allies roto 02:17 kong Nfir Allies prcaya 02:22 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies knp om? 02:37 WHOAMI H00Q Allies gak ada stunner ini 02:44 tessaviolet H00S Allies axe 02:44 tessaviolet H00S Allies aja 02:46 tessaviolet H00S Allies [sa-1] - disabler 02:50 proitucacad H071 All udah kita kala bung 03:00 AnotherMan Nbrn All [sa-1] - jgn putus asa om 04:27 WHOAMI H00Q Allies [sa-1] - gua mau kill 29 bisa gak ya :v 04:37 tessaviolet H00S Allies bs la 04:40 kong Nfir Allies MISS MIDDLE 04:43 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies ea 04:44 WHOAMI H00Q Allies musuh kayak gini 05:06 kong Nfir Allies MISS MIDDLE 05:06 kong Nfir Allies MISS MIDDLE 05:06 kong Nfir Allies MISS MIDDLE 05:08 kong Nfir Allies b 05:09 kong Nfir Allies b 05:18 WHOAMI H00Q Allies [die-1] - malah gua yg die 05:28 kong Nfir Allies MISS MIDDLE 05:35 proitucacad H071 All riki tolo 05:44 tessaviolet H00S All lo tolol vroh 05:51 kong Nfir Allies MISS MIDDLE 05:51 WHOAMI H00Q All proitucacad has left the game voluntarily. 05:55 AnotherMan Nbrn All zz 05:56 Kaneky_1st Opgh Allies -clear 05:59 WHOAMI H00Q Allies bah 06:03 kong Nfir Allies [leave-1] - !ban proitu LEAVER 06:03 WHOAMI H00Q All Player [proitucacad] was banned by player [kong] on server [dota.revogamers.us]. 06:06 WHOAMI H00Q Allies remek aja 06:08 AnotherMan Nbrn All lu buly si wkwk 06:08 WHOAMI H00Q Allies kasian itu 06:22 WHOAMI H00Q All gmn ? 06:26 AnotherMan Nbrn All kuy 06:45 tessaviolet H00S Allies wak deny 06:56 Kaneky_1st Opgh Allies -clear 07:31 kong Nfir Allies MISS MIDDLE 07:49 WHOAMI H00Q Allies es pakek 07:52 Kaneky_1st Opgh Allies -clear 07:53 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies lupa 07:54 kong Nfir Allies MISS MIDDLE 08:16 kong Nfir Allies MISS MIDDLE 08:24 tessaviolet H00S Allies asok 08:27 tessaviolet H00S Allies telat abca 08:28 tessaviolet H00S Allies sorry 08:58 tessaviolet H00S Allies gas 09:07 tessaviolet H00S Allies z 09:10 Kaneky_1st Opgh Allies -clear 09:41 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies bah 10:11 Kaneky_1st Opgh Allies -clear 10:11 kong Nfir Allies mid isi 10:25 Kaneky_1st Opgh Allies -clear 11:35 Kaneky_1st Opgh Allies -clear 12:23 Kaneky_1st Opgh Allies -clear 13:17 Kaneky_1st Opgh Allies -clear 13:29 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies !cm 13:47 tessaviolet H00S Allies [sa-1] - bangsat 13:52 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies -don 13:54 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies -hhn 13:55 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies -ii 13:57 tessaviolet H00S Allies [suk-1] - gile nvmnya sukses 14:01 tessaviolet H00S Allies pudge dah dagger 15:06 tessaviolet H00S Allies anjeng 15:06 tessaviolet H00S Allies !cm 15:17 tessaviolet H00S Allies !cm 16:56 Kaneky_1st Opgh Allies -clear 18:48 kong Nfir Allies pud 18:50 Kaneky_1st Opgh Allies -clear 19:35 kong Nfir Allies was 19:48 tessaviolet H00S Allies !cm 20:43 kong Nfir Allies mid yok 21:41 tessaviolet H00S Allies !cm 21:43 WHOAMI H00Q All aaa 21:47 kusu U00F All wkwkw 22:13 kong Nfir Allies wakwka 22:18 kong Nfir Allies tae gak niat ak 22:27 WHOAMI H00Q Allies [sa-1] - santai kan gektas tangi 22:29 WHOAMI H00Q Allies dadi poor 22:36 kong Nfir Allies sori loh 22:40 kong Nfir Allies musuhnya pick gak niat 22:42 kong Nfir Allies ak jg 22:44 kong Nfir Allies :D 22:45 WHOAMI H00Q Allies auto win iki 22:49 kong Nfir Allies mangkanya 22:58 WHOAMI H00Q Allies aku ae golek kill 23:27 tessaviolet H00S Allies lag gw 23:30 tessaviolet H00S Allies !cm 24:09 kong Nfir Allies lu tb gmn sih 24:12 tessaviolet H00S Allies kocak 24:18 tessaviolet H00S Allies mati mah mati ae om 24:21 tessaviolet H00S Allies jgn nyalain orang 24:28 kong Nfir Allies [sa-1] - jadi gw yang salah 24:33 kong Nfir Allies selow aja bos 25:04 kong Nfir Allies mid aj 25:08 kong Nfir Allies temen mo ikut 26:11 tessaviolet H00S Allies atas 27:48 WHOAMI H00Q All kong has lost the connection (timed out). 27:56 WHOAMI H00Q All asooo 27:59 Kaneky_1st Opgh Allies -clear 28:07 WHOAMI H00Q Allies laptop mati si kong sorry 28:13 tessaviolet H00S Allies gpp 28:16 tessaviolet H00S Allies g guna jg om 28:19 WHOAMI H00Q Allies wkwkwk 28:22 WHOAMI H00Q Allies [sa-1] - sabar 28:39 WHOAMI H00Q Allies [sa-1] - semoga sampek target 29 :v 30:07 tessaviolet H00S Allies !cm 30:41 WHOAMI H00Q Allies astaga 30:42 tessaviolet H00S Allies 3 lgg 30:49 WHOAMI H00Q All lu mati aja bawa" gua pud 31:03 WHOAMI H00Q Allies jgn 31:03 kusu U00F All maaf gan 31:08 WHOAMI H00Q Allies -3 :v 31:10 susanoo Usyl All wkwkwk 31:14 kusu U00F All wkwkkw 31:51 tessaviolet H00S Allies !cm 33:10 WHOAMI H00Q Allies yeahhh 29 33:34 tessaviolet H00S Allies delay bgt gw 34:04 WHOAMI H00Q Allies wkwkwkwk 34:06 Kaneky_1st Opgh Allies !cm 34:07 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies eek 34:16 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies hooam 35:16 tessaviolet H00S Allies wkwk asu delaynya 35:18 tessaviolet H00S Allies males gw 35:19 tessaviolet H00S Allies !cm 35:22 tessaviolet H00S Allies 500 ping 35:27 WHOAMI H00Q Allies !p 35:27 WHOAMI H00Q All [sa-1] - tessaviolet: 451ms, aXel: 170ms, susanoo: 102ms, Kaneky_1st: 61ms, sidu: 53ms, kusu: 48ms, WHOAMI: 45ms, 35:27 WHOAMI H00Q All AnotherMan: 26ms 35:32 WHOAMI H00Q Allies wkwkwk 35:34 WHOAMI H00Q Allies !l 120 35:35 WHOAMI H00Q All Setting game latency to 120 ms. 35:37 WHOAMI H00Q Allies !sl 500 35:37 WHOAMI H00Q All Setting sync limit to 500 packets. 38:03 tessaviolet H00S Allies astaga delaynya 38:04 tessaviolet H00S Allies [sa-1] - memek sapi 38:10 WHOAMI H00Q Allies [sa-1] - selesain aja :v 38:12 tessaviolet H00S All dah lepas ae 38:13 tessaviolet H00S All lama lo 38:23 kusu U00F All [sa-1] - salam menang gan 38:25 WHOAMI H00Q Allies niat mereka deff 38:32 susanoo Usyl All wkwkkw 38:34 WHOAMI H00Q All TY GGWP 38:40 tessaviolet H00S All riki sniper slark besok" jgn pick hero culun 38:42 kusu U00F All hahaha 38:42 tessaviolet H00S All kapan jagonya 38:50 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies ggwp singkatan dari ape? 38:53 susanoo Usyl All iya kak 39:09 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies zz 40:27 WHOAMI H00Q All aXel has left the game voluntarily. 40:31 WHOAMI H00Q Allies haha 40:35 WHOAMI H00Q Allies udah gak kuat iman 40:45 WHOAMI H00Q Allies 1 20 cuk :v 40:58 tessaviolet H00S Allies !cm 41:22 tessaviolet H00S Allies abisin kar 41:22 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies cepetin dah 41:23 tessaviolet H00S Allies lama 41:26 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies abisin 41:27 AnotherMan Nbrn Allies zzz 41:31 tessaviolet H00S Allies goblok 41:43 WHOAMI H00Q All This game is hosted by RevoGamers 41:43 WHOAMI H00Q All Powered by MetroWorld 41:45 WHOAMI H00Q All kusu has left the game voluntarily. 41:45 WHOAMI H00Q All AnotherMan has left the game voluntarily. 41:46 WHOAMI H00Q All [sa-1] - tessaviolet has left the game voluntarily. 41:47 WHOAMI H00Q All sidu has left the game voluntarily. 41:48 WHOAMI H00Q All [sa-1] - susanoo has left the game voluntarily.

[details=GAMELOG]00:00:00 Game starting 00:00:00 Mode : ap 00:00:29 sidu Paused the game 00:00:29 sidu Unpaused the game after 1s 00:02:32 Creep spawning 00:04:32 tessaviolet First Kill: Killed proitucacad 00:05:51 proitucacad Left the game 00:05:52 AnotherMan Stats: 1 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 neutrals 00:06:42 sidu Denied external scourge bottom Tower 00:17:12 AnotherMan Destroyed external scourge mid Tower 00:19:18 tessaviolet Destroyed external scourge top Tower 00:21:49 kong Destroyed base scourge mid Tower 00:22:59 Kaneky_1st Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower 00:23:27 tessaviolet Lag 00:24:37 sidu Destroyed external sentinel top Tower 00:26:09 WHOAMI Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks 00:26:17 tessaviolet Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks 00:27:48 kong Disconnected 00:29:41 sidu Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower 00:32:43 AnotherMan Destroyed final scourge mid Tower 00:33:34 tessaviolet Lag 00:37:22 Frozen Throne at 75% 00:37:48 Frozen Throne at 50% 00:38:01 Frozen Throne at 25% 00:39:30 sidu Destroyed intermediate sentinel bottom Tower 00:40:27 aXel Left the game 00:40:27 Kaneky_1st Stats: 14 creep kills - 0 denies - 3 neutrals 00:41:27 sidu Destroyed base sentinel bottom Tower 00:41:42 Frozen Throne at 10% 00:41:43 Sentinel Won 00:41:45 kusu Finished 00:41:45 AnotherMan Finished 00:41:46 tessaviolet Finished 00:41:47 sidu Finished 00:41:48 susanoo Finished 00:41:55 Kaneky_1st Finished 00:41:55 WHOAMI Finished 00:41:54 Game terminated


wew apa’'an nih :smiley: