Screenshot Ping and Time Valid !
Game Name : AP Malam Come #1
Game Length : 49:33
Dota Winner Side: Scourge
Saver : good_job_bro
Dota Mode :
Host : Cr-2
[code] # Nick Hero Lag Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
1 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Lag Disconnected 18:55 36s at 18:18 28s at 01:39 36( 54) 5 10 9 0 21 13 1
2 RVGS_Nainggolan Anti-Mage Finished 49:36 75s at 00:00 26s at 20:46 70( 80) 6 12 74 51115 7 12
3 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Disconnected 39:13 79s at 00:00 44s at 32:05 60( 69) 11 10 98 2 7 8 38
4 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Finished 49:36 73s at 41:32 37s at 42:45 62( 68) 10 8 155 52669 13 19
5 good_job_bro Stone Giant Lag Finished 49:36 73s at 00:00 61s at 36:04 84( 92) 20 6 157 52651 13 7
6 anylovegrace Morphling Finished 49:36 46s at 00:19 36s at 32:26 104(111) 8 4 160 31622 16 48
7 Tempe_Busuk Earthshaker Finished 49:36 54s at 32:15 36s at 25:28 46( 51) 4 11 60 02381 14 3
8 Starlight Grand Magus Finished 49:36 27s at 28:54 24s at 25:28 66( 73) 3 15 38 0489 12 3
9 RM-DongMinJoo Murloc Nightcrawler Finished 49:36 50s at 32:13 38s at 35:01 65( 73) 24 11 114 24266 14 13
10 emptyfortress Lifestealer Disconnected 42:13 70s at 00:02 44s at 31:47 59( 78) 4 12 34 0 22 14 36
[details= ChatLog][CODE] 00:00 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All Shortest load by player [good_job_bro] was 8.92 seconds.
00:00 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All Longest load by player [anylovegrace] was 20.48 seconds.
00:00 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker RioDeJaneiro Your load time was 8.92 seconds.
00:00 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All This Game host by MetroWorld
00:07 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All RioDeJaneiro: 786ms, [WTF]Johny-: 552ms, Starlight: 433ms, anylovegrace: 80ms, emptyfortress: 76ms, -[pis]kentang-: 64ms,
00:07 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All Tempe_Busuk: 54ms, RM-DongMinJoo: 40ms, RVGS_Nainggolan: 33ms, good_job_bro: 22ms
00:07 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies !p
00:31 Tempe_Busuk Earthshaker All ah
00:35 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All ?
00:38 RM-DongMinJoo Murloc Nightcrawler All -ah
00:40 Tempe_Busuk Earthshaker All ah
00:42 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies -ah
00:52 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All lupa
01:00 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies -CleaR
01:00 Tempe_Busuk Earthshaker All bzz
01:06 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies -clear
01:20 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All Setting sync limit to 1000 packets.
01:20 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies !sl 1000
01:26 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All Setting game latency to 90 ms.
01:26 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies !l 90
01:58 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies -CleaR
02:35 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies -CleaR
03:27 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All leg
03:42 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies duh slaah cas
03:44 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies bangke
04:12 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All [WTF]Johny-: 531ms, emptyfortress: 138ms, Starlight: 90ms, RioDeJaneiro: 88ms, anylovegrace: 78ms, -[pis]kentang-: 67ms,
04:12 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All Tempe_Busuk: 42ms, RVGS_Nainggolan: 33ms, RM-DongMinJoo: 23ms, good_job_bro: 16ms
04:12 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies !P
04:35 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies es miss
04:37 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies es miss
04:44 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All Emha
04:54 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies !cm
04:54 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker RioDeJaneiro Checked player [good_job_bro]. Ping: 746ms, From: ID, Admin: No, Owner: No, Spoof Checked: Yes, Realm:, Reserved:
04:55 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies sorry lag
04:57 RM-DongMinJoo Murloc Nightcrawler All di ping
05:02 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All good_job_bro: 746ms, [WTF]Johny-: 604ms, emptyfortress: 137ms, Starlight: 90ms, RioDeJaneiro: 84ms, anylovegrace: 74ms,
05:02 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All -[pis]kentang-: 67ms, RVGS_Nainggolan: 54ms, Tempe_Busuk: 41ms, RM-DongMinJoo: 29ms
05:02 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies !P
05:34 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies lag
05:36 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies nm
05:37 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies nm
05:44 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies bantu bawah
05:49 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies bentar
05:53 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies 0
05:54 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies 0
05:54 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies 0
06:08 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies kurir
06:09 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies gue
06:12 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies pakek
06:17 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies share
06:18 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies share
06:21 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies udah
07:10 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies wew
07:13 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies wkkw
07:19 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies 0
07:20 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies 0
07:20 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies 0
07:31 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies b
07:38 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies b
07:39 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies b
07:39 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies b
07:41 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies b
07:43 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies ea
07:46 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies ea
08:09 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies kok lari legi?
08:14 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies ???
08:29 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies pinjam mid
08:29 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies kalo lawan tadi bisa menang
08:57 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies was
08:58 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies was
09:12 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies bawah
09:13 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies bantu
09:20 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies igor yuk
10:25 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies yuk
10:28 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies 0
10:28 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies 0
11:32 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies cas
11:39 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies salah cas
11:43 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies dah ke cas bawah
11:47 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies hahaha
11:50 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies cas
11:51 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies mid anjeng
11:54 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies cd
11:54 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies cd
12:58 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies b
12:58 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies b
13:00 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies sex
13:06 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies -CleaR
13:09 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies !cm
13:09 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker RioDeJaneiro Checked player [good_job_bro]. Ping: 442ms, From: ID, Admin: No, Owner: No, Spoof Checked: Yes, Realm:, Reserved:
13:27 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies kasih fly donk
13:33 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies gue kuririn
13:35 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies fy la
14:23 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies -CleaR
16:21 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies !cm
16:27 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker RioDeJaneiro Checked player [good_job_bro]. Ping: 14ms, From: ID, Admin: No, Owner: No, Spoof Checked: Yes, Realm:, Reserved: N
16:32 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All [WTF]Johny-: 568ms, Starlight: 188ms, emptyfortress: 153ms, anylovegrace: 90ms, RioDeJaneiro: 87ms, -[pis]kentang-: 76ms,
16:32 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All RVGS_Nainggolan: 61ms, Tempe_Busuk: 39ms, RM-DongMinJoo: 23ms, good_job_bro: 14ms
16:32 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies !P
16:58 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies ealah
17:00 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies malah berhentui
17:04 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies kontol
17:06 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies sorry
17:08 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies die baranya
17:10 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies asli
17:11 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies asli
17:23 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All good_job_bro: 762ms, [WTF]Johny-: 579ms, Starlight: 201ms, emptyfortress: 153ms, anylovegrace: 86ms,
17:23 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All RioDeJaneiro: 84ms, RVGS_Nainggolan: 71ms, -[pis]kentang-: 70ms, Tempe_Busuk: 41ms, RM-DongMinJoo: 24ms
17:23 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies !p
17:24 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies lag
17:25 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies gua
17:26 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies dah scepter
17:29 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies morphnya
17:33 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies cas
17:34 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies cas
17:39 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies lag
18:15 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies b
18:17 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker Allies ea
18:33 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies zz
18:39 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies sbar
18:39 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies sbar
18:55 [WTF]Johny- Spiritbreaker All [WTF]Johny- has lost the connection (timed out).
19:01 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies wkwk bara
19:07 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies -unlock
19:40 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies care
19:41 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies slark lotar?
19:47 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies udah lothar??
21:42 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies bntar
21:44 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies ambil aja
21:48 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies reuse
23:17 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies p
23:25 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies maen tower
23:26 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies aja
23:30 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies -ii
23:48 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies gw b
23:50 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies terus
24:16 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies magina
24:22 RVGS_Nainggolan Anti-Mage Allies ya
26:30 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies slark
26:31 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies was
26:52 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies banyak
27:03 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies laag
27:10 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies anjing
27:22 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies sex
27:24 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies !cm
27:24 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander RioDeJaneiro Checked player [good_job_bro]. Ping: 602ms, From: ID, Admin: No, Owner: No, Spoof Checked: Yes, Realm:, Reserved:
27:25 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies -CleaR
27:25 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies ??
27:26 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies lo maen tower aja
27:28 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies ping 600
27:29 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies gue war
27:32 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies lo tower
27:32 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies udah
27:34 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies bm legi
27:37 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies bm legi
27:44 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies sexz
27:46 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies tower aja
28:01 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies mid
28:55 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies hajar
28:59 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies lotar
29:38 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All Emha
29:39 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All anjeng
29:42 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All gue ilang tau
29:45 RM-DongMinJoo Murloc Nightcrawler All LO MH TERIAK MH
29:47 RM-DongMinJoo Murloc Nightcrawler All IDIOT
29:51 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All ??
29:56 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All Nm
30:00 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All ulti
30:05 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies lag gw
30:05 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies sush
30:11 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All Bukan lo slark
30:16 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All itu igor ama moryah
30:18 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All keren
30:21 RM-DongMinJoo Murloc Nightcrawler All LO OBS
30:22 RM-DongMinJoo Murloc Nightcrawler All HAH
30:25 Tempe_Busuk Earthshaker All y
30:28 RM-DongMinJoo Murloc Nightcrawler All LO OBS GA GUA TNAYA
30:34 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All obs
30:37 RM-DongMinJoo Murloc Nightcrawler All OBS TAI
30:41 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies gk bisa
30:45 RM-DongMinJoo Murloc Nightcrawler All KITA MASANG SEN 3
30:47 RM-DongMinJoo Murloc Nightcrawler All GA ADA OBS LO
30:52 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies b
30:52 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies b
30:54 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies b
30:55 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies b
30:57 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies ex
31:09 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies terus
31:21 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies banyak]
31:27 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies slark
32:04 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies b
32:42 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies b
32:43 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies b
32:43 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies b
32:44 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies b
32:44 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies b
32:45 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies b
32:45 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies b
32:52 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies b
32:55 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies dah idup temannya
32:56 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander Allies ide
33:00 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies ah
33:00 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies aa
33:00 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies lag
33:00 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies set
34:07 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies wkkw
34:12 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies slarknya
34:13 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies nunggu
34:31 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies yuk
34:31 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies legi
35:08 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies p
35:25 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies lsg
35:27 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies fas
36:02 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies gw b
36:02 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies adoh
36:02 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies lag
36:02 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies ssh
36:36 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All good_job_bro has lost the connection (timed out) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
36:36 good_job_bro Stone Giant All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
36:39 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All Player [good_job_bro] reconnected with GProxy++!
36:59 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All Player [good_job_bro] reconnected with GProxy++!
37:00 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies miss
37:13 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies mid
37:13 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies mid
37:26 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies care
37:29 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies !cm
37:30 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander RioDeJaneiro Checked player [good_job_bro]. Ping: 4483ms, From: ID, Admin: No, Owner: No, Spoof Checked: Yes, Realm:, Reserved:
37:30 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies ad naix
37:32 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies di slark
37:34 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies tahan dkit
37:39 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies gk bsa
37:45 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies atas b
37:46 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies b
37:48 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies atas
37:50 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies b
37:50 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies b
37:51 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies b
37:52 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies jgn lawan
38:01 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies ah
38:05 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies b
38:13 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies gue aja lothar gk selamat
38:16 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies jgn sendirian
38:22 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies tunggu gw
38:24 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies sma legi
38:44 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies atas
38:45 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies legi
38:56 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies ad sen
39:01 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies atas
39:02 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies legi
39:12 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies care
39:13 -[pis]kentang- Legion Commander All -[pis]kentang- has lost the connection (timed out).
39:14 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies dalem
40:00 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies gearaikin
40:01 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies legi
40:08 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies sni
40:10 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies ane gerakin
40:48 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies tral
40:53 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies travel
40:53 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies gue ksih b
40:54 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies atas
40:59 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies xex
41:02 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies travel
41:03 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies atas
41:03 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies fast
41:05 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies sekarang
41:28 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies mati warkey
41:30 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies anjenggg
41:35 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies bntar
42:13 RVGS_Nainggolan Anti-Mage All emptyfortress has lost the connection (timed out).
42:56 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies ini
42:58 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies ambil
42:59 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies harta
43:29 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies ambil
43:30 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies harta
43:31 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies xex
43:41 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies simpen aja
43:42 RVGS_Nainggolan Anti-Mage Allies gua yang make legi
43:44 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies legi msih berguna
43:58 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies bwa gem
44:05 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies tunggu
44:06 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies gwa bkb
44:15 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies gas
44:51 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies ah
44:54 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies dah ah
44:55 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies lepas
44:56 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies kontol
45:02 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies 3 vs 5
45:13 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies magina nya gak bisa apa-apa
45:28 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies bb bisa tiny??
45:39 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies lo b
45:40 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies bb
45:48 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies b
46:17 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies ntar
46:18 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies lsg mid
46:21 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies tunggu gwa idut
46:36 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies dah
47:20 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies mid
47:21 good_job_bro Stone Giant Allies lsg
47:38 RM-DongMinJoo Murloc Nightcrawler All semangat
47:47 good_job_bro Stone Giant All wkwk baru bacod si mh
49:16 good_job_bro Stone Giant All slark idnya sayang tuh
49:21 RM-DongMinJoo Murloc Nightcrawler All gpp
49:23 good_job_bro Stone Giant All mending puasin
49:33 RVGS_Nainggolan Anti-Mage All This game is host by MetroWorld
49:33 RM-DongMinJoo Murloc Nightcrawler All slow
49:35 RioDeJaneiro Drow Ranger Allies gg
49:36 RVGS_Nainggolan Anti-Mage All RM-DongMinJoo has left the game voluntarily.
[details= GameLog][CODE] 00:00:00 Game starting
00:02:32 Creep spawning
00:03:22 RM-DongMinJoo First Kill: Killed -[pis]kentang-
00:05:34 [WTF]Johny- Lag
00:11:24 RioDeJaneiro Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower
00:11:55 RM-DongMinJoo Destroyed external sentinel top Tower
00:12:49 RioDeJaneiro Destroyed external scourge mid Tower
00:17:24 [WTF]Johny- Lag
00:17:39 [WTF]Johny- Lag
00:18:55 [WTF]Johny- Disconnected
00:20:46 good_job_bro Destroyed external scourge top Tower
00:23:42 RioDeJaneiro Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower
00:25:12 anylovegrace Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower
00:26:15 good_job_bro Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower
00:27:03 good_job_bro Lag
00:28:15 RM-DongMinJoo Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower
00:30:05 good_job_bro Lag
00:33:00 good_job_bro Lag
00:35:37 good_job_bro Destroyed base scourge mid Tower
00:35:44 -[pis]kentang- Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks
00:35:54 good_job_bro Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks
00:36:02 good_job_bro Lag
00:37:34 anylovegrace Destroyed intermediate sentinel bottom Tower
00:37:46 RioDeJaneiro Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower
00:39:00 RM-DongMinJoo Destroyed intermediate sentinel top Tower
00:39:13 -[pis]kentang- Disconnected
00:39:13 RVGS_Nainggolan Stats: 77 creep kills - 2 denies - 35 Neutrals
00:39:27 anylovegrace Destroyed base sentinel top Tower
00:41:47 anylovegrace Denied final scourge mid Tower
00:42:13 emptyfortress Disconnected
00:42:13 RM-DongMinJoo Stats: 33 creep kills - 0 denies - 36 Neutrals
00:45:02 anylovegrace Destroyed intermediate sentinel mid Tower
00:45:26 anylovegrace Destroyed base sentinel mid Tower
00:45:32 RM-DongMinJoo Destroyed sentinel mid ranged Barracks
00:45:34 anylovegrace Destroyed sentinel mid melee Barracks
00:45:42 RM-DongMinJoo Destroyed sentinel top ranged Barracks
00:45:53 anylovegrace Destroyed base sentinel bottom Tower
00:45:58 anylovegrace Destroyed sentinel bottom ranged Barracks
00:46:06 anylovegrace Destroyed sentinel bottom melee Barracks
00:46:28 anylovegrace Destroyed sentinel top melee Barracks
00:48:44 anylovegrace Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
00:48:47 anylovegrace Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
00:49:01 World Tree at 75%
00:49:25 World Tree at 50%
00:49:31 World Tree at 25%
00:49:32 World Tree at 10%
00:49:33 Scourge Won
00:49:36 RM-DongMinJoo Finished
00:49:36 Tempe_Busuk Finished
00:49:36 anylovegrace Finished
00:49:36 Starlight Finished
00:49:36 RioDeJaneiro Finished
00:49:36 RVGS_Nainggolan Finished
00:49:36 good_job_bro Finished
00:49:36 Game terminated
00:18:55 [WTF]Johny- Disconnected
00:39:13 -[pis]kentang- Disconnected
00:42:13 emptyfortress Disconnected