Game name :[RvG]AP ASUUUUUU
Game length :34:39
Dota winner side:Sentinel
Host :Bot-Porn-Star
Mode :AP
# Nick Hero Flame.Lag Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
1 monmut H071 5Lag Finished 34:40 47s at 00:58 38s at 01:47 98(112) 6 5 62 31526 6 17
2 silentcry E01B 0Lag Finished 34:40 105s at 00:01 49s at 30:18 78(105) 4 3 52 52064 12 33
3 SASUKE Ucrl 0 Finished 34:40 28s at 00:00 19s at 32:11 75( 77) 12 0 111 73175 9 5
4 Number_32 E004 0 Finished 34:40 70s at 00:00 24s at 30:27 105(115) 0 2 95 63091 1 5
5 Hormonez U00E 0 Finished 34:40 20s at 00:30 12s at 32:52 152(154) 10 0 99 172436 7 5
6 SrIiE Opgh 0 Finished 34:40 81s at 32:01 60s at 00:00 62( 79) 2 5 6 02426 1 20
7 Loveless E032 0 Finished 34:40 103s at 00:00 40s at 31:53 162(192) 3 4 28 02604 1 0
8 SMALVILLE U00C 0 Left the game 28:58 77s at 09:32 38s at 23:57 63( 93) 0 8 4 0 21 0 489 Dea Nbbc 0 Finished 34:40 87s at 00:03 55s at 23:00 91(103) 2 6 40 11370 5 3
10 TiaTanaka UC42 0 Finished 34:40 84s at 00:13 58s at 24:53 99(127) 3 9 52 0508 2 1
[details=gamelog]00:00:00 Game starting
00:00:01 Mode : ap
00:02:32 Creep spawning
00:06:46 SrIiE First Kill: Killed monmut
00:08:21 monmut Lag
00:08:25 silentcry Lag
00:12:42 silentcry Lag
00:13:29 Number_32 Destroyed external scourge top Tower
00:15:31 Number_32 Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower
00:24:16 monmut Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower
00:25:55 Number_32 Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower
00:28:39 Number_32 Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower
00:28:58 SMALVILLE Left the game
00:28:58 Dea Stats: 4 creep kills - 0 denies - 48 neutrals
00:30:23 monmut Destroyed base scourge mid Tower
00:30:41 SASUKE Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks
00:30:54 SASUKE Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks
00:32:51 Number_32 Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower
00:33:08 Number_32 Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks
00:33:33 Number_32 Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks
00:33:53 Number_32 Destroyed final scourge mid Tower
00:34:06 Number_32 Destroyed final scourge mid Tower
00:34:14 Frozen Throne at 75%
00:34:19 Frozen Throne at 50%
00:34:33 Frozen Throne at 25%
00:34:36 Frozen Throne at 10%
00:34:39 Sentinel Won
00:34:40 monmut Finished
00:34:40 Number_32 Finished
00:34:40 silentcry Finished
00:34:40 Hormonez Finished
00:34:40 Dea Finished
00:34:40 TiaTanaka Finished
00:34:40 SrIiE Finished
00:34:40 Loveless Finished
00:34:40 SASUKE Finished
00:34:40 Game terminated
[details=chatlog]00:00 monmut H071 All Shortest load by player [SASUKE] was 6.47 seconds.
00:00 monmut H071 All Longest load by player [Dea] was 20.22 seconds.
00:00 monmut H071 TiaTanaka Your load time was 6.47 seconds.
00:00 monmut H071 All [revo-1] -
This game is hosted by RevoGamers
00:00 monmut H071 All [metro-1] -
Powered by MetroWorld
00:05 monmut H071 Allies -clear
00:12 SASUKE Ucrl Allies -clear
00:44 SASUKE Ucrl Allies -clear
01:00 monmut H071 All adohhhh
01:03 monmut H071 All book 5
01:07 monmut H071 All wedi aku rek
01:08 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
01:12 Loveless E032 All 3
01:14 SrIiE Opgh All jembot ndokor serem
01:19 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
01:25 monmut H071 Allies -clear
01:30 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
01:31 monmut H071 All ojo sangar2 yo
01:34 monmut H071 All kwkwwkkw
01:35 SrIiE Opgh All ojo mh toh
01:35 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
01:37 SrIiE Opgh All wkwk
01:39 SASUKE Ucrl Allies -clear
01:41 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
01:42 monmut H071 All no mh
01:48 monmut H071 Allies -clear
02:05 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
02:08 monmut H071 Allies tb mbah
02:14 monmut H071 Allies adohh
02:15 monmut H071 Allies -clear
02:17 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
02:23 silentcry E01B Allies kebacut
02:24 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
02:30 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
02:32 monmut H071 Allies ra gaul
02:33 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
02:37 SASUKE Ucrl Allies tenang mbah
02:38 SASUKE Ucrl Allies tiny nya tb
02:42 monmut H071 Allies ok mbah
02:45 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
02:46 SASUKE Ucrl Allies lanciau lo
03:03 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
03:12 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
03:27 silentcry E01B Allies ak lag
03:30 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
04:01 silentcry E01B Allies mbah ak lag
04:02 silentcry E01B Allies !cm
04:18 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
04:25 SASUKE Ucrl Allies ni org kok solo to
04:30 Hormonez U00E Allies ax utan kali
04:49 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
05:14 silentcry E01B Allies -roll 2000
05:56 silentcry E01B Allies -rickroll
05:59 Hormonez U00E Allies tos gw wkwk
06:15 monmut H071 All Setting sync limit to 600 packets.
06:15 monmut H071 Allies !sl 600
06:17 monmut H071 All Setting game latency to 60 ms.
06:17 monmut H071 Allies !l 60
06:48 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
06:50 monmut H071 Allies we
06:51 monmut H071 Allies -clear
06:56 Hormonez U00E Allies denhy ks gw
07:00 monmut H071 All ngajak ruet suuu
07:07 SrIiE Opgh All maav mon
07:39 SASUKE Ucrl Allies ga creeping dia
07:39 SASUKE Ucrl Allies 0
07:59 monmut H071 Allies -roll 2000
07:59 monmut H071 Allies -rickroll
07:59 monmut H071 Allies -roll
08:01 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
08:21 monmut H071 Allies lag asu
08:21 monmut H071 Allies -clear
08:25 silentcry E01B Allies lag
08:25 monmut H071 All asu lag
08:27 silentcry E01B Allies set ten
08:28 monmut H071 All monmut: 916ms, silentcry: 66ms, Hormonez: 49ms, Dea: 45ms, Loveless: 40ms, TiaTanaka: 33ms, SrIiE: 21ms,
08:28 monmut H071 All SMALVILLE: 14ms, SASUKE: 8ms, Number_32: 1ms
08:28 monmut H071 Allies !p
08:29 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
08:53 Number_32 E004 Allies MISS!!
08:59 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
09:26 Hormonez U00E Allies 0
09:49 SASUKE Ucrl Allies dagger mahal amat
09:50 SASUKE Ucrl Allies ngento
09:51 monmut H071 Allies -roll 2000
09:51 monmut H071 Allies -rickroll
09:51 monmut H071 Allies -roll
09:53 monmut H071 Allies -clear
09:54 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
09:57 Hormonez U00E Allies wakwak
09:58 Hormonez U00E Allies -clear
09:59 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
10:13 silentcry E01B Allies bot mu seng elek yak e
10:26 silentcry E01B Allies ajwakawkaw
11:00 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
11:05 SASUKE Ucrl Allies heal
11:21 monmut H071 Allies -roll 2000
11:21 monmut H071 Allies -roll
11:22 monmut H071 Allies -rickroll
11:23 Number_32 E004 Allies MISS!!
11:24 Number_32 E004 Allies MISS!!
11:25 monmut H071 Allies cok
11:25 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
11:44 SASUKE Ucrl Allies oke
11:45 SASUKE Ucrl Allies dager
11:51 SASUKE Ucrl Allies sana creeping
11:53 SASUKE Ucrl Allies gw cari cari
11:59 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
12:27 monmut H071 Allies ra lag rata
12:42 silentcry E01B Allies lag pol nuk
12:44 silentcry E01B Allies patah2
13:01 Hormonez U00E Allies ayo bet
13:52 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
14:12 silentcry E01B Allies -roll 2000
14:16 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
14:31 monmut H071 Allies koyo demit lag e
14:33 silentcry E01B Allies mbah bot mu elek yak e
14:38 silentcry E01B Allies set ten 1k to
15:20 monmut H071 All bar iki ulang yo
15:21 silentcry E01B Allies klowor iks
15:25 monmut H071 All ping ku gede
15:27 monmut H071 All silentcry: 121ms, monmut: 69ms, Hormonez: 55ms, Dea: 40ms, Loveless: 32ms, TiaTanaka: 24ms, SrIiE: 21ms,
15:27 monmut H071 All SMALVILLE: 15ms, SASUKE: 7ms, Number_32: 3ms
15:27 monmut H071 Allies !p
15:33 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
15:41 silentcry E01B Allies -rickroll
15:44 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
16:30 SASUKE Ucrl Allies mh full
16:36 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
16:41 monmut H071 All [gproxy-1] -
Player [silentcry] reconnected with GProxy++!
16:41 silentcry E01B Allies dlegek2
16:42 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
16:43 monmut H071 Allies -clear
16:56 SASUKE Ucrl Allies gw di doom
17:23 Hormonez U00E Allies ga maen dagger spec ?
17:40 monmut H071 Allies pekok kui
17:41 monmut H071 Allies wkkwkw
17:43 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
17:49 Hormonez U00E Allies baka
18:01 silentcry E01B Allies pitik ik
18:04 silentcry E01B Allies set ten ga obah2
18:13 monmut H071 All silentcry: 294ms, monmut: 81ms, Hormonez: 48ms, Dea: 41ms, TiaTanaka: 37ms, Loveless: 30ms, SrIiE: 20ms,
18:13 monmut H071 All SMALVILLE: 14ms, SASUKE: 8ms, Number_32: 4ms
18:13 monmut H071 Allies !P
18:17 monmut H071 All Setting sync limit to 1000 packets.
18:17 monmut H071 Allies !sl 1000
18:19 monmut H071 All Setting game latency to 90 ms.
18:19 monmut H071 Allies !l 90
18:54 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
19:26 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
19:42 Hormonez U00E Allies sikat
21:22 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
21:53 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
22:04 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
22:17 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
22:18 silentcry E01B Allies pitik lag e
22:23 monmut H071 Allies podo
22:27 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
22:34 silentcry E01B Allies l e 120 we
22:50 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
23:17 silentcry E01B Allies bar iki melok uwong we
23:20 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
23:21 monmut H071 Allies yo
23:25 silentcry E01B Allies kok iso lag pol ak
23:32 silentcry E01B Allies bola bali dc ae
23:34 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
24:01 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
24:09 silentcry E01B Allies lo ora obah
24:11 silentcry E01B Allies lak asyu to
24:44 silentcry E01B Allies askjakjehjraegsgfaiuriwuufhj
24:56 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
25:01 silentcry E01B Allies !cm
25:19 silentcry E01B Allies !cm
25:20 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
25:46 monmut H071 Allies cobo ngene ket mau
26:18 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
27:13 SMALVILLE U00C All fast
27:20 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
27:26 monmut H071 All pie book e
27:27 SASUKE Ucrl All gabole nyerah
27:33 SASUKE Ucrl All nazi aja berjuang sampe hitler mati
27:48 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
27:52 SASUKE Ucrl All naruto aja mau jadi hokage ga nyerah
28:05 SMALVILLE U00C All iyu naruto
28:10 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
28:53 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
28:58 monmut H071 All SMALVILLE has left the game voluntarily.
28:59 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
29:04 monmut H071 Allies !banlast
29:04 monmut H071 All Player [SMALVILLE] was banned by player [monmut] on server [].
29:05 SASUKE Ucrl All wah bukan jiwa ninja dia
29:05 SASUKE Ucrl Allies -clear
29:56 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
30:19 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
30:23 silentcry E01B Allies !cm
30:25 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
31:31 monmut H071 Allies b sik
31:34 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
31:51 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
31:52 Hormonez U00E Allies -ms
32:03 Hormonez U00E Allies -ms
32:13 monmut H071 Allies wes stabil?
32:15 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
32:16 SASUKE Ucrl Allies -afk
32:24 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
32:34 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
33:09 monmut H071 Allies tos
33:15 SASUKE Ucrl Allies lu mau masuk?
33:18 monmut H071 Allies tos
33:20 monmut H071 Allies y
33:30 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
33:31 monmut H071 Allies wkwkw
33:31 monmut H071 Allies -clear
33:34 silentcry E01B Allies klowor
33:34 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
33:38 monmut H071 Allies ngilang
33:38 monmut H071 Allies -clear
33:46 Number_32 E004 Allies -clear
34:39 monmut H071 All [revo-1] -
This game is hosted by RevoGamers
34:39 monmut H071 All [metro-1] -
Powered by MetroWorld
34:40 monmut H071 All monmut has left the game voluntarily.
34:40 Loveless E032 All Number_32 has left the game voluntarily.
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