[Stayer] rvgs-syalala

[Stayer] rvgs-syalala

ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : -rvgs-l

Screenshot Ping dan Time

[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i64.tinypic.com/2ywzwpk.jpg

Save Replay / SS Bukti

Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus


Game Length : 45:24
Dota Winner Side : Sentinel

Saver : -rvgs-L
Host : Bot-iRLo
Dota Mode : -ap

# Nick Hero Lag Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N 1 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior Finished 45:24 41s at 25:57 33s at 01:54 82( 92) 21 7 94 92300 8 14 2 rvgs-syalala Obsidian Destroyer Left the game 26:33 308s at 21:24 170s at 00:00 46( 81) 1 0 24 2 12 1 3 3 rhadit Faerie Dragon Finished 45:24 59s at 00:00 42s at 16:03 54( 60) 5 2 219 72618 7 37 4 Aplo Slayer Finished 45:24 89s at 00:00 46s at 31:51 80( 91) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 SPARTHAN13 Earthshaker Disconnected 35:56 46s at 00:01 35s at 35:20 61( 65) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 -rvgs-L Prophet Finished 45:24 61s at 06:50 40s at 00:40 56( 60) 7 9 111 41318 8 13 7 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Lag Finished 45:24 118s at 36:35 83s at 01:48 50( 99) 6 8 10 01440 7 1 8 9vanno6 Skeleton King Lag Finished 45:24 215s at 00:01 36s at 09:23 35( 44) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Standin-xXx Morphling Lag Finished 45:24 40s at 00:00 32s at 43:04 98(111) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Lag Disconnected 12:10 42s at 08:47 35s at 01:17 31( 50) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

[details=Game Log]00:00:00 Game starting 00:00:02 woyoi_- Mode : -clear 00:00:49 -RVGS-MADARA Lag 00:02:31 Creep spawning 00:04:37 -RVGS-MADARA Lag 00:06:00 woyoi_- First Kill: Killed 9vanno6 00:09:06 shendelzare Lag 00:11:20 shendelzare Lag 00:12:10 -RVGS-MADARA Disconnected 00:12:10 -rvgs-L Stats: 1 creep kills - 0 denies - 13 neutrals 00:13:50 rhadit Destroyed external scourge top Tower 00:14:19 SPARTHAN13 Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower 00:14:59 Aplo Destroyed external scourge mid Tower 00:18:06 woyoi_- Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower 00:21:25 SPARTHAN13 Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower 00:21:54 woyoi_- Destroyed base scourge top Tower 00:22:10 shendelzare Lag 00:22:57 9vanno6 Lag 00:23:31 Standin-xXx Lag 00:23:40 shendelzare Lag 00:26:33 rvgs-syalala Left the game 00:21:24 rvgs-syalala AFK started for 308s 00:29:34 rhadit Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower 00:34:41 woyoi_- Destroyed base scourge mid Tower 00:35:29 rhadit Denied external sentinel bottom Tower 00:35:56 SPARTHAN13 Disconnected 00:35:56 Aplo Stats: 75 creep kills - 3 denies - 8 neutrals 00:36:27 9vanno6 Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower 00:38:35 rhadit Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks 00:39:24 Standin-xXx Lag 00:39:27 -rvgs-L Destroyed intermediate sentinel bottom Tower 00:39:45 woyoi_- Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower 00:40:08 woyoi_- Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks 00:43:17 woyoi_- Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks 00:44:04 Aplo Destroyed scourge top ranged Barracks 00:44:29 Aplo Destroyed scourge top melee Barracks 00:45:01 Frozen Throne at 75% 00:45:09 Frozen Throne at 50% 00:45:17 Frozen Throne at 25% 00:45:20 Frozen Throne at 10% 00:45:24 Game terminated

[details=Chat Log]00:00 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior All Shortest load by player [-rvgs-L] was 5.63 seconds. 00:00 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior All Longest load by player [9vanno6] was 17.90 seconds. 00:00 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior shendelzare Your load time was 5.63 seconds. 00:00 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior All This game is hosted by RevoGamers 00:00 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior All Powered by MetroWorld 00:06 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies -clear 00:08 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies ada staff :D 00:08 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies -watergreen 255 0 25 00:13 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies sopo 00:13 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies mane? 00:15 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies hahahaha 00:17 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies -CLeAR 00:18 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies ito 00:21 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies L 00:25 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies no 6 00:26 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies adek nya all 00:29 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies awkwkwa 00:30 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies allmarhum 00:33 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies -random 00:34 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies -cLeaR 00:36 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies :d 00:43 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies pake apa gw 00:44 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies aduh 00:44 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies \gw ngutan ya 00:44 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies palembang kan? 00:45 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies -cLeaR 00:46 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies -clear 00:47 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies ada yg mau? 00:49 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies lagi makan ngutan dlu 00:52 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies ini hero malas gw 00:56 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies yoi 00:59 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies -hhn 01:00 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies -es 01:00 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies -watergreen 255 0 25 01:01 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies -clear 01:02 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies ehh lu palembang juga? 01:02 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies -water 0 0 0 01:03 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies -CLeAR 01:07 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies shendelzare 01:12 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies u mau ga van 01:13 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies napa..? 01:13 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies ini 01:14 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies -cLeaR 01:22 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies palembang juga? 01:25 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies asu 01:29 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies mau g ini hero 01:32 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies bukan bang lampung gw 01:34 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies gk 01:39 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies kok sama ip 01:43 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies dengan L 01:48 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies kepo 01:53 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies ga tau dah 01:55 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies wah 01:55 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies jodoh mungkin 01:55 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies -cLeaR 01:56 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies -clear 01:57 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies wkwkkw 01:57 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies -hhn 02:04 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies owh iya 02:04 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies hahhaha anjrit 02:10 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies napa bang 02:11 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies kepo amat si 02:13 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies -clear 02:14 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies :D 02:15 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies itu rvgs-syalala liatin ya 02:20 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies mh 02:23 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies tu kan 02:24 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies sr nya tar 02:27 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies ya 02:32 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies mh udh biasa wkwk 02:35 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies kenyang lawan mh 02:39 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies woww 02:43 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies -clear 02:47 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies makan hati kadang2 02:48 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies gw apa ni hero 02:54 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies teci 03:22 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies dah ini aj 03:29 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies klo msu mh giini mahgw pasrah 03:40 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies bantu post donk 03:43 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies yg aktif forum 03:51 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior All Setting sync limit to 150 packets. 03:58 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon All l 90 sl 500 03:59 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies ih kebiasan ah lag 04:17 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies curir 04:21 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies -clear 04:29 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies jgn utan 04:30 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies wkkw 04:37 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies lagi makan ah van 04:40 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies balik kerja gw 05:32 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies wow 05:33 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies refleknya 05:40 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies 1 05:47 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies jangan becada gw lev 1 ni masa cas 06:55 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies missing enemy !! 07:07 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies gila 07:14 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies reflek bgt 07:16 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies itu puck 07:30 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies wkwk kasian sama lu 07:50 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies mh itu yg tadi main bareng 07:56 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies nm 08:14 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior All Setting sync limit to 500 packets. 08:17 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior All alah lagi dc 08:17 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies puck? 08:23 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies y 08:24 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies y 08:27 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies curiga mh 08:30 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies dah gpp 08:38 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies toh gk ada yg bisa post 08:50 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies z 08:58 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies ah 09:02 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies apadah 09:03 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies TT 09:06 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies -CLeAR 09:06 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies lag balik gw 09:10 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies tanggung ni 09:15 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies mie rebus msh panas haha 09:24 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies take mid 09:25 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies malas 09:30 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies main takutan 09:33 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies mlas mid 09:41 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies -clear 09:45 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies -CLeAR 09:49 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies ANJING 09:49 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies -CLeAR 10:07 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies sorri bang belanja kebutuhan 10:20 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies zz 10:25 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies haduh 10:31 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies idih penyakit lag 10:32 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies itu puck selesai skill 10:33 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies habis mana 10:34 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies -clear 10:34 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies cas saja 10:35 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies -cLeaR 10:42 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies zz 10:43 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies oy 10:45 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies krep gw 10:45 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies BABI 10:46 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies -CLeAR 10:47 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies itu puck selesai skil habis mana cas saja 10:54 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies asli 10:55 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies LEMOT 10:56 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies itu puck selesai skil habis mana cas saja 10:57 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies itu puck selesai skil habis mana cas saja 10:57 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies itu puck selesai skil habis mana cas saja 10:58 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies itu puck selesai skil habis mana cas saja 10:58 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies itu puck selesai skil habis mana cas saja 10:58 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies itu puck selesai skil habis mana cas saja 10:59 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies itu puck selesai skil habis mana cas saja 10:59 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies itu puck selesai skil habis mana cas saja 10:59 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies itu puck selesai skil habis mana cas saja 10:59 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies itu puck selesai skil habis mana cas saja 11:00 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies itu puck selesai skil habis mana cas saja 11:09 -RVGS-MADARA Priestess of the Moon Allies -clear 11:20 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies lag ga seru ni 11:27 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies tai ayam 12:10 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior All -RVGS-MADARA has lost the connection (timed out). 12:20 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior All shendelzare: 681ms, woyoi_-: 68ms, SPARTHAN13: 63ms, 9vanno6: 60ms, -rvgs-L: 59ms, Standin-xXx: 52ms, 12:20 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior All rhadit: 34ms, Aplo: 21ms, rvgs-syalala: 16ms 14:21 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies wkwkwk 14:25 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies armlet 14:51 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies ga jelas ni baranya 15:08 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies bentar dc ni 15:37 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies kurir gk ada 17:28 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies -CLeAR 17:35 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies zz 17:38 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies a 18:02 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies no 18:07 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies hahaha 18:25 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies ping tai RTO ping gw 19:50 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies wah 19:53 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies ngakak 19:53 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies item gw 19:54 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies wkwk 19:55 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies di pakek 19:56 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies rata 19:57 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies -cLeaR 20:18 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies bubar 20:24 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies kroc 20:32 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies cas 20:33 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies lina 20:48 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies kas lah lag gini 21:16 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies kontol 21:19 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies cas lah 21:20 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies :D 21:23 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies babi 21:34 Standin-xXx Morphling All Cek ping bara lag 21:38 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies ah jangan ngomong gitu lah 21:39 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior All shendelzare: 121ms, SPARTHAN13: 104ms, 9vanno6: 75ms, woyoi_-: 60ms, -rvgs-L: 57ms, Standin-xXx: 40ms, 21:39 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior All rhadit: 27ms, Aplo: 14ms, rvgs-syalala: 13ms 21:50 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies bego 21:52 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies lvl aja 21:53 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies ccd 21:55 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies main pun sama 21:57 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies --" 22:10 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies lag iini bang ga bisa main 22:15 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies cas lah 22:15 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies sher 22:16 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies share 22:17 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies SHARE 22:17 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies hero 22:18 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies share 22:47 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies dah malas main ga lagi2 ketemu nik2 goblog 22:57 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies lag dia 23:24 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies cas aja 23:26 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies azz 23:31 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies lag dia 23:34 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies --' 23:36 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies sapa 23:39 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies ada yg gerakin 23:40 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies lag gw 23:44 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies gw dah cas 25:11 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies Sk uda midas msh miskin aje 25:12 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies cuk 25:23 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies midas aja menit 10 --'' 26:33 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior All rvgs-syalala has left the game voluntarily. 27:07 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies nah 27:09 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies ban aja 27:10 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies stayer 27:17 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies nah cocok 27:45 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies gw manteb aja 27:50 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies ada yg gerakin soal nya wkkw 27:56 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies lo kalau mau dagon sihuskar 27:58 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies tunggu 28:02 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies dia 28:02 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies klik 28:03 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies sceptre 28:16 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies cas 28:16 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies ca 28:17 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies cas 28:20 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies diem 28:23 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies gw gerakin 28:59 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies a 29:00 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies waka 29:01 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies -CLeAR 30:41 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies main portal gw 30:49 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies diem aja 30:52 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies gk usah maen 30:55 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies gw aja gerakin 31:01 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies iya bang 33:11 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies b 33:30 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies bs aini 35:56 woyoi_- Sacred Warrior All SPARTHAN13 has lost the connection (timed out). 36:20 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies -cLeaR 36:28 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies makin jadi tuh 36:52 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies lu sanyas 36:54 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies ayo van jadiin 37:06 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies surem 37:08 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies sk na 37:12 9vanno6 Skeleton King Allies apa 37:17 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies gem 37:58 shendelzare Spiritbreaker Allies buat apa lagi bang buat supor kalian..? 38:23 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies b 39:24 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies lag 39:33 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies !cm 40:04 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies cas 40:05 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies lah 41:37 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies jgn ngasal cas 41:52 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies rugi 41:53 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies kan 41:56 Standin-xXx Morphling Allies harusnya bsa kill 42:53 -rvgs-L Prophet Allies a

[details=Keterangan]00:12:10 -RVGS-MADARA Disconnected 00:21:24 rvgs-syalala AFK started for 308s 00:35:56 SPARTHAN13 Disconnected


rvgs-syalala AFK started for 308s SPARTHAN13 Disconnected -RVGS-MADARA Disconnected


//b rvgs-syalala 15 Stayer http://mtrv.info/t39898
DC Noted