[Stayer] strong_
ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : kzl-
Screenshot Ping dan Time
[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i68.tinypic.com/2chmlbd.jpg
Save Replay / SS Bukti
Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus
[Stayer] strong_
ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : kzl-
Screenshot Ping dan Time
[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i68.tinypic.com/2chmlbd.jpg
Save Replay / SS Bukti
Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus
Game Length : 51:53
Dota Winner Side : Sentinel
Saver :kzl-
Dota Mode : -ap
Host : Cr-1
[code]# Nick Hero Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
1 kong Butcher Finished 51:54 44s at 00:00 28s at 28:48 106(113) 5 9 69 0739 4 22
2 Strong_ Templar Assassin Finished 51:54 672s at 00:00 28s at 12:15 114(150) 18 1 215 02230 3 15
3 bif_dog Warlock Finished 51:54 80s at 29:12 42s at 21:32 95(111) 9 7 92 32488 13 17
4 [B]odacarius Priestess of the Moon Finished 51:54 49s at 28:34 27s at 01:04 89( 96) 4 11 109 9317 13 39
5 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Disconnected 29:14 501s at 20:53 50s at 00:00 101(153) 0 5 21 1 4 7 0
6 kzl- Slayer Finished 51:54 35s at 33:41 32s at 00:01 68( 75) 16 7 194 71245 6 7
7 angkringan Drow Ranger Finished 51:54 55s at 00:48 47s at 00:01 50( 59) 2 6 135 01109 2 22
8 djohdj Undying Finished 51:54 65s at 49:20 56s at 22:55 54( 63) 5 10 85 01499 13 5
9 GRT-RVGN Dragon Knight Disconnected 11:02 26s at 00:00 25s at 10:37 111(129) 0 5 19 1 7 1 0
10 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Finished 51:54 56s at 50:46 52s at 39:56 76( 87) 7 9 95 6643 15 6
[details=Chatlog][code]00:00 kong Butcher All Shortest load by player [Strong_] was 3.36 seconds.
00:00 kong Butcher All Longest load by player [RVGS~MARBELZ] was 26.59 seconds.
00:00 kong Butcher Strong_ Your load time was 9.84 seconds.
00:00 kong Butcher All This Game host by MetroWorld
00:03 kzl- Slayer Allies -CLeAR
00:04 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies -ii
00:06 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies -don
00:08 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies -clear
00:09 GRT-RVGN Dragon Knight Allies -clear
00:15 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies -random
00:17 kong Butcher All RVGS~MARBELZ has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
00:17 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (169 seconds remain).
00:17 kong Butcher All Player [RVGS~MARBELZ] reconnected with GProxy++!
00:21 GRT-RVGN Dragon Knight Allies -clear
00:24 GRT-RVGN Dragon Knight Allies -clear
00:26 kzl- Slayer All ea mh eror
00:40 [B]odacarius Priestess of the Moon All mh error apa sih kak wkwk
00:47 [B]odacarius Priestess of the Moon All udh maen aja ya jgn nuduh yg aneh"
00:48 kzl- Slayer All anjink bawel
00:50 djohdj Undying All sejenis makanan
00:51 [B]odacarius Priestess of the Moon All subuh" gene udh buat dosa wkwk
01:53 kong Butcher All RVGS~MARBELZ: 108ms, angkringan: 88ms, Strong_: 86ms, kzl-: 85ms, GRT-RVGN: 84ms, RVGS-NOOB_BIE: 84ms,
01:53 kong Butcher All kong: 30ms, djohdj: 27ms, bif_dog: 25ms, [B]odacarius: 19ms
01:56 kzl- Slayer Allies -hhn
01:57 kzl- Slayer Allies -es
02:00 kzl- Slayer Allies -water 0 0 0
02:00 kzl- Slayer Allies -CLeAR
02:02 kzl- Slayer Allies -CLeAR
02:02 kzl- Slayer Allies MIISSSSS GOBLOK MISSSS
07:31 kzl- Slayer All BANTAY JINK
07:38 [B]odacarius Priestess of the Moon All wew
07:40 angkringan Drow Ranger Allies mis
08:28 kzl- Slayer Allies GW PU
08:42 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies ok gw gold
10:18 kzl- Slayer Allies bawa
10:19 kzl- Slayer Allies dirge
10:25 djohdj Undying Allies otw
10:41 kong Butcher All kzl-: 149ms, GRT-RVGN: 146ms, angkringan: 96ms, RVGS-NOOB_BIE: 79ms, RVGS~MARBELZ: 65ms, djohdj: 45ms,
10:41 kong Butcher All kong: 27ms, [B]odacarius: 23ms, bif_dog: 19ms, Strong_: 3ms
10:41 kong Butcher All !P
10:41 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies b
10:41 kong Butcher All Setting sync limit to the maximum of 10000 packets.
11:02 kong Butcher All GRT-RVGN has lost the connection (timed out).
12:12 kong Butcher All kzl-: 86ms, angkringan: 74ms, RVGS-NOOB_BIE: 72ms, RVGS~MARBELZ: 59ms, djohdj: 43ms, [B]odacarius: 21ms,
12:12 kong Butcher All kong: 20ms, bif_dog: 18ms, Strong_: 4ms
12:16 kong Butcher All Setting sync limit to 350 packets.
12:16 kong Butcher All !sl 350
13:35 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies zz
14:17 kzl- Slayer All Ea
16:15 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies ayo
16:16 kzl- Slayer Allies ayo
16:17 kzl- Slayer Allies dirge
17:22 kzl- Slayer All rata jink
17:24 kzl- Slayer All TOLOLS
20:54 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies gw pik?
20:58 kzl- Slayer Allies YA
21:24 kong Butcher All RVGS~MARBELZ has lost the connection (timed out) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
21:24 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
21:29 kong Butcher All Setting sync limit to the maximum of 10000 packets.
21:29 kong Butcher All !sl -
21:29 kzl- Slayer All max
21:38 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (165 seconds remain).
21:42 kzl- Slayer Allies -CLeAR
21:58 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (145 seconds remain).
22:18 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (125 seconds remain).
22:38 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (105 seconds remain).
22:57 kong Butcher All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
22:57 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (179 seconds remain).
22:57 kong Butcher All Setting sync limit to 900 packets.
22:57 kong Butcher All !sl 900
22:57 kong Butcher All Setting sync limit to 1000 packets.
22:57 kong Butcher All Setting sync limit to the maximum of 10000 packets.
23:10 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (159 seconds remain).
23:30 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (139 seconds remain).
23:50 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (119 seconds remain).
24:10 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (99 seconds remain).
24:30 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (79 seconds remain).
24:50 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (59 seconds remain).
24:52 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies asu mau tele
25:10 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (39 seconds remain).
25:26 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies mid yu
25:28 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies sen3
25:30 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (19 seconds remain).
25:31 kzl- Slayer Allies ayu
25:50 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
26:10 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
26:30 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
26:50 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
26:55 kzl- Slayer Allies b
27:09 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
27:10 kzl- Slayer Allies wkkw
27:22 djohdj Undying Allies golemnya nyusahin
27:29 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
27:47 Strong_ Templar Assassin All ko tolo,
27:48 Strong_ Templar Assassin All l
27:49 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
27:53 kzl- Slayer All ?
27:55 Strong_ Templar Assassin All ?
28:09 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
28:29 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
28:49 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
29:00 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies w b
29:09 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
29:14 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (164 seconds remain).
29:14 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre All Please wait for me to reconnect (144 seconds remain).
29:14 kong Butcher All Player [kzl-] voted to drop laggers.
29:14 kong Butcher All Player [djohdj] voted to drop laggers.
29:14 kong Butcher All Player [RVGS-NOOB_BIE] voted to drop laggers.
29:14 kong Butcher All Player [kong] voted to drop laggers.
29:14 kong Butcher All Player [bif_dog] voted to drop laggers.
29:14 kong Butcher All RVGS~MARBELZ lagged out (dropped by vote).
30:54 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies dd
30:56 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies ge0 ae
30:59 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies gem
32:30 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies nm
33:33 kzl- Slayer Allies wkwk
33:33 kzl- Slayer Allies -CLeAR
33:35 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies zz
33:37 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies ge0 ae
33:37 kzl- Slayer Allies gak liat
33:41 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies gem ae
33:47 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies sama
36:50 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies nm
37:01 djohdj Undying Allies mid dl la
37:04 kzl- Slayer Allies tar gw guinso
37:14 kzl- Slayer Allies trus mid
39:49 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies gem
39:51 kzl- Slayer Allies az
39:53 kzl- Slayer Allies wkaka
40:30 kzl- Slayer Allies az
40:31 kzl- Slayer Allies memek
40:32 kzl- Slayer Allies -CLeAR
40:33 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies zz
41:03 kzl- Slayer Allies lawan
42:50 kzl- Slayer Allies -CLeAR
46:31 kzl- Slayer Allies def atas
47:44 kzl- Slayer Allies oy
47:46 kzl- Slayer Allies ATAS
47:51 kzl- Slayer Allies WAKKA
47:52 djohdj Undying Allies gem ambil ala
47:58 kzl- Slayer Allies YAELA
48:26 kzl- Slayer Allies TELE
48:27 kzl- Slayer Allies DEF
48:28 kzl- Slayer Allies LA
48:29 kzl- Slayer Allies BABI2
49:21 Strong_ Templar Assassin All awkawk
49:28 [B]odacarius Priestess of the Moon All hayo loh diguyu doang wkwk
49:39 kzl- Slayer All ?
49:42 Strong_ Templar Assassin All ?
49:45 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider All ?
49:46 kong Butcher All dIEM
49:47 kong Butcher All WKWK
49:49 Strong_ Templar Assassin All kzl kk
49:50 kzl- Slayer All APASI
50:01 [B]odacarius Priestess of the Moon All mangkane ojk atek cloning talah :v
50:22 kzl- Slayer All AWKWAK
50:26 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies zz
50:27 Strong_ Templar Assassin All emng gw ga afk ?
50:30 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider Allies dibm g kena
50:32 [B]odacarius Priestess of the Moon All noh
50:34 Strong_ Templar Assassin All ampe mnt 8
50:41 Strong_ Templar Assassin All mau main poor ?
50:47 kzl- Slayer All LAH
50:48 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Moon Rider All ?
50:48 kong Butcher All wkwk
50:49 kzl- Slayer All TIM GUA
50:51 kzl- Slayer All CACAD
50:52 kong Butcher All ea
50:54 [B]odacarius Priestess of the Moon All ketawain aja wkwk
50:58 kong Butcher All alibi tim
51:02 Strong_ Templar Assassin All ywd klo emng ccd mnding diem
51:05 kzl- Slayer All OH MW BY AE?
51:09 kzl- Slayer All NEXT MID
51:13 Strong_ Templar Assassin All lu kira gw takut ?
51:17 kzl- Slayer All YUK
51:22 Strong_ Templar Assassin All kzl deh
51:25 kzl- Slayer All AWAWKKWA
51:33 kzl- Slayer All YUK
51:34 kzl- Slayer All BY 1
51:39 kzl- Slayer All KAK
51:45 Strong_ Templar Assassin All mau real mau dota pun yuk
51:47 Strong_ Templar Assassin All =))
51:53 kong Butcher All This game is host by MetroWorld
51:54 kong Butcher All Strong_ has left the game voluntarily.
[details=Gamelog][code]00:00:00 Game starting
00:00:13 kzl- Paused the game
00:00:13 kzl- Unpaused the game after 0s
00:02:32 Creep spawning
00:02:40 djohdj First Kill: Killed kong
00:09:29 djohdj Destroyed external sentinel top Tower
00:11:01 kzl- Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower
00:11:02 GRT-RVGN Disconnected
00:11:02 djohdj Stats: 15 creep kills - 1 denies - 0 neutrals
00:00:00 Strong_ AFK started for 672s
00:17:51 kzl- Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower
00:22:06 djohdj Destroyed intermediate sentinel mid Tower
00:24:57 angkringan Denied external scourge top Tower
00:29:14 RVGS~MARBELZ Disconnected
00:29:14 bif_dog Stats: 21 creep kills - 1 denies - 0 neutrals
00:33:02 Strong_ Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower
00:33:17 djohdj Destroyed base sentinel mid Tower
00:33:33 angkringan Destroyed intermediate sentinel bottom Tower
00:35:37 [B]odacarius Destroyed external scourge mid Tower
00:37:35 Strong_ Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower
00:38:59 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Destroyed sentinel mid melee Barracks
00:39:01 angkringan Destroyed sentinel mid ranged Barracks
00:43:35 [B]odacarius Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower
00:44:09 [B]odacarius Destroyed base scourge mid Tower
00:44:24 bif_dog Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks
00:44:52 Strong_ Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower
00:44:57 [B]odacarius Destroyed final scourge mid Tower
00:45:28 kzl- Denied base scourge bottom Tower
00:46:54 Strong_ Destroyed base scourge top Tower
00:47:38 Strong_ Destroyed scourge top melee Barracks
00:47:50 Strong_ Destroyed scourge top ranged Barracks
00:48:03 Strong_ Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks
00:48:14 Strong_ Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks
00:51:36 Frozen Throne at 75%
00:51:42 Frozen Throne at 50%
00:51:46 Frozen Throne at 25%
00:51:47 Frozen Throne at 10%
00:51:53 Sentinel Won
00:51:54 Strong_ Finished
00:51:54 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Finished
00:51:54 djohdj Finished
00:51:54 angkringan Finished
00:51:54 bif_dog Finished
00:51:54 kong Finished
00:51:54 [B]odacarius Finished
00:51:54 kzl- Finished
00:20:53 RVGS~MARBELZ AFK started for 501s
00:51:54 Game terminated
Strong_ AFK for 672s(Stayer)
GRT-RVGN Disconnected
RVGS~MARBELZ Disconnected