Mara Salvatrucha (commonly abbreviated as MS-13) is a transnational criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles and has spread to other parts of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America. The majority of the gang is ethnically composed of Central Americans (mostly Salvadorans) and active in urban and suburban areas. In the U.S., the MS-13 has an especially heavy presence in Los Angeles County and the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California; the Washington, D.C. metropolitan areas of Fairfax County, Virginia, Montgomery County, Maryland, and Prince George’s County, Maryland; Long Island, New York; the Boston, Massachusetts area; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Houston, Texas. There is also a presence of MS-13 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Members of MS distinguish themselves by tattoos covering the body and also often the face, as well as the use of their own sign language. They are notorious for their use of violence and a subcultural moral code that predominantly consists of merciless revenge and cruel retributions. This cruelty of the distinguished members of the “Maras” or “Mareros” earned them a path to be recruited by the Sinaloa Cartel battling against Los Zetas in an ongoing drug war south of the United States border.
Their wide-ranging activities have drawn the attention of the FBI and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who have initiated wide-scale raids against known and suspected gang members – netting hundreds of arrests across the country.
A Salvadoran, Santiago Ceja was a MS-13 Charlotte member, who joined the groups immigrating to Los Santos. He bring his money, and he use that for buy a house in Idlewood. He live alone, and he have no friend in Los Santos for a several weeks. He doesn’t do too much social, because he can’t believe with someone new.
Two weeks past, and another groups of imigrating to Los Santos has come, and Ceja looks happy, he find some peoples, hope he can meet his old friend. And he meet Damian Saloso and Jesus Emmanuel in groups. He let them to live in his house, Idlewood.
When they talks about the past, they got some idea to takes some handle in Los Santos. They think, they can find some money by this way.
And Ceja thinks, maybe he can make a new streetgang in Idlewood, as he appreciate his past streetgang MS-13. So Ceja and his friend agree with Ceja’s opinion to make a streetgang in Idlewood, and hopes they can be a King of Idlewood, even King of Los Santos.
OOC Information:
- MS-13 gang members are mainly salvadorians, hondurans and guatemalans.
- Most of the MS-13 neighbourhoods are poor. The more poor and young your character is - the more realistic.
- Roleplaying as a child does not justify any trolling or irrespective acts at all. If you do a mistake In Character you will pay the consequences, but you are also expected to learn from your mistakes.
- You as a member are expected to develop your character, create roleplay for yourself and for the people around you.
- If you need help about the roleplays, pm me in game or forum ( turnerstorm / Santiago_Ceja )