[Leaver] Ondase48

[Leaver] Ondase48

ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : Talklessdomore_

Screenshot Ping dan Time

[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i66.tinypic.com/2hobdqc.jpg

Save Replay / SS Bukti


Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus


Screenshot Ping and Time Valid !



Game Name : AP SEPI
Game Length : 42:43
Dota Winner Side: Sentinel

Saver : talklessdomore_
Dota Mode : -clear
Host : BOT-PIS-


[code] # Nick Hero Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
1 [Z]penchar Juggernaut Finished 42:46 37s at 00:59 30s at 27:35 86( 93) 18 6 128 23354 5 19
2 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker Finished 42:44 36s at 01:11 30s at 00:00 48( 52) 4 0 76 21289 19 30
3 MELISA Queen of Pain Finished 42:44 46s at 01:07 27s at 16:48 85( 91) 8 7 88 41317 7 11
4 NagakanciL Slayer Finished 42:48 41s at 29:32 40s at 00:18 79( 89) 21 4 95 12723 11 0
5 wholetrade Priestess of the Moon Disconnected 20:42 205s at 00:00 28s at 17:02 75( 95) 2 2 31 0 2 8 1
6 [rnh] Lifestealer Finished 42:44 60s at 23:28 60s at 00:01 57( 77) 1 12 84 2710 4 22
7 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Finished 43:27 69s at 01:04 40s at 00:01 88( 94) 7 10 70 41376 4 54
8 rvgs-dvbbs Sacred Warrior Left the game 30:48 87s at 00:00 27s at 30:08 73( 83) 2 13 22 0 21 3 3
9 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Finished 42:50 37s at 39:58 31s at 03:51 59( 68) 6 10 46 01267 4 6
10 ondase43 Drow Ranger Left the game 31:33 91s at 00:19 44s at 25:54 74( 88) 2 9 79 6 3 1 1



[details= ChatLog][CODE] 00:00 [Z]penchar Juggernaut All Shortest load by player [wholetrade] was 6.82 seconds.
00:00 [Z]penchar Juggernaut All Longest load by player [PENGUASAMID] was 22.80 seconds.
00:00 [Z]penchar Juggernaut wholetrade Your load time was 21.39 seconds.
00:00 [Z]penchar Juggernaut All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
00:00 [Z]penchar Juggernaut All Powered by MetroWorld
00:03 [Z]penchar Juggernaut All ondase43: 108ms, rvgs-dvbbs: 85ms, MELISA: 67ms, [Z]penchar: 66ms, [rnh]: 47ms, PENGUASAMID: 41ms, talklessdomore_: 34ms,
00:03 [Z]penchar Juggernaut All Kaneky: 34ms, wholetrade: 10ms, NagakanciL: 8ms
00:09 MELISA Queen of Pain All !p
00:18 [Z]penchar Juggernaut All Setting game owner to [melisa].
00:21 MELISA Queen of Pain All ondase43: 136ms, rvgs-dvbbs: 82ms, MELISA: 66ms, [Z]penchar: 65ms, PENGUASAMID: 50ms, [rnh]: 47ms, talklessdomore_: 33ms,
00:21 MELISA Queen of Pain All Kaneky: 32ms, wholetrade: 10ms, NagakanciL: 8ms
00:24 MELISA Queen of Pain All ondase43: 131ms, rvgs-dvbbs: 86ms, MELISA: 67ms, [Z]penchar: 66ms, PENGUASAMID: 50ms, [rnh]: 48ms, talklessdomore_: 37ms,
00:24 MELISA Queen of Pain All Kaneky: 31ms, wholetrade: 10ms, NagakanciL: 8ms
00:24 MELISA Queen of Pain All ondase43: 131ms, rvgs-dvbbs: 86ms, MELISA: 67ms, [Z]penchar: 66ms, PENGUASAMID: 50ms, [rnh]: 48ms, talklessdomore_: 37ms,
00:24 MELISA Queen of Pain All Kaneky: 31ms, wholetrade: 10ms, NagakanciL: 8ms
00:26 MELISA Queen of Pain All ondase43: 131ms, rvgs-dvbbs: 86ms, MELISA: 67ms, [Z]penchar: 66ms, PENGUASAMID: 50ms, [rnh]: 48ms, talklessdomore_: 37ms,
00:26 MELISA Queen of Pain All Kaneky: 31ms, wholetrade: 10ms, NagakanciL: 8ms
00:26 MELISA Queen of Pain All !p
00:29 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All lain kali kalo gk mw switch gk ush mode apso kk
00:44 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -gameinfo
00:48 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
00:54 [rnh] Lifestealer Allies -random
01:44 MELISA Queen of Pain All ondase43: 120ms, rvgs-dvbbs: 77ms, MELISA: 73ms, [Z]penchar: 72ms, [rnh]: 60ms, PENGUASAMID: 51ms, talklessdomore_: 39ms,
01:44 MELISA Queen of Pain All Kaneky: 25ms, wholetrade: 12ms, NagakanciL: 10ms
01:52 MELISA Queen of Pain All ondase43: 107ms, rvgs-dvbbs: 76ms, MELISA: 73ms, [Z]penchar: 73ms, [rnh]: 60ms, PENGUASAMID: 44ms, talklessdomore_: 41ms,
01:52 MELISA Queen of Pain All Kaneky: 24ms, wholetrade: 11ms, NagakanciL: 10ms
04:03 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
04:10 [rnh] Lifestealer All cok lag nya
04:16 [Z]penchar Juggernaut All brpa ?
04:23 [rnh] Lifestealer All coba 500 kk
04:23 MELISA Queen of Pain All ondase43: 104ms, MELISA: 85ms, [Z]penchar: 81ms, rvgs-dvbbs: 81ms, [rnh]: 60ms, PENGUASAMID: 45ms, Kaneky: 29ms,
04:23 MELISA Queen of Pain All talklessdomore_: 21ms, NagakanciL: 11ms, wholetrade: 11ms
04:25 ondase43 Drow Ranger Allies set
04:28 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All alibi
04:34 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All ping 60 gitu
04:37 [rnh] Lifestealer All pala lo alibi tod
04:46 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All lah ping 60 lag?
04:53 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All idiot
04:56 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
05:01 [rnh] Lifestealer All TOLOLDIAM AJA
05:05 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All LO TOLOL
05:08 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All ANNJING
05:10 [rnh] Lifestealer All LO KIRA PING KECIL PASTI GA LAG
05:12 [rnh] Lifestealer All GOBLOK
05:21 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All OTAK UDANG
05:35 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies share
05:35 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies dong
05:40 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies kar pohon
05:53 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies kar
05:54 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies minta pohon
06:16 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies bara cas
06:17 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies awas
06:18 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies b
06:19 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies kar
06:30 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies aman
06:48 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies traxex share dong
06:57 ondase43 Drow Ranger Allies udh mas
07:33 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies MISS
07:44 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies hadeh
07:51 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies share lah xex
08:02 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies eh sorry gk tau
08:04 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies MISS
08:11 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies !!! Lane Tengah Miss Bro !!!
08:11 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies !!! Lane Tengah Miss Bro !!!
08:22 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies !!! Lane Tengah Miss Bro !!!
09:23 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies gk ada silent mati aja
09:30 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
09:34 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
09:57 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
09:59 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
12:43 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies xex
12:44 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies ati"
13:03 rvgs-dvbbs Sacred Warrior Allies bntu
13:05 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies kebanyakan hero pasifnya susah
13:58 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies b
14:00 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies kar
14:13 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
15:36 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
15:39 rvgs-dvbbs Sacred Warrior Allies ew
16:11 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies mati
16:12 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies b aja
16:14 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
17:01 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies infest
17:05 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
17:15 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies b lah
19:09 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
19:13 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies kar beliin mata dulu dong
19:31 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
19:36 ondase43 Drow Ranger Allies -clear
19:43 [rnh] Lifestealer Allies !checkme
20:26 MELISA Queen of Pain All MELISA: 93ms, [Z]penchar: 91ms, ondase43: 61ms, [rnh]: 59ms, PENGUASAMID: 50ms, rvgs-dvbbs: 39ms, Kaneky: 38ms,
20:26 MELISA Queen of Pain All talklessdomore_: 30ms, wholetrade: 13ms, NagakanciL: 11ms
20:26 MELISA Queen of Pain All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
20:42 MELISA Queen of Pain All wholetrade has lost the connection (timed out).
20:50 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies ad amata kk
21:46 MELISA Queen of Pain All Player [PENGUASAMID] was banned by player [[Z]penchar] on server [].
22:21 ondase43 Drow Ranger Allies MH babe
22:43 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
23:43 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies mau mati mas ?
23:51 ondase43 Drow Ranger Allies push dikit mas
25:55 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies ini xex
25:58 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies feeder
26:06 ondase43 Drow Ranger Allies MH dya mas
26:12 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies lu ngapa sndri
26:18 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies klw maju bareng
26:19 ondase43 Drow Ranger Allies tdi ma huskar
26:24 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies MISS
26:24 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies MISS
26:24 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies MISS
26:29 ondase43 Drow Ranger Allies mid miss
26:59 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies bikin ghost
27:06 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies buat ngatasin omnislash
27:41 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
27:55 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies untung aja ini tim isinya orang-orang naluri pembunuh
28:08 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies we
28:11 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies ngejek
28:12 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies wk
28:37 rvgs-dvbbs Sacred Warrior Allies b
29:21 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies ngelag kontol
29:26 ondase43 Drow Ranger Allies ngakak
29:35 NagakanciL Slayer All wakokaokaoakoakoak
29:44 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant All wkwkwk untung aja tuhan masih baik ngasih ping gw gede
29:58 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All wkwkwk alibi ping?
30:02 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All goblok banget kak
30:19 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant All ya cuman aku dan yang diatas tahu
30:27 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All iya dek
30:31 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All mode apso gk mw switch?
30:33 [Z]penchar Juggernaut All wkwk baru ini gue liat talkless di bacotin :v
30:37 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All aklo numpang mah numpang aja
30:42 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
30:48 MELISA Queen of Pain All rvgs-dvbbs has left the game voluntarily.
31:07 MELISA Queen of Pain All Player [rvgs-dvbbs] was banned by player [[Z]penchar] on server [].
31:07 ondase43 Drow Ranger Allies azzzz
31:13 ondase43 Drow Ranger Allies kok di drop barang gw
31:30 ondase43 Drow Ranger Allies edan
31:33 MELISA Queen of Pain All ondase43 has left the game voluntarily.
31:39 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
31:40 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies idiot asli
31:43 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies ini team
31:44 MELISA Queen of Pain All z
31:51 MELISA Queen of Pain All Player [ondase43] was banned by player [[Z]penchar] on server [].
32:10 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies bikin bkb
32:34 MELISA Queen of Pain All anjg
32:49 NagakanciL Slayer All wkkwwk
33:09 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies def
33:10 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies lah
33:12 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies ix
33:12 [Z]penchar Juggernaut All gue cepetin aja ?
33:18 NagakanciL Slayer All iya kasihan
33:41 NagakanciL Slayer All lamain aja dideff
33:42 NagakanciL Slayer All wkkw
34:08 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler Allies mh
34:43 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies b aj
35:00 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies balik
35:01 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies daripada rata
36:01 NagakanciL Slayer All mh tp GOBLOGNYA minta ampun
36:05 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All ^^
36:11 Kaneky Murloc Nightcrawler All ?
36:19 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All pantes booknya mh juga tolol gitu maennya
36:31 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies aduh infest napa
36:32 NagakanciL Slayer All see
36:35 NagakanciL Slayer All tolol kan
36:38 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
36:39 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All banget
37:22 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All tolol
39:03 NagakanciL Slayer All Wkk
40:00 PENGUASAMID Spiritbreaker All GOBLOK
40:09 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
40:30 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies bikin bkb napa
42:06 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
42:33 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies -clear
42:42 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant Allies dah tq dah udah bikin gamenya makin seru
42:43 MELISA Queen of Pain All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
42:43 MELISA Queen of Pain All Powered by MetroWorld
42:44 MELISA Queen of Pain All PENGUASAMID has left the game voluntarily.
42:44 MELISA Queen of Pain All MELISA has left the game voluntarily.
42:44 [Z]penchar Juggernaut All [rnh] has left the game voluntarily.
42:46 [Z]penchar Juggernaut All [Z]penchar has left the game voluntarily.
42:48 NagakanciL Slayer All NagakanciL has left the game voluntarily.
42:50 talklessdomore_ Stone Giant All Kaneky has left the game voluntarily.


[details= GameLog][CODE] 00:00:00 Game starting
00:00:07 [Z]penchar Mode : -clear
00:02:31 Creep spawning
00:04:02 [Z]penchar First Kill: Killed [rnh]
00:10:46 NagakanciL Destroyed external scourge mid Tower
00:14:50 [Z]penchar Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower
00:16:04 NagakanciL Destroyed external scourge top Tower
00:20:42 wholetrade Disconnected
00:20:43 ondase43 Stats: 31 creep kills - 0 denies - 1 neutrals
00:22:18 [rnh] Destroyed external sentinel top Tower
00:30:09 [Z]penchar Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower
00:30:48 rvgs-dvbbs Left the game
00:30:49 MELISA Stats: 19 creep kills - 0 denies - 3 neutrals
00:31:33 ondase43 Left the game
00:31:34 talklessdomore_ Stats: 76 creep kills - 6 denies - 1 neutrals
00:32:16 [Z]penchar Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower
00:32:57 [Z]penchar Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower
00:33:14 [Z]penchar Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks
00:36:43 [Z]penchar Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower
00:37:46 [Z]penchar Destroyed base scourge top Tower
00:37:54 [Z]penchar Destroyed scourge top melee Barracks
00:38:01 NagakanciL Destroyed scourge top ranged Barracks
00:39:12 MELISA Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks
00:40:50 [Z]penchar Destroyed base scourge mid Tower
00:42:03 [Z]penchar Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks
00:42:20 [Z]penchar Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks
00:42:27 [Z]penchar Destroyed final scourge mid Tower
00:42:34 Frozen Throne at 75%
00:42:36 Frozen Throne at 50%
00:42:40 Frozen Throne at 25%
00:42:42 Frozen Throne at 10%
00:42:43 Sentinel Won
00:42:44 PENGUASAMID Finished
00:42:44 MELISA Finished
00:42:44 [rnh] Finished
00:42:46 [Z]penchar Finished
00:42:48 NagakanciL Finished
00:42:50 Kaneky Finished
00:43:27 talklessdomore_ Finished
00:43:27 Game terminated




00:20:42 wholetrade Disconnected
00:30:48 rvgs-dvbbs Left the game
00:31:33 ondase43 Left the game

//b rvgs-dvbbs 40 Leaver http://mtrv.info/t39849 & http://mtrv.info/t39848
//b Ondase43 20 Leaver http://mtrv.info/t39849

DC Noted.
Close Thread.