
Game Lenght :35:30
Dota Winner Side :Scourge
Saver :Ch
Host :-

# Nick Hero Lag Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N 1 SkiLLeR Hmbr Finished 35:34 85s at 34:05 34s at 00:01 63( 75) 5 7 27 0515 12 2 2 -TehManisTawar- H00Q Left the game 29:55 34s at 28:16 30s at 21:25 73( 89) 7 9 30 0 17 9 0 3 Voltez EC45 Disconnected 19:18 32s at 18:45 23s at 18:03 91( 98) 1 5 18 0 6 3 0 4 __YAPHETS__ E02K Finished 35:33 58s at 01:56 42s at 00:00 72( 85) 3 9 49 1679 6 43 5 ExO- Nfir Finished 35:32 38s at 29:42 37s at 00:01 89(100) 6 11 116 31382 6 26 6 4rumi-kyO Hvsh Finished 35:33 60s at 25:34 38s at 00:01 48( 56) 18 3 127 123001 5 25 7 frozenxp] H00T Lag Finished 35:34 91s at 00:00 35s at 21:21 101(115) 5 6 37 02422 16 0 8 Ch O00J Finished 35:34 30s at 25:35 28s at 26:08 73( 84) 12 5 60 43481 11 4 9 CopoL3 Hvwd Finished 35:33 41s at 26:54 31s at 02:08 67( 73) 3 3 105 123282 11 3 10 [Burnok]-Mars Opgh Finished 35:32 60s at 33:31 55s at 21:08 60( 81) 2 9 77 0254 8 14

[details=Game Log]00:00:00 Game starting
00:00:08 SkiLLeR Mode : -clear
00:02:31 Creep spawning
00:03:17 -TehManisTawar- First Kill: Killed [Burnok]-Mars
00:06:31 frozenxp] Lag
00:13:44 ExO- Denied external sentinel mid Tower
00:14:16 CopoL3 Denied external scourge mid Tower
00:14:39 4rumi-kyO Destroyed external sentinel top Tower
00:18:46 4rumi-kyO Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower
00:19:18 Voltez Disconnected
00:19:19 CopoL3 Stats: 18 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 neutrals
00:29:07 CopoL3 Destroyed intermediate sentinel top Tower
00:29:54 4rumi-kyO Destroyed intermediate sentinel mid Tower
00:29:55 -TehManisTawar- Left the game
00:29:56 SkiLLeR Stats: 30 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 neutrals
00:30:22 frozenxp] Destroyed base sentinel mid Tower
00:30:33 4rumi-kyO Destroyed sentinel mid ranged Barracks
00:30:34 4rumi-kyO Destroyed sentinel mid melee Barracks
00:31:42 CopoL3 Destroyed intermediate sentinel bottom Tower
00:34:16 4rumi-kyO Destroyed base sentinel top Tower
00:34:24 CopoL3 Destroyed sentinel top melee Barracks
00:34:27 4rumi-kyO Destroyed sentinel top ranged Barracks
00:34:35 4rumi-kyO Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
00:34:58 CopoL3 Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
00:35:07 World Tree at 75%
00:35:08 Ch Destroyed base sentinel bottom Tower
00:35:20 World Tree at 50%
00:35:25 World Tree at 25%
00:35:28 World Tree at 10%
00:35:30 Scourge Won
00:35:32 [Burnok]-Mars Finished
00:35:32 ExO- Finished
00:35:33 YAPHETS Finished
00:35:33 CopoL3 Finished
00:35:33 4rumi-kyO Finished
00:35:34 frozenxp] Finished
00:35:34 SkiLLeR Finished
00:35:34 Ch Finished
00:35:33 Game terminated


[details=Chat Log]00:00 SkiLLeR Hmbr All Shortest load by player [frozenxp]] was 6.00 seconds.
00:00 SkiLLeR Hmbr All Longest load by player [-TehManisTawar-] was 19.90 seconds.
00:00 SkiLLeR Hmbr -TehManisTawar- Your load time was 10.30 seconds.
00:00 SkiLLeR Hmbr All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
00:00 SkiLLeR Hmbr All Powered by MetroWorld
00:18 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies -random
00:29 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies -clear
00:31 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies -
00:32 4rumi-kyO Hvsh Allies -random
00:34 4rumi-kyO Hvsh Allies -ii
00:34 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies
00:35 4rumi-kyO Hvsh Allies -don
00:36 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies
00:37 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies
00:37 4rumi-kyO Hvsh Allies -clear
00:40 4rumi-kyO Hvsh Allies -water red
01:08 4rumi-kyO Hvsh Allies -repick
01:08 SkiLLeR Hmbr All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
01:16 SkiLLeR Hmbr All Setting game latency to 120 ms.
01:26 frozenxp] H00T Allies -random
01:36 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies gw isi mid?
01:42 Ch O00J Allies kurir nya ?
01:45 [Burnok]-Mars Opgh Allies kurir bli
01:49 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies beli
01:52 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies tar gw bruungin
02:07 SkiLLeR Hmbr All -TehManisTawar-: 322ms, YAPHETS: 286ms, SkiLLeR: 47ms, ExO-: 41ms, Voltez: 32ms, [Burnok]-Mars: 25ms,
02:07 SkiLLeR Hmbr All Ch: 23ms, 4rumi-kyO: 22ms, CopoL3: 16ms, frozenxp]: 8ms
05:39 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies yg gmpng aja da
05:45 Ch O00J Allies ok
06:31 frozenxp] H00T Allies lag sori
07:48 Ch O00J Allies silent
07:56 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies gk bsa
07:58 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies itu
08:06 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies aneh
08:29 4rumi-kyO Hvsh Allies cocol rokey
10:03 frozenxp] H00T Allies ru[p?
10:14 Ch O00J Allies share
10:24 Ch O00J Allies tq
10:52 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies nvm chas
10:53 [Burnok]-Mars Opgh Allies bwah 0
10:54 [Burnok]-Mars Opgh Allies 0
11:25 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies dri tdi mas
11:29 frozenxp] H00T Allies nice
11:35 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies kontol
11:59 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies -clear
12:33 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies nvm
12:35 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies cass
13:13 Ch O00J Allies kok di cabut ?
13:14 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies make curir ae gk bner
13:17 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies gmn make hero
13:24 4rumi-kyO Hvsh Allies ew
13:28 4rumi-kyO Hvsh Allies kamu gege nak
13:29 frozenxp] H00T Allies -_-
13:43 frozenxp] H00T Allies 0
13:44 frozenxp] H00T Allies 0
13:58 frozenxp] H00T Allies mid
14:52 Ch O00J Allies mantap axe
14:55 [Burnok]-Mars Opgh Allies hahaha
14:59 [Burnok]-Mars Opgh Allies kira di bantu maju tadi
15:02 [Burnok]-Mars Opgh Allies sooryy
15:26 [Burnok]-Mars Opgh Allies cas
15:54 Ch O00J Allies hokshot
16:04 [Burnok]-Mars Opgh Allies wkkwkw
16:12 frozenxp] H00T Allies hook gua udah
16:14 frozenxp] H00T Allies ga kena
16:20 frozenxp] H00T Allies kena natural cr
16:42 Ch O00J Allies bwh
18:24 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies b
18:24 frozenxp] H00T Allies b
18:26 frozenxp] H00T Allies aja
18:29 Ch O00J Allies tower
18:30 frozenxp] H00T Allies toer
19:11 Ch O00J Allies share lah
19:18 SkiLLeR Hmbr All Voltez has lost the connection (timed out).
19:34 SkiLLeR Hmbr All Player [Voltez] was banned by player [SkiLLeR] on server [dota.revogamers.us].
19:52 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies nvm mumpung blm dager
20:14 Ch O00J Allies gas
20:34 CopoL3 Hvwd Allies urn
23:27 frozenxp] H00T Allies b
23:28 frozenxp] H00T Allies b
23:29 frozenxp] H00T Allies b
23:33 frozenxp] H00T Allies nice
23:34 frozenxp] H00T Allies wkwk
23:52 Ch O00J All :v kbnyakan liburan kau pet
24:01 YAPHETS E02K All temen gw
24:04 YAPHETS E02K All pada mabok
24:12 Ch O00J All biasa taon baru
24:39 [Burnok]-Mars Opgh Allies gas
25:44 frozenxp] H00T Allies waklakla
25:46 frozenxp] H00T Allies entot
26:25 YAPHETS E02K All nvm gw ga main zxc wkwk
27:32 [Burnok]-Mars Opgh Allies hahaha
28:38 4rumi-kyO Hvsh Allies mid atuh
28:52 [Burnok]-Mars Opgh Allies ayoo
29:02 [Burnok]-Mars Opgh Allies keburu legi jadi nnti
29:55 SkiLLeR Hmbr All -TehManisTawar- has left the game voluntarily.
30:00 SkiLLeR Hmbr All Player [-TehManisTawar-] was banned by player [SkiLLeR] on server [dota.revogamers.us].
30:15 [Burnok]-Mars Opgh Allies kurir share
32:45 frozenxp] H00T Allies malah silnet
32:49 frozenxp] H00T Allies nambahin damghe itu
32:50 4rumi-kyO Hvsh Allies :v
35:30 SkiLLeR Hmbr All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
35:30 SkiLLeR Hmbr All Powered by MetroWorld
35:32 SkiLLeR Hmbr All [Burnok]-Mars has left the game voluntarily.
35:32 SkiLLeR Hmbr All ExO- has left the game voluntarily.
35:33 SkiLLeR Hmbr All YAPHETS has left the game voluntarily.
35:33 SkiLLeR Hmbr All CopoL3 has left the game voluntarily.
35:33 SkiLLeR Hmbr All 4rumi-kyO has left the game voluntarily.

Manual DC :

3  Voltez          EC45     Disconnected        19:18  32s at 18:45  23s at 18:03  91( 98)  1  5  18  0  6  3  0

Leaver :

2  -TehManisTawar- H00Q     Left the game       29:55  34s at 28:16  30s at 21:25  73( 89)  7  9  30  0 17  9  0

Game Name : 55 AP SNE GGIIINN!!!DR

Server : -
Host : Finisheyer [siAir] was 5.63 seconds.
00:00 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All Longest load by player [nokphy] was 13.08 seconds.
00:00 dEwA-pErAng
00:26 MaafSayaCacad Queen of Pain All mode?
00:27 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies gpp ni?
00:28 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies WKWKW
00:28 MaafSayaCacad Queen of Pain All swtttttttt
00:29 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All gpp ne?
00:30 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All Normal
00:30 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies normal
00:31 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All akwakkwa
00:32 m1cCo Storm Spirit All sama aja kk
00:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All sala dya tadi
00:32 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies anjing
00:33 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All lpa dya
00:35 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All mau ta?
00:37 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies gpp lah
00:37 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All cont ta?
00:38 MaafSayaCacad Queen of Pain All astajimmmmmm
00:40 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All gpp?
00:41 m1cCo Storm Spirit All lnjud
00:42 m1cCo Storm Spirit All sama qo
00:42 aQeDan Alchemist All gpp dah normal
00:42 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All SAMA AJ PUN
00:44 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All SWT
00:47 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -ah
00:48 m1cCo Storm Spirit All -ap sama aja kk
00:53 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -random
00:54 m1cCo Storm Spirit All no norak please
00:56 m1cCo Storm Spirit All =p
00:56 aQeDan Alchemist All YA AGAP AJ AP
00:59 aQeDan Alchemist All -CLEAR
01:02 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies Aw
01:09 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies sapa solo?
01:10 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies np kk?
01:14 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -ma
01:15 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies mw pake raijin?
01:16 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies -random
01:19 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies serah
01:23 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies random aja kalau lu mau
01:23 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies u mw apa?
01:27 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies -random
01:28 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ok
01:28 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies mirana
01:31 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies z
01:33 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies tlad ngony
01:34 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies serah2
01:36 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies mw?
01:37 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -random
01:39 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -swap
01:40 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies -swap 3
01:41 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies -swap
01:42 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -swap 5
01:43 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies -swapall
01:45 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -swap 4
01:57 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies atas ya raijin
01:57 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies solo
02:03 Cot Tinker Allies -clear
02:04 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -clear
02:05 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -clear
02:07 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -ma
04:15 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies MISSS
04:16 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies LANAYA
07:20 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis
08:56 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis
09:00 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies lanaya nya lucu kali
09:03 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies wakak
09:27 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies miss
09:37 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies no mana
09:37 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ati2
09:43 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies miss
09:53 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ulti
09:53 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ati2
10:49 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis
11:08 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies bwh ati2
11:10 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis
11:10 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies lanaya miss
11:11 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ya
11:26 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies go
12:33 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies lwan ae
12:42 Cot Tinker Allies 0
13:03 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies sni
13:15 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies udah2
13:15 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ad stun?
13:17 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies ada
13:19 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies yok
13:21 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies sayang duit oe
13:21 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies gw guling2
13:23 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies jgn lwn
13:47 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies miss
13:48 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies atas
13:48 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies lion
13:49 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies IE atas
14:23 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies b
14:30 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies wew
14:36 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies tae
14:38 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies anjing
14:39 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies jgn
14:40 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies babi
14:42 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies wew
14:43 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies anjing
14:46 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies gk mati
14:48 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies tae
14:53 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies da tipis geto
14:56 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies gk mati
14:59 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies cm lv 1
15:00 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies tae
15:05 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies sry
15:09 Cot Tinker Allies bokua2
15:13 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies TAEEE
15:41 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis
16:07 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies ngeri duit si yoz
16:22 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies AW
16:31 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies AKWKAKWKA
16:36 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies zibai
16:44 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies derita yoz
16:45 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies MATI KW EDU TOD
16:48 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies wek
17:03 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies 1 mnit relic!
17:11 Cot Tinker Allies 1menit divine
17:25 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -ma
17:26 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All ckckck
17:29 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All ngapae?
17:53 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies no mana
18:53 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies rata
18:54 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies ANjing
19:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All ckckc
19:33 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All kk
19:42 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All maen WTF
19:44 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All kk
20:16 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies swt
20:22 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies roto yoz
20:22 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All kk
20:43 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies bae ya gw
20:43 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -ma
20:45 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ya
20:50 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All kk
20:51 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All swt cuek
20:55 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies asu
21:00 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies kasi2
21:50 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies b
22:08 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies lwn yuk
22:10 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies Makanan
22:10 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies sabar
22:12 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies dager
22:17 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies 10 dtik
22:33 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies MADA
22:33 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies swt?
22:46 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies BYE2
22:59 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All LWN CUk
23:02 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All LWAN aja
23:21 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All PAyah!
23:27 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All chocO has left the game voluntarily.
23:31 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All wkwkw
23:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All aQeDan has left the game voluntarily.
23:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All WKWKKW
23:42 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All 2 ekor LEave!
23:46 nokphy Demon Witch All wew
23:47 m1cCo Storm Spirit All jiah
23:48 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All BANNED
23:52 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All U KNOW?
24:08 nokphy Demon Witch All -unlock
24:09 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All try lev in my room
24:13 nokphy Demon Witch All -unlock
24:24 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies makasi
24:27 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All siAir has left the game voluntarily.
24:29 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All WKWK
24:30 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All SWT
24:32 m1cCo Storm Spirit All awkak
24:33 nokphy Demon Witch All wew
24:33 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All BANNED SEP
24:38 MaafSayaCacad Queen of Pain All lagi suaranya
24:39 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All MaafSayaCacad has left the game voluntarily.
24:41 nokphy Demon Witch All lha terus aku gimana dong
24:42 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies post forum pande ga?
24:46 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All gw ban
24:47 m1cCo Storm Spirit All wakwakk
24:48 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All kalau lev
24:49 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies pande la
24:51 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies ad edu
24:53 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies forum aja
24:53 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies ap kau
24:57 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies zz
24:58 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies iy
25:02 nokphy Demon Witch All hayuuukkk
25:06 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All kami fast
25:08 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All jgan lev
25:12 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All DERITA!!!
25:15 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies makasi
25:17 nokphy Demon Witch All aku tunggu
25:21 edu_todz Centaur Warchief All sep
25:28 nokphy Demon Witch All lumayan matiin satu daripada bengeong
25:37 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies zz
25:50 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies wakwak
25:53 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies anjing
26:20 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies makasi
26:24 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies kk masi pd maen?
26:24 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All ZZ
26:28 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies aku kud lg donk
26:29 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies masi
26:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies ban dlu
26:35 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies bole kud./?
26:39 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies add gw aj dlu
26:40 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies sp yg cr8?
26:46 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All AKWKAKWA
26:56 nokphy Demon Witch All cini cini
26:56 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies ZZ
27:03 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All AWKAKWKA

Game Name : 55 AP SNE GGIIINN!!!DR
Game Length : 31:22
Dota Winner Side : Sentinel

Server : -
Host : -
Dota Mode : -

# Nick Hero Lag Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N 1 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Finished 31:32 40s at 30:41 40s at 00:00 91(104) 5 5 50 16043 14 1 2 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Left the game 31:21 67s at 30:13 38s at 28:31 102(120) 6 5 102 82525 10 0 3 Cot Tinker Finished 31:24 113s at 22:39 52s at 00:00 83( 93) 8 0 43 5 91 8 0 4 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Finished 31:22 48s at 20:53 44s at 00:38 91(103) 19 2 37 11406 12 0 5 m1cCo Storm Spirit Finished 31:26 33s at 00:25 25s at 21:00 95(101) 6 0 94 81028 9 0 6 nokphy Demon Witch Finished 31:31 34s at 22:59 32s at 20:13 86(100) 4 11 24 05372 3 0 7 aQeDan Alchemist Left the game 23:32 101s at 20:04 31s at 00:28 95(111) 1 9 27 3 21 2 2 8 chocO Lightning Revenant Left the game 23:27 42s at 00:08 32s at 19:29 81(102) 1 10 45 0 1 2 0 9 siAir Templar Assassin Left the game 24:27 43s at 21:59 14s at 14:29 178(183) 2 6 41 5 12 0 5 10 MaafSayaCacad Queen of Pain Lag Left the game 24:39 38s at 24:01 36s at 23:25 75( 92) 3 10 38 2 18 2 0

00:00 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All Shortest load by player [siAir] was 5.63 seconds.
00:00 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All Longest load by player [nokphy] was 13.08 seconds.
00:00 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit vaynard_todz Your load time was 7.10 seconds.
00:00 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All !! Go Go Go !!
00:16 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -ap
00:16 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies -water 0 0 0 5
00:17 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies z
00:20 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies swt la
00:22 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies KAKWKAWKAW
00:26 MaafSayaCacad Queen of Pain All mode?
00:27 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies gpp ni?
00:28 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies WKWKW
00:28 MaafSayaCacad Queen of Pain All swtttttttt
00:29 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All gpp ne?
00:30 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All Normal
00:30 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies normal
00:31 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All akwakkwa
00:32 m1cCo Storm Spirit All sama aja kk
00:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All sala dya tadi
00:32 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies anjing
00:33 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All lpa dya
00:35 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All mau ta?
00:37 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies gpp lah
00:37 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All cont ta?
00:38 MaafSayaCacad Queen of Pain All astajimmmmmm
00:40 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All gpp?
00:41 m1cCo Storm Spirit All lnjud
00:42 m1cCo Storm Spirit All sama qo
00:42 aQeDan Alchemist All gpp dah normal
00:42 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All SAMA AJ PUN
00:44 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All SWT
00:47 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -ah
00:48 m1cCo Storm Spirit All -ap sama aja kk
00:53 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -random
00:54 m1cCo Storm Spirit All no norak please
00:56 m1cCo Storm Spirit All =p
00:56 aQeDan Alchemist All YA AGAP AJ AP
00:59 aQeDan Alchemist All -CLEAR
01:02 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies Aw
01:09 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies sapa solo?
01:10 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies np kk?
01:14 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -ma
01:15 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies mw pake raijin?
01:16 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies -random
01:19 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies serah
01:23 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies random aja kalau lu mau
01:23 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies u mw apa?
01:27 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies -random
01:28 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ok
01:28 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies mirana
01:31 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies z
01:33 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies tlad ngony
01:34 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies serah2
01:36 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies mw?
01:37 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -random
01:39 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -swap
01:40 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies -swap 3
01:41 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies -swap
01:42 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -swap 5
01:43 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies -swapall
01:45 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -swap 4
01:57 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies atas ya raijin
01:57 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies solo
02:03 Cot Tinker Allies -clear
02:04 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -clear
02:05 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -clear
02:07 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -ma
04:15 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies MISSS
04:16 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies LANAYA
07:20 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis
08:56 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis
09:00 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies lanaya nya lucu kali
09:03 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies wakak
09:27 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies miss
09:37 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies no mana
09:37 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ati2
09:43 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies miss
09:53 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ulti
09:53 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ati2
10:49 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis
11:08 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies bwh ati2
11:10 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis
11:10 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies lanaya miss
11:11 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ya
11:26 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies go
12:33 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies lwan ae
12:42 Cot Tinker Allies 0
13:03 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies sni
13:15 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies udah2
13:15 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ad stun?
13:17 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies ada
13:19 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies yok
13:21 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies sayang duit oe
13:21 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies gw guling2
13:23 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies jgn lwn
13:47 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies miss
13:48 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies atas
13:48 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies lion
13:49 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies IE atas
14:23 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies b
14:30 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies wew
14:36 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies tae
14:38 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies anjing
14:39 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies jgn
14:40 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies babi
14:42 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies wew
14:43 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies anjing
14:46 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies gk mati
14:48 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies tae
14:53 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies da tipis geto
14:56 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies gk mati
14:59 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies cm lv 1
15:00 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies tae
15:05 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies sry
15:09 Cot Tinker Allies bokua2
15:13 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies TAEEE
15:41 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis
16:07 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies ngeri duit si yoz
16:22 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies AW
16:31 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies AKWKAKWKA
16:36 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies zibai
16:44 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies derita yoz
16:45 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies MATI KW EDU TOD
16:48 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies wek
17:03 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies 1 mnit relic!
17:11 Cot Tinker Allies 1menit divine
17:25 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -ma
17:26 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All ckckck
17:29 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All ngapae?
17:53 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies no mana
18:53 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies rata
18:54 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies ANjing
19:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All ckckc
19:33 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All kk
19:42 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All maen WTF
19:44 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All kk
20:16 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies swt
20:22 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies roto yoz
20:22 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All kk
20:43 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies bae ya gw
20:43 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -ma
20:45 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ya
20:50 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All kk
20:51 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All swt cuek
20:55 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies asu
21:00 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies kasi2
21:50 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies b
22:08 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies lwn yuk
22:10 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies Makanan
22:10 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies sabar
22:12 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies dager
22:17 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies 10 dtik
22:33 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies MADA
22:33 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies swt?
22:46 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies BYE2
22:59 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All LWN CUk
23:02 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All LWAN aja
23:21 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All PAyah!
23:27 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All chocO has left the game voluntarily.
23:31 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All wkwkw
23:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All aQeDan has left the game voluntarily.
23:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All WKWKKW
23:42 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All 2 ekor LEave!
23:46 nokphy Demon Witch All wew
23:47 m1cCo Storm Spirit All jiah
23:48 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All BANNED
23:52 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All U KNOW?
24:08 nokphy Demon Witch All -unlock
24:09 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All try lev in my room
24:13 nokphy Demon Witch All -unlock
24:24 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies makasi
24:27 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All siAir has left the game voluntarily.
24:29 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All WKWK
24:30 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All SWT
24:32 m1cCo Storm Spirit All awkak
24:33 nokphy Demon Witch All wew
24:33 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All BANNED SEP
24:38 MaafSayaCacad Queen of Pain All lagi suaranya
24:39 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All MaafSayaCacad has left the game voluntarily.
24:41 nokphy Demon Witch All lha terus aku gimana dong
24:42 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies post forum pande ga?
24:46 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All gw ban
24:47 m1cCo Storm Spirit All wakwakk
24:48 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All kalau lev
24:49 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies pande la
24:51 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies ad edu
24:53 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies forum aja
24:53 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies ap kau
24:57 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies zz
24:58 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies iy
25:02 nokphy Demon Witch All hayuuukkk
25:06 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All kami fast
25:08 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All jgan lev
25:12 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All DERITA!!!
25:15 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies makasi
25:17 nokphy Demon Witch All aku tunggu
25:21 edu_todz Centaur Warchief All sep
25:28 nokphy Demon Witch All lumayan matiin satu daripada bengeong
25:37 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies zz
25:50 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies wakwak
25:53 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies anjing
26:20 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies makasi
26:24 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies kk masi pd maen?
26:24 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All ZZ
26:28 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies aku kud lg donk
26:29 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies masi
26:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies ban dlu
26:35 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies bole kud./?
26:39 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies add gw aj dlu
26:40 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies sp yg cr8?
26:46 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All AKWKAKWA
26:56 nokphy Demon Witch All cini cini
26:56 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies ZZ
27:03 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All AWKAKWKA
27:04 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All TAe2
27:07 Cot Tinker Allies wkwkwkwk
27:12 nokphy Demon Witch All wkwkwkwkwk
27:52 nokphy Demon Witch All aw
27:52 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies sw
28:09 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All AKWKAWK
28:09 nokphy Demon Witch All wkwkwkwk
28:12 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies PAnteQ!
28:12 m1cCo Storm Spirit All wakwak
28:15 nokphy Demon Witch All jadi kodok ni yeee
28:18 Cot Tinker Allies wlwlwklwl
28:22 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies bntu sni venge
28:35 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All WKWKKW
28:36 nokphy Demon Witch All tidakkkkkkkk
29:04 nokphy Demon Witch All lhaaaaaaa
29:13 nokphy Demon Witch All kok yang datang sekampung
29:20 m1cCo Storm Spirit All Team
29:22 m1cCo Storm Spirit All ^^
29:47 nokphy Demon Witch All waduh
29:54 nokphy Demon Witch All udah pada nunggu ni yeee
30:47 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All wkwk
30:48 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All terbirit2
30:49 m1cCo Storm Spirit All kaborr
30:51 nokphy Demon Witch All lumayannn
30:57 nokphy Demon Witch All lho kok si storm kabur
31:01 nokphy Demon Witch All cini cini
31:06 m1cCo Storm Spirit All ok
31:17 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies selesaikan
31:18 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies da mw penuh
31:21 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All vaynard_todz has left the game voluntarily.
31:22 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All ## ~ Thx For Playing With Us ~ ##
31:22 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All dEwA-pErAng has left the game voluntarily.
31:24 nokphy Demon Witch All Cot has left the game voluntarily.
31:26 nokphy Demon Witch All m1cCo has left the game voluntarily.
31:31 nokphy Demon Witch All nokphy has left the game voluntarily.

Game Name : 55 AP SNE GGIIINN!!!DR
Game Length : 31:22
Dota Winner Side : Sentinel

Server : -
Host : -
Dota Mode : -

# Nick Hero Lag Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N 1 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Finished 31:32 40s at 30:41 40s at 00:00 91(104) 5 5 50 16043 14 1 2 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Left the game 31:21 67s at 30:13 38s at 28:31 102(120) 6 5 102 82525 10 0 3 Cot Tinker Finished 31:24 113s at 22:39 52s at 00:00 83( 93) 8 0 43 5 91 8 0 4 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Finished 31:22 48s at 20:53 44s at 00:38 91(103) 19 2 37 11406 12 0 5 m1cCo Storm Spirit Finished 31:26 33s at 00:25 25s at 21:00 95(101) 6 0 94 81028 9 0 6 nokphy Demon Witch Finished 31:31 34s at 22:59 32s at 20:13 86(100) 4 11 24 05372 3 0 7 aQeDan Alchemist Left the game 23:32 101s at 20:04 31s at 00:28 95(111) 1 9 27 3 21 2 2 8 chocO Lightning Revenant Left the game 23:27 42s at 00:08 32s at 19:29 81(102) 1 10 45 0 1 2 0 9 siAir Templar Assassin Left the game 24:27 43s at 21:59 14s at 14:29 178(183) 2 6 41 5 12 0 5 10 MaafSayaCacad Queen of Pain Lag Left the game 24:39 38s at 24:01 36s at 23:25 75( 92) 3 10 38 2 18 2 0

00:00 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All Shortest load by player [siAir] was 5.63 seconds. 00:00 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All Longest load by player [nokphy] was 13.08 seconds. 00:00 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit vaynard_todz Your load time was 7.10 seconds. 00:00 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All !! Go Go Go !! 00:16 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -ap 00:16 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies -water 0 0 0 5 00:17 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies z 00:20 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies swt la 00:22 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies KAKWKAWKAW 00:26 MaafSayaCacad Queen of Pain All mode? 00:27 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies gpp ni? 00:28 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies WKWKW 00:28 MaafSayaCacad Queen of Pain All swtttttttt 00:29 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All gpp ne? 00:30 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All Normal 00:30 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies normal 00:31 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All akwakkwa 00:32 m1cCo Storm Spirit All sama aja kk 00:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All sala dya tadi 00:32 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies anjing 00:33 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All lpa dya 00:35 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All mau ta? 00:37 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies gpp lah 00:37 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All cont ta? 00:38 MaafSayaCacad Queen of Pain All astajimmmmmm 00:40 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All gpp? 00:41 m1cCo Storm Spirit All lnjud 00:42 m1cCo Storm Spirit All sama qo 00:42 aQeDan Alchemist All gpp dah normal 00:42 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All SAMA AJ PUN 00:44 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All SWT 00:47 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -ah 00:48 m1cCo Storm Spirit All -ap sama aja kk 00:53 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -random 00:54 m1cCo Storm Spirit All no norak please 00:56 m1cCo Storm Spirit All =p 00:56 aQeDan Alchemist All YA AGAP AJ AP 00:59 aQeDan Alchemist All -CLEAR 01:02 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies Aw 01:09 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies sapa solo? 01:10 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies np kk? 01:14 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -ma 01:15 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies mw pake raijin? 01:16 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies -random 01:19 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies serah 01:23 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies random aja kalau lu mau 01:23 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies u mw apa? 01:27 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies -random 01:28 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ok 01:28 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies mirana 01:31 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies z 01:33 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies tlad ngony 01:34 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies serah2 01:36 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies mw? 01:37 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -random 01:39 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -swap 01:40 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies -swap 3 01:41 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies -swap 01:42 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -swap 5 01:43 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies -swapall 01:45 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -swap 4 01:57 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies atas ya raijin 01:57 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies solo 02:03 Cot Tinker Allies -clear 02:04 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -clear 02:05 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -clear 02:07 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies -ma 04:15 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies MISSS 04:16 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies LANAYA 07:20 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis\ 08:56 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis\ 09:00 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies lanaya nya lucu kali 09:03 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies wakak 09:27 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies miss 09:37 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies no mana 09:37 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ati2 09:43 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies miss 09:53 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ulti 09:53 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ati2 10:49 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis 11:08 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies bwh ati2 11:10 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis 11:10 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies lanaya miss 11:11 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ya 11:26 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies go 12:33 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies lwan ae 12:42 Cot Tinker Allies 0 13:03 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies sni 13:15 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies udah2 13:15 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ad stun? 13:17 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies ada 13:19 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies yok 13:21 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies sayang duit oe 13:21 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies gw guling2 13:23 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies jgn lwn 13:47 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies miss 13:48 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies atas 13:48 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies lion 13:49 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies IE atas 14:23 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies b 14:30 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies wew 14:36 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies tae 14:38 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies anjing 14:39 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies jgn 14:40 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies babi 14:42 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies wew 14:43 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies anjing 14:46 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies gk mati 14:48 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies tae 14:53 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies da tipis geto 14:56 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies gk mati 14:59 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies cm lv 1 15:00 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies tae 15:05 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies sry 15:09 Cot Tinker Allies bokua2 15:13 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies TAEEE 15:41 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies mis 16:07 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies ngeri duit si yoz 16:22 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies AW 16:31 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies AKWKAKWKA 16:36 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies zibai 16:44 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies derita yoz 16:45 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies MATI KW EDU TOD 16:48 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies wek 17:03 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies 1 mnit relic! 17:11 Cot Tinker Allies 1menit divine 17:25 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -ma 17:26 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All ckckck 17:29 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All ngapae? 17:53 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies no mana 18:53 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies rata 18:54 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies ANjing 19:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All ckckc 19:33 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All kk 19:42 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All maen WTF 19:44 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All kk 20:16 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies swt 20:22 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies roto yoz 20:22 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All kk 20:43 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies bae ya gw 20:43 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies -ma 20:45 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies ya 20:50 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All kk 20:51 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All swt cuek 20:55 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies asu 21:00 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies kasi2 21:50 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies b 22:08 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies lwn yuk 22:10 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies Makanan 22:10 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies sabar 22:12 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies dager 22:17 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies 10 dtik 22:33 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies MADA 22:33 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies swt? 22:46 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies BYE2 22:59 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All LWN CUk 23:02 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All LWAN aja 23:21 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All PAyah! 23:27 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All chocO has left the game voluntarily. 23:31 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All wkwkw 23:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All aQeDan has left the game voluntarily. 23:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All WKWKKW 23:42 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All 2 ekor LEave! 23:46 nokphy Demon Witch All wew 23:47 m1cCo Storm Spirit All jiah 23:48 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All BANNED 23:52 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All U KNOW? 24:08 nokphy Demon Witch All -unlock 24:09 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All try lev in my room 24:13 nokphy Demon Witch All -unlock 24:24 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies makasi 24:27 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All siAir has left the game voluntarily. 24:29 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All WKWK 24:30 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All SWT 24:32 m1cCo Storm Spirit All awkak 24:33 nokphy Demon Witch All wew 24:33 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All BANNED SEP 24:38 MaafSayaCacad Queen of Pain All lagi suaranya 24:39 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All MaafSayaCacad has left the game voluntarily. 24:41 nokphy Demon Witch All lha terus aku gimana dong 24:42 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies post forum pande ga? 24:46 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All gw ban 24:47 m1cCo Storm Spirit All wakwakk 24:48 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All kalau lev 24:49 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies pande la 24:51 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies ad edu 24:53 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies forum aja 24:53 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies ap kau 24:57 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies zz 24:58 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies iy 25:02 nokphy Demon Witch All hayuuukkk 25:06 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All kami fast 25:08 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All jgan lev 25:12 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All DERITA!!! 25:15 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies makasi 25:17 nokphy Demon Witch All aku tunggu 25:21 edu_todz Centaur Warchief All sep 25:28 nokphy Demon Witch All lumayan matiin satu daripada bengeong 25:37 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies zz 25:50 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies wakwak 25:53 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies anjing 26:20 edu_todz Centaur Warchief Allies makasi 26:24 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies kk masi pd maen? 26:24 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All ZZ 26:28 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies aku kud lg donk 26:29 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies masi 26:32 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies ban dlu 26:35 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies bole kud./? 26:39 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit Allies add gw aj dlu 26:40 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies sp yg cr8? 26:46 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All AKWKAKWA 26:56 nokphy Demon Witch All cini cini 26:56 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies ZZ 27:03 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All AWKAKWKA 27:04 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All TAe2 27:07 Cot Tinker Allies wkwkwkwk 27:12 nokphy Demon Witch All wkwkwkwkwk 27:52 nokphy Demon Witch All aw 27:52 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies sw 28:09 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight All AKWKAWK 28:09 nokphy Demon Witch All wkwkwkwk 28:12 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies PAnteQ! 28:12 m1cCo Storm Spirit All wakwak 28:15 nokphy Demon Witch All jadi kodok ni yeee 28:18 Cot Tinker Allies wlwlwklwl 28:22 m1cCo Storm Spirit Allies bntu sni venge 28:35 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All WKWKKW 28:36 nokphy Demon Witch All tidakkkkkkkk 29:04 nokphy Demon Witch All lhaaaaaaa 29:13 nokphy Demon Witch All kok yang datang sekampung 29:20 m1cCo Storm Spirit All Team 29:22 m1cCo Storm Spirit All ^^ 29:47 nokphy Demon Witch All waduh 29:54 nokphy Demon Witch All udah pada nunggu ni yeee 30:47 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All wkwk 30:48 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All terbirit2 30:49 m1cCo Storm Spirit All kaborr 30:51 nokphy Demon Witch All lumayannn 30:57 nokphy Demon Witch All lho kok si storm kabur 31:01 nokphy Demon Witch All cini cini 31:06 m1cCo Storm Spirit All ok 31:17 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies selesaikan 31:18 vaynard_todz Dragon Knight Allies da mw penuh 31:21 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All vaynard_todz has left the game voluntarily. 31:22 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All ## ~ Thx For Playing With Us ~ ## 31:22 dEwA-pErAng Vengeful Spirit All dEwA-pErAng has left the game voluntarily. 31:24 nokphy Demon Witch All Cot has left the game voluntarily. 31:26 nokphy Demon Witch All m1cCo has left the game voluntarily. 31:31 nokphy Demon Witch All nokphy has left the game voluntarily.

00:00:00 Game starting 00:01:46 Creep spawning 00:06:37 edu_todz First Kill: Killed MaafSayaCacad 00:19:05 nokphy Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower 00:23:27 chocO Left the game 00:23:28 chocO Stats: 45 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 neutrals 00:23:32 aQeDan Left the game 00:23:32 m1cCo Stats: 27 creep kills - 3 denies - 2 neutrals 00:24:27 siAir Left the game 00:24:27 siAir Stats: 41 creep kills - 5 denies - 5 neutrals 00:24:38 MaafSayaCacad Lag 00:24:39 MaafSayaCacad Left the game 00:24:40 MaafSayaCacad Stats: 38 creep kills - 2 denies - 0 neutrals 00:25:13 vaynard_todz Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower 00:25:17 dEwA-pErAng Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower 00:28:52 m1cCo Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower 00:29:39 m1cCo Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks 00:29:45 m1cCo Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks 00:30:54 Frozen Throne at 75% 00:31:04 Frozen Throne at 50% 00:31:17 Frozen Throne at 25% 00:31:20 Frozen Throne at 10% 00:31:21 vaynard_todz Left the game 00:31:21 vaynard_todz Stats: 102 creep kills - 8 denies - 0 neutrals 00:31:22 Sentinel Won 00:31:22 dEwA-pErAng Finished 00:31:24 Cot Finished 00:31:26 m1cCo Finished 00:31:31 nokphy Finished 00:31:32 edu_todz Finished 00:31:31 Game terminated

vaynard_todz ( Leaver )
aQeDan ( Leaver )
chocO ( Leaver )
siAir ( Leaver )
MaafSayaCacad ( Leaver )