Test test

test test test test

ikut ngetes bro :v

[INFO=FYI]tes 123[/INFO]

[details=chatlog]test test tes

[details=Screenshot ping dan time]http://i57.tinypic.com/28wdmrb.jpg

# Nick Hero Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N 1 DarKNiGhtVz E02F Finished 30:25 47s at 03:57 44s at 15:55 42( 51) 13 7 87 0448 6 9 2 4EverzCUN H00Q Finished 30:27 42s at 04:05 27s at 22:08 46( 53) 7 6 64 151152 2 1 3 orang-_-ganteng N02B Left the game 30:24 94s at 24:14 64s at 27:15 62( 73) 4 1 30 3448 9 5 4 JOGJA_UTARA Left the game 04:38 61s at 02:09 54s at 01:06 18( 53) 0 0 0 05973 0 0 5 BREATHOFDESPAIR E015 Finished 30:27 61s at 02:15 43s at 28:52 44( 56) 6 4 21 0802 4 75 6 Rp3000 Opgh Finished 30:35 415s at 23:29 45s at 03:50 49( 90) 3 5 29 01257 1 2 7 t2utenk U00K Finished 30:35 74s at 29:09 54s at 24:53 42( 62) 0 6 31 0477 5 0 8 Z000 Nbrn Finished

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[details=gamelog]00:00:00 Game starting 00:00:05 DarKNiGhtVz Paused the game 00:00:05 Rp3000 Unpaused the game after 15s 00:00:08 Z000 Paused the game 00:00:08 DarKNiGhtVz [00:23] Mode : -sds6d5abulfnsoosbo 00:00:08 BREATHOFDESPAIR Unpaused the game after 25s 00:04:38 JOGJA_UTARA Left the game 00:04:38 4EverzCUN Stats: 0 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 neutrals 00:06:10 Creep spawning 00:07:19 DarKNiGhtVz First Kill: Killed BandiT_KeciL 00:11:47 DarKNiGhtVz Destroyed external scourge mid Tower 00:13:26 Z000 Destroyed external sentinel top Tower 00:14:04 DarKNiGhtVz Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower 00:14:47 Z000 Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower 00:20:07 DarKNiGhtVz Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower 00:20:34 DarKNiGhtVz Destroyed base scourge mid Tower 00:20:42 DarKNiGhtVz Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks 00:20:55 DarKNiGhtVz Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks 00:23:13 DarKNiGhtVz Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower 00:23:33 4EverzCUN Destroyed external scourge top Tower 00:23:49 DarKNiGhtVz Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower 00:24:51 4EverzCUN Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower 00:25:35 Rp3000 Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower 00:26:11 DarKNiGhtVz Destroyed base scourge top Tower 00:28:35 DarKNiGhtVz Destroyed final scourge mid Tower 00:28:40 Frozen Throne at 75% 00:28:47 Frozen Throne at 50% 00:30:13 Frozen Throne at 25% 00:30:22 Frozen Throne at 10% 00:30:24 orang-_-ganteng Left the game 00:30:24 orang-_-ganteng Stats: 30 creep kills - 3 denies - 5 neutrals 00:30:24 Sentinel Won 00:30:25 DarKNiGhtVz Finished 00:30:26 Z000 Finished 00:30:27 BREATHOFDESPAIR Finished 00:30:27 4EverzCUN Finished 00:30:28 firman_adhi Finished 00:30:28 BandiT_KeciL Finished 00:30:35 t2utenk Finished 00:30:35 Rp3000 Finished 00:23:29 Rp3000 AFK started for 415s 00:30:35 Game terminated


ID B-Net’Pelapor’ : ISIS

[quote= Andre Daegal
Test test test

Screenshot Ping dan Time


Game Length :50:49
DOTA Winner Side:Sentinel

DOTA Mode : apoi[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER]


[details=chatlog]00:00 NEUTRON1 Sand King All Shortest load by player [RM-YooJaeSuk] was 6.14 seconds.
00:00 NEUTRON1 Sand King All Longest load by player [-PRIDE-] was 32.84 seconds.
00:00 NEUTRON1 Sand King gentaz Your load time was 32.84 seconds.
00:00 NEUTRON1 Sand King All [revo-1] -
This game is hosted by RevoGamers
00:00 NEUTRON1 Sand King All [metro-1] -
Powered by MetroWorld
00:03 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -hhn
00:05 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -don
00:06 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
00:08 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -pride-
00:09 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
00:22 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
00:30 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies share
00:30 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies pake apa ya
00:32 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies kurir
00:33 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies hmmm
00:35 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies lu utan ?
00:36 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
00:37 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies ya
00:38 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
00:41 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies -ah
00:44 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
00:45 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
00:46 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies gw solo
00:46 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies neutron?
00:50 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies clan mana?
00:51 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
00:56 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies ampm
00:57 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies clan gw
00:58 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies ampm
01:02 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies cfnya siapa?
01:05 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies atas semua ampm kecuali lu
01:07 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies beragam
01:08 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies pechimps
01:12 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies La_fonte
01:17 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies pechimps
01:20 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
01:20 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies tokisaki
01:21 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies bnyk cabang
01:23 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
01:30 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies oo
01:31 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies neu
01:34 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies -random
01:35 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies -clear
01:35 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies ?
01:36 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies mintain no. hP -pride-
01:42 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies minta sendiri
01:43 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies zz
01:47 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies dia lagi AFK
01:52 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies dyka
01:55 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
02:02 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies gw solo atas dik
02:02 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
02:06 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies bwh lu
02:09 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies dika
02:17 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
02:43 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies -clear
02:49 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies gw solo
02:49 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies gile asep sk 100 damage / sec
02:50 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies musuhnya kok
02:52 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies selama 80 sec
02:53 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ee smw
02:56 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies 8k damage
02:57 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies gile
02:58 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies sakit
03:00 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies aokwokawkoawokawkoawokaokwaw
03:03 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies sladar
03:03 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies pen
03:06 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ga bs
03:08 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies sladar
03:09 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies bs sig
03:11 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies tp ga pro
03:12 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies mls
03:13 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies tepen
03:18 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies minta no HP
03:20 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies stuner
03:25 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies range
03:27 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies pen
03:52 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies vingung
03:54 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies mau pake apa
03:57 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies pake tiny
04:00 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies mati
04:04 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies pake tiny musuh begitu
04:07 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies warlock
04:15 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies riki maru
04:31 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ini aj
04:35 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies bs bantu temen kabur ato buka war
04:36 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies blood
04:38 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies ngejer gw
04:45 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies karena sekarat gw
04:46 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies -hhn
04:47 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies -clear
04:48 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies Miss
04:48 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies Miss
04:48 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies Miss
04:51 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies Miss
04:55 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies lama amt miss
04:58 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies udh di kejer blood gw
05:14 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies behhh
05:17 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies gw solo
05:18 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies kamprets
05:20 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies tot lu
05:26 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies uda dr awal
05:27 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies wkwkwkkwkwkw
05:52 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
05:54 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies ea
05:55 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies furion
06:01 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies blood
06:03 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies 0
06:38 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies knpa jd gw yg solo
06:47 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies tuker ?
06:50 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies gw tele bwh lu atas
07:02 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies bntar
07:03 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies stun
07:18 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
07:27 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
07:29 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies sep
07:35 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
07:43 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies lah
07:45 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies da lvl 6
07:46 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies tai
07:48 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies kontol
07:49 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
07:53 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies Miss
07:53 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies Miss
07:53 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies Miss
07:55 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies wkkwkwkwwk
07:55 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies gw maen ful skil 2
07:56 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies rik
08:08 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
08:23 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies Miss
08:23 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies Miss
08:23 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies Miss
08:23 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies Miss
08:29 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies stun abis ini
08:32 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies mati itu 2 2
08:48 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
08:49 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies Miss
08:49 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies Miss
08:56 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
08:57 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ew
08:59 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
09:19 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies klo maen skill 2
09:23 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies jgn arcane
09:28 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies soulring aja ckup
09:47 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
10:11 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
10:15 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies jancok miss terus
10:16 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies awkawkwa
10:21 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies skil 1 nya
10:23 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies skrg mis"
10:24 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
10:31 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
10:38 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
10:57 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies jgn
10:58 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ga mati
11:02 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies harus gw
11:06 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies iya
11:08 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies tgg mana gw
11:08 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies swt
11:24 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
11:27 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies awokawokokawokawokaw
11:30 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies nc
11:34 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
12:01 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies jadi males dagger
12:04 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ats woe
12:18 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies keasikan doomnay
12:23 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
12:32 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies gw di rup
12:34 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ga dikasi leser
12:35 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies asuu
12:51 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
12:52 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies wkwkwkwkkwkwkw
12:53 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies ncc
12:58 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
13:03 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies ini musuh nya lawak bener
13:04 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies asu
13:46 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
14:19 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
14:27 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
15:34 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies kontol
15:39 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies wew
15:40 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies bs tau
15:42 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ebat2
15:46 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
15:47 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies nyala
15:48 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
15:48 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies blood
15:58 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies sabar dik
16:36 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies kena post jg itu
16:38 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies biarin aja
16:44 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies goblok
17:22 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
17:27 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies die
17:29 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies cokkk
17:34 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies salah
17:34 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies drtd itu
17:36 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies harus nya ngilang lg
17:38 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies doomnya bangke
17:45 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
17:59 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies bloodnya mh
18:13 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies iy
18:15 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies dari tadi
18:16 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies di mid
18:23 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies pantes
18:26 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies waktu 3 di bawah td
18:28 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ga brani maju dia
18:35 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies wow tau
18:45 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies bkn tau
18:47 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies gw maju soal nya
18:55 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
19:05 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies kelamaan
19:07 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies lu bukanya
19:10 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
19:12 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies keburu gw kena rup
19:27 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies wasu
19:28 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
19:34 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies ea
19:35 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies blood nya
19:36 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies mh it blood
19:37 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies jgn
19:37 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies wkkwkwkwkw
19:41 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies wanjeng
19:42 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies mh nya
19:44 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All itungan jam kok ID lu
19:52 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All gw saranin bkin byk dkit id gratis
20:23 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
20:25 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
20:28 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies tot
20:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies bloodnya
20:31 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies tauan aj
20:32 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies jancok
20:43 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All You have been disconnected from the server due to a socket error.
20:43 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All [gproxy-1] -
GProxy++ is attempting to reconnect… (174 seconds remain)
20:43 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All [gproxy-1] -
GProxy++ is attempting to reconnect… (164 seconds remain)
20:43 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All [gproxy-1] -
GProxy++ is attempting to reconnect… (154 seconds remain)
20:43 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All [gproxy-1] -
GProxy++ is attempting to reconnect… (144 seconds remain)
20:43 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All [gproxy-1] -
GProxy++ is attempting to reconnect… (134 seconds remain)
20:43 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All [gproxy-1] -
GProxy++ reconnected to the server!
20:43 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All ==================================================
20:43 NEUTRON1 Sand King All [gproxy-1] -
-PRIDE- has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
20:43 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All Please wait for me to reconnect (3 seconds remain).
20:44 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies pelir
20:45 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
20:48 NEUTRON1 Sand King All Setting sync limit to the maximum of 10000 packets.
20:48 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies !sl -1
20:48 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies rik kasi gw owner
20:51 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
20:55 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
21:00 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All Please wait for me to reconnect (164 seconds remain).
21:05 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
21:10 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
21:16 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ke gw
21:17 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ke gw
21:20 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All Please wait for me to reconnect (144 seconds remain).
21:24 NEUTRON1 Sand King All jancok
21:25 NEUTRON1 Sand King All doom
21:25 NEUTRON1 Sand King All [gproxy-1] -
Player [-PRIDE-] reconnected with GProxy++!
21:27 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
21:28 NEUTRON1 Sand King All saya benci kamu
21:32 gentaz Doom Bringer All wkwkwk
21:42 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
21:44 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies kasi owner ke gw
21:47 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies wkwkwkwkkwkwkw
21:49 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies dagger
21:50 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies -clear
21:51 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies ler
21:54 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies langsung crot
21:59 NEUTRON1 Sand King All Setting game owner to [rm-yoojaesuk].
21:59 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies !owner rm-yoojaesuk
22:12 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ,h jg
22:13 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies b
22:13 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies furinya
22:20 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies kontol
22:22 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies mh smw
22:30 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies kelarin cpt
22:53 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies tele
23:12 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies pasang obs dia keknya
23:18 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ada ?
23:24 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
23:41 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies b dia lsg
23:47 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies dibilang mh
23:59 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
24:17 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies ea
24:18 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies doom nya
24:26 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies disana ya?
25:16 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies kelarin
25:17 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ayo
25:17 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies mid
25:32 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies susah
25:34 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies mh 2 org
25:42 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies jgn
25:57 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies deni gw
26:05 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
26:33 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies riki ny tele
26:34 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies asu
26:37 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies di rupt
26:39 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies di silent
26:40 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ga tele dia mati
26:41 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies ga tele mati gw
26:42 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies zz
27:00 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies gw cari dagger
27:01 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies da
27:02 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
27:12 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies susah kek gini
27:13 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies asu
27:30 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies dah dagger
27:58 gentaz Doom Bringer All lag
28:02 gentaz Doom Bringer All haha
28:24 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies hajar
28:30 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies lalu di mana mereka
28:35 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
28:38 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies ,ka a
28:54 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies anjing doom nya
28:56 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
29:01 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
29:14 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
29:24 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
29:35 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies hiii
29:36 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies leap
29:43 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies blod
29:44 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies wow
29:46 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies z
29:46 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies blod
29:48 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies cepet amet
29:50 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies jalannya
29:52 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
29:53 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
29:55 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies api" dia td
29:58 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies hadhe
30:01 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
30:08 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies tinker nya
30:10 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies masi jaman maen dagon
30:19 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All [gproxy-1] -
KOKONDAO has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
30:19 KOKONDAO Tinker All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
30:23 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies blood nya
30:30 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies furi nya jg mh itu
30:39 KOKONDAO Tinker All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
30:53 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ea
30:55 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies mau lothar smw
30:59 KOKONDAO Tinker All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
31:03 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies obs
31:08 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies sen3
31:12 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All [gproxy-1] -
Player [KOKONDAO] reconnected with GProxy++!
31:19 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
31:19 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies obs
31:32 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies b
31:52 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies langsung bm
31:58 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
32:00 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
32:21 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
32:22 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies cape deg
32:26 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies naixnya
32:32 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
32:34 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
32:35 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies -clear
32:35 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies tau ah
32:42 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies gw gk berguna lagi
32:42 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies rusak temen lu rik
32:46 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies trus oi otak udang
32:58 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
33:01 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies kronaz
33:02 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies dmn obsny
33:06 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies hari terakhir gw nih
33:08 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies jgn tanya gitu goblos
33:11 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies lu jg kena
33:12 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies cacat
33:14 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ga
33:15 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies goblos jg ini dika
33:17 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ga apaan
33:19 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies wkwkwkwkwkwkk
33:22 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies spion ga?
33:24 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies goblos jg
33:26 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ga
33:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies suka2 lu
33:33 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
33:41 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies id lu keban jg
33:42 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies gw ga tau
33:43 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies aneh2
33:52 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
33:57 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies gk ada lagi
33:58 NEUTRON1 Sand King All tidak mati kali ini
34:01 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
34:02 NEUTRON1 Sand King All ho ho ho
34:06 gentaz Doom Bringer All lag gw
34:52 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies besok gk maen lagi dah
34:58 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies sapa suruh goblos
35:00 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
35:03 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
35:09 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies kirain 1 game langsung gk ada lagi
35:09 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ga usa ban
35:10 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies beres
35:11 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
35:15 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies matamu
35:19 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies gw post mereka jg
35:22 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ad gw pilih2 kasih?
35:51 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
36:01 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies mati dik
36:03 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies 100%
36:03 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies denied
36:04 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies denied
36:04 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies gw
36:06 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies DENIES
36:11 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies gpp dik
36:11 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
36:12 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
36:14 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies tinkerny
36:16 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies asli
36:17 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies astag
36:17 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies gw ban
36:18 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies bot
36:18 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies sorry
36:20 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies gw gak liar
36:21 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies lait
36:24 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies 4X LER
36:29 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies GA ADA GUNA
36:34 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies besok gw main pub aja
36:36 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
36:53 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies lu yg goblos
36:56 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies sorry gor
36:57 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies sapa yg sruh lu mh
37:07 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ada menit krusial ny pen?
37:07 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies kirain 1 game udh gk ada lagi
37:12 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies trus 1 game jd mh?
37:18 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies gtw lah
37:22 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies 90% itu pasti
37:28 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ebat
37:29 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
37:31 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies bener2
37:41 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies asli
37:43 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies bloonya
37:43 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies mh smw
37:44 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies kontos
37:45 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
37:50 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies pemula MH gtw apa" gw
37:50 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies da dibilang mh
37:51 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
37:57 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies masi lu tantangin
37:58 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies itu blood
38:03 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies makanya jgn pake mh
38:04 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
38:04 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies wkwkwkwkwk
38:17 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies lol
38:24 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
38:27 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
38:36 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
38:44 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
38:47 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies kontol
38:48 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
38:49 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies bener bloodnya
38:55 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies ada obs
38:55 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
39:00 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
39:21 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies lsg keliatan
39:22 NEUTRON1 Sand King All why always me
39:22 NEUTRON1 Sand King All asu
39:22 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies dikejer
39:23 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies wakakka
39:26 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ebat2
39:55 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ea
39:56 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies nyala itu
39:57 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ga keliatn itu
39:58 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies nyala
39:58 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ga
40:04 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies !ban sii
40:04 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All [revo-1] -
Player [sii_jabrikz] was banned by player [RM-YooJaeSuk] on server [dota.revogamers.us].
40:31 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies ngapain di ban
40:33 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies blood
40:35 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies biar makin jadi
40:36 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies mh
40:36 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies bsok penrmanent juga
40:39 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies bsj>
40:41 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies nanti
40:50 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies liat
40:52 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies nanti ada annoucementny
40:54 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies liat aj
40:56 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
40:56 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies keren
40:58 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies kan furinya?
41:05 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies mhnya
41:07 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies sama dota_freakz ato denooooooong ato dokter
41:13 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
41:26 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
41:38 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies blood dpt regen
41:45 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies blood
41:47 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies blood
41:48 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ngapain lu ngmng
41:50 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies blood
41:50 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies goblos
41:51 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
41:51 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies asle
41:54 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies z
41:54 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies z
42:03 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies mh jjuga lu ix?
42:12 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies gk
42:15 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies pikir aja
42:27 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies da abisin da
42:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies rusak ini game
42:34 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies wkwkkwkw
42:34 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ga niat sama se x
42:37 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies kontos
42:39 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies beliin gw gem
42:40 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies wio
42:50 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
43:00 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies raigor
43:34 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies pen
43:35 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies obs
43:35 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies bawa
43:42 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies udh 100% kena nih id kan?
43:43 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
44:15 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All liat annoucement abis game ini ya
44:16 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All ID nya
44:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All You have been disconnected from the server due to a socket error.
44:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All [gproxy-1] -
GProxy++ is attempting to reconnect… (174 seconds remain)
44:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All [gproxy-1] -
GProxy++ is attempting to reconnect… (164 seconds remain)
44:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All [gproxy-1] -
GProxy++ is attempting to reconnect… (154 seconds remain)
44:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All [gproxy-1] -
GProxy++ is attempting to reconnect… (144 seconds remain)
44:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All [gproxy-1] -
GProxy++ is attempting to reconnect… (134 seconds remain)
44:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All [gproxy-1] -
GProxy++ is attempting to reconnect… (124 seconds remain)
44:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All [gproxy-1] -
GProxy++ is attempting to reconnect… (114 seconds remain)
44:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All [gproxy-1] -
GProxy++ reconnected to the server!
44:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All ==================================================
44:30 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All [gproxy-1] -
-PRIDE- has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
44:30 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
44:31 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
44:42 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies pasti ada id gw
44:43 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
44:46 gentaz Doom Bringer All asu
44:49 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies berapa menit setelah kelar?
44:49 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
44:49 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
44:59 gentaz Doom Bringer All ke gw terus wkwkwk
45:02 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
45:09 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
45:18 NEUTRON1 Sand King All awokokawokawk
45:20 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All siapa doom ke elu trus
45:22 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies langsung ada announcement kan habis ni
45:23 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
45:25 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
45:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
45:34 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All [gproxy-1] -
Player [-PRIDE-] reconnected with GProxy++!
45:42 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies pen
45:46 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies bkn nya cuma 2id y
45:47 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies bates ban
45:50 NEUTRON1 Sand King All salah lu ganggu gw epi
45:51 NEUTRON1 Sand King All wkwkkww
45:55 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
45:55 NEUTRON1 Sand King All ga bisa dagger jadi nya
46:03 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies !cm
46:21 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies si riki
46:23 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies enak ya rik
46:23 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ga maenin gw punya
46:24 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ckckck
46:25 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies maen sk
46:28 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies lu ga share
46:32 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies enak cari duit nya
46:34 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies gw bs balikin
46:36 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies gw da share ke si riki
46:45 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies ga liat
46:46 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies wkwkwkkw
46:59 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies cro
47:00 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
47:02 NEUTRON1 Sand King All asu
47:06 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
47:06 gentaz Doom Bringer All wkwkw
47:07 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies tinker
47:09 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies beliin tele 1
47:24 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies tinker
47:26 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies beliin tele 1
47:41 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies doom doang yg ga mh kek nya
47:41 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies nm
47:42 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies nm
47:53 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies panda jg ga
47:56 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies PL?
47:58 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ga
48:00 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies pl ga
48:02 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies culun
48:03 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies furi blood
48:04 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
48:05 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
48:08 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ya cma 2 org
48:11 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies blood nya yg keliatan banget
48:14 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies furi nya ga tau gw
48:15 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies wkowkw
48:19 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies furinya ikya
48:22 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies tiap gw pana dr fog
48:25 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies lsg geser dikit
48:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies didatengin rame lsg tele
48:30 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies tapi
48:32 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies gw gap
48:33 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ga tele dia
48:39 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies gw datengin pake lotar
48:39 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies 2x
48:40 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies karena dia ga terang2an
48:41 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ckckck
48:41 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All ANUKUBISADAGGER has lost the connection (timed out).
48:46 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies -clear
48:46 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies !banlast
48:46 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All [revo-1] -
Player [ANUKUBISADAGGER] was banned by player [RM-YooJaeSuk] on server [dota.revogamers.us].
48:52 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
48:55 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies kalo gw pana dia bs alibi
49:00 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies kalo lu lothar datengin
49:01 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies dia kabur
49:02 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies alibi ap?
49:21 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies blood yg terang" an
49:25 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ud gw ban bot
49:27 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ini naix jg sama
49:29 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies terang2an
49:30 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies maka nya terang"
49:41 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies jgn gw yg di rup
49:43 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies gw gk kyk blood tipenya
49:47 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies ga apa
49:48 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies sama lu
49:49 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
49:50 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies kasi SK aja
49:51 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies kayak b,llod
49:54 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies klik" hero pasti
49:56 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies wkwkkwkwk
50:09 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
50:15 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker Allies ga gerak panda e
50:16 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies lu gasama kayak blood
50:18 NEUTRON1 Sand King All asu
50:18 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies gmn gw tau?
50:23 gentaz Doom Bringer All wkwkkw
50:26 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies gw gk creeping hero
50:36 NEUTRON1 Sand King Allies wkwkwkwkkwkwkwkwk
50:37 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies intinya sama
50:38 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies mhnya
50:41 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies mau lu gmn
50:43 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies mh ya mh
50:45 KOKONDAO Tinker Allies -clear
50:46 KronazCUN Lifestealer Allies yaudah gimana lagi
50:46 -PRIDE- Priestess of the Moon Allies lu jg terang2an
50:49 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All [revo-1] -
This game is hosted by RevoGamers
50:49 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All [metro-1] -
Powered by MetroWorld
50:50 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All KronazCUN has left the game voluntarily.
50:50 RM-YooJaeSuk Earthshaker All RM-YooJaeSuk has left the game voluntarily.
50:51 NEUTRON1 Sand King All NEUTRON1 has left the game voluntarily.
50:52 fathurrahman Phantom Lancer All fathurrahman has left the game voluntarily.

[details=gamelog]00:00:00 Game starting
00:00:00 Mode : apoi
00:02:32 Creep spawning
00:07:16 RM-YooJaeSuk First Kill: Killed enseteN
00:11:21 ANUKUBISADAGGER Denied external scourge mid Tower
00:12:17 KOKONDAO Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower
00:27:58 gentaz Lag
00:32:27 NEUTRON1 Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower
00:34:06 gentaz Lag
00:34:59 sii_jabrikz Denied intermediate scourge mid Tower
00:38:53 ANUKUBISADAGGER Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower
00:39:00 ANUKUBISADAGGER Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower
00:41:53 NEUTRON1 Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower
00:43:37 NEUTRON1 Destroyed base scourge top Tower
00:44:28 NEUTRON1 Destroyed scourge top melee Barracks
00:44:30 KronazCUN Destroyed scourge top ranged Barracks
00:45:06 fathurrahman Destroyed intermediate sentinel bottom Tower
00:48:41 ANUKUBISADAGGER Disconnected
00:48:42 KOKONDAO Stats: 152 creep kills - 5 denies - 40 Neutrals
00:49:47 KOKONDAO Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower
00:49:54 NEUTRON1 Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks
00:49:58 KOKONDAO Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks
00:50:42 Frozen Throne at 75%
00:50:44 Frozen Throne at 50%
00:50:47 Frozen Throne at 25%
00:50:48 Frozen Throne at 10%
00:50:49 Sentinel Won
00:50:50 KronazCUN Finished
00:50:50 RM-YooJaeSuk Finished
00:50:51 NEUTRON1 Finished
00:50:52 fathurrahman Finished
00:50:52 enseteN Finished
00:50:52 gentaz Finished
00:50:52 sii_jabrikz Finished
00:50:52 KOKONDAO Finished
00:50:52 -PRIDE- Finished
00:50:52 Game terminated


tessssssssssssss 123456678910


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4.ajjahdhdh 5