[Leaver] PVGN_VAP_JO_2
ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : [LUNA]
Screenshot Ping dan Time
[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://speedy.sh/RAJAH/AP.bmp
Save Replay / SS Bukti
Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus
Game Length : 43:25
Dota Winner Side : Scourge
Saver :[LUNA]
Dota Mode : -ap
Host : Cr-1
[code]# Nick Hero Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
1 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix Finished 43:29 54s at 00:46 50s at 36:15 69( 78) 0 7 76 0283 8 3
2 rnb[rukaitho] Disconnected 00:56 27s at 00:28 27s at 00:01 1( 50) 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
3 -MystickMan- Shadow Fiend Finished 43:26 34s at 15:28 25s at 19:38 97(103) 3 11 169 8519 6 13
4 PVGN_VAP_JO_2 Lycanthrope Left the game 16:49 42s at 00:13 26s at 02:31 81( 97) 0 7 17 0 18 2 0
5 beam Sacred Warrior Finished 43:26 52s at 42:05 44s at 30:18 81( 88) 18 8 137 51227 2 0
6 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Finished 43:27 24s at 36:34 17s at 24:02 116(118) 7 5 97 62091 10 46
7 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Finished 43:29 53s at 27:22 35s at 23:39 83( 89) 5 4 39 1791 20 2
8 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Finished 43:29 43s at 21:23 36s at 29:36 91(102) 7 6 62 25918 15 5
9 GREENROSE Skeleton King Finished 43:27 49s at 00:36 39s at 13:54 49( 58) 4 2 91 0860 15 45
10 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Finished 43:27 55s at 21:52 39s at 00:51 90( 99) 9 6 162 131816 7 0
[details=Chatlog][code]00:00 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All Shortest load by player [beam] was 6.22 seconds.
00:00 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All Longest load by player [PVGN_VAP_JO_2] was 26.19 seconds.
00:00 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix -MystickMan- Your load time was 7.53 seconds.
00:00 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All This Game host by MetroWorld
00:02 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies -clear
00:03 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
00:08 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -weather rain
00:08 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -water 255 0255
00:08 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -gameinfo
00:10 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -hhn
00:11 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -don
00:11 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -es
00:12 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -ii
00:13 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -tips
00:13 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
00:17 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies -hhn
00:18 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies -di
00:18 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies -don
00:19 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies -ii
00:29 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All PVGN_VAP_JO_2: 264ms, -Sir_EdwarD_TH-: 102ms, [Z]penchar: 46ms, -MystickMan-: 46ms, rnb[rukaitho]: 36ms,
00:29 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All beam: 34ms, GREENROSE: 32ms, [LUNA]: 21ms, hasiholan17_mdn: 13ms, [v]-[i]-[v]-[a]: 4ms
00:30 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
00:37 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies mid tq
00:38 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies http://mtrv.info/t39870
00:40 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies -hhn
00:40 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies -di
00:41 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies -don
00:42 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies lah
00:42 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies -random
00:42 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies -ii
00:44 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies -clear
00:44 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies -clear
00:46 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies wkwkw
00:46 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies luna
00:46 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies mira ah :v
00:46 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies warkey apaan itu
00:46 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All PVGN_VAP_JO_2: 283ms, GREENROSE: 261ms, -Sir_EdwarD_TH-: 119ms, [Z]penchar: 47ms, -MystickMan-: 46ms,
00:46 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All rnb[rukaitho]: 36ms, [LUNA]: 22ms, hasiholan17_mdn: 13ms, beam: 12ms, [v]-[i]-[v]-[a]: 3ms
00:46 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies lu id luna jga?
00:46 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies iya
00:46 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All Setting sync limit to 250 packets.
00:46 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain All sl max lah
00:52 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies mira ah :v
00:54 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies emng knp?
00:55 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All Setting game latency to 80 ms.
00:56 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All rnb[rukaitho] has lost the connection (timed out).
00:58 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
00:59 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain All bangsat !
01:01 -MystickMan- Shadow Fiend All lanjut ya
01:01 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies nanya aja
01:03 beam Sacred Warrior All lanhut
01:03 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies ne g
01:04 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All remek ?
01:05 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies ne gw
01:06 -MystickMan- Shadow Fiend All pemanasan gw
01:06 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies zz
01:08 -MystickMan- Shadow Fiend All lanjut aja
01:09 GREENROSE Skeleton King All ok
01:11 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All yakin lanjut ?
01:14 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies siapa?
01:22 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies 'biasa yg suka qop lah
01:23 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies wakwka
01:24 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies -clear
01:28 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
01:35 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies siapa?
01:36 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies arrow
01:38 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies lupa
01:40 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
01:42 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies 100%ggsri
01:48 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies ID minus :v
01:48 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies rvgs–kaito itu
01:51 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies qop
01:53 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies nah lo
01:55 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies z
01:55 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
01:56 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies -clear
01:58 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies iya kan
01:58 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies id lo kmren kena ban
01:59 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies kwkwkw
02:00 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies rvgs–kaito
02:04 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies lu yg post yaH?
02:05 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies gw kan
02:07 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies toilet loh
02:09 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies sial kale
02:09 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies kebanyakan stayer
02:13 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies toilet gimanalh
02:13 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies bukan gw
02:21 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies kemak kali da menang juga
02:21 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies gw tukang parser ler
02:28 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies bukan gw yang post
02:29 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies kan bis lu bilangin
02:34 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies id apa yg post
02:35 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies ga bisa ler
02:40 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies ntar gw cek
02:42 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies pengen ak injek2 aja mulutnya
02:46 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies keroco juga
02:49 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies sok post
02:54 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
02:55 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies ntar aku cek ya sat
03:04 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies mh ni huskar
03:05 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies babi
03:14 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies mor tadi ni
03:22 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies mh si babi
03:53 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies tarik aja gua
04:04 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies !cm
04:51 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies regeb
04:55 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies regen
05:04 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies tq
05:27 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies pepek
05:33 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies gua di tunggal
06:07 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
06:26 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies !cm
06:48 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies zzz
06:51 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies creep
06:57 GREENROSE Skeleton King All set om
07:08 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies lu aja
07:10 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All set
07:10 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies lawan?
07:10 GREENROSE Skeleton King All DC
07:10 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All oi
07:10 GREENROSE Skeleton King All DC
07:10 GREENROSE Skeleton King All OM
07:10 GREENROSE Skeleton King All SET
07:10 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain All set lah
07:10 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies hajar
07:10 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All set
07:10 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain All host
07:10 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All set
07:10 GREENROSE Skeleton King All A
07:10 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All Setting sync limit to the maximum of 10000 packets.
07:13 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain All idiot lambat
08:51 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies GOBLOK GUE
08:53 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies SRY
08:56 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies miss
08:57 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies z
09:07 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
09:20 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies nm
10:20 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies b
10:21 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies lun
10:23 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies 0
10:23 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies aws
10:24 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies swt
10:25 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies pler
10:28 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies niat su
10:29 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies tower cok
10:29 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
10:34 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies ngapain skill 3
10:42 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies :v
10:47 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies biar stun lah
10:48 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies apa lagi
10:54 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies oh jdi luna namanya tomi
11:02 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies ha?
11:16 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies siapa bilang?
11:39 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies nm
12:03 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies wew
12:08 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies sen
12:09 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies b
12:19 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies gas bwah
12:22 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
12:31 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies eh
12:33 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies ada huskar
12:35 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies pler
13:20 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies 4 kan lagi bwah
13:28 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies nm
14:02 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies mir
14:03 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies zzaa
14:04 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies nm
14:05 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies malah lari dia
14:09 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies hit ajalah
14:15 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies dah2 srius
14:17 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies armet k
14:19 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies jadi itu ntar ah
14:27 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies lo ga liat gw apa?
14:57 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
15:40 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies gas
15:54 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies hjar
16:18 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
16:30 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
16:46 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
16:49 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All PVGN_VAP_JO_2 has left the game voluntarily.
16:52 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies z
16:53 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
16:55 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All kan leaver
16:57 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies gw post
17:00 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies tenang aja
17:00 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All -MystickMan-: 366ms, [Z]penchar: 60ms, -Sir_EdwarD_TH-: 43ms, [LUNA]: 30ms, hasiholan17_mdn: 28ms, GREENROSE: 22ms,
17:00 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All beam: 17ms, [v]-[i]-[v]-[a]: 7ms
17:08 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All The sync limit is 5000 packets.
17:12 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All Setting game latency to 200 ms.
17:18 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All -MystickMan-: 310ms, [Z]penchar: 60ms, -Sir_EdwarD_TH-: 35ms, [LUNA]: 32ms, hasiholan17_mdn: 28ms, GREENROSE: 22ms,
17:18 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All beam: 15ms, [v]-[i]-[v]-[a]: 7ms
17:19 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
17:39 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
18:08 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
18:14 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies tau dia
19:50 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All -MystickMan-: 129ms, GREENROSE: 59ms, [Z]penchar: 58ms, [LUNA]: 21ms, -Sir_EdwarD_TH-: 20ms, hasiholan17_mdn: 19ms,
19:50 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All beam: 9ms, [v]-[i]-[v]-[a]: 4ms
21:23 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies ]\awkeakwekawkewa
22:10 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All The sync limit is 5000 packets.
22:17 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All -MystickMan-: 729ms, [Z]penchar: 55ms, GREENROSE: 39ms, [LUNA]: 22ms, -Sir_EdwarD_TH-: 22ms, hasiholan17_mdn: 15ms,
22:17 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All beam: 8ms, [v]-[i]-[v]-[a]: 4ms
22:19 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
22:33 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All Setting sync limit to 800 packets.
22:37 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All Setting game latency to 80 ms.
23:03 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies mana SF ?
23:10 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies lari
23:43 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin Allies \sakit
23:49 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
24:39 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies AH MH
24:51 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies DAGGER
24:53 [LUNA] Nerubian Assassin All boleh juga
24:57 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All HUSKA
25:18 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
25:36 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
25:45 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies itu kurir
25:47 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies ambil item dlu
25:50 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies mw jembput item gw
25:57 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies gua pinjem
25:59 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies dritadi
26:00 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies hgk dianter
26:05 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies kepaksa jlan kaki deh
26:06 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies -_-
27:25 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies GUE BLOK
28:11 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies slkah bvwsh
28:17 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies yu sama2 aja
28:20 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies 'wkokww
28:39 -MystickMan- Shadow Fiend All [00:02] ?
28:42 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies naapa
28:54 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies WSC
29:29 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies z
31:43 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies da mw hex mir
31:44 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies kwokw
32:06 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies mid212
33:28 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies slesaiin
34:42 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -time x
34:50 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies apa ?
36:19 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
36:54 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain All apa sih huskar kwokw
37:53 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies biar next yuks habsin
38:03 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies bntr jajan
38:08 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies skolah
38:09 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies gue
38:20 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies z
38:38 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All niat amat
38:45 beam Sacred Warrior All lo goblok si
38:51 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies wakekaawe
39:00 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All kwkw gue goblok
39:30 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies sabar
39:50 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies gw seow at twper
39:51 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies wakwak
39:51 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies bntr roshan
40:14 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies gw tril ulur rosan aja
40:17 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies niat ne kajr gw wkkaw
40:29 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies ambil aja gisnya
40:38 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies spa ?
40:41 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies serah
40:43 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies gue bisa ?
40:56 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
41:00 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies ea
41:01 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies ewaokokaweokawekoeaw
41:09 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon Allies mid ?
41:12 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies ya
41:33 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies bwah
41:38 GREENROSE Skeleton King Allies mid
41:38 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies pain bwah zz
42:03 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies adoh wkakwa
42:09 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
42:23 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies awkekaw
42:30 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All kalah ?
42:32 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All gue goblok sih
42:35 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
42:42 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All ah gue goblok
42:43 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All ah
42:43 beam Sacred Warrior All main lu aja masih kek curut baru lahir
42:44 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All ah
42:50 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain All wakwkaw
42:53 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All iya kk pro
42:55 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
42:58 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain All masih kelas 5 sd dia kk maapin adek gw
42:59 [Z]penchar Priestess of the Moon All JING
43:02 hasiholan17_mdn Queen of Pain Allies haha
43:20 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Night Stalker Allies -CleaR
43:24 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All This game is host by MetroWorld
43:26 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All beam has left the game voluntarily.
43:26 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All -MystickMan- has left the game voluntarily.
43:27 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All hasiholan17_mdn has left the game voluntarily.
43:27 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All -Sir_EdwarD_TH- has left the game voluntarily.
43:27 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Phoenix All GREENROSE has left the game voluntarily.
[details=Gamelog][code]00:00:00 Game starting
00:00:56 rnb[rukaitho] Disconnected
00:00:56 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Stats: 0 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 neutrals
00:02:31 Creep spawning
00:05:22 [Z]penchar First Kill: Killed -MystickMan-
00:12:49 GREENROSE Destroyed external sentinel top Tower
00:16:49 PVGN_VAP_JO_2 Left the game
00:16:49 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Stats: 16 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 neutrals
00:18:07 hasiholan17_mdn Destroyed intermediate sentinel top Tower
00:19:53 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower
00:21:01 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower
00:22:17 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Denied external scourge mid Tower
00:28:39 [Z]penchar Paused the game
00:28:39 hasiholan17_mdn Unpaused the game after 3s
00:32:53 [LUNA] Destroyed intermediate sentinel mid Tower
00:33:00 hasiholan17_mdn Denied external scourge top Tower
00:35:51 hasiholan17_mdn Destroyed intermediate sentinel bottom Tower
00:37:03 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Destroyed base sentinel bottom Tower
00:37:26 [LUNA] Destroyed sentinel bottom ranged Barracks
00:37:38 [LUNA] Destroyed sentinel bottom melee Barracks
00:41:59 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Destroyed base sentinel mid Tower
00:42:14 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Destroyed sentinel mid ranged Barracks
00:42:19 GREENROSE Destroyed sentinel mid melee Barracks
00:42:31 [LUNA] Destroyed base sentinel top Tower
00:42:40 GREENROSE Destroyed sentinel top melee Barracks
00:42:52 [LUNA] Destroyed sentinel top ranged Barracks
00:43:06 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
00:43:08 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
00:43:17 World Tree at 75%
00:43:21 World Tree at 50%
00:43:23 World Tree at 25%
00:43:24 World Tree at 10%
00:43:25 Scourge Won
00:43:26 beam Finished
00:43:26 -MystickMan- Finished
00:43:27 hasiholan17_mdn Finished
00:43:27 -Sir_EdwarD_TH- Finished
00:43:27 GREENROSE Finished
00:43:29 [Z]penchar Finished
00:43:29 [v]-[i]-[v]-[a] Finished
00:43:29 [LUNA] Finished
00:43:29 Game terminated
rnb[rukaitho] (Disconnected)