
http://aal5liep.wapgem.com/garis/41.gifSS PING DAN SR VALIDhttp://aal5liep.wapgem.com/garis/41.gif
Game Name :
Game Length :
Dota Winner Side:
Saver :
Host :
Dota Mode :




http://yayanheeh.yn.lt/icon/garis/g19.gifSEGERA DIPROSEShttp://yayanheeh.yn.lt/icon/garis/g19.gif


Game Name :Local Game
Game Length :01:31
Dota Winner Side:not determined
Saver :! (Crixalis)
Host :! (Crixalis)
Dota Mode :-apom

# Nick Hero Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM 1 ! (Crixalis) Shadow Fiend Left the game 01:31 18s at 00:32 13s at 01:09 9( 11) 2 *Open Slot* Finished (0x00) 3 *Open Slot* Finished (0x00) 4 *Open Slot* Finished (0x00) 5 *Open Slot* Finished (0x00) 6 *Computer Slot*Broodmother Finished (0x00) 7 *Computer Slot*Skywrath Mage Finished (0x00) 8 *Computer Slot*Goblin Shredder Finished (0x00) 9 *Computer Slot*Prophet Finished (0x00) 10 *Computer Slot*Ember Spirit Finished (0x00)

[details=chatlog]00:07 ! (Crixalis) Shadow Fiend All -test 00:09 ! (Crixalis) Shadow Fiend All -swtf 00:10 ! (Crixalis) Shadow Fiend All -wtf 00:12 ! (Crixalis) Shadow Fiend All -apom

[details=gamelog]00:00:00 Game starting 00:00:12 ! (Crixalis) Mode : -apom 00:00:22 ! (Crixalis) Paused the game 00:00:22 ! (Crixalis) Unpaused the game after 177s 00:00:27 ! (Crixalis) Paused the game 00:00:27 ! (Crixalis) Unpaused the game after 66s 00:00:37 ! (Crixalis) Paused the game 00:00:37 ! (Crixalis) Unpaused the game after 14s 00:01:13 ! (Crixalis) Paused the game 00:01:13 ! (Crixalis) Unpaused the game after 11s 00:01:31 ! (Crixalis) Paused the game 00:01:31 ! (Crixalis) Unpaused the game after 1s 00:01:31 ! (Crixalis) Left the game 00:01:31 Game terminated

http://yayanheeh.yn.lt/icon/garis/g19.gifSEGERA DIPROSEShttp://yayanheeh.yn.lt/icon/garis/g19.gif

http://aal5liep.wapgem.com/garis/41.gifSS PING DAN SR VALIDhttp://aal5liep.wapgem.com/garis/41.gif
Game Name :
Game Length :
Dota Winner Side:
Saver :
Host :
Dota Mode :




http://yayanheeh.yn.lt/icon/garis/g19.gifSEGERA DIPROSEShttp://yayanheeh.yn.lt/icon/garis/g19.gif

http://aal5liep.wapgem.com/garis/41.gifSS PING DAN SR VALIDhttp://aal5liep.wapgem.com/garis/41.gif
Game Name :Local Game
Game Length :00:03
Dota Winner Side:not determined
Saver :LiquiFy
Host :LiquiFy
Dota Mode :

# Nick HeroReason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM 1 LiquiFy Left the game 00:03 3s at 00:00 0s at 00:00 0( 0) 2 *Open Slot*Finished (0x00) 3 *Open Slot*Finished (0x00) 4 *Open Slot*Finished (0x00) 5 *Open Slot*Finished (0x00) 6 *Open Slot*Finished (0x00) 7 *Open Slot*Finished (0x00) 8 *Open Slot*Finished (0x00) 9 *Open Slot*Finished (0x00) 10 *Open Slot*Finished (0x00)

[details=chatlog]00:00:00 Game starting 00:00:03 LiquiFy Paused the game 00:00:03 LiquiFy Unpaused the game after 1s 00:00:03 LiquiFy Left the game 00:00:03 Game terminated

[details=gamelog]00:00:00 Game starting 00:00:03 LiquiFy Paused the game 00:00:03 LiquiFy Unpaused the game after 1s 00:00:03 LiquiFy Left the game 00:00:03 Game terminated

http://yayanheeh.yn.lt/icon/garis/g19.gifSEGERA DIPROSEShttp://yayanheeh.yn.lt/icon/garis/g19.gif

Game Name :
Game Length :
Dota Winner Side:
Saver :
Host :
Dota Mode :



Harap Menunggu Untuk Proses Selanjutnyahttp://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/~gilmore/images/collection/tiles-lines/chain.gif

http://greenafrei.xtgem.com/images/line/05.gifSS PING & SR VALIDhttp://greenafrei.xtgem.com/images/line/05.gif
Game Name :Local Game
Game Length :01:43
Dota Winner Side:not determined
Saver :LiquiFy
Host :LiquiFy
Dota Mode :-apspneng

# Nick Hero Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM 1 *Computer Slot*Spiritbreaker Finished (0x00) 2 *Computer Slot*Butcher Finished (0x00) 3 LiquiFy Doom Bringer Left the game 01:43 66s at 00:06 24s at 01:13 2( 25) 4 *Computer Slot*Ursa Warrior Finished (0x00) 5 *Computer Slot*Shadow Demon Finished (0x00) 6 *Computer Slot*Witch Doctor Finished (0x00) 7 *Computer Slot*Magnataur Finished (0x00) 8 *Computer Slot*Legion Commander Finished (0x00) 9 *Computer Slot*Drow Ranger Finished (0x00) 10 *Computer Slot*Ogre Magi Finished (0x00)

[details=chatlog]00:06 LiquiFy Doom Bringer All -apspneng 00:07 LiquiFy Doom Bringer All -clear 00:40 LiquiFy Doom Bringer All -clear 01:07 LiquiFy Doom Bringer All -random 01:15 LiquiFy Doom Bringer All -switch 2 01:19 LiquiFy Doom Bringer All -switch 2 01:23 LiquiFy Doom Bringer All -switch 01:29 LiquiFy Doom Bringer All -switch 01:32 LiquiFy Doom Bringer All -switch 01:35 LiquiFy Doom Bringer All -switch 01:40 LiquiFy Doom Bringer All -switch

[details=gamelog]00:00:00 Game starting 00:00:03 LiquiFy Paused the game 00:00:03 LiquiFy Saved the game 00:00:03 LiquiFy Unpaused the game after 4s 00:00:06 LiquiFy Mode : -apspneng 00:01:43 LiquiFy Paused the game 00:01:43 LiquiFy Unpaused the game after 1s 00:01:43 LiquiFy Left the game 00:01:43 Game terminated

Harap Menunggu,Akan Kami Proses

latihan buat masa depan ya kk . :stuck_out_tongue:

bisa dibilang gitu,tpi kalau misalnya gak jadi itu, juga gpp tetep saya pake :smiley:

Game Name :
Game Length :
Dota Winner Side:
Saver :
Host :
Dota Mode :



^^Terima Kasih Sudah Melapor^^

Sudah Bro jngn terlalu alay jg parseran nya, wkakwakwk

iya wkkwkw
cari yang simple" aja-_-

usaha terus sampe dapet lo bang … :smiley:

iya" :smiley:

bagus ini bro

Makasih kk :nhaha:
Sebagai Tanda Terima Kasih,
Saya add Anda jadi friend saya :staycool:
Anda adalah 1 dari Puluhan Orang yang saya add ,banggakah? :hmm:
hahahaha :nhaha:

wakewkaekwwaewkaak kalo gue bilang cantik gmana :cool::cool:
soal nya Ente terlalu cantik :cinta::cinta:
aye love you :v :staycool::staycool:

numpang test bro . . . . . . . . .

Kamu juga orang yang beruntung
Saya add :smiley:
Selamat! :ngakak::sip: