[Leaver] En-Knight , Rokok
ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : MR
Screenshot Ping dan Time
[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i68.tinypic.com/c163k.jpg
Save Replay / SS Bukti
Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus
[Leaver] En-Knight , Rokok
ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : MR
Screenshot Ping dan Time
[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i68.tinypic.com/c163k.jpg
Save Replay / SS Bukti
Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus
Game Length : 34:56
Dota Winner Side : Sentinel
Saver :MR
Dota Mode :-ap
Host : CLAN-YwAF
[code]# Nick Hero Lag Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
1 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Lag Finished 34:59 37s at 27:26 31s at 11:48 86( 93) 13 2 75 03198 10 18
2 -1987- Bane Elemental Finished 35:00 62s at 27:23 60s at 32:30 42( 49) 9 4 35 02274 11 0
3 MR Butcher Finished 35:00 24s at 00:01 22s at 00:43 65( 68) 14 3 43 14367 10 0
4 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Finished 34:58 49s at 00:00 38s at 03:42 88( 93) 7 2 72 17116 12 10
5 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Finished 34:58 26s at 34:10 22s at 00:03 140(147) 16 3 154 112397 9 22
6 rVgs_mbois Omniknight Finished 34:58 77s at 00:21 21s at 19:47 99(110) 1 10 32 47830 8 0
7 Rvgs-007 Crystal Maiden Finished 34:58 57s at 00:01 39s at 33:41 125(151) 8 9 16 06056 1 0
8 rokok Dwarven Sniper Left the game 17:00 36s at 15:16 22s at 16:37 67( 75) 0 13 19 1 4 2 2
9 en-knight Drow Ranger Left the game 06:50 25s at 01:08 17s at 00:48 29( 34) 2 14 8 0 4 4 0
10 ORA-ERO Lone Druid Left the game 18:31 38s at 00:29 35s at 16:54 61( 75) 1 14 25 0 9 2 18
[details=Chatlog][code]00:00 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All Shortest load by player [[E]ternal[H]itz] was 7.80 seconds.
00:00 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All Longest load by player [en-knight] was 24.52 seconds.
00:00 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus -1987- Your load time was 9.30 seconds.
00:00 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
00:00 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All Powered by MetroWorld
00:04 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -hhn
00:05 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -don
00:05 MR Butcher Allies -cLeaR
00:10 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -water random
00:11 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -ii
00:11 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -di
00:12 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies -ii
00:13 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -clear
00:14 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies -don
00:14 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -es
00:15 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -clear
00:16 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies -ah
00:21 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -clear
00:22 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
00:22 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies !sl 500
00:28 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All Setting game latency to 80 ms.
00:28 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies !l 80
00:30 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies -clear
00:49 MR Butcher Allies gw mid boleh
00:50 MR Butcher Allies ?
00:50 MR Butcher Allies -cLeaR
00:56 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies bebas
00:57 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -clear
00:58 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies ea
01:00 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies -ma
01:04 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies es isak
01:13 MR Butcher Allies bole hga
01:19 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -cler
01:22 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -clear
01:49 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies ambil deh gw ngalah
02:01 MR Butcher Allies zz
02:02 MR Butcher Allies ga jadi
02:06 MR Butcher Allies gw udah pick pudge
02:14 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies pudge bisa mid jga
02:17 MR Butcher Allies malas
02:20 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -clear
02:38 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies !cm
02:46 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All Setting sync limit to 600 packets.
02:46 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies !sl 600
03:01 MR Butcher Allies -cLeaR
03:06 MR Butcher Allies !cm
03:06 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus -1987- Checked player [MR]. Ping: 1601ms, From: ??, Admin: No, Owner: No, Spoof Checked: No, Realm:, Reserved: No.
03:45 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies pause bentar bang
04:08 MR Butcher Allies wkwkw
04:09 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies taik
04:13 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies setan bodoh
04:15 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies pake pause
04:41 MR Butcher Allies hajar yu
05:03 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies -clear
05:20 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies alah
05:22 -1987- Bane Elemental All salah
05:26 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies wkwk
05:33 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies -clear
05:37 MR Butcher Allies -cLeaR
05:39 MR Butcher Allies wkwkw
05:42 MR Butcher Allies galak kardel nya
06:30 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies sep
06:50 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All en-knight has left the game voluntarily.
06:52 MR Butcher Allies -cLeaR
06:55 MR Butcher All mayan 1 id
07:00 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies !banlast leaver
07:00 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All Player [en-knight] was banned by player [Alien-[V]] on server [].
07:17 MR Butcher Allies cek ada obs kek nya
07:22 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies b
07:33 MR Butcher Allies skill 1
07:34 MR Butcher Allies 2
07:42 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies blm skil 3
07:43 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies ga bisa
08:27 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies salah beli sepatu shit
09:04 MR Butcher Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching I Love You
09:55 MR Butcher Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching I Love You
09:55 MR Butcher Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching I Love You
09:56 MR Butcher Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching I Love You
10:29 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies miss
11:00 MR Butcher Allies cek
11:02 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies blm
11:52 MR Butcher Allies anjing gk sampe wkwkw
11:52 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies eek
12:01 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies peler kau masih pendek
12:09 MR Butcher Allies amsi lvl 2
12:18 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies aduh
13:21 JACLINE Shadow Fiend All tau yah snip
13:24 JACLINE Shadow Fiend All gg
14:31 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies tau aja anjir
15:33 rokok Dwarven Sniper All ni main kug ngelarang2 taik
15:43 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -clear
16:07 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies bagi kil ngapa wkkw
16:23 -1987- Bane Elemental Allies klu gue ulti ngak dihit
16:57 rokok Dwarven Sniper All prmainan taik ni serbah larang taik
17:00 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All rokok has left the game voluntarily.
17:04 Rvgs-007 Crystal Maiden All asu snip e
17:06 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies !banlast leaver
17:06 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All Player [rokok] was banned by player [Alien-[V]] on server [].
17:15 rVgs_mbois Omniknight All njink anjink
17:18 MR Butcher All 2 i
17:19 MR Butcher All d
17:48 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies cepatin dah mid
17:50 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies ga seru
18:23 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies -clear
18:31 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All ORA-ERO has left the game voluntarily.
18:34 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies wwk
18:36 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -clear
18:36 Rvgs-007 Crystal Maiden All wes mas
18:39 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies !banlast leaver
18:40 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All Player [ORA-ERO] was banned by player [Alien-[V]] on server [].
18:40 MR Butcher All cpetin mid
18:41 MR Butcher Allies -cLeaR
18:43 MR Butcher Allies -cLeaR
18:44 Rvgs-007 Crystal Maiden All mbuh iki isi ne sampah
18:45 MR Butcher Allies -cLeaR
19:33 MR Butcher Allies gondar nya begho ini
19:52 MR Butcher Allies ga pernah mau hit
20:47 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies pu
20:48 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies sory2
21:20 MR Butcher Allies pantes ga bisa dagger
21:23 MR Butcher Allies nge bakar trus
21:24 MR Butcher Allies tai
21:25 MR Butcher Allies -cLeaR
22:02 rVgs_mbois Omniknight All awkwkwkwk
22:05 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -clear
22:58 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies cepatin aja
22:59 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies bosen
23:07 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies yok
23:09 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies sak
23:10 MR Butcher Allies dari tadi mid
23:12 MR Butcher Allies gk ada yg hit tower
23:16 MR Butcher Allies gmane mau hancur
23:28 Rvgs-007 Crystal Maiden All rombongan datang
23:44 rVgs_mbois Omniknight All Awkwkw
23:47 MR Butcher Allies wkwkw
24:03 MR Butcher All rombongan dari mana tu gan
24:23 MR Butcher All wew ada riilay
24:33 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies lothar dia
24:40 rVgs_mbois Omniknight All Ea
25:33 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All Alien-[V]: 197ms, MR: 56ms, JACLINE: 53ms, [E]ternal[H]itz: 48ms, rVgs_mbois: 43ms, Rvgs-007: 33ms, -1987-: 20ms
25:33 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies !p
27:19 rVgs_mbois Omniknight All awkwkkw
27:28 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies zz
27:28 rVgs_mbois Omniknight All ea
27:33 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies kurrir mrka
27:37 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies kurir mrka
27:49 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies kurir mrka
27:51 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies hajar
27:51 rVgs_mbois Omniknight All buju buneng
28:12 rVgs_mbois Omniknight All 1 lagi
28:18 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All keluar cepat
28:39 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -clear
28:40 Rvgs-007 Crystal Maiden All wew
29:10 rVgs_mbois Omniknight All buju buneng
29:14 MR Butcher All kkwakw
29:21 MR Butcher All rombongan dari mana itu
29:23 MR Butcher All penasaran gw
29:30 rVgs_mbois Omniknight All doli
30:40 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies wkwk
30:43 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies mampus
30:49 MR Butcher Allies awkawko 1 rt
30:52 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies gw ulti dua kli ga mati
30:55 rVgs_mbois Omniknight All pud ga bisakuluar tuu
31:02 Rvgs-007 Crystal Maiden All wowkowkwokwo
31:29 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies !cm
31:31 MR Butcher Allies awoakwkoawkoa
31:40 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies lag
31:45 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies bodoh
31:51 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus Allies !ban -198 bodoh
31:51 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All Player [-1987-] was banned by player [Alien-[V]] on server [].
32:24 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies kenapa dia di band
32:52 MR Butcher All mampos
32:54 -1987- Bane Elemental Allies untung gue tidurin ditower td
33:42 MR Butcher All akowakowkoaw
33:42 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies aso
33:43 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All EA
33:46 rVgs_mbois Omniknight All Awkwk
33:54 Rvgs-007 Crystal Maiden All wes asuuu
34:02 Rvgs-007 Crystal Maiden All 2 - 5 cog
34:12 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies -clear
34:18 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies anjing nih gondar dongo
34:21 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies -clear
34:23 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies ape?
34:27 rVgs_mbois Omniknight All puas puasin aja
34:36 JACLINE Shadow Fiend Allies babi hero gw lu kasih maju ke ft
34:44 [E]ternal[H]itz Bounty Hunter Allies bukan gw yg gerakin elu tai
34:56 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
34:56 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All Powered by MetroWorld
34:58 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All JACLINE has left the game voluntarily.
34:58 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All [E]ternal[H]itz has left the game voluntarily.
34:58 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All Rvgs-007 has left the game voluntarily.
34:58 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All rVgs_mbois has left the game voluntarily.
34:59 Alien-[V] Lord of Olympus All Alien-[V] has left the game voluntarily.
35:00 -1987- Bane Elemental All -1987- has left the game voluntarily.
[details=Gamelog][code]00:00:00 Game starting
00:02:37 Creep spawning
00:04:02 [E]ternal[H]itz Paused the game
00:04:02 Alien-[V] Unpaused the game after 5s
00:04:59 MR First Kill: Killed rokok
00:06:50 en-knight Left the game
00:06:51 [E]ternal[H]itz Stats: 5 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 Neutrals
00:17:00 rokok Left the game
00:17:00 rokok Stats: 18 creep kills - 1 denies - 2 Neutrals
00:18:31 ORA-ERO Left the game
00:18:32 en-knight Stats: 25 creep kills - 0 denies - 18 Neutrals
00:23:57 [E]ternal[H]itz Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower
00:25:54 MR Destroyed base scourge mid Tower
00:26:29 JACLINE Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower
00:28:34 rVgs_mbois Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower
00:30:38 JACLINE Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower
00:31:40 Alien-[V] Lag
00:34:24 Frozen Throne at 75%
00:34:37 Frozen Throne at 50%
00:34:48 Frozen Throne at 25%
00:34:53 Frozen Throne at 10%
00:34:56 Sentinel Won
00:34:58 JACLINE Finished
00:34:58 [E]ternal[H]itz Finished
00:34:58 Rvgs-007 Finished
00:34:58 rVgs_mbois Finished
00:34:59 Alien-[V] Finished
00:35:00 -1987- Finished
00:35:00 MR Finished
00:34:59 Game terminated
en-knight Left the game
rokok Left the game