[Manual DC] Speed
ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : Mr
Screenshot Ping dan Time
[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i63.tinypic.com/33w1dvp.jpg
Save Replay / SS Bukti
Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus
[Manual DC] Speed
ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : Mr
Screenshot Ping dan Time
[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i63.tinypic.com/33w1dvp.jpg
Save Replay / SS Bukti
Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus
Game Length : 40:03
Dota Winner Side : Sentinel
Saver : MR
Dota Mode : -ap
Host : Bot-iRLo
[code]# Nick Hero Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C
1 MR Shadow Fiend Finished 40:07 31s at 30:54 20s at 31:25 76( 82) 16 2 166 152864
10 13
2 speed Dark Seer Disconnected 10:50 65s at 00:01 57s at 06:25 59(104) 0 0
5 0 12 0 0
3 -OFND- N0MW Finished 40:03 184s at 23:43 54s at 36:49 88(109) 4 5 82 5493
12 2
4 -MystickMan- Axe Finished 40:04 36s at 19:02 28s at 27:08 65( 72) 5 11 108 03554
6 31
5 -ZARA- Stone Giant Finished 40:05 29s at 00:56 25s at 34:04 98(102) 18 2 66 04432
11 3
6 FRISKAJKT48- Invoker Finished 39:58 37s at 20:05 32s at 22:33 68( 73) 8 8 55 1 4 5 0
7 takara Murloc Nightcrawler Finished 40:05 32s at 00:00 26s at 22:03 131(152) 2 9 31 0263
5 1
8 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Undying Finished 40:07 235s at 25:22 152s at 22:49 86(115) 5 3 48 11158
5 0
9 WUPERZ Sand King Finished 40:07 114s at 37:27 60s at 00:01 88(132) 1 13 27 2673
7 4
10 [B][SELLYRA] Priestess of the Moon Finished 40:07 259s at 11:37 45s at 00:00 69( 83)
2 10 35 1196 3 2[/B]
[details=Chatlog][code]00:00 MR Shadow Fiend All Shortest load by player [takara] was
5.23 seconds.
00:00 MR Shadow Fiend All Longest load by player [-OFND-] was 23.77 seconds.
00:00 MR Shadow Fiend -MystickMan- Your load time was 8.76 seconds.
00:00 MR Shadow Fiend All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
00:00 MR Shadow Fiend All Powered by MetroWorld
00:06 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -cLeaR
00:18 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -cLeaR
00:20 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -ah
00:56 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -cLeaR
01:04 MR Shadow Fiend Allies pick chen tur
01:07 MR Shadow Fiend Allies hero tapir itu
01:09 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -cLeaR
01:23 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -cLeaR
01:36 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -cLeaR
01:57 MR Shadow Fiend Allies hero dorong2an
02:16 MR Shadow Fiend Allies wkoawkoaw
05:20 MR Shadow Fiend Allies !p
05:20 MR Shadow Fiend All speed: 405ms, -MystickMan-: 292ms, RVGS-NOOB_BIE: 87ms, MR: 65ms,
takara: 45ms, [SELLYRA]: 27ms, FRISKAJKT48-: 23ms,
05:20 MR Shadow Fiend All -OFND-: 10ms, WUPERZ: 6ms, -ZARA-: 1ms
05:28 MR Shadow Fiend Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching I Love You
05:31 MR Shadow Fiend Allies !sl 500
05:31 MR Shadow Fiend All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
05:32 MR Shadow Fiend Allies !l 90
05:32 MR Shadow Fiend All Setting game latency to 90 ms.
05:51 MR Shadow Fiend Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching I Love You
05:59 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -cLeaR
06:48 MR Shadow Fiend Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching I Love You
06:51 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -cLeaR
07:44 MR Shadow Fiend Allies maju
08:11 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -cLeaR
08:34 MR Shadow Fiend Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching I Love You
10:06 MR Shadow Fiend Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching I Love You
10:41 MR Shadow Fiend Allies !p
10:41 MR Shadow Fiend All speed: 3739ms, -MystickMan-: 428ms, RVGS-NOOB_BIE: 78ms, takara:
65ms, MR: 64ms, FRISKAJKT48-: 45ms,
10:41 MR Shadow Fiend All -OFND-: 25ms, [SELLYRA]: 20ms, WUPERZ: 7ms, -ZARA-: 1ms
10:41 MR Shadow Fiend Allies !sl 4000
10:41 MR Shadow Fiend All Setting sync limit to 4000 packets.
10:50 MR Shadow Fiend All speed has lost the connection (timed out).
11:21 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -cLeaR
11:30 MR Shadow Fiend Allies !banlast manual dc
11:31 MR Shadow Fiend All Player [speed] was banned by player [MR] on server [].
13:49 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -st
14:08 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -cLeaR
18:01 MR Shadow Fiend Allies no ulti
18:55 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -cLeaR
18:58 MR Shadow Fiend All Player [RVGS-NOOB_BIE] reconnected with GProxy++!
19:04 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -cLeaR
19:53 MR Shadow Fiend Allies njir
20:26 MR Shadow Fiend Allies axe dagger
23:52 MR Shadow Fiend Allies ya
26:17 MR Shadow Fiend Allies tau aja invoker nya
28:38 MR Shadow Fiend Allies nm
29:08 MR Shadow Fiend All RVGS-NOOB_BIE has lost the connection (connection closed by remote
host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
29:08 MR Shadow Fiend All Player [RVGS-NOOB_BIE] reconnected with GProxy++!
29:16 MR Shadow Fiend Allies gw dsini tau anjir
29:17 MR Shadow Fiend Allies wkwkw
29:27 MR Shadow Fiend Allies si slark
35:52 MR Shadow Fiend Allies gw yg post tur ?
36:05 MR Shadow Fiend Allies wkwkw
37:56 MR Shadow Fiend Allies wkwkw
39:24 MR Shadow Fiend Allies -cLeaR
39:58 MR Shadow Fiend All FRISKAJKT48- has left the game voluntarily.
40:02 MR Shadow Fiend All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
40:02 MR Shadow Fiend All Powered by MetroWorld
40:03 MR Shadow Fiend All -OFND- has left the game voluntarily.
40:04 MR Shadow Fiend All -MystickMan- has left the game voluntarily.
40:05 MR Shadow Fiend All takara has left the game voluntarily.
40:05 MR Shadow Fiend All -ZARA- has left the game voluntarily.
[details=Gamelog][code]00:00:00 Game starting
00:00:06 MR Mode : -clear
00:02:31 RVGS-NOOB_BIE First Kill: Killed -ZARA-
00:02:32 Creep spawning
00:10:50 speed Disconnected
00:10:50 -MystickMan- Stats: 5 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 neutrals
00:14:47 MR Destroyed external scourge mid Tower
00:11:37 [SELLYRA] AFK started for 259s
00:19:01 FRISKAJKT48- Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower
00:28:18 MR Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower
00:34:26 MR Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower
00:35:46 -ZARA- Destroyed base scourge mid Tower
00:36:02 -MystickMan- Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks
00:36:07 MR Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks
00:39:17 -OFND- Destroyed final scourge mid Tower
00:39:22 -OFND- Destroyed final scourge mid Tower
00:39:32 Frozen Throne at 75%
00:39:39 Frozen Throne at 50%
00:39:40 -ZARA- Destroyed base scourge top Tower
00:39:57 Frozen Throne at 25%
00:39:58 FRISKAJKT48- Left the game
00:39:58 -ZARA- Stats: 55 creep kills - 1 denies - 0 neutrals
00:40:00 Frozen Throne at 10%
00:40:03 Sentinel Won
00:40:03 -OFND- Finished
00:40:04 -MystickMan- Finished
00:40:05 takara Finished
00:40:05 -ZARA- Finished
00:40:07 RVGS-NOOB_BIE Finished
00:40:07 [SELLYRA] Finished
00:40:07 WUPERZ Finished
00:40:07 MR Finished
00:40:07 Game terminated
speed Disconnected
[SELLYRA] AFK for 259s