ini replay gw barusan main seru bgt gan, soalnya pohon toge ane udah tinggal 132 lifenya awkwakwka, tapi kita ga jadi kalah gan. mau tau cerita selengkapnya monggoh didownload replay saya
Game name : apso need rata
Game length : 73:27
Dota winner side : Sentinel
Saver : CarlJohnson
Host : Bot-PSE2
Dota Mode : apso
Nick Hero Flame.Lag Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
1 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper 6 Finished 73:29 170s at 20:18 58s at 69:18 70( 90) 5 20 122 31944 12 1
2 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider 1 Finished 73:28 89s at 00:55 59s at 43:58 96(107) 24 9 249 34341 19 13
3 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit 4 Finished 73:29 37s at 52:43 37s at 01:56 88( 98) 9 8 256 22343 17 45
4 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord 1Lag Left the game 53:40 39s at 26:36 39s at 33:28 91(100) 2 17 104 4 5 10 11
[COLOR="#00FF00"]5 CarlJohnson Invoker 12Lag Finished 73:29 122s at 00:19 70s at 56:19 72( 87) 9 12 157 16867 26 5
6 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner 1 Finished 73:28 71s at 45:43 67s at 33:07 67( 80) 10 13 307 81116 16 5
7 USERHECKER Butcher 1 Disconnected 71:49 59s at 70:50 56s at 56:49 90(102) 20 18 88 0 12 12 3
8 JKT-Valentine~ 0 Left the game 01:01 60s at 00:00 0s at 00:00 0( 0) 0 0 0 0 20 0 0
9 ~kiLL-_-us~ Bloodseeker 0 Disconnected 26:36 44s at 23:15 29s at 01:10 68( 77) 4 7 78 2 5 6 18
10 pusay Clockwerk Goblin 0 Finished 73:29 123s at 00:00 100s at 66:48 77( 98) 26 13 182 2304 13 3
[CENTER][details=chatlog]00:00 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All [sa-1] -
Shortest load by player [pusay] was 5.24 seconds.
00:00 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All Longest load by player [Yugi_Seto_Kaiba] was 15.32 seconds.
00:00 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper CarlJohnson Your load time was 8.47 seconds.
00:00 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All This Game Is Hosted By RevoGamers (
00:00 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All [dic-1] -
Dedicated Server By :
00:00 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All Untuk Penyewaan Bot Contact Azmi / [SOLD]Jin-
00:00 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All
00:04 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies -clear
00:05 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -apso
00:21 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies -clear
00:24 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -random
00:28 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies !checkme
00:28 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper CarlJohnson Checked player [CarlJohnson]. Ping: 95ms, From: ID, Admin: No, Owner: No, Spoof Checked: Yes, Realm:, Reserv
00:37 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies INTE SEMUA
00:37 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies gw int yak
00:39 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies mau Kalah y
00:42 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -swap
00:46 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -swapall
00:47 JKT-Valentine~ All kk aku biling ni
00:51 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies mao?
00:56 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies ga
01:01 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All JKT-Valentine~ has left the game voluntarily.
01:02 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider All mskdny?
01:06 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies !banlast
01:08 USERHECKER Butcher All zzz
01:09 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies klo itu u ksh aku jamin 100 % KALAH
01:10 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -switch 3
01:11 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies !banlast
01:12 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -repick
01:16 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies !banlast
01:24 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -switch 3
01:26 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies -clear
01:32 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies !ban JKT-Valentine~
01:33 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies ngapain switch
01:34 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies [leave-1] -
apa main gini terus ada yg Leave
01:34 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies past
01:37 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies gapapa wkawakwa
01:38 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies -ok
01:47 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies ok aja
01:49 CarlJohnson Invoker All ok ?
01:52 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies -ok
02:01 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All CarlJohnson lage
02:03 CarlJohnson Invoker All switch ga?
02:04 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All aduh
02:06 CarlJohnson Invoker All hihi
02:09 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All dia lagi
02:11 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All swit pa lg
02:14 CarlJohnson Invoker All cupu aku :(
02:17 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -switch 3
02:18 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All awkwkwk
02:20 USERHECKER Butcher All ea
02:20 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All -ok
02:20 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies -ok
02:23 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies -ok
02:23 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies !banlast
02:23 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All Player [JKT-Valentine~] was banned by player [[blood_seeker]] on server [].
02:28 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies -no
02:30 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies zz
02:31 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies switch ae
02:38 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies pas ?
02:40 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies 4 3 ?
02:42 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies temen gw bnyk disono wkwk
02:42 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies 5 4
02:46 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies yaudah
03:03 CarlJohnson Invoker All tidak diijinkan pindah rumah :(
04:02 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All @@
04:08 CarlJohnson Invoker All lag bro
04:23 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All andalan nya invo terus
04:27 CarlJohnson Invoker All kan carl
04:35 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All gk hero laen kek
04:36 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies !checkme
04:36 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper CarlJohnson Checked player [CarlJohnson]. Ping: 185ms, From: ID, Admin: No, Owner: No, Spoof Checked: Yes, Realm:, Reser
05:02 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies lag koh
05:05 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies seting
05:20 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All CarlJohnson: 196ms, ~kiLL-_-us~: 109ms, ChuckNorris[C]: 66ms, Yugi_Seto_Kaiba: 40ms, [blood_seeker]: 38ms,
05:20 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All [sa-1] -
NEVERMORE_NVM: 33ms, [66]HARAKIRI: 20ms, USERHECKER: 14ms, pusay: 1ms
05:20 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies !ping
05:25 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All Setting sync limit to 550 packets.
05:25 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies !sl 550
05:54 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies 0
05:55 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies 0
05:55 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies 0
07:43 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies 0
07:43 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies 0
07:43 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies 0
07:59 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies 0
07:59 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies 0
08:44 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies !checkme
08:44 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper CarlJohnson Checked player [CarlJohnson]. Ping: 153ms, From: ID, Admin: No, Owner: No, Spoof Checked: Yes, Realm:, Reser
08:44 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -rol
08:48 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -rooll
08:49 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -roll
10:03 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies setan lag
10:11 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies latency 120
10:18 USERHECKER Butcher All ea
10:21 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All ea
10:31 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies -clear
10:33 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies MISSSS
10:33 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies MISSSS
10:33 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies MISSSS
12:10 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit All AKU GA MW KSH BLOOD DAPAT haha U ulti aku ga mw jalan haha CACAD
13:03 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies no skil
13:10 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies jm 9
14:57 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies lag
15:13 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies !checkme
15:23 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies patah' oe
16:21 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies lag sumpah
16:23 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies patah2
16:26 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies patah'
16:31 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All [66]HARAKIRI: 633ms, CarlJohnson: 150ms, ~kiLL-_-us~: 76ms, Yugi_Seto_Kaiba: 46ms, NEVERMORE_NVM: 36ms,
16:31 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All [sa-1] -
[blood_seeker]: 35ms, ChuckNorris[C]: 23ms, USERHECKER: 14ms, pusay: 5ms
16:31 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies !ping
16:37 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies invok gw delay 3 detik baru keliar
16:38 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All Setting sync limit to 1000 packets.
16:38 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies !sl 1000
16:38 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies keluar
16:44 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies !ping
17:15 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies b
18:13 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies !checkme
18:53 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies hahaha
20:04 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies tngu gua
20:09 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies cepat
20:17 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies z
21:30 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies juh lag
21:51 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies maen yg bner all
21:53 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies bareng la
21:58 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies gw lag bos
22:02 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies skil gw delay2
22:03 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies !checkme
22:15 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies mid ia
22:28 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies su
22:39 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit All MH
22:42 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit All ADA BUDAK MH
22:44 USERHECKER Butcher All ya kk
22:50 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit All KK CIBAI MU
24:04 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies ambil pudg e dlu
24:25 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies -clear
24:28 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies SEP LIAO
24:32 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies [sa-1] -
sakit su
24:37 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies kena bm
24:38 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies [sa-1] -
gw atm mulu sama pud
24:52 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies bkb troll
24:59 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies smua ambil pudge dlu
25:07 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies [sa-1] -
06 sama 06
26:00 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies ada win
26:19 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies twer
26:30 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies Mana HBS
26:36 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All ~kiLL-_-us~ has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET).
26:46 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies [idio|idiot|sa-3] -
idiot raijin bangsat
26:48 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -switch 3
27:04 USERHECKER Butcher All ea
27:06 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies Mana Lht
27:07 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies !banlast
27:07 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All Player [~kiLL-_-us~] was banned by player [[blood_seeker]] on server [].
27:09 CarlJohnson Invoker All ok pak
27:10 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies -ok
27:15 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies -ok
27:15 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -ok
27:27 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider All cp ksna?
27:30 CarlJohnson Invoker All gw
27:31 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit All 1 lgi
27:36 CarlJohnson Invoker All -ok
27:40 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider All cp k sna?
27:43 CarlJohnson Invoker All aku
27:46 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit All REY MYSTERIO
27:49 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies -no
27:51 CarlJohnson Invoker All wkwkw
27:54 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies kok no
28:00 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies males gw
28:01 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies -no
28:02 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies ama panda pro
28:05 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies !yes
28:07 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -switch 3
28:14 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies -ok
28:15 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -no
28:29 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies yes lah
28:39 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies Apa YES
28:42 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies [fu|fuc-2] -
28:43 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies ok deh
28:43 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies kamu kira Vote y
28:45 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies cptin ja
28:48 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -switch 3
28:54 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies 5 3 ini loh
28:56 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies buat imbangin
28:58 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies -ok
29:09 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -no
29:11 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies astaga
29:12 USERHECKER Butcher All zz
29:15 CarlJohnson Invoker All swt nih
29:22 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -switch 3
29:28 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies -ok
29:39 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies -ok
30:06 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -no
30:08 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies oi
30:10 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies ok lah
30:14 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies ga imbang gini 5 3
30:25 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -switch 4
30:26 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies imbang
30:29 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies -ok
30:30 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies mrk ja pro
30:32 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies liat
30:33 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -no
30:35 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies megakill
30:36 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies yaudah2
31:03 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies liat
32:19 CarlJohnson Invoker All switch ga mas
32:24 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies gk
32:27 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All gk
32:41 USERHECKER Butcher All [fu-1] -
cufu host nya
32:44 CarlJohnson Invoker All ia
32:45 CarlJohnson Invoker All HAHA
32:48 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All [fu-1] -
cufu cufu blagu
32:52 CarlJohnson Invoker All direject trs ama dia
33:18 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies -clear
33:41 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider All klian ad 2 strenght?
33:50 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider All ngpain switch lge
33:58 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider All kmi ja gk yg tb
33:59 CarlJohnson Invoker All aturan 5 3 itu ga imbang
34:05 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All ah
34:09 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider All mslah imbang
34:12 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All mendingan liat foto jkt48 di fb
34:14 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All wkkwkw
34:17 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider All mrk kill kita trus
34:17 CarlJohnson Invoker All scourge left lagi g kena band
34:25 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All 5-3 apaan
34:35 CarlJohnson Invoker All itu tim lo 5 3 kan
34:41 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies Pugde
34:45 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All Gw cuman 3
34:58 CarlJohnson Invoker All makanya gw bilang cm 3
35:22 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies trool pun blm BKB
35:32 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies b ae
35:34 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies kalah
35:41 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies liat snipnya
35:45 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies [sa-1] -
sangat pinter
35:55 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies bantu itu tolol
35:59 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies HAHA
36:21 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All wew
36:27 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All pro amat raijin na
36:31 CarlJohnson Invoker All WKWKWK
37:08 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All ea
37:10 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All copo ah
37:13 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All maen kroyok
37:32 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies cape
37:35 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies suwer
37:54 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -ma
38:13 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All oi gk ada yg mau switch ka?
38:17 CarlJohnson Invoker All gw
38:19 CarlJohnson Invoker All tapi di reject
38:23 CarlJohnson Invoker All ama snip
38:25 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -switch 4
38:26 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider All jaraka ja swic
38:32 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies -switch 4
38:43 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -no
38:43 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies -switch 3
38:46 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -ok
38:46 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies -ok
38:49 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -ok
38:52 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies -ok
39:05 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies -ok
39:06 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit All Mana
39:08 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit All OK
40:07 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies langsung NM
40:49 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -switch 4
40:54 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -ok
40:55 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider All jara pge ja
41:24 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies !votekick [blo
41:24 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper CarlJohnson Unable to votekick player [[blood_seeker]]. That player is reserved and cannot be votekicked.
42:00 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies mid all
42:02 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies push
42:05 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies ';
42:11 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies ?
42:16 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies y
42:18 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies mid
43:02 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All woi
43:04 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All sene 1
43:07 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -switch 4
43:09 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies g
43:11 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies gk
43:15 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies switch woi
43:55 CarlJohnson Invoker All SUMPAH
43:55 CarlJohnson Invoker All CAPE
44:02 CarlJohnson Invoker All kek tai switch di reject
44:03 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies -clear
44:04 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies udah diblng mid ia mid
44:07 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies asu
44:10 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies tolol2 gini bat
44:11 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies [sa-1] -
44:22 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies gw kena silent
44:23 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies jara switch ja pantek
44:28 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies sni aja
44:30 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies ga guna itu
44:31 [66]HARAKIRI Troll Warlord Allies -switch 3
44:34 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -ok
44:37 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies '
44:39 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -ok
44:40 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies -ok
44:47 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies -ok
44:50 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies 0 154
44:51 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies 0 14
44:52 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies awkwakawk
44:53 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies atm
44:54 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies asu
45:07 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies u
45:08 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies y
45:08 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies yy
45:08 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies y
46:04 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies mau ngarepin spa
46:05 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies agi?
46:09 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies agi culun gitu
46:25 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies [ass-1] -
46:41 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies baru dapat skrg
46:45 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies lol
46:47 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies y
47:11 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies lo hitter?
47:11 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies -unlock
47:16 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies -unlock
47:19 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies -unlock
47:21 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies -unlock
48:17 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies TELE
48:29 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies conter2
48:32 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies dlam
48:34 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies all
49:19 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies [sa-1] -
50:00 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies lawan
50:07 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All dada
50:47 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies seep
51:29 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies push mid mau
51:53 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies push mid ja
51:55 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies OK
51:57 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies KOMPAK
52:03 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies mekans pake
52:09 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies skrg pakai
52:11 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies apa la lu
52:40 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies SEP
52:41 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies dapat
53:40 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All [66]HARAKIRI has left the game voluntarily.
53:50 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies !banlast
53:50 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All Player [[66]HARAKIRI] was banned by player [[blood_seeker]] on server [].
54:03 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies [moda-1] -
modalin dusrt
54:47 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies mid
54:52 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies nnt
54:54 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies mana gaada
55:22 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies yuk
55:40 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies AKU TELE AAJ
56:37 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies gogo
56:49 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies mid'
56:51 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies atas biarin
57:39 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies mid
57:59 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies bli dust la kklian
58:16 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies cek la
58:20 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies ada orbs kok
58:21 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies mid ae
58:30 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies ksi gua
58:39 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies [sa-1] -
59:56 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies def2
60:03 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies gua mid
60:08 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies y
60:38 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies atas kasih g
61:01 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies pantek bwh u
61:11 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies [sa-1] -
saya mna tahu
61:23 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies [sa-1] -
62:16 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies JAGA
62:18 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies TAHAN
62:54 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies awkwak
63:29 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies ats kita
63:36 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies zonk
64:02 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies '
64:03 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies b
64:03 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies b
64:44 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies y
64:46 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies da mw hex
64:47 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies nhan dlu klian
64:48 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies 700
64:59 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies anjing lah
65:02 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies tolol
65:02 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies JAGA JAGA
65:03 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies snipernya
65:04 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies Cibao
65:04 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies taik
65:06 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies Cibai
65:14 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies [sa-1] -
mampus lo bangsat
65:32 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies mampus
66:12 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies [ass|sa-2] -
assnet bangsat
66:57 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Storm Spirit Allies da HEX
66:58 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies mid all
67:00 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies cpt
67:25 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies gua ma raijin ats
67:29 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies lu ma snip mid
67:31 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies ok
70:08 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper Allies bli dust invo
70:12 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies brisik asu
71:16 NEVERMORE_NVM Batrider Allies push
71:20 USERHECKER Butcher All sorry biling habis,,
71:23 CarlJohnson Invoker All WKWKW
71:41 CarlJohnson Invoker Allies ga suah
71:49 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All USERHECKER has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET).
72:45 CarlJohnson Invoker All GG
73:22 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All ea
73:26 ChuckNorris[C] Windrunner All GG tq
73:28 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All NEVERMORE_NVM has left the game voluntarily.
73:28 [blood_seeker] Dwarven Sniper All ChuckNorris[C] has left the game voluntarily.
[details=gamelog]00:00:00 Game starting
00:00:04 [66]HARAKIRI -clear
00:00:05 [blood_seeker] -apso
00:00:05 [blood_seeker] Mode : -apso
00:00:05 [blood_seeker] -apso
00:00:05 Mode : apso
00:00:21 [66]HARAKIRI -clear
00:00:24 [blood_seeker] -random
00:00:24 [blood_seeker] -random
00:00:31 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:00:33 ChuckNorris[C] -random
00:00:34 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:00:39 USERHECKER -random
00:00:40 USERHECKER -clear
00:00:40 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:00:42 [blood_seeker] -swap
00:00:42 [blood_seeker] -swap
00:00:44 ChuckNorris[C] -repick
00:00:46 [blood_seeker] -swapall
00:00:46 [blood_seeker] -swapall
00:01:01 JKT-Valentine~ Left the game
00:01:02 ChuckNorris[C] Stats: 0 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 neutrals
00:01:03 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:01:11 CarlJohnson -switch 3
00:01:12 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:01:12 [blood_seeker] -repick
00:01:12 [blood_seeker] -repick
00:01:18 ChuckNorris[C] -ok
00:01:24 USERHECKER -ok
00:01:24 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:01:25 CarlJohnson -switch 3
00:01:27 [66]HARAKIRI -clear
00:01:28 ~kiLL-_-us~ -ok
00:01:33 NEVERMORE_NVM !ban JKT-Valentine~
00:01:39 NEVERMORE_NVM -ok
00:01:41 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:01:50 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:01:52 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba -ok
00:02:01 USERHECKER -ok
00:02:05 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:02:06 Creep spawning
00:02:13 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:02:18 CarlJohnson -switch 3
00:02:20 ChuckNorris[C] -ok
00:02:21 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba -ok
00:02:23 NEVERMORE_NVM -ok
00:02:24 pusay -ok
00:02:25 USERHECKER -ok
00:02:25 ~kiLL-_-us~ -ok
00:02:28 [66]HARAKIRI -no
00:02:30 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:03:44 NEVERMORE_NVM First Kill: Killed USERHECKER
00:03:49 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:04:08 CarlJohnson Lag
00:05:02 CarlJohnson Lag
00:05:56 USERHECKER -gameinfo
00:07:37 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:08:39 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:08:45 CarlJohnson -rol
00:08:48 CarlJohnson -rooll
00:08:50 CarlJohnson -roll
00:09:16 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:09:29 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:10:04 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:10:26 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:10:31 [66]HARAKIRI -clear
00:10:44 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:14:50 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:14:57 [66]HARAKIRI Lag
00:16:21 CarlJohnson Lag
00:16:38 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:17:16 NEVERMORE_NVM Destroyed external scourge mid Tower
00:17:33 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:18:30 CarlJohnson Destroyed external scourge top Tower
00:20:34 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:20:56 ChuckNorris[C] Destroyed external sentinel top Tower
00:21:00 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:21:55 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:22:30 ~kiLL-_-us~ Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower
00:22:32 ChuckNorris[C] Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower
00:22:37 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:24:24 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:24:25 [66]HARAKIRI -clear
00:26:36 ~kiLL-_-us~ Disconnected
00:26:37 USERHECKER Stats: 53 creep kills - 2 denies - 13 neutrals
00:26:46 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:26:48 CarlJohnson -switch 3
00:27:06 ChuckNorris[C] -ok
00:27:10 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba -ok
00:27:15 [66]HARAKIRI -ok
00:27:15 [blood_seeker] -ok
00:27:15 [blood_seeker] -ok
00:27:16 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:27:18 pusay -ok
00:27:36 CarlJohnson -ok
00:27:49 NEVERMORE_NVM -no
00:27:59 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:28:01 NEVERMORE_NVM -no
00:28:07 CarlJohnson -switch 3
00:28:14 ChuckNorris[C] -ok
00:28:14 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba -ok
00:28:15 [blood_seeker] -no
00:28:15 [blood_seeker] -no
00:28:30 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:28:49 CarlJohnson -switch 3
00:28:53 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:28:54 USERHECKER -ok
00:28:56 ChuckNorris[C] -ok
00:28:58 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba -ok
00:28:59 pusay -ok
00:29:09 [blood_seeker] -no
00:29:09 [blood_seeker] -no
00:29:10 USERHECKER -ok
00:29:11 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:29:22 CarlJohnson -switch 3
00:29:23 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:29:27 pusay -ok
00:29:28 NEVERMORE_NVM -ok
00:29:39 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba -ok
00:29:41 ChuckNorris[C] -ok
00:30:06 [blood_seeker] -no
00:30:06 [blood_seeker] -no
00:30:26 CarlJohnson -switch 4
00:30:30 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba -ok
00:30:33 [blood_seeker] -no
00:30:33 [blood_seeker] -no
00:31:11 USERHECKER Destroyed intermediate sentinel bottom Tower
00:31:43 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:33:07 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:33:18 [66]HARAKIRI -clear
00:34:15 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:34:25 ChuckNorris[C] 5-3 apaan
00:35:20 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:36:37 NEVERMORE_NVM Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower
00:37:05 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:37:54 [blood_seeker] -ma
00:37:54 [blood_seeker] -ma
00:38:25 CarlJohnson -switch 4
00:38:28 USERHECKER -ok
00:38:30 ChuckNorris[C] -ok
00:38:31 pusay -ok
00:38:32 [66]HARAKIRI -switch 4
00:38:33 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:38:43 [blood_seeker] -no
00:38:43 [blood_seeker] -no
00:38:43 [66]HARAKIRI -switch 3
00:38:46 CarlJohnson -ok
00:38:46 NEVERMORE_NVM -ok
00:38:48 ChuckNorris[C] -ok
00:38:50 [blood_seeker] -ok
00:38:50 [blood_seeker] -ok
00:38:52 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:38:52 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba -ok
00:39:05 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba -ok
00:40:42 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:40:49 CarlJohnson -switch 4
00:40:53 pusay -ok
00:40:53 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:40:54 [blood_seeker] -ok
00:40:54 [blood_seeker] -ok
00:40:57 USERHECKER -ok
00:42:07 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:42:53 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:43:08 CarlJohnson -switch 4
00:43:10 pusay -ok
00:43:11 ChuckNorris[C] #-ok
00:43:13 ChuckNorris[C] -ok
00:43:15 USERHECKER -ok
00:43:56 USERHECKER -unlock
00:44:03 [66]HARAKIRI -clear
00:44:08 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:44:31 [66]HARAKIRI -switch 3
00:44:32 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:44:34 CarlJohnson -ok
00:44:40 [blood_seeker] -ok
00:44:40 [blood_seeker] -ok
00:44:40 NEVERMORE_NVM -ok
00:44:42 pusay -ok
00:44:45 USERHECKER -ok
00:44:48 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba -ok
00:44:54 pusay Destroyed intermediate sentinel mid Tower
00:46:44 USERHECKER -unlock
00:46:48 pusay -unlock
00:46:53 [66]HARAKIRI -unlock
00:47:12 [blood_seeker] -unlock
00:47:12 [blood_seeker] -unlock
00:47:16 NEVERMORE_NVM -unlock
00:47:19 CarlJohnson -unlock
00:47:21 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba -unlock
00:48:48 ChuckNorris[C] Destroyed base sentinel mid Tower
00:50:17 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
00:50:31 USERHECKER Destroyed sentinel mid ranged Barracks
00:50:35 USERHECKER Destroyed sentinel mid melee Barracks
00:52:43 ChuckNorris[C] Destroyed intermediate sentinel top Tower
00:53:37 [66]HARAKIRI -clear
00:53:40 [66]HARAKIRI Left the game
00:53:41 [66]HARAKIRI Stats: 91 creep kills - 4 denies - 6 neutrals
00:53:52 ChuckNorris[C] -unlock
00:53:56 pusay -unlock
00:53:58 USERHECKER -unlock
00:54:09 pusay -unlock
00:56:22 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
01:03:51 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
01:05:21 ChuckNorris[C] Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
01:05:37 ChuckNorris[C] Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
01:05:43 World Tree at 75%
01:05:47 World Tree at 50%
01:06:12 World Tree at 25%
01:06:20 World Tree at 10%
01:07:23 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
01:08:32 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower
01:08:34 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
01:09:02 [blood_seeker] Destroyed base scourge mid Tower
01:11:18 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
01:11:49 USERHECKER Disconnected
01:11:49 pusay Stats: 86 creep kills - 0 denies - 3 neutrals
01:11:54 pusay -unlock
01:12:30 NEVERMORE_NVM Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks
01:12:39 pusay -unlock
01:12:43 ChuckNorris[C] -unlock
01:12:43 [blood_seeker] Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks
01:12:44 NEVERMORE_NVM Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks
01:12:45 [blood_seeker] Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks
01:12:47 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
01:13:02 ChuckNorris[C] -Clear
01:13:15 Frozen Throne at 75%
01:13:18 Frozen Throne at 50%
01:13:23 Frozen Throne at 25%
01:13:26 Frozen Throne at 10%
01:13:27 Sentinel Won
01:13:28 NEVERMORE_NVM Finished
01:13:28 ChuckNorris[C] Finished
01:13:29 Yugi_Seto_Kaiba Finished
01:13:29 pusay Finished
01:13:29 [blood_seeker] Finished
01:13:29 CarlJohnson Finished
01:13:29 Game terminated