[News] DotA Girls : Team MiTH.TRY

Now a days, games aren’t just games anymore. It’s a kind of activity. Anyone can participate no matter who you are. I present to you another ladies DotA team from Thailand, MiTH.TR.

RGN: Hi, Let’s get it started. Please introduce your team http://www.dota.gs/images/smilies/smile.png

Pinkle: Okay. Hi, I’m MiTH-TRY|Pinkle, team leader. MiTH.TRY was founded on 25th December 2009. It started on the day PMS|Asterisk came to Thailand to play a friendly match with Thais. The organizers of the event were seeking for lady teams so we joined. We won the matches. 2 months past and we decided to make a new DotA team for ladies only. Months passed and some left for certain reasons. I had to find new players. Someone was introduced to us by friends. Someone from MiTH.Trust trained her for us. PMS|Asterisk inspired us to make things happen.

RGN: I found out “Jinny” (One of the famous Thai lady gamers) was in your crew when it started.

Pinkle: That’s true, but Jin mostly liked FPS rather than RTS. Btw, Jinny will be in competitions next month with us as a MiTH-TRY member.

RGN: To make things more interesting. I heard PMS|Asterisk’ll be there for matches, is that true?

Pinkle: Yea, they just asked me if we are playing. I want to fight them, I think they will go for the exhibition (Big Festival) everyday but I’m not sure. Obviously they have matchs the first 2 days so if you guys want to see them, go to the event in 6-7 October.

RGN: Nice. Can you tell us about your team members, about they’re styles and personalities?

Pinkle: Sure. MiTH-Try|Giiz (Nanny) She plays with Semi-Carry and Solo Mid style. It’s my luck to get her in my team because she’s so useful for me. I don’t have to tell her anything, she always knows what she has to do and know hers part and job. She always asks others for more opinion and she’s a good listener. I think she can replace me and do everything when the time comes.

MiTH-Try|Aunjii (Kook Kai) plays with Support and Follow ganger style. I think she fits this style because she’s the kind of person with low self-confidence. She’s actually a good person, she’s so lovely with everyone and she has high-responsibility.

MiTH-Try|Byul(Tidtee) role for Solo and Follow ganger player. She so independent and self-confident. She can do good things on her own. She has a good understanding with team members but has more things to learn

MiTH-Try|NV(Var) , Carry style. She is calm and collected, she can handle the match in its’ boiling moment’s. But she has a disadvantage. She doesn’t spend more hours practicing with us. If she does more she will be better. She’s the youngest in our team, sometimes I have to remind and warn her to watch her moves.

MiTH-Try|Jinny(Jin) people used to know her she’s so famous. She’s our strongest point, if she’s in the match she’ll give us a higher chance to win. She has a great basic and good understanding of the team and she’s the kind of person who will accept new ideas.

MiTH-Try|Pinkle(Waii) It’s me haha. I’m team leader since foundation till today. I’m playing as Lead Ganger, Supporter Ganger. I’m the one who has the most experience in the game and competitions so I think I have purpose with this role. Lastly, I love cats lol

RGN: What’s your plan this year and in the future?

Pinkle: We have only one plan and that is to be the 1st in DotA ladies team including entertainment for DotA society.

RGN: I remember you mentioned you wanted to do some league for DotA ladies team?

Pinkle: Yep, actually Thailand has online leagues for ladies team but my thought is it should be offline competitions. Guys want to see us in a real person not in cyberspace, Isn’t it?

RGN: What would you think the difference is from girl gamers and guy gamers?

Pinkle: From the point of gaming, I think there’s no difference because we have the same goal, we want to be winners but the difference is girls have advantage with the shape of our bodies, patience and sensitivity. Men have consciousness and agility more than us. It could make a gameplay with different variations.

GiiZ-: Guys take it more seriously and look more professional than ladies. Ladies spent more time to playing casual game for entertain themselves.

Byul_: I think men can do well when they are in a situation to make decisions.

Jinny: There’s no difference about gender. It’s only about how hard you play and try.

Aunjii: Men have quicker reactions when they have to make a decision but ladies have their own individual styles that men don’t.

NV: Yeah, there’s lots of diff. Men can spend more time with practice, they always find some replay to watch, analysis and adapt with his style. While ladies have to take care of themselves, go for haircuts, bother about how she looks.

RGN: And how different are you from women who don’t play games?

Pinkle: Lots. Everything is different. Normally women spend time with shopping, walking down the street, doing variety activities, spend more time chit-chatting with friends but not us. Lady gamers will think about the way they’re living, finding happiness with games and having a good time with friends who understand and play games with them.

GiiZ-: Anyway, we all still are women

Byul_: I think we just have activities with gaming but usual girls don’t have it

Jinny: Usual women they’re playing game for fun when they have a free time or nothing else to do but we aren’t

Aunjii: I feel the same with Byul_

NV: Specified, usual girls think about gaming is just like a bullshitter and ridiculous.

RGN: So let’s talk about love. Does gaming give u trouble with love?

Pinkle: It’s depends on you. Everyone should have to fall in love with someone who like whatever you like if it’s not , that means you don’t fit each other and it’s gonna be a problem one day.

GiiZ-: There’s affect is we have less time so we can’t take care of each other like it should be

Byul_: I didn’t play games for 24hr. So I don’t have this problem.

Jinny: Love depends on good understanding with your lover.

Aunjii: I felt like a screw up when he beats me in game but actually we never have this problem before

NV: Sometimes. Some guys always ask why I play games? Why don’t you do something else? And it ends up with an argument and getting things messed up.

RGN: What did you learn from being in MiTH-TRY?

Pinkle: Firstly, being team captain has given me a sense of reliability from others. Second is experiences about competitions, solving problems, made me learn from team members and made me adapt to new things. Third is the most important part of being MiTH-TRY, and that’s making lots of friends. I met good people from this.

GiiZ-: Cordiality, friendliness and more than that.

Byul_: We felt like brothers in a family. That’s good thing I’ve got.

Jinny: It’s my new experience and getting to know lots of good people.

Aunjii: Friends, friendship, family, carefulness and dominating in game

NV: I really like this question lol. I’ve got happiness and friendship from team members. Thanks for everyone in team who always take care and teach me lots. Never regret to be with MiTH.Try,thanks again.

Team member:
Name: Siraya “Waii” Sunpanich

Name: Parichamon “Nanny” Chairattanarom

Name: Paretiwa “Tidtee” Niyomrat

Name: Sarintorn “Jinny” Wanotayanchai

Name: Worawan “Kook Kai” Malasri

Name: Chutamart “Var” Treeraletnapapan

Reward and Competitions:
Special Match ESTC Final 2009 Thai DotA Girls vs PMS.Asterisk
Special Match ESTC Bangkok 2010 Try vs Axis.Ladies
Special Match ESTC Final 2010 Try vs PMS.Asterisk
8th ESTC Qualifier North 2010
7th Thailand E-Sports League Quarter 2
1st Thailand E-Sports League Ladies Quarter 2
1st Thailand E-Sports League Ladies Quarter 3


gw sih kalo disuruh milih diantara mereka gw pilih yang



mirip aisyah rani (manager syahrini)

Wah GG banget yahh… ada aj pemain dota Cewe yang GG gitu…
Udah cantik +jago lagi…
cewe ginian yang jadi Idola Gw…Hih

Wah GG banget yahh… ada aj pemain dota Cewe yang GG gitu…
Udah cantik +jago lagi…
cewe ginian yang jadi Idola Gw…Hih

nice info deh bro , btw msh ada lagi dota girls selain yang ini ? klo ada update yo :sip:

btw cew yang ini mukanya unyu bnget dah :nhaha:


banyak, males gw update :smiley:

amoy itu :nhaha:

pemalas. kalo ke yang amoy seger lo !!!

nomor 1 sama nomor 4 dari kiri paling imut brooo…
menurut kalian nomor brapa paling imut hayoo??:maumaumau:

no 4 Super Amoy gan :smiley:

Dia pro juga main dotanya :smiley:

Walaupun gw blm pernah liat dia maen tapi gw yakin dia pasti Pro dota…
Udah cantik+Pro maen dotanya = Cewek idaman Gw banget boookkk…

ahahahah,sayangnya orang thailand :fiuhh:
coba di indonesia :yuhuu:

Dari banyak na Post Reply Diatas, Saya Yakin Cuma Liat Nama + Pic Orang na :ngupil:

ada kok di indonesia Dota Ladies, :staycool:

Coba Share disini om x7 … Pengen lihat :smiley:

Buset cantik-cantik :smiley:

semoga di indonesia juga ada yang bisa terkenal kayak gini :smiley:

weleh… unyu-unyu imut-imut manis-manis cantik-cantik

Gk mau ah Battle dota lawan mereka. Klo kalah malu, Klo menang gk tega (padahal gk mungkin)

autis ini orang :nhaha:

padahal gak mungkin :sip:

kayaknya itu yang bener deh :smiley:

cantik cantik bgt bikin dede ini bangun aja

wkkaw… ceweknya Jos gan…

kalo gwe main sama mereka. mungkin dota gwe jadi tambah PRO kali ya. + gak ada bacod di DOTA. pasti isinya.

gombal-gombalan semua.


bening bening bgt bro.
cewek idaman gw nih

wah iya :v mempesona badai ulala ye :nhaha: