[Leaver] Chocolupia

[Leaver] Chocolupia

ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : MR

Screenshot Ping dan Time

[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i68.tinypic.com/8wjkzs.jpg

Save Replay / SS Bukti

Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus

  • Ada ruiner di menit2 terakhir , tiny terus2in toss temen nya ke musuh



Game Length :38:12
Dota Winner Side : Sentinel

Saver :MR
Dota Mode : -ap
Host : CLAN-YwAF

[code]# Nick Hero Lag Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
1 opera Lifestealer Disconnected 14:15 37s at 13:38 27s at 11:02 35( 46) 1 3 6 0 6 3 42
2 Jacline Invoker Finished 38:14 62s at 37:09 52s at 00:35 118(128) 6 4 73 71624 11 3
3 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Lag Finished 38:14 65s at 00:00 15s at 37:56 86( 89) 15 2 116 01325 15 8
4 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Finished 38:17 28s at 21:44 28s at 37:07 54( 59) 14 5 46 21552 11 1
5 Portagas_D_Ace Sand King Finished 38:14 38s at 25:29 34s at 26:11 78( 86) 6 3 119 03867 8 0
6 gusdur Ogre Magi Finished 38:17 170s at 30:46 72s at 36:34 94(109) 5 8 41 21814 5 0
7 CindyAtika Axe Finished 38:13 33s at 00:40 16s at 15:26 64( 67) 4 10 94 22725 6 19
8 deathfake Prophet Finished 38:15 60s at 00:18 48s at 27:48 37( 44) 4 13 61 1420 5 11
9 smokerz Spiritbreaker Left the game 06:23 23s at 00:50 21s at 02:24 57( 71) 1 10 4 0 11 1 0
10 Chocolupia Shadow Fiend Lag Left the game 15:29 43s at 00:41 39s at 01:51 68( 80) 1 1 42 7 20 0 0


[details=Chatlog][code]00:00 opera Lifestealer All Shortest load by player [akukamudandia] was 3.83 seconds.
00:00 opera Lifestealer All Longest load by player [smokerz] was 58.24 seconds.
00:00 opera Lifestealer Jacline Your load time was 10.73 seconds.
00:00 opera Lifestealer All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
00:00 opera Lifestealer All Powered by MetroWorld
00:04 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -cLeaR
00:04 Jacline Invoker Allies -hhn
00:06 Jacline Invoker Allies -don
00:07 Jacline Invoker Allies -clear
00:07 opera Lifestealer Allies -hhn
00:09 opera Lifestealer Allies -don
00:10 opera Lifestealer Allies -ii
00:12 opera Lifestealer Allies -cson
00:48 Portagas_D_Ace Sand King Allies !cm
00:58 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies -random
00:59 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies -clear
01:12 Jacline Invoker Allies -clear
01:13 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies sapa mw
01:14 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies -clear
02:03 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -cLeaR
02:06 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies gw mid
02:10 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies range bwah
02:50 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies share ga?
02:51 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies yeah
02:55 opera Lifestealer Allies lu mid?
03:06 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies lu utan kan ?
03:14 opera Lifestealer Allies ya udah lu mid aja
03:24 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching :slight_smile: I Love You
03:25 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -cLeaR
03:27 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies !cm
03:36 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies ew
03:38 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies !cm
03:42 Jacline Invoker Allies share kurir kka
03:47 Jacline Invoker Allies !cm
04:03 CindyAtika Axe All set bisa
04:06 opera Lifestealer All Portagas_D_Ace: 109ms, CindyAtika: 104ms, smokerz: 97ms, Chocolupia: 51ms, Jacline: 47ms, opera: 45ms,
04:06 opera Lifestealer All deathfake: 30ms, MR: 29ms, akukamudandia: 27ms, gusdur: 9ms
04:06 opera Lifestealer Allies !P
04:09 opera Lifestealer All Setting game latency to 50 ms.
04:09 opera Lifestealer Allies !l 50
04:11 opera Lifestealer All Setting game latency to 300 ms.
04:11 opera Lifestealer Allies !L 300
04:32 Chocolupia Shadow Fiend All lag bro
04:53 Portagas_D_Ace Sand King Allies !cm
04:56 CindyAtika Axe All uda di set ?
05:02 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies !cm
05:04 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies delay
05:08 opera Lifestealer Allies gua ga
05:09 opera Lifestealer All CindyAtika: 185ms, smokerz: 179ms, Portagas_D_Ace: 132ms, Chocolupia: 54ms, Jacline: 36ms, opera: 35ms,
05:09 opera Lifestealer All MR: 28ms, deathfake: 20ms, akukamudandia: 15ms, gusdur: 2ms
05:09 opera Lifestealer Allies !P
05:12 opera Lifestealer All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
05:12 opera Lifestealer Allies !sl 500
05:16 opera Lifestealer All Setting game latency to 70 ms.
05:16 opera Lifestealer Allies !l 70
05:25 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -cLeaR
05:29 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching :slight_smile: I Love You
06:22 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies nm
06:23 opera Lifestealer All smokerz has left the game voluntarily.
06:26 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -cLeaR
06:29 opera Lifestealer Allies !banlast
06:29 opera Lifestealer All Player [smokerz] was banned by player [opera] on server [].
07:08 Portagas_D_Ace Sand King Allies 0
07:37 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies nm
08:17 Jacline Invoker Allies nm
08:40 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies nyangkut asem
09:18 CindyAtika Axe All besarin dikit set nya bisa
09:21 opera Lifestealer All berapa
09:24 opera Lifestealer All Setting sync limit to 2000 packets.
09:24 opera Lifestealer All !sl 2000
09:26 opera Lifestealer All Setting game latency to 120 ms.
09:26 opera Lifestealer Allies !l 120
10:35 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies keras x itu ogre
10:39 Jacline Invoker Allies wkwk
10:54 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching :slight_smile: I Love You
11:18 opera Lifestealer Allies ada obs utan
11:25 CindyAtika Axe All Set zzz
11:30 opera Lifestealer All mau berapa sih lu
11:31 CindyAtika Axe All patah2
11:33 opera Lifestealer All net lu itu
11:37 CindyAtika Axe All !cm
11:40 opera Lifestealer All CindyAtika: 404ms, Portagas_D_Ace: 70ms, Chocolupia: 62ms, Jacline: 61ms, MR: 36ms, opera: 29ms, deathfake: 18ms,
11:40 opera Lifestealer All akukamudandia: 15ms, gusdur: 3ms
11:40 opera Lifestealer Allies !P
11:43 opera Lifestealer All tuh liat
12:30 CindyAtika Axe All bah
12:40 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies mute aja
12:44 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies brisik itu
12:48 opera Lifestealer All Player [CindyAtika] was muted by player [opera].
12:48 opera Lifestealer Allies !mute cindy
12:56 gusdur Ogre Magi All wEW
13:00 gusdur Ogre Magi All INVOKE KEMANA
13:00 opera Lifestealer All berisik dia
13:40 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies wkkw
13:46 Jacline Invoker Allies -clear
14:15 opera Lifestealer All opera has lost the connection (timed out).
14:20 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies ew
14:20 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies ew
14:21 gusdur Ogre Magi All REMAKE AJA
14:23 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -cLeaR
14:24 gusdur Ogre Magi All GA SERU
14:25 MR Murloc Nightcrawler All pas
15:03 MR Murloc Nightcrawler All enak amat tinggal bilang remake , pantes minus , cape2 udah kill 4 remake
15:18 deathfake Prophet All anjing
15:20 Jacline Invoker All ?
15:27 deathfake Prophet All dimana obs?
15:27 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer All Sempakk
15:27 MR Murloc Nightcrawler All left aja gih gw post
15:29 gusdur Ogre Magi All Chocolupia has left the game voluntarily.
15:38 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies !cm
15:39 deathfake Prophet All MH LAKNAT
16:44 deathfake Prophet All MH AJA MASIH MATI LO DONGO INVOKE
16:58 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer All perkosaaa
17:24 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies cpetin aja mid
18:17 Portagas_D_Ace Sand King Allies !cm
18:35 Portagas_D_Ace Sand King Allies !cm
23:26 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies gem
23:44 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies gem
24:20 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies siniin gem nya
26:22 gusdur Ogre Magi All ea
27:28 gusdur Ogre Magi All CARI GUIL
28:33 akukamudandia Phantom Lancer Allies gem
33:24 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies jgn di bawa
33:26 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies item gw
34:12 MR Murloc Nightcrawler Allies gem
38:11 gusdur Ogre Magi All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
38:11 gusdur Ogre Magi All Powered by MetroWorld
38:13 gusdur Ogre Magi All CindyAtika has left the game voluntarily.
38:14 gusdur Ogre Magi All Jacline has left the game voluntarily.
38:14 gusdur Ogre Magi All akukamudandia has left the game voluntarily.
38:14 gusdur Ogre Magi All Portagas_D_Ace has left the game voluntarily.
38:15 gusdur Ogre Magi All deathfake has left the game voluntarily.


[details=Gamelog][code]00:00:00 Game starting
00:02:31 Creep spawning
00:04:32 Chocolupia Lag
00:05:04 akukamudandia Lag
00:05:24 Jacline First Kill: Killed smokerz
00:06:23 smokerz Left the game
00:06:23 deathfake Stats: 3 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 Neutrals
00:14:15 opera Disconnected
00:15:29 Chocolupia Left the game
00:15:29 smokerz Stats: 41 creep kills - 7 denies - 0 Neutrals
00:17:40 MR Destroyed external scourge mid Tower
00:20:00 deathfake Destroyed external sentinel top Tower
00:20:30 Jacline Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower
00:29:48 Jacline Denied intermediate sentinel top Tower
00:30:00 gusdur Denied intermediate scourge bottom Tower
00:31:58 akukamudandia Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks
00:32:41 Jacline Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower
00:34:27 Portagas_D_Ace Destroyed base scourge mid Tower
00:34:57 Portagas_D_Ace Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks
00:37:50 Frozen Throne at 75%
00:37:55 Frozen Throne at 50%
00:37:59 Frozen Throne at 25%
00:38:02 Frozen Throne at 10%
00:38:12 Sentinel Won
00:38:13 CindyAtika Finished
00:38:14 Jacline Finished
00:38:14 akukamudandia Finished
00:38:14 Portagas_D_Ace Finished
00:38:15 deathfake Finished
00:38:17 gusdur Finished
00:38:17 MR Finished
00:38:17 Game terminated



opera Disconnected
Chocolupia Left the game
smokerz Left the game

//b smokerz 20 Leaver http://mtrv.info/t39887
//b Chocolupia 20 Leaver http://mtrv.info/t39887
Dc Noted
