# Nick Hero Flame.Lag Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
1 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster 13 Finished 26:35 70s at 00:17 14s at 23:37 94( 98) 1 4 65 462622 6 0
2 veve Oracle 6 Finished 26:35 13s at 01:47 12s at 13:31 152(152) 21 1 52 41672 2 1
3 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon 1Lag Finished 26:34 76s at 00:01 33s at 01:17 66( 77) 0 2 19 11236 8 0
4 KFC~ENAKSEKALI- Earthshaker 2 Finished 26:33 13s at 01:54 13s at 01:30 116(116) 2 1 72 22205 6 2
5 Wholetrade Phantom Lancer 0 Finished 26:33 36s at 00:31 21s at 25:37 67( 73) 3 0 82 02830 6 0
6 batam_godlike Lifestealer 1 Left the game 18:06 31s at 03:06 28s at 09:08 47( 59) 0 5 17 0 18 0 28
7 icaruzzz Phantom Assassin 0 Finished 26:34 158s at 00:01 136s at 23:41 46( 94) 0 5 23 0664 1 0
8 woyoi_- Doom Bringer 0 Finished 26:32 60s at 05:03 30s at 24:15 90(106) 1 8 40 3253 2 1
9 nyeuri_hulu Lord of Olympus 0 Left the game 26:31 32s at 20:10 24s at 00:24 101(116) 3 8 21 1 54 4 0
10 HILLOPANDA Juggernaut 0 Finished 26:34 25s at 16:21 25s at 00:17 132(142) 4 2 26 01869 1 15
00:00 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All [fc-1] -
Shortest load by player [KFC~ENAKSEKALI-] was 6.37 seconds.
00:00 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All [god-1] -
Longest load by player [batam_godlike] was 22.77 seconds.
00:00 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster nyeuri_hulu Your load time was 13.28 seconds.
00:00 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
00:00 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All Powered by MetroWorld
00:03 veve Oracle Allies -don
00:04 veve Oracle Allies -ii
00:05 veve Oracle Allies -hhn
00:06 veve Oracle Allies -clear
00:14 veve Oracle Allies mid
00:22 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies -clear
01:10 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies -random
01:35 KFC~ENAKSEKALI- Earthshaker Allies direpick
02:14 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies share dong
02:28 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies pl kamu bwh.
02:30 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies -clear
02:58 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies !cm
03:02 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies l 100 dong
03:13 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies bag
03:14 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies bang
03:16 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies !cm
03:23 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies !p
03:23 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All [fc|god-2] -
KFC~ENAKSEKALI-: 109ms, icaruzzz: 73ms, [L]atency: 62ms, batam_godlike: 47ms, woyoi_-: 45ms, talklessdomore_: 40ms,
03:23 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All [hole-1] -
veve: 32ms, nyeuri_hulu: 25ms, HILLOPANDA: 25ms, Wholetrade: 14ms
03:25 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies !sl 250
03:26 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All Setting sync limit to 250 packets.
03:43 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies lL 100 bang
03:47 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies !l 90
03:47 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All Setting game latency to 90 ms.
04:35 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies -1?
04:58 batam_godlike Lifestealer All wow
05:01 batam_godlike Lifestealer All jago
05:06 veve Oracle All [sa-1] -
biasa doang
05:30 veve Oracle All hoki doang kaka
05:30 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies !p
05:30 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All [fc|god-2] -
woyoi_-: 229ms, KFC~ENAKSEKALI-: 110ms, icaruzzz: 82ms, [L]atency: 58ms, batam_godlike: 55ms, talklessdomore_: 35ms,
05:30 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All [hole-1] -
HILLOPANDA: 26ms, nyeuri_hulu: 22ms, veve: 20ms, Wholetrade: 16ms
05:30 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies !sl 500
05:30 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
05:30 veve Oracle All jgn pesimis
05:30 KFC~ENAKSEKALI- Earthshaker All set
05:30 batam_godlike Lifestealer All iye2
05:30 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies !sl 900
05:30 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All Setting sync limit to 900 packets.
05:30 veve Oracle All [sa-1] -
km bisa
05:33 batam_godlike Lifestealer All [sa-1] -
05:40 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All woyoi_- has lost the connection (timed out) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
05:40 woyoi_- Doom Bringer All Please wait for me to reconnect (160 seconds remain).
06:00 woyoi_- Doom Bringer All Please wait for me to reconnect (140 seconds remain).
06:01 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All Player [woyoi_-] reconnected with GProxy++!
06:02 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies im sory
06:08 veve Oracle Allies 0
06:30 Wholetrade Phantom Lancer Allies -1
06:48 veve Oracle All [sa-1] -
km bsa kaka
06:50 veve Oracle All go go
06:54 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies hahahha
06:55 batam_godlike Lifestealer All ok2 bro
07:01 KFC~ENAKSEKALI- Earthshaker Allies [sa-1] -
sahre duj
07:15 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies b
07:21 veve Oracle All go go go
07:36 veve Oracle Allies minta 1
07:37 veve Oracle Allies dagon
07:44 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies heal dong
07:59 KFC~ENAKSEKALI- Earthshaker All mak
09:01 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies omni?
10:02 veve Oracle Allies pl
10:03 veve Oracle Allies [sa-1] -
10:04 veve Oracle Allies ngalangin
11:06 veve Oracle Allies was la
11:30 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies bantu mid?
11:33 veve Oracle Allies [sa-1] -
11:36 veve Oracle Allies kasian oi
11:41 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies wkkwkwk
11:46 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies ea
12:00 veve Oracle Allies siap atas
12:09 veve Oracle Allies go
12:10 veve Oracle Allies go
12:11 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies kasih maju
13:27 veve Oracle Allies jing
13:31 veve Oracle Allies abis ini uda
13:44 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies enak selane ama jakiro tadi
13:48 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies gw dimanja banget
13:53 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies -clear
14:00 veve Oracle Allies lu bkin dager hrusnya
14:16 KFC~ENAKSEKALI- Earthshaker Allies [sa-1] -
14:16 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies [sa-1] -
ok makasih sarannya
14:23 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies tau gw nyoba" kan ?
14:25 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies gua?
14:28 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies [sa-1] -
ada angka 1 sampe 5 buat apa
15:16 veve Oracle Allies top
15:17 veve Oracle Allies jakir
15:23 veve Oracle Allies geledah utan
16:27 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies elah gak kill gua
17:40 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies !cek woyoi
17:50 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies !check woyoi
18:06 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All [god-1] -
batam_godlike has left the game voluntarily.
18:10 HILLOPANDA Juggernaut All yah
18:13 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon All ban
18:16 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies gara" oracle ini :/
18:22 veve Oracle Allies ak gatau ap2 :)
18:23 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon All sialan si oracle
18:26 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon All jadi left da
18:26 veve Oracle All wah
18:34 veve Oracle All Ak cma pencet e
18:37 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon All wkwkkw
18:48 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon All [sa-1] -
ternyata kamu luar biasa
18:51 veve Oracle All cma gitu
19:17 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies !cm
19:20 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies lag gua
19:48 veve Oracle Allies wah
19:48 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies share
19:50 veve Oracle Allies nyaris
20:10 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon All wkkwk
20:12 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon All kejam
21:11 veve Oracle Allies enak kan
21:13 veve Oracle Allies d doom no efect
21:15 KFC~ENAKSEKALI- Earthshaker Allies y
21:30 veve Oracle Allies wah
21:30 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies tower gua mulu dapet
21:39 [L]atency Twin Head Dragon Allies tapi gak dapet kill
22:30 veve Oracle All siin zeus
22:33 veve Oracle All gw mw pencet 1 tombol
22:56 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies f gw dong
23:01 veve Oracle Allies [sa-1] -
23:01 veve Oracle Allies bm
23:02 veve Oracle Allies nm
23:14 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster Allies -clear
23:14 veve Oracle Allies wa
23:15 veve Oracle Allies wahh
26:31 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All nyeuri_hulu has left the game voluntarily.
26:31 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
26:31 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All Powered by MetroWorld
26:32 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All woyoi_- has left the game voluntarily.
26:33 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All [hole-1] -
Wholetrade has left the game voluntarily.
26:33 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All [fc-1] -
KFC~ENAKSEKALI- has left the game voluntarily.
26:34 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All HILLOPANDA has left the game voluntarily.
26:34 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All [L]atency has left the game voluntarily.
26:34 talklessdomore_ Pandaren Brewmaster All icaruzzz has left the game voluntarily.