Test parser


Game Leght : 35:43
Winner : Sentinel
Saver : -xxx-
Host :Bot-FU
Dota Mode : ALL PICK

1 WHOAMI Hvsh Finished 35:46 58s at 00:10 31s at 13:03 79( 96) 5 5 111 53595 4 10 2 Swindon_Red Hjai Finished 35:48 41s at 32:53 35s at 27:47 56( 66) 1 4 38 01650 8 23 3 -xxx- Usyl Finished 35:48 44s at 00:36 42s at 33:35 87( 95) 8 0 113 92034 6 20 4 rooney Udre Finished 35:46 11s at 00:56 11s at 14:16 115(115) 17 0 114 82707 5 13 5 Heisz E02I Finished 35:47 88s at 00:30 38s at 02:43 63( 74) 1 5 48 01701 10 0 6 rj23 E02K Disconnected 28:17 66s at 00:03 44s at 18:24 62( 75) 2 3 26 2 18 4 49 7 ArmyOfGod Nfir Finished 35:45 63s at 25:13 34s at 17:03 123(133) 0 8 33 4553 3 11 8 Bronyax H004 Finished 35:46 46s at 22:10 45s at 33:54 64( 77) 7 5 37 01687 1 0 9 Gxzl E02F Left the game 26:54 68s at 00:07 35s at 01:42 60( 70) 0 10 10 1 16 5 0 10 WINNER- Hmbr Finished 35:47 135s at 00:01 36s at 20:29 44( 52) 4 6 25 01331 4 0

[details=chatlog] 00:00 WHOAMI Hvsh All Shortest load by player [rooney] was 7.59 seconds. 00:00 WHOAMI Hvsh All Longest load by player [ArmyOfGod] was 34.88 seconds. 00:00 WHOAMI Hvsh Bronyax Your load time was 11.72 seconds. 00:00 WHOAMI Hvsh All This game is hosted by RevoGamers 00:00 WHOAMI Hvsh All Powered by MetroWorld 00:15 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies -ah 00:18 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies -CLEAR 01:15 -xxx- Usyl Allies -clear 01:22 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies -CLEAR 01:39 Heisz E02I Allies gw mao nyoba dong 01:54 WINNER- Hmbr All !!F 01:55 Heisz E02I Allies bersama player player keras ini slow dah 01:57 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies -CLEAR 02:10 -xxx- Usyl Allies stuner 02:19 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies -CLEAR 04:22 Swindon_Red Hjai Allies 0 05:13 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies b 06:53 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies cari legi 07:30 Heisz E02I Allies eh gw ga jago ini pake hero 07:34 Heisz E02I Allies baru pertamakali nyoba 09:06 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies MISS 09:29 Heisz E02I Allies miss 09:30 Heisz E02I Allies atas 10:05 Heisz E02I Allies curir ga ada? 12:21 Swindon_Red Hjai Allies -msa 12:34 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies bola 13:06 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies b 13:08 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies aja 13:09 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies zzzz 13:24 Heisz E02I Allies wkwk 13:27 Heisz E02I Allies itu jg gw udh b cui 13:35 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies pakek skill 3 nya 15:41 -xxx- Usyl Allies tekan w 15:43 -xxx- Usyl Allies 2 kali 15:51 Heisz E02I Allies tau kali 15:52 -xxx- Usyl Allies jgn asal gulung 15:57 Heisz E02I Allies tau kali 15:58 -xxx- Usyl Allies tau kok lambat 16:44 Heisz E02I Allies berak lothar 18:32 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies fuck 18:36 Swindon_Red Hjai Allies baru mau ngomong 18:40 Swindon_Red Hjai Allies awas daro aatas 19:37 Heisz E02I Allies mana teken W dua kali ga bisa cui 19:47 Swindon_Red Hjai Allies buat cancel 19:49 Swindon_Red Hjai Allies w lagi 19:53 rooney Udre Allies -ms 19:54 Swindon_Red Hjai Allies pendek ntar 20:01 rooney Udre Allies gas 20:59 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies share 21:31 -xxx- Usyl Allies emang dongo 21:39 Swindon_Red Hjai Allies nekat bener 21:39 -xxx- Usyl Allies ampe 3 kali keduel 21:51 Heisz E02I Allies ckck 22:11 -xxx- Usyl Allies mending lu suport 22:15 -xxx- Usyl Allies beli mata 22:19 Heisz E02I Allies ea 22:23 Heisz E02I Allies cuk ga usah bawe 22:24 Heisz E02I Allies l 22:35 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies hmm udah lothar 23:26 Heisz E02I Allies -ms 24:13 Swindon_Red Hjai Allies asem rame 25:20 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies share kurir 25:29 -xxx- Usyl Allies murah 25:38 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies hmm 25:44 WHOAMI Hvsh All Setting game latency to 90 ms. 25:44 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies !l 90 25:44 WHOAMI Hvsh All Setting sync limit to 300 packets. 25:44 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies !sl 300 26:54 WHOAMI Hvsh All Gxzl has left the game voluntarily. 27:58 -xxx- Usyl Allies emang dongo 28:07 rooney Udre Allies share 28:07 Heisz E02I Allies wkwk 28:07 Bronyax H004 All ea 28:07 WHOAMI Hvsh All Setting sync limit to 500 packets. 28:07 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies !sl 500 28:07 Heisz E02I Allies bnyk bacot lu del 28:07 WHOAMI Hvsh All Setting game latency to 120 ms. 28:07 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies !l 120 28:07 WHOAMI Hvsh All Setting sync limit to 1000 packets. 28:07 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies !sl 1000 28:16 rooney Udre Allies share 28:17 WHOAMI Hvsh All rj23 has lost the connection (timed out). 28:27 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies !ban gx 28:27 WHOAMI Hvsh All Player [Gxzl] was banned by player [WHOAMI] on server [dota.revogamers.us]. 28:30 rooney Udre Allies share 28:33 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies !ban rj leaver 28:33 WHOAMI Hvsh All Player [rj23] was banned by player [WHOAMI] on server [dota.revogamers.us]. 28:40 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies -CLEAR 30:02 rooney Udre Allies wee 30:03 rooney Udre Allies di badan gw 30:06 rooney Udre Allies ada kelelawar nya 30:11 -xxx- Usyl Allies aganim 30:12 Swindon_Red Hjai Allies kampret itu 30:19 rooney Udre Allies serasa pake mh 30:23 rooney Udre Allies penglihatan luas 30:26 Swindon_Red Hjai Allies laler itu 30:30 -xxx- Usyl Allies klo mlm terang sekitarnya 30:59 rooney Udre Allies terang 31:56 rooney Udre All GG ? 33:58 -xxx- Usyl Allies menit2 dah gw catet 34:02 -xxx- Usyl Allies lebih dr 3 kali 34:04 -xxx- Usyl Allies joss 34:06 -xxx- Usyl Allies mayan 34:08 rooney Udre Allies siapa ? 34:11 -xxx- Usyl Allies mlm2 daper ruinner 34:14 -xxx- Usyl Allies ni 34:26 Heisz E02I Allies jir udh menang gini ruiner wkwk 34:30 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies knp?? 34:39 rooney Udre All wkwkw 34:48 Heisz E02I Allies ga bisa diajak bercanda dia snip baper 35:02 rooney Udre All tq 35:03 WHOAMI Hvsh Allies next roon ? 35:43 WHOAMI Hvsh All This game is hosted by RevoGamers 35:43 WHOAMI Hvsh All Powered by MetroWorld 35:45 WHOAMI Hvsh All ArmyOfGod has left the game voluntarily. 35:46 WHOAMI Hvsh All Bronyax has left the game voluntarily. 35:46 WHOAMI Hvsh All WHOAMI has left the game voluntarily. 35:46 -xxx- Usyl All rooney has left the game voluntarily. 35:47 -xxx- Usyl All Heisz has left the game voluntarily. 35:47 -xxx- Usyl All WINNER- has left the game voluntarily.

[details=gamelog] 00:00:00 Game starting 00:02:32 Creep spawning 00:04:20 rooney First Kill: Killed ArmyOfGod 00:11:08 -xxx- Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower 00:15:24 WHOAMI Destroyed external scourge top Tower 00:20:49 rooney Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower 00:24:39 WHOAMI Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower 00:26:54 Gxzl Left the game 00:26:54 Heisz Stats: 10 creep kills - 1 denies - 0 neutrals 00:27:54 rooney Destroyed base scourge mid Tower 00:28:17 rj23 Disconnected 00:28:17 rj23 Stats: 26 creep kills - 2 denies - 49 neutrals 00:29:13 rooney Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks 00:31:14 -xxx- Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower 00:34:58 rooney Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower 00:35:05 rooney Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks 00:35:11 rooney Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks 00:35:25 Frozen Throne at 75% 00:35:30 Frozen Throne at 50% 00:35:34 Frozen Throne at 25% 00:35:37 Frozen Throne at 10% 00:35:43 Sentinel Won 00:35:45 ArmyOfGod Finished 00:35:46 Bronyax Finished 00:35:46 WHOAMI Finished 00:35:46 rooney Finished 00:35:47 Heisz Finished 00:35:47 WINNER- Finished 00:35:48 Swindon_Red Finished 00:35:48 -xxx- Finished 00:35:48 Game terminated

[details=Result] Heisz ( Ruiner ) rj23 (Disconected) Gxzl (Left The Game)


Game length :46:27
Dota winner side:Sentinel

Host :Bot-YWAF
Saver :-xxx-
Mode :ap

# Nick Hero Flame.Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N 1 ChuA Anti-Mage 0Finished 46:32 41s at 22:22 40s at 00:25 84( 92) 3 6 144 122737 6 54 2 -xxx- Slayer 0Finished 46:32 54s at 34:59 46s at 43:24 121(130) 9 3 84 02244 4 0 3 GRoOD Keeper of the Light 0Finished 46:28 80s at 00:01 30s at 22:16 65( 69) 1 1 229 12433 11 14 4 Tragis_ Stone Giant 2Disconnected 12:16 29s at 11:47 18s at 00:55 79( 91) 0 3 20 0 14 0 0 5 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Murloc Nightcrawler 0Finished 46:30 55s at 00:00 45s at 01:34 72( 79) 8 5 154 43849 7 69 6 smg-vladz Gorgon 2Finished 46:29 114s at 32:13 37s at 26:11 71( 84) 4 4 165 6 57 1 13 7 elitenewbie Ogre Magi 0Finished 46:31 96s at 00:01 58s at 26:50 83( 98) 1 6 105 42354 4 0 8 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer 1Left the game 20:11 60s at 14:59 38s at 00:33 58( 77) 0 4 9 0 4 0 0 9 NewBee Lifestealer 0Finished 46:31 64s at 42:55 61s at 34:01 67( 90) 2 6 57 0451 2 86 10 Hunterhero19 Goblin Techies 0Finished 46:32 97s at 44:49 51s at 43:49 67( 73) 11 6 36 0825 2 3

[details=gamelog]00:00:00 Game starting 00:00:00 Mode : ap 00:02:32 Creep spawning 00:03:56 Hunterhero19 First Kill: Killed Tragis_ 00:10:13 Tragis_ Destroyed external scourge top Tower 00:12:16 Tragis_ Disconnected 00:12:16 Tragis_ Stats: 19 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 neutrals 00:13:32 GRoOD Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower 00:20:06 NewBee Paused the game 00:20:06 ChuA Unpaused the game after 2s 00:20:07 -MytholOgy- Paused the game 00:20:07 -MytholOgy- Unpaused the game after 0s 00:20:11 -MytholOgy- Left the game 00:20:11 ChuA Stats: 9 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 neutrals 00:24:50 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower 00:28:01 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower 00:31:41 smg-vladz Denied intermediate scourge mid Tower 00:40:06 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower 00:41:00 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks 00:42:26 GRoOD Destroyed base scourge mid Tower 00:42:40 ChuA Destroyed base scourge top Tower 00:43:33 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks 00:43:41 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks 00:45:43 ChuA Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks 00:46:15 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Destroyed final scourge mid Tower 00:46:17 GRoOD Destroyed final scourge mid Tower 00:46:19 Frozen Throne at 75% 00:46:21 Frozen Throne at 50% 00:46:24 Frozen Throne at 25% 00:46:26 Frozen Throne at 10% 00:46:27 Sentinel Won 00:46:28 GRoOD Finished 00:46:29 smg-vladz Finished 00:46:30 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Finished 00:46:31 NewBee Finished 00:46:31 elitenewbie Finished 00:46:32 Hunterhero19 Finished 00:46:32 ChuA Finished 00:46:32 -xxx- Finished 00:46:31 Game terminated

[details=chatlog]00:00 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Shortest load by player [GRoOD] was 7.66 seconds. 00:00 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Longest load by player [NewBee] was 33.18 seconds. 00:00 Tragis_ Stone Giant smg-vladz Your load time was 29.38 seconds. 00:00 Tragis_ Stone Giant All [revo-1] - This game is hosted by RevoGamers 00:00 Tragis_ Stone Giant All [metro-1] - Powered by MetroWorld 00:03 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies -ii 00:03 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies -don 00:03 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies -water green 00:03 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies -cLeaR 00:04 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies -clear 00:05 Tragis_ Stone Giant All elitenewbie: 724ms, Tragis_: 618ms, Hunterhero19: 228ms, -xxx-: 78ms, NewBee: 65ms, ChuA: 57ms, smg-vladz: 42ms, 00:05 Tragis_ Stone Giant All -MytholOgy-: 32ms, RvGsJaizTAMPAN: 20ms, GRoOD: 14ms 00:05 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies !p 00:11 -xxx- Slayer Allies -clear 00:13 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies ping gua 00:14 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies -- 00:20 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies ah josh 00:28 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies -cLeaR 00:40 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Tragis_: 699ms, elitenewbie: 523ms, Hunterhero19: 153ms, ChuA: 71ms, -xxx-: 63ms, NewBee: 59ms, smg-vladz: 50ms, 00:40 Tragis_ Stone Giant All -MytholOgy-: 34ms, RvGsJaizTAMPAN: 20ms, GRoOD: 13ms 00:40 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies !p 00:40 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies -ah 00:48 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies -cLeaR 00:49 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Setting sync limit to 50 packets. 00:49 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies !sl 50 00:49 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -water random 00:50 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -hhn 00:51 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Setting sync limit to 500 packets. 00:51 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies !sl 500 00:51 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -don 00:52 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -ii 00:53 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Setting game latency to 70 ms. 00:53 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies !l 70 00:54 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear 00:55 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies -ii 00:56 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies -di 00:58 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies -don 01:00 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies -random 01:16 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies -cLeaR 01:19 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Tragis_: 262ms, elitenewbie: 231ms, Hunterhero19: 116ms, ChuA: 76ms, -xxx-: 67ms, NewBee: 60ms, smg-vladz: 58ms, 01:19 Tragis_ Stone Giant All -MytholOgy-: 36ms, RvGsJaizTAMPAN: 25ms, GRoOD: 16ms 01:19 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies !p 01:21 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies -cLeaR 01:57 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies -clear 02:13 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Tragis_: 315ms, ChuA: 88ms, smg-vladz: 59ms, NewBee: 56ms, Hunterhero19: 52ms, -xxx-: 50ms, -MytholOgy-: 39ms, 02:13 Tragis_ Stone Giant All RvGsJaizTAMPAN: 28ms, elitenewbie: 27ms, GRoOD: 18ms 02:13 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies !p 02:18 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Setting sync limit to 300 packets. 02:18 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies !sl 300 02:35 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies -clear 02:37 -xxx- Slayer Allies bom atas/mid 02:38 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies indosat disini ampas bgt 02:42 -xxx- Slayer Allies bawaha aman 02:42 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Tragis_: 309ms, ChuA: 86ms, smg-vladz: 61ms, NewBee: 57ms, Hunterhero19: 52ms, -xxx-: 46ms, -MytholOgy-: 38ms, 02:42 Tragis_ Stone Giant All elitenewbie: 27ms, RvGsJaizTAMPAN: 27ms, GRoOD: 18ms 02:42 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies !p 02:44 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies -clear 02:46 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies -cLeaR 03:30 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Tragis_: 303ms, ChuA: 78ms, NewBee: 62ms, smg-vladz: 61ms, Hunterhero19: 52ms, -xxx-: 39ms, -MytholOgy-: 38ms, 03:30 Tragis_ Stone Giant All elitenewbie: 26ms, RvGsJaizTAMPAN: 24ms, GRoOD: 19ms 03:30 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies !p 03:33 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies -rickroll 03:36 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies -cLeaR 03:58 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies alah2 04:03 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies indosat tai 04:05 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies -cLeaR 04:16 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Tragis_: 152ms, ChuA: 83ms, NewBee: 62ms, smg-vladz: 58ms, Hunterhero19: 56ms, -MytholOgy-: 42ms, -xxx-: 39ms, 04:16 Tragis_ Stone Giant All elitenewbie: 29ms, RvGsJaizTAMPAN: 26ms, GRoOD: 19ms 04:16 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies !p 05:02 -xxx- Slayer Allies lompat aja 05:18 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Tragis_: 109ms, ChuA: 77ms, -xxx-: 73ms, NewBee: 61ms, smg-vladz: 57ms, Hunterhero19: 56ms, -MytholOgy-: 39ms, 05:18 Tragis_ Stone Giant All elitenewbie: 30ms, RvGsJaizTAMPAN: 30ms, GRoOD: 16ms 05:18 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies !p 05:27 smg-vladz Gorgon All Az lag 05:30 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Murloc Nightcrawler Allies pohon 05:32 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies -cLeaR 05:41 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Setting sync limit to 500 packets. 05:41 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies !sl 500 06:08 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Murloc Nightcrawler Allies tq 06:15 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Tragis_: 188ms, -xxx-: 90ms, NewBee: 67ms, ChuA: 64ms, smg-vladz: 53ms, Hunterhero19: 52ms, RvGsJaizTAMPAN: 35ms, 06:15 Tragis_ Stone Giant All -MytholOgy-: 35ms, elitenewbie: 27ms, GRoOD: 19ms 06:15 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies !p 06:16 -xxx- Slayer Allies 0 07:52 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Tragis_: 1860ms, -xxx-: 122ms, ChuA: 67ms, NewBee: 64ms, smg-vladz: 59ms, Hunterhero19: 48ms, -MytholOgy-: 39ms, 07:52 Tragis_ Stone Giant All RvGsJaizTAMPAN: 29ms, elitenewbie: 28ms, GRoOD: 21ms 07:52 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies !p 07:53 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies -cLeaR 08:50 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Tragis_: 1881ms, -xxx-: 92ms, ChuA: 70ms, NewBee: 68ms, smg-vladz: 56ms, Hunterhero19: 52ms, -MytholOgy-: 39ms, 08:50 Tragis_ Stone Giant All elitenewbie: 28ms, RvGsJaizTAMPAN: 27ms, GRoOD: 23ms 08:50 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies !p 10:23 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Tragis_: 147ms, ChuA: 91ms, -xxx-: 79ms, NewBee: 63ms, Hunterhero19: 57ms, smg-vladz: 56ms, -MytholOgy-: 40ms, 10:23 Tragis_ Stone Giant All RvGsJaizTAMPAN: 31ms, elitenewbie: 26ms, GRoOD: 23ms 10:23 Tragis_ Stone Giant Allies !p 11:50 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies bwh 12:16 Tragis_ Stone Giant All Tragis_ has lost the connection (timed out). 12:17 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies -clear 12:19 NewBee Lifestealer All ea 14:02 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies -clear 14:53 smg-vladz Gorgon All PL flaming ortu ban kk 15:01 -xxx- Slayer All slow 15:09 -xxx- Slayer All ntar gw cek SRnya 16:21 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All SDAR KLIAN KLO SERVER INI MAU MATI, MSIH AJA BCOT 16:27 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All SMUA ORG MLAS MAIN D SINI 16:30 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All PKE OTAK 16:54 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All SERVER UDAH KYA KBURAN 16:56 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All ANJING 17:26 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All AYO BAN AJA 17:29 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All GK BTUH GW 17:31 Hunterhero19 Goblin Techies All die pl 17:36 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All AYO BAN 17:45 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All SERVER JG UDAH LAKU 17:53 smg-vladz Gorgon All takut di ban jelek2in server kk 17:54 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All BAN AWAS KLO GK 18:12 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All GK NYADAL LO GW RUINBER 18:15 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All BAN ANJING 18:19 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All [ibu-1] - KOSA IBUMU 18:25 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All ITU BRU FLAMING 18:26 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All BAN 18:37 -xxx- Slayer All ban itu kami ga bisa 18:37 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All SERVER ANJING BANN !!!!! 18:37 smg-vladz Gorgon All liat 18:41 -xxx- Slayer All cuman bisa gepost 18:41 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All WOY KIMAK 18:49 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All AYO ANJING 18:52 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies -clear 18:53 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies -clear 19:00 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All WOYY PENGHUNU SERVER KUBURAN 19:13 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All PRA PENGHUNU SERVER PPEK ANJING BABI 19:20 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All BISA BCA KAN 19:23 Hunterhero19 Goblin Techies All alay aja ini anak 19:30 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All ID GRATISAN INI 19:34 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All ANJIIIIING 19:41 smg-vladz Gorgon All A votekick against player [-MytholOgy-] has been started by player [smg-vladz]. 7 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass. 19:41 smg-vladz Gorgon All Type !yes to vote. 19:43 GRoOD Keeper of the Light All dia galau mungkin 19:48 smg-vladz Gorgon All yes 19:48 smg-vladz Gorgon All Player [NewBee] voted to kick player [-MytholOgy-]. 6 more votes are needed to pass. 19:49 smg-vladz Gorgon All ruiner 19:50 smg-vladz Gorgon All Player [elitenewbie] voted to kick player [-MytholOgy-]. 5 more votes are needed to pass. 19:52 smg-vladz Gorgon All Player [GRoOD] voted to kick player [-MytholOgy-]. 4 more votes are needed to pass. 19:52 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies !yes 20:00 smg-vladz Gorgon All Player [Hunterhero19] voted to kick player [-MytholOgy-]. 3 more votes are needed to pass. 20:00 Hunterhero19 Goblin Techies All !yes 20:02 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All TRAKHIR GW MAIN D SINI AYO ABN 20:03 smg-vladz Gorgon All YES 20:04 smg-vladz Gorgon All kk 20:05 -MytholOgy- Phantom Lancer All ANNNNJIIIIING 20:06 Hunterhero19 Goblin Techies All YES BOCAH 20:07 -xxx- Slayer Allies [00:00] !yes 20:07 smg-vladz Gorgon All [00:00] Player [-xxx-] voted to kick player [-MytholOgy-]. 2 more votes are needed to pass. 20:10 smg-vladz Gorgon All Player [ChuA] voted to kick player [-MytholOgy-]. 1 more votes are needed to pass. 20:10 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies !yes 20:11 smg-vladz Gorgon All A votekick against player [-MytholOgy-] has passed. 20:11 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Murloc Nightcrawler Allies !yes 20:11 smg-vladz Gorgon All -MytholOgy- was kicked by vote. 20:12 Hunterhero19 Goblin Techies All kak bocah 20:44 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies akhh 20:47 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies bomnya] 21:00 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies -clear 24:18 Hunterhero19 Goblin Techies All OWKKOWK 24:22 Hunterhero19 Goblin Techies All magina2 24:28 Hunterhero19 Goblin Techies All gg kali 29:12 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Murloc Nightcrawler Allies zzz 32:23 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies bnyk bom di utan mreka 33:00 Hunterhero19 Goblin Techies All hehe 33:44 -xxx- Slayer Allies ati2 33:48 -xxx- Slayer Allies bom 34:04 -xxx- Slayer Allies sip 34:20 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies hilang item soul gw 34:25 -xxx- Slayer Allies bawa aja slu gem 34:29 -xxx- Slayer Allies mau pasang obs 34:34 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies relog 34:35 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies ntar 34:36 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies cek 34:47 -xxx- Slayer Allies bom 35:00 -xxx- Slayer Allies asu 35:07 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies 1 aja gem 35:13 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies cadangan 35:23 ChuA Anti-Mage Allies regen 37:09 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies nm 38:13 -xxx- Slayer Allies ghost aja 38:18 -xxx- Slayer Allies ezalor 38:45 Hunterhero19 Goblin Techies All fiuh 39:17 -xxx- Slayer Allies bliding pake 39:21 -xxx- Slayer Allies klo isap MP 42:30 -xxx- Slayer Allies sorry 42:35 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies gpp 42:43 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies gw coba" nih hero 43:17 Hunterhero19 Goblin Techies All TIM COPO AJA 43:29 Hunterhero19 Goblin Techies All GG 44:03 -xxx- Slayer Allies weee 44:06 -xxx- Slayer Allies gila ezanya 44:11 GRoOD Keeper of the Light Allies wkkw 46:26 smg-vladz Gorgon All [revo-1] - This game is hosted by RevoGamers 46:26 smg-vladz Gorgon All [metro-1] - Powered by MetroWorld 46:28 smg-vladz Gorgon All GRoOD has left the game voluntarily. 46:29 smg-vladz Gorgon All smg-vladz has left the game voluntarily. 46:30 RvGsJaizTAMPAN Murloc Nightcrawler All RvGsJaizTAMPAN has left the game voluntarily. 46:31 ChuA Anti-Mage All NewBee has left the game voluntarily. 46:31 ChuA Anti-Mage All elitenewbie has left the game voluntarily.

[details=Analisis]00:12:16 Tragis_ Disconnected 00:20:11 -MytholOgy- Left the game

[details=Result]Tragis_ Disconnected -Mythology- Left The Game