Game length :71:32
Dota winner side:Scourge
Host :Cr-1
Saver :KissOfDeath
Mode :ap
# Nick Hero Flame.Lag Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
1 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin 4Lag Finished 71:38 91s at 49:22 82s at 39:28 48( 75) 5 16 56 01301 7 6
2 LOWO Earthshaker 0 Finished 71:33 69s at 44:12 46s at 25:57 68( 77) 6 13 292 0244 21 6
3 billy_jour Sacred Warrior 0 Finished 71:38 80s at 51:38 69s at 42:13 46( 59) 10 20 174 4714 17 31
4 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler 0 Finished 71:38 61s at 46:05 47s at 44:11 56( 68) 8 15 151 21311 17 36
5 WINNER- Lord of Olympus 0 Finished 71:38 73s at 42:13 54s at 00:29 54( 60) 20 7 184 44233 14 0
6 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit 0 Finished 71:36 425s at 47:54 35s at 02:53 103(120) 16 7 169 115172 23 1
7 MFGod- Butcher 0 Finished 71:36 76s at 64:07 47s at 54:03 104(124) 4 20 44 11078 21 5
8 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker 1 Finished 71:35 39s at 63:01 38s at 23:27 54( 60) 32 11 280 72378 14 68
9 angsapura Dwarven Sniper 0 Finished 71:38 82s at 01:40 81s at 66:52 63( 81) 13 16 104 01254 7 24
10 anter_01 Stone Giant 0 Disconnected 04:08 40s at 02:01 33s at 01:14 41( 59) 0 0 2 0 0 0 0
[details=gamelog]01:11:32 Scourge Won
01:11:33 LOWO Finished
01:11:35 skiverxfirez Finished
01:11:36 DARISMAJID Finished
01:11:36 MFGod- Finished
01:11:38 WINNER- Finished
01:11:38 billy_jour Finished
01:11:38 angsapura Finished
01:11:38 Kaneky Finished
01:11:38 KissOfDeath Finished
01:11:38 Game terminated
[details=chatlog]00:00 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All Shortest load by player [skiverxfirez] was 8.35 seconds.
00:00 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All Longest load by player [LOWO] was 23.48 seconds.
00:00 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin KissOfDeath Your load time was 13.92 seconds.
00:00 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All [metro-1] -
This Game host by MetroWorld
00:05 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies biarkan mereka berkreasi
00:06 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies -clear
00:11 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies z
00:12 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies jgn coba2 ma saya
00:15 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies
00:19 LOWO Earthshaker Allies wkkwkw
00:24 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies PEMBURU ORANG BEGO <
00:30 LOWO Earthshaker Allies darimasjid liat maennya
00:33 LOWO Earthshaker Allies :v
00:37 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies mg knp
00:38 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies ya klo udh tau dia MH
00:40 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies diam aja
00:42 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies nnti gw POST
00:44 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies
00:47 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies BY MISTERCREW
00:55 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies lu di cariin sm boda lowo
00:56 LOWO Earthshaker Allies tukang post
01:00 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies sengaja ID CLONE lah
01:00 LOWO Earthshaker Allies mana dia
01:05 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies biar gw POST
01:30 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies -ii
01:32 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies -clear
01:34 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies -don
01:38 LOWO Earthshaker Allies kasih aginya aja kill
01:42 LOWO Earthshaker Allies jangan di ulti
01:44 LOWO Earthshaker Allies :v
01:47 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies jir
01:53 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies mid gwe
01:58 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies gwe
02:01 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies alay bner loe
02:02 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
02:03 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies wk
02:09 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies GW MAH BIAR TEMEN GW POST
02:13 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies WK
02:15 LOWO Earthshaker Allies force
02:17 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies GK ADA PANDANG BULU
02:23 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
02:29 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies TEMEN LANGGAR TETAP GW SANKSI
02:29 LOWO Earthshaker Allies ane gk ad bulunya om
02:32 LOWO Earthshaker Allies :v
02:43 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies MKNYA MAIN YG BENER PEA PEA
02:45 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies
02:47 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies gw cupu om
02:49 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies
02:53 LOWO Earthshaker Allies jahat nih om
02:59 LOWO Earthshaker Allies suak goyang
03:03 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
03:03 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies MISS
03:05 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies GW INVISAN AJA
03:06 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies MAU LIAT
03:09 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies REAKSI DIA
03:10 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies
03:19 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies GW TEST PASTI DIA TAU
03:59 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies alah
03:59 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies DC ini
03:59 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All 200
03:59 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies set
03:59 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All limit
03:59 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies !L 12
03:59 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All Setting game latency to the minimum of 20 ms.
03:59 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies !L 120
03:59 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All Setting game latency to 120 ms.
03:59 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies !sl 500
03:59 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
04:08 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All anter_01 has lost the connection (timed out).
04:10 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
04:15 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies MANGSA
04:16 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies LAGI
04:17 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies TQ
04:18 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies GW POST
04:20 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies MANUAL DC
04:58 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
05:18 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All sl 300
05:19 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All woi
05:22 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies !sl 300
05:22 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All Setting sync limit to 300 packets.
05:51 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
05:57 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
06:01 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies lola
06:06 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
06:20 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
08:03 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
08:08 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies kar
08:10 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies jgn ragu
08:22 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies 0
08:23 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
08:26 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies ats
08:28 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies mid 0
09:31 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
09:50 LOWO Earthshaker Allies tau
09:54 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies siapa ?
09:57 LOWO Earthshaker Allies snip
10:02 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
10:15 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All Set
10:21 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies MISS
10:23 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
10:37 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies 0
11:15 LOWO Earthshaker Allies hjar aj
11:22 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies lama
11:24 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies ada haste takut amat
11:25 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
11:27 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies pea amat ni zeus
11:28 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies nm
11:29 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies ,mamna
11:33 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All Set
11:35 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All SL 500
11:36 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All L 120
11:43 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All tdi udh set gitu suruh gnti 300
11:45 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All pea amat lu
11:53 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All set ja la
11:55 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies !sl 500
11:55 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
11:57 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All loso
12:25 LOWO Earthshaker Allies MISS oi Jogoen bokongmu !!
12:28 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies MISS
12:39 LOWO Earthshaker Allies MISS oi Jogoen bokongmu !!
13:15 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies azz
13:17 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies bego kali slark
13:31 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All [gproxy-1] -
Player [skiverxfirez] reconnected with GProxy++!
13:58 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies zz
14:00 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies mancet
14:00 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies az
14:07 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies muter ken fuisur
14:14 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies azz
14:14 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
14:16 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All
14:16 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies aso
14:18 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies g ada ulti
14:45 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies ZEUS
14:46 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies BELI OBS
14:51 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies udah mau psng
14:53 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies obs gwpsang
14:56 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies yaudah psg
14:59 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies psng cpt
15:10 LOWO Earthshaker Allies MISS oi Jogoen bokongmu !!
15:11 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
15:23 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies ea
15:26 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies psang mati
15:53 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
16:09 LOWO Earthshaker Allies cek ob us
16:11 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
16:23 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies cover
16:27 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies OBS
16:29 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies GW COVERF
16:36 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
16:58 LOWO Earthshaker Allies NM
17:03 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
17:06 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies asataga
17:21 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies tele
17:23 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies tele
17:32 LOWO Earthshaker Allies NM
17:35 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
17:36 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies sip
17:36 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies sip
17:40 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies mendingan mati gitu
18:12 LOWO Earthshaker Allies NM
18:13 LOWO Earthshaker Allies NM
18:15 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies yg mh siapa ini
18:27 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies g da obs
18:28 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies OBS
18:29 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies ANJING
18:44 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies SHAR
18:45 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies SHARE
18:45 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies SHARE
18:53 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
19:05 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies bmnya --
19:09 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies shit
19:11 LOWO Earthshaker Allies NM
19:11 LOWO Earthshaker Allies NM
19:12 LOWO Earthshaker Allies NM
19:12 LOWO Earthshaker Allies NM
19:16 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies ea
19:18 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies bnyak mh
19:24 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies tau dia
19:26 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies siapa mh
19:28 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies coba blg
19:35 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies snip menurut gw
19:36 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies itu pud sm kardel
19:38 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies takut
20:02 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies obs ksih gw
20:06 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies obs ksih gw zeus
20:30 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies ilangin
20:31 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies range
20:35 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies ilangin obs ny
20:44 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies MSIH AD
20:45 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies PAOK
20:49 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies MSIH ADA
20:50 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies AZZ
20:57 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies DAH
21:39 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
21:48 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
21:49 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies LAG
21:50 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies weo
21:50 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies asu
21:50 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies ASU
21:57 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies ngakak
22:01 LOWO Earthshaker Allies !cm
23:15 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
23:23 LOWO Earthshaker Allies NM
23:27 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies ea
23:29 LOWO Earthshaker Allies tau
23:32 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies wk
23:42 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies siapa?
23:46 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies itu
23:47 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies tadi
23:50 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies gk liat gw
23:52 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies blg cepetan
23:57 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies panda biiru
24:08 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
24:11 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies DARISMAJID MFGOD- ANGSAPURA
24:13 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies MH
24:24 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies tau dari mana ?
24:40 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies liat aja gw post pea
24:47 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies gua bkb dulu
24:50 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies ga nahan
25:21 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies wkkw
25:28 LOWO Earthshaker Allies emha juga str
25:31 LOWO Earthshaker Allies lu gk dikejar
25:32 LOWO Earthshaker Allies ckckkc
25:46 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All wew
25:47 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All tau ya ?
25:49 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies darah lo bro
25:49 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All DUST ?
25:50 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies riki
25:52 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies darah
25:54 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
25:55 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies ohh
26:01 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All bodoh
26:03 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies darah bro
26:05 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies klo darah kurang
26:05 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies dia aktifin
26:06 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All courir lu napain
26:16 LOWO Earthshaker All kalo darah kurang napa di dust
26:17 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies klo darah kurang kan udh keliatan ama skill blood
26:17 LOWO Earthshaker All ckckck
26:20 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All bodoh
26:22 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies kok napa dust ?
26:24 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All courir lu napain ke markas wa
26:28 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies klo darah kurang gk perlu dust
26:30 LOWO Earthshaker All lu bodoh
26:32 LOWO Earthshaker All ckckc
26:34 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All UDAH LAH
26:35 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All MH
26:38 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All GW POST
26:40 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All post
26:46 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All anggap enteng gw ?
26:49 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All ya
26:50 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All mau liat gw post beneran ?
26:55 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
26:58 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All post
26:59 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies tdi yg dust siapa ?
27:02 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies blood ?
27:04 LOWO Earthshaker Allies str
27:05 LOWO Earthshaker Allies iy
27:06 LOWO Earthshaker Allies ckckck
27:11 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All klo lu skill udh keliatan kan
27:12 LOWO Earthshaker Allies udah nyalah malah di dust
27:14 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All ngapain di dust pula ?
27:18 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All lawak kali kau anjing
27:21 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All skill?
27:25 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All bodoh x
27:26 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All skill blood pea
27:31 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All klo skarat ya keliatan
27:34 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All kok msih dust juga ?
27:37 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All POST ja la
28:05 LOWO Earthshaker Allies kasih aginya us
28:11 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies udah gwe tunggu lama
28:46 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies gw cek SR abis ini
28:59 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies psang obs rik
29:05 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies di kurir
29:11 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies sbar
30:09 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies sen3
30:21 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies kardle
30:22 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies hajar
30:22 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies hajar
30:24 LOWO Earthshaker Allies hjar hus
30:24 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies hajar kardel
30:32 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
30:37 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies huskar penakut pea
30:41 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies wwkkw gpp
30:46 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies mana abis
30:49 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies assasinate
30:52 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies mati --
30:56 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies gk akan bego
31:00 LOWO Earthshaker Allies --
31:00 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies biar darah lu tinggal 1
31:01 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies heal pkek bro
31:03 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies anti magic
31:04 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies bego
31:07 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies lo anti magic
31:09 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies biar dalah lu tinggal 1 gk bakalan mati
31:13 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies asnet damage 700
31:15 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies darah lu sisa 1
31:17 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies gk bkalana mati
31:21 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies bukan damageya
31:24 LOWO Earthshaker Allies ad obs
31:25 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies assasinate??
31:27 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies ya
31:29 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies gk bkalan
31:29 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies zzzz
31:31 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies lu anti magic pea
31:33 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies kirain
31:33 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies bego amat
31:34 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies magic iku bro
31:41 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies klau di hit mati lo
31:41 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies tau
31:43 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All dihh
33:08 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies ambil obs rik
33:29 LOWO Earthshaker Allies sen3
33:42 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies gwe dy=tng kabur
33:55 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies siape ?
34:19 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies aek
34:27 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies heal
34:27 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies bm
34:28 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies bm bego
34:29 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies heal pke
34:30 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
34:34 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies nm
34:41 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies entah sudahlah
35:20 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies bloodnya menggila
36:03 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All wew
36:44 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies farming dulu rik
36:46 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies jadiin
36:47 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies crabas
37:42 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies linken
38:01 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies riki ngapian
38:04 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies g guna bro,
38:07 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies crepingan jaa
38:08 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies post x
38:26 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies g kuat
39:18 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies psng lagi rik
39:32 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies obs
39:45 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies riki ngpain sih ini
40:21 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies cman mau ngcek MH apa ngakk… yaelah
42:20 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies taek udah di ping malah maju
42:43 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All ea
42:43 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All wow
42:44 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All awkawkaw
42:47 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All GGPP
42:48 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies tau aja
42:51 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All gg
42:54 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All post ja la
42:54 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All blood gem
42:56 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies MENIT 40
43:01 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All pas ada blood ada o
43:03 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All ada lo
43:06 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All gue juga sen3
43:11 MFGod- Butcher All lol
43:12 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All besok2
43:13 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All kalo maen
43:16 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All jangan kebegoan
43:22 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All TQ ID NYA
43:25 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All apa apa mh
43:30 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies riki kebngeten ini… farming ajalah
43:35 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All baru pulang sekolah ya?
43:35 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies lo carry’
43:40 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All wa tgg ya
43:41 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All post
43:45 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies LOWO
43:48 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies BILANGIN KE DARISMAJID
43:52 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies SATU CLAN KAN ?
43:56 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies BLG AJA GW GK MAIN2
44:00 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
44:01 LOWO Earthshaker Allies api kar
44:12 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies LOWO
44:15 LOWO Earthshaker Allies ya
44:16 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All riki
44:17 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All awas
44:17 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies BLGIN KE DARISMAJID
44:19 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All blood gem
44:22 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All nanti di kira mh
44:23 LOWO Earthshaker Allies knapa
44:29 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies LU 1 CLAN KAN
44:34 LOWO Earthshaker Allies enggak
44:34 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies BLGIN KE DIA GW GK MAIN2
44:36 LOWO Earthshaker Allies --
44:41 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies 1 CLAN PEA
44:44 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies 1 CLAN PEA
44:45 LOWO Earthshaker Allies bukan anggota raf
44:49 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies COBA CHAT CLAN
44:50 LOWO Earthshaker Allies oh ya
44:51 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies COBA CHAT CLAN
44:55 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies BLGIN GW GK MAIN2
44:58 LOWO Earthshaker Allies jarang on kayaknya
45:04 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies UDH BLG AJA
45:06 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies CHAT CLAN
45:16 LOWO Earthshaker Allies gk bisa chat clan
45:18 LOWO Earthshaker Allies eror
45:28 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies /c w
45:30 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies bego
45:32 LOWO Earthshaker Allies iy
45:38 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies dungu kali
45:47 LOWO Earthshaker Allies gk bisa
46:06 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All Ea
46:09 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All si dongo
46:10 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies pea ini riki
46:11 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All itu gpp
46:19 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All cepetin dah
46:22 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All gue tungguin
46:24 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All di forum
46:26 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All ye
47:32 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
47:46 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All boker dulu ah
47:51 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All pasti keluarnya model kalian
48:04 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All ?
48:07 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All bego amat lu
48:11 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies faming
48:14 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies pancing aja
48:17 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All lu dongo tolol
48:20 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies flaming
48:27 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies ss ping time
48:30 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All FLAMMING BOS
48:32 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies gold gua ga bertambah??
48:34 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All
48:37 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies napa ini??
48:46 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies wkkwk
48:46 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies liat satus gua
48:50 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies MH kali lu
48:54 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies padahal da jadi bkb
49:07 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies da bertambah :v
49:52 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies flamming dia kan?
49:55 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
49:57 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
50:03 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies tadi ada kata ngatain gak
50:24 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies rik farm aja bisa nih
50:26 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
50:29 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies jadiin krabas
50:46 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies bisa menang
50:53 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies klau riki g diem aja menang ini
51:24 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -afk
51:34 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All dah kelarin
51:37 LOWO Earthshaker Allies api
51:44 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All gw mau nge post
51:49 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies sama doang
52:15 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
52:25 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies lepas aja
52:30 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies duit 5kl
52:34 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies gue beliin heal
52:37 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies jadiin crabas
52:46 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies gw?
52:48 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies buat w?
52:49 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies ya
52:56 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies slark apa riki?
52:58 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies slark aja
53:00 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies gw kalah level
53:06 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies gara2 proses tuh MH2
53:06 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies farm aja
53:09 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies lo perlu item apa slark
53:12 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies bisa tuh
53:25 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
53:27 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies slark ampir jadi
54:11 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All [gproxy-1] -
Player [skiverxfirez] reconnected with GProxy++!
54:55 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies sbar
54:56 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies tgg gw
55:35 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies MID
55:36 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies MID DEH
55:37 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies AYO
55:50 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies w
55:50 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies w
55:51 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies w
55:54 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies udah
56:18 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies tower
56:18 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies tower
56:26 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies BARRAK
56:29 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All buru2 amat
56:37 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies TRUS
56:37 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies TRUS
56:56 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies gem
57:03 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies BARRAK
57:03 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies BARRAK
57:21 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies gwm
57:22 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies gwm
57:23 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies gwm
57:45 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies def aja lo rik
58:54 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies INI SOUL RING SIAPA
58:56 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies INI SOUL RING SIAPA
58:57 LOWO Earthshaker Allies ane
59:01 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies NIH GW KSIH
59:06 LOWO Earthshaker Allies iy
59:41 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies riki def
59:42 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies W
59:43 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies W
59:43 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies W
59:44 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies W
59:45 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies cd
59:56 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies SBAR
60:22 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
60:54 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies mid aja lah
60:58 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies dalam atas
61:01 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies def
61:35 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies gwm
61:37 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies us
61:42 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies gw deff
61:45 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies gw deff aja
61:47 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies gwm
61:55 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies PEA
61:58 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies JGN LAMA
63:31 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies zz
63:34 billy_jour Sacred Warrior Allies banyak coy
63:37 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
64:19 LOWO Earthshaker Allies deff
64:20 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies CEPETAN SLARK
65:56 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All Ea
65:57 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All NJER
66:01 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies crabas slarclk
66:05 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies terobos
66:06 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies terobos
66:09 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies terobos aja lgsung
66:13 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies LANGSUNG
66:14 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies LANGSUNG AJA
66:16 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies LANGSUNG AJA
66:18 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
66:18 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies JGN TGGU CREEP
66:35 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All deff tuh
67:04 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All kuat lwan tower ja ga
67:04 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All ngapain?
67:08 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All gue deff?
67:16 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All kuat juga kagak
67:30 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All item masih culun gitu
67:42 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All wa main baik" ya
67:46 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All [hina-1] -
g main hina"
67:49 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies maju
67:49 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All datang riki fitnah"
67:55 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All wa ma fun ja
67:58 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All Ea
68:05 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All ngapain si dongo
68:10 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All creep itu
68:26 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies flamming
68:27 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All 4 15?
68:27 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies dongo
68:29 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All anjing
68:30 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All gue ngakak
68:38 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All idiot amat lo maen
68:39 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All woakwokaowkowakokawko
68:41 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies tuh
68:43 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies dlaming
68:47 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies mana?
68:49 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies flaming
68:51 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All Ea
68:51 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies dongo
68:54 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All linken gue idiot
68:54 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies isdiot
68:59 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies kaga itu
69:03 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All jadi post?
69:04 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies flamming itu bkn gitu
69:06 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All jadi bos
69:09 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All sipp
69:11 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All 4 - 5
69:13 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All id clone ini
69:19 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All clone?
69:27 billy_jour Sacred Warrior All lari??
69:34 MFGod- Butcher All kan pinter
69:41 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All minus?
69:43 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All apa id forum lu?
69:48 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All wa bukan anak forum
69:48 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All mau tau ?
69:49 skiverxfirez Bloodseeker All tar wa cari ya
69:50 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All main huskar minus?
69:51 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All Wakwokawokwa
70:20 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All selamat ngedeff
70:41 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies LEPAS AJA
70:45 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies jgn
70:48 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin Allies UDH MEGA
70:52 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All
71:00 DARISMAJID Storm Spirit All siapa itu cuiras?
71:01 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies lo ke shop rik
71:04 WINNER- Lord of Olympus Allies gwe mau beli
71:32 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All [metro-1] -
This game is host by MetroWorld
71:33 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All LOWO has left the game voluntarily.
71:35 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All skiverxfirez has left the game voluntarily.
71:36 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All DARISMAJID has left the game voluntarily.
71:36 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All MFGod- has left the game voluntarily.
71:38 KissOfDeath Stealth Assassin All WINNER- has left the game voluntarily.