Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? of the Dead Uncensored

Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? of the Dead Uncensored Bluray [BD] 480p 60MB | 720p 90MB MKV

Background: The passive high school boy Aikawa Ayumu gets killed during a spate of mysterious serial killings but he is resurrected as a zombie by the necromancer Eu, whom he had befriended just before his death. When Ayumu reawakens he is tossed into a world with masou shoujo (magically equipped girls) & vampire ninjas. And of all things, he is assigned the duties of such a masou shoujo by the magical warrior girl Haruna.
Ayumu is still a zombie, chosen (much to his dismay) by Gaia to learn of the dark secrets in the world — that should never see the light of day. And so life, as it is, with short-tempered sexy vampire ninja Seraphim, chainsaw-wielding cute prodigy masou shoujo Haruna, & sweet mute necromancer Eu continues under one roof.
Late after school, in order to avoid getting sunburned, Ayumu encounters the alcohol-prone fairy Chris. This overly cute adult in a child’s body is up to something… life at school could be so peaceful, if it were not for the enemies of the masou shoujo.

Anime Titles: Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? of the Dead , Is this A Zombie? of the Dead , Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? 2, Koreha Zombie Desu ka? Jigokuhen, Kore ha Zombie Desu ka? Jigokuhen, Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? Jigokuhen, Kore wa Zombie Desuka? of the Dead , これはゾンビですか? OF THE DEAD
Type: TV
Episodes: 10
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Apr 5, 2012 to Jun 7, 2012
Genres: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Magic, Harem, Supernatural
Duration: 24 min. per episode
Rating: R – 17+ (violence & profanity)

Encoder: Soulreaper
Video Type: h264 8bit MKV 720p HD | 480p SD Bluray UNCENSORED
Audio: Japanese
Subtitle: English
Fansubs: CBM
File Size: 480p – 40~60MB ; 720p – 80~100MB
Filehosts: Embedupload [MEGA,Mediafire,firedrive,zippyshare…and 11 more ] , Tusfiles


Download Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? of the Dead Uncensored Bluray [BD] All Episodes English Subbed 480p 60MB | 720p 90MB MKV :

Note: Rename .szn to .mkv

Download 480p SD Episodes: Embedupload[/URL] | [URL=“http://sh.st/rejuD”]Tusfiles

Download 720p HD Episodes: Embedupload [/URL]| [URL=“http://sh.st/rejuG”]Tusfiles


Hahhaa anime Gak jelas ini hihi, udah cowoknya jadi zombie.

Pas diseason 1 ditabrak mobil langsung hahaaa :D, kasian banget karakter cowoknya disini.

Suka berkhayal lagi orang dewa kematian diem ja dia malah menerawang sendiri kata2 apa yang akan dikeluarkan >_<

Ada juga dia make baju kaya power girls gitu make mesin gergaji sumpah jijik banget liat cowok ky gitu haha =_=’

whawhawha , benar2 saat protagonist nya henshin (transform) dafuq so lame , gw liat :ngakak:

Geli gimana gitu, ga pantes banget make baju imut rok mini tapi laki banget =_="

well , setuju sih :ngakak: , perlu juga kah saya upload pic nya ? :ngakak:

Haha masukin aja, tapi di anime ini imut imut juga ceweknya. Sayang cowoknya kaya sampah =_="

damn right ^ , cowok nya cuman 2 kalo saya ingat’’ ( protagonist dan teman nya ) , btw SS nya akan menyusul :hehehe:

Iya ditunggu yah hehe :slight_smile:

okee ini diaa SS nya :sombong: , trims yaa uda di tunggu’'in :kagum:

Dan ini dia SS nya ~ :minum:




cukup 3 picture dah , dari pada perut saya sakit karena tawa’’ mulu :setengahmati:

Imut banget yah :muntah: sangking imutnya mpe muntah n nangis :mewek: