[Leaver] -mystickman-,-mystickviper-
ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : uBLuK_-
Screenshot Ping dan Time
[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i63.tinypic.com/282lszl.png
Save Replay / SS Bukti
Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus
[Leaver] -mystickman-,-mystickviper-
ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : uBLuK_-
Screenshot Ping dan Time
[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i63.tinypic.com/282lszl.png
Save Replay / SS Bukti
Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus
Game Length : 41:52
Dota Winner Side : Sentinel
Saver : uBLuK_-
Host : Bot-iRLo
Dota Mode : -ap
# Nick Hero Lag Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
1 Milo NC00 Finished 41:55 247s at 23:02 155s at 28:46 70(108) 2 1 43 01023 10 58
2 RvGs[Ripan] Finished 41:55 26s at 20:58 25s at 32:16 86( 95) 3 5 28 01627 9 7
3 uBLuK_- H00Q Lag Finished 41:55 81s at 01:02 67s at 37:39 73( 92) 22 8 71 23387 6 6
4 -LuMiX- N00B Lag Finished 41:55 35s at 00:00 16s at 13:57 91( 93) 5 6 162 56500 14 12
5 HidupKuMerana HC92 Finished 41:53 36s at 24:46 28s at 33:40 103(114) 14 7 67 12253 6 19
6 M4SK Finished 41:55 39s at 00:01 19s at 36:51 103(106) 15 5 160 6288 3 18
7 RvGs--Kaito-- U00E Left the game 41:51 31s at 00:30 30s at 20:20 112(123) 1 11 59 2747 2 6
8 INthenameofEKHY E002 Finished 41:52 31s at 21:35 29s at 22:15 81( 93) 1 13 60 41272 6 0
9 -MystickMan- U00F Disconnected 21:40 29s at 21:11 28s at 02:18 87( 97) 7 8 5 1 16 2 0
10 -MystickViper- Disconnected 21:43 51s at 01:59 47s at 18:35 86( 98) 1 9 30 3 11 2 0
[details=Game Log]00:00:00 Game starting
00:02:32 Creep spawning
00:04:50 M4SK First Kill: Killed -LuMiX-
00:12:41 -MystickViper- Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower
00:14:37 M4SK Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower
00:17:26 M4SK Destroyed external sentinel top Tower
00:21:40 -MystickMan- Disconnected
00:21:41 INthenameofEKHY Stats: 5 creep kills - 1 denies - 0 neutrals
00:21:43 -MystickViper- Disconnected
00:21:44 uBLuK_- Stats: 30 creep kills - 3 denies - 0 neutrals
00:22:30 -LuMiX- Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower
00:25:45 uBLuK_- Lag
00:23:02 Milo AFK started for 247s
00:28:37 -LuMiX- Destroyed external scourge top Tower
00:31:52 M4SK Denied intermediate scourge mid Tower
00:36:33 -LuMiX- Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks
00:36:42 HidupKuMerana Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks
00:38:51 -LuMiX- Lag
00:41:24 Frozen Throne at 75%
00:41:32 Frozen Throne at 50%
00:41:46 Frozen Throne at 25%
00:41:49 Frozen Throne at 10%
00:41:51 RvGs--Kaito-- Left the game
00:41:52 Sentinel Won
00:41:52 INthenameofEKHY Finished
00:41:53 HidupKuMerana Finished
00:41:55 -LuMiX- Finished
00:41:55 RvGs[Ripan] Finished
00:41:55 M4SK Finished
00:41:55 Milo Finished
00:41:55 uBLuK_- Finished
00:41:54 Game terminated
[details=Chat Log]00:00 Milo NC00 All Shortest load by player [HidupKuMerana] was 7.39 seconds.
00:00 Milo NC00 All Longest load by player [Milo] was 18.34 seconds.
00:00 Milo NC00 HidupKuMerana Your load time was 7.87 seconds.
00:00 Milo NC00 All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
00:00 Milo NC00 All Powered by MetroWorld
00:10 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies -weather moonlight
00:13 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies -water green
00:17 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies -don
00:20 uBLuK_- H00Q All -ah
00:22 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies -clear
00:23 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies -random
00:25 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies 0-cear
00:26 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies -clear
00:29 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies -clear
00:30 RvGs[Ripan] Allies -water random
00:31 -LuMiX- N00B Allies -water green
00:32 Milo NC00 Allies -ah
00:37 Milo NC00 Allies -water green
00:41 Milo NC00 Allies -music off
00:42 Milo NC00 Allies -clear
01:25 Milo NC00 Allies jadi kalo anda tdk bersalah tp di BAN, apakah anda dendam bro?
01:37 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies ya santai aja bro
01:40 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies gw sih ga dendam
01:47 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies paling aja pensiun
01:52 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies cuma gw bilang itu pilih kasih
01:55 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies dendam mlah tambah dosa bro
01:58 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies yang MH banyak
02:02 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies yang di ban 1 orang
02:05 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies kan aneh
02:05 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies takut azab allah
02:07 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies -clear
02:55 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies ted jadiin
02:59 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies gua cofer
03:47 RvGs[Ripan] Allies sabr
04:34 RvGs[Ripan] Allies gile
04:51 -LuMiX- N00B Allies ew
05:21 -LuMiX- N00B Allies 0
05:22 -LuMiX- N00B Allies 0
05:47 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies was ted
05:51 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies pudge miss
05:57 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies palingan di sini
06:23 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies gak mungkin utan
06:36 -LuMiX- N00B Allies wah
06:59 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies milo
07:01 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies utan aja
07:50 -LuMiX- N00B Allies 0
07:55 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies share aa
07:57 RvGs[Ripan] Allies gile
08:31 uBLuK_- H00Q All hahha
09:01 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies share beb
09:20 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
09:24 Milo NC00 Allies !
09:25 Milo NC00 All INthenameofEKHY: 286ms, -MystickMan-: 116ms, -MystickViper-: 110ms, M4SK: 84ms, RvGs--Kaito--: 73ms,
09:25 Milo NC00 All HidupKuMerana: 68ms, Milo: 67ms, RvGs[Ripan]: 43ms, -LuMiX-: 42ms, uBLuK_-: 23ms
09:25 Milo NC00 Allies !P
09:27 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies -clear
10:00 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies -===Miss Line Gw===-
10:00 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies -===Miss Line Gw===-
10:01 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies -===Miss Line Gw===-
10:01 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies -===Miss Line Gw===-
10:30 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies ya allah oted takutnya
10:37 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies astaga
11:03 -MystickMan- U00F All klawkaw
11:12 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies baru bljar to oted
11:12 -LuMiX- N00B Allies 0
12:05 Milo NC00 Allies 3
12:34 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies ted
12:40 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies buat vladmir
12:44 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies tau gak
12:51 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies klau gak tau bikin dominator aja
12:53 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies dia pemula
13:11 RvGs[Ripan] Allies y
13:14 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies helm trol sma mask of dead
13:40 -LuMiX- N00B Allies tot
13:45 RvGs[Ripan] Allies y
14:16 uBLuK_- H00Q All wah keren mainnya eul
14:21 M4SK All :p
14:30 uBLuK_- H00Q All hasem tenan
16:10 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies tabrak
16:10 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies gas
16:50 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies b
17:03 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies nanti klau lwan lesraknya awalindulu ya
17:07 HidupKuMerana HC92 All BOLEH NANYA BROO?
17:12 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies soale dia eul
17:30 HidupKuMerana HC92 All lerrack kalo lo ulti trus eul mana lo abis ga?
17:35 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies lumik baru main puck ya
17:36 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies hehhe
17:39 M4SK All kurang kok
17:43 -LuMiX- N00B Allies noob kk
17:44 HidupKuMerana HC92 All oke
18:09 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies GAS
20:21 uBLuK_- H00Q All WAKKWA
20:30 uBLuK_- H00Q All ADA juga yg baru ini
20:31 uBLuK_- H00Q All qkwkawkw
20:43 uBLuK_- H00Q All gak usah di marahin ada yg menang n klah bro
21:13 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies !P
21:13 -MystickMan- U00F All set
21:13 Milo NC00 Allies !
21:13 -MystickMan- U00F All bang
21:13 Milo NC00 All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
21:13 Milo NC00 Allies !sl 500
21:40 Milo NC00 All -MystickMan- has lost the connection (timed out).
21:43 Milo NC00 All -MystickViper- has lost the connection (timed out).
21:44 M4SK All wah lag berdua
21:49 uBLuK_- H00Q All gua ban itu tq
22:11 Milo NC00 All Milo: 219ms, RvGs--Kaito--: 71ms, INthenameofEKHY: 71ms, M4SK: 49ms, -LuMiX-: 35ms, HidupKuMerana: 31ms,
22:11 Milo NC00 All RvGs[Ripan]: 29ms, uBLuK_-: 6ms
22:11 Milo NC00 Allies !P
22:27 Milo NC00 All Milo: 234ms, INthenameofEKHY: 77ms, RvGs--Kaito--: 71ms, M4SK: 48ms, -LuMiX-: 37ms, HidupKuMerana: 32ms,
22:27 Milo NC00 All RvGs[Ripan]: 30ms, uBLuK_-: 6ms
22:27 Milo NC00 Allies !P
22:29 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies gini lo
22:35 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies klau gua main niat pda lev
22:35 Milo NC00 Allies -clear
22:44 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies kadang aku kasian
22:58 Milo NC00 All Milo: 289ms, INthenameofEKHY: 92ms, RvGs--Kaito--: 70ms, M4SK: 46ms, -LuMiX-: 37ms, HidupKuMerana: 32ms,
22:58 Milo NC00 All RvGs[Ripan]: 29ms, uBLuK_-: 6ms
22:58 Milo NC00 Allies !P
23:38 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
23:52 Milo NC00 All Milo: 3775ms, INthenameofEKHY: 140ms, RvGs--Kaito--: 69ms, M4SK: 48ms, HidupKuMerana: 36ms, RvGs[Ripan]: 32ms,
23:52 Milo NC00 All -LuMiX-: 31ms, uBLuK_-: 5ms
23:52 Milo NC00 Allies !P
23:55 Milo NC00 All Setting sync limit to the maximum of 10000 packets.
23:55 Milo NC00 Allies !sl max
24:00 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
24:04 Milo NC00 All Milo has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
24:04 Milo NC00 All Please wait for me to reconnect (0 seconds remain).
24:04 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
24:25 Milo NC00 All Milo has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
24:25 Milo NC00 All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
24:25 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
24:45 Milo NC00 All Milo has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
24:45 Milo NC00 All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
24:48 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
24:51 M4SK All fiuuh
24:52 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
24:54 HidupKuMerana HC92 All pembalap
24:55 uBLuK_- H00Q All waso
24:56 M4SK All wkawk
24:58 uBLuK_- H00Q All takut lu
24:59 uBLuK_- H00Q All kwakkaww
25:01 M4SK All panik stun lepas cok
25:05 uBLuK_- H00Q All sini
25:21 uBLuK_- H00Q All gua pakai baju nih
25:23 RvGs[Ripan] Allies takut wwkwkwkwkwk
25:25 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
25:26 uBLuK_- H00Q All sini stun ulti
25:32 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
25:32 M4SK All wkwk
25:41 uBLuK_- H00Q All asem
25:45 uBLuK_- H00Q All lagi chat
25:46 RvGs--Kaito-- U00E All :/
25:47 Milo NC00 All Milo has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
25:47 Milo NC00 All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
25:48 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
25:49 M4SK All :v
25:53 uBLuK_- H00Q All wanyep tenan
26:08 uBLuK_- H00Q All habis ini lesrack mati di tangan gua hahaha
26:09 Milo NC00 All Milo has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
26:09 Milo NC00 All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
26:10 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
26:21 Milo NC00 All Milo: 28561ms, INthenameofEKHY: 127ms, RvGs--Kaito--: 67ms, -LuMiX-: 62ms, M4SK: 59ms, RvGs[Ripan]: 29ms,
26:21 Milo NC00 All HidupKuMerana: 28ms, uBLuK_-: 6ms
26:21 Milo NC00 Allies !p
26:30 Milo NC00 All Milo has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
26:30 Milo NC00 All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
26:34 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
26:56 Milo NC00 All Milo has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
26:56 Milo NC00 All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
26:56 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
27:02 uBLuK_- H00Q All sini lesrack
27:08 M4SK All -___
27:19 Milo NC00 All Milo: 47799ms, INthenameofEKHY: 224ms, M4SK: 82ms, RvGs--Kaito--: 74ms, -LuMiX-: 67ms, HidupKuMerana: 30ms,
27:19 Milo NC00 All RvGs[Ripan]: 28ms, uBLuK_-: 6ms
27:19 Milo NC00 Allies !P
27:23 Milo NC00 All Milo has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
27:23 Milo NC00 All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
27:25 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
27:29 Milo NC00 Allies aa
27:30 Milo NC00 Allies asf
27:31 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies -clear
27:31 Milo NC00 Allies f
27:34 Milo NC00 Allies f
27:35 Milo NC00 Allies 3
27:37 Milo NC00 Allies d
27:41 Milo NC00 Allies !cm
27:43 M4SK All aseem
27:50 Milo NC00 All Milo has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
27:50 Milo NC00 All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
27:51 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
28:09 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
28:12 M4SK All kget gua dagge ternyta ---
28:19 Milo NC00 All Milo has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
28:19 Milo NC00 All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
28:21 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
28:24 uBLuK_- H00Q All wakkw
28:49 Milo NC00 All Milo: 34988ms, INthenameofEKHY: 358ms, RvGs--Kaito--: 92ms, M4SK: 69ms, -LuMiX-: 61ms, HidupKuMerana: 59ms,
28:49 Milo NC00 All RvGs[Ripan]: 34ms, uBLuK_-: 23ms
28:49 Milo NC00 Allies !P
28:54 Milo NC00 All Milo has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
28:54 Milo NC00 All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
28:55 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
29:10 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies gas
29:14 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
29:31 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies mau sampah ya
29:32 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies hehhee
29:33 Milo NC00 All Milo has lost the connection (timed out) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
29:33 Milo NC00 All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
29:35 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
30:16 Milo NC00 All Milo has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
30:16 Milo NC00 All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
30:20 Milo NC00 All Player [Milo] reconnected with GProxy++!
30:28 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies bilingq tinggal 20 MENIr bro
30:49 Milo NC00 Allies dc
30:49 Milo NC00 Allies ada
30:50 Milo NC00 Allies da
30:51 Milo NC00 Allies ge
30:51 Milo NC00 Allies g
30:53 Milo NC00 Allies y
30:53 Milo NC00 Allies y
31:06 Milo NC00 Allies dc
31:08 Milo NC00 Allies aa
31:10 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies gas
31:17 Milo NC00 Allies modem anying
31:35 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
31:36 Milo NC00 Allies dc
31:37 Milo NC00 Allies aaa
31:40 Milo NC00 Allies ag
31:41 Milo NC00 Allies g
31:47 Milo NC00 All Milo: 1692ms, INthenameofEKHY: 158ms, RvGs--Kaito--: 86ms, -LuMiX-: 56ms, M4SK: 51ms, RvGs[Ripan]: 36ms,
31:47 Milo NC00 All HidupKuMerana: 25ms, uBLuK_-: 7ms
31:47 Milo NC00 Allies !P
31:59 Milo NC00 Allies kartu 3 macam taik
32:15 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
32:19 Milo NC00 All Milo: 1089ms, INthenameofEKHY: 200ms, RvGs--Kaito--: 80ms, -LuMiX-: 71ms, M4SK: 61ms, RvGs[Ripan]: 36ms,
32:19 Milo NC00 All HidupKuMerana: 30ms, uBLuK_-: 8ms
32:19 Milo NC00 Allies !P
32:24 Milo NC00 Allies -clear
32:27 Milo NC00 All Milo: 1199ms, INthenameofEKHY: 215ms, RvGs--Kaito--: 77ms, -LuMiX-: 70ms, M4SK: 64ms, RvGs[Ripan]: 36ms,
32:27 Milo NC00 All HidupKuMerana: 30ms, uBLuK_-: 8ms
32:27 Milo NC00 Allies !P
32:30 Milo NC00 Allies -rf
32:33 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
32:34 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies loh
32:35 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies asep
32:39 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies enak tadi rik
32:41 Milo NC00 Allies pegang room
32:45 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
32:49 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies sini
32:54 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
32:58 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies !p
32:58 Milo NC00 All Setting game owner to [ubluk_-].
32:58 Milo NC00 Allies !owner ubluk_-
33:01 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies !p
33:01 uBLuK_- H00Q All Milo: 322ms, INthenameofEKHY: 225ms, RvGs--Kaito--: 79ms, -LuMiX-: 73ms, M4SK: 66ms, HidupKuMerana: 30ms,
33:01 uBLuK_- H00Q All RvGs[Ripan]: 29ms, uBLuK_-: 7ms
33:04 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies !sl 500
33:04 uBLuK_- H00Q All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
33:06 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies !l 90
33:06 uBLuK_- H00Q All Setting game latency to 90 ms.
33:07 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies -clear
33:11 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
33:11 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
33:11 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies eul
33:13 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies silan
33:21 Milo NC00 Allies dc
33:31 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies pick utan langsung slesaiin yok
33:41 Milo NC00 Allies siapin
33:42 Milo NC00 Allies aaa
33:45 Milo NC00 Allies modem kumat
33:49 Milo NC00 Allies !cm
33:50 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
33:58 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies share
33:58 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
34:00 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies loric
34:03 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies biat gw mainin
34:15 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies yok muid
34:16 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies mid
34:26 Milo NC00 Allies bwt tb itu hero
34:27 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
34:55 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies mid
34:56 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies gas
35:00 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
35:36 Milo NC00 Allies !cm
35:49 Milo NC00 Allies dc
35:56 M4SK All wasem
36:00 uBLuK_- H00Q All wakkw
36:12 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
36:35 Milo NC00 Allies !cm
36:43 Milo NC00 Allies lgsg saja
36:49 M4SK All cihaa
37:02 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies shop
37:09 Milo NC00 Allies dah
37:11 uBLuK_- H00Q All biling ku abisa
37:16 uBLuK_- H00Q All maaf
37:17 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
37:18 Milo NC00 Allies tunggu ubluk
37:19 Milo NC00 Allies jgn
37:23 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies gak owk
37:28 Milo NC00 Allies jgn
37:31 Milo NC00 Allies -clear
37:49 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies tunggu kenapa bro
37:54 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
37:54 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies cpetin aja to ya
37:58 Milo NC00 Allies siapin aja
38:05 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies siapin apa
38:09 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies ?
38:11 Milo NC00 Allies selesain game nya
38:17 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
38:20 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies lha iya
38:26 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies mid aja selsaiin
38:26 Milo NC00 Allies !cm
38:29 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies !p
38:29 uBLuK_- H00Q All Milo: 491ms, INthenameofEKHY: 93ms, RvGs--Kaito--: 80ms, M4SK: 76ms, -LuMiX-: 62ms, HidupKuMerana: 33ms,
38:29 uBLuK_- H00Q All RvGs[Ripan]: 30ms, uBLuK_-: 7ms
38:39 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies !sl 700
38:40 uBLuK_- H00Q All Setting sync limit to 700 packets.
38:42 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies -clear
38:44 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
38:50 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies mid
38:51 -LuMiX- N00B Allies delay bgt
38:51 -LuMiX- N00B Allies gw
38:51 HidupKuMerana HC92 Allies kelarin
38:53 -LuMiX- N00B Allies main
38:59 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
39:04 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies ayok
39:08 Milo NC00 Allies ini modem aku kumat lagi kartu 3 nya
39:13 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies tunggu
39:14 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies aku
39:16 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies tarras
39:25 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
39:46 Milo NC00 Allies makan BM dy
39:47 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
39:49 Milo NC00 Allies bodoh
39:53 uBLuK_- H00Q Allies hahaha
39:54 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
40:16 Milo NC00 Allies we
40:19 Milo NC00 Allies ako mati
40:39 Milo NC00 Allies mati knapa ako
40:41 Milo NC00 Allies dc
40:42 -LuMiX- N00B Allies !cm
41:21 uBLuK_- H00Q All TQ bro
41:23 uBLuK_- H00Q All mask
41:25 M4SK All tq"
41:32 HidupKuMerana HC92 All :v
41:39 Milo NC00 Allies tunggu ako
41:51 uBLuK_- H00Q All RvGs--Kaito-- has left the game voluntarily.
41:51 Milo NC00 Allies hore
41:52 uBLuK_- H00Q All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
41:52 uBLuK_- H00Q All Powered by MetroWorld
41:52 uBLuK_- H00Q All INthenameofEKHY has left the game voluntarily.
41:53 uBLuK_- H00Q All HidupKuMerana has left the game voluntarily.
[details=Keterangan]00:21:40 -MystickMan- Disconnected
00:21:43 -MystickViper- Disconnected
Thread Closed