ini karna pas gw klik link laporan leaver DLL
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jadi tolong dong di proses
Host: ViVa-2
Saver: SDSO
Players: 10
Length: 57:42
Winner: Sentinel
Link: Click Here - (iGame Forum Parser)
Download: leaver.w3g
Warning For Gold Transfer Will Be Written Here If Any Occured
[CODE]Name Hero Level K/D/A CK/CD/NC Left Time
PdG-PRO Tidehunter 11 3/6/5 59/0/0 Left 24:45
sampai_tumpeh2x Frost Wyrm 0 0/4/0 63/0/0 Left 26:11
SDSO Shadow Demon 7 0/3/0 18/0/0 Finished 57:43
Audisi Tormented Soul 5 1/4/1 54/1/0 Left 12:11
[pdg]-lexxxa Spectre 9 1/8/2 20/4/3 Left 25:19
SUM41- Dark Seer 12 3/2/5 88/0/0 Left 26:33
Azkahi Beastmaster 11 3/4/6 39/0/3 Left 26:21
PAK_SBY Lich 12 13/9/4 251/4/0 Disc 13:35
[wow]andi- Soul Keeper 4 5/3/4 113/0/10 Disc 32:24
RasahRusuh Twin Head Dragon 12 13/6/5 252/1/5 Finished 57:43
[details=Chat Log](00:00 / All) PdG-PRO: Shortest load by player [RasahRusuh] was 7.39 seconds.
(00:00 / All) PdG-PRO: Longest load by player [[wow]andi-] was 28.13 seconds.
(00:00 / Azkahi:) PdG-PRO: Your load time was 17.02 seconds.
(00:00 / All) PdG-PRO: ==========================================
(00:00 / All) PdG-PRO: This Game is Hosted by Victory Valley E-Sports
(00:00 / All) PdG-PRO: ==========================================
(00:00 / All) PdG-PRO: Please Enjoy Your Game & Fair Play !
(00:00 / All) PdG-PRO: ==========================================
(00:00 / All) PdG-PRO: Visit
(00:00 / All) PdG-PRO: ==========================================
(00:06 / Allies) Azkahi: -clear
(00:08 / Allies) Azkahi: -music off
(00:09 / Allies) Azkahi: -ii
(00:12 / Allies) SUM41-: -clear
(00:18 / Allies) RasahRusuh: -swap 3
(00:24 / Allies) RasahRusuh: -swapall
(00:25 / Allies) Azkahi: -swapall
(00:32 / Allies) [wow]andi-: -clear
(01:05 / All) PdG-PRO: [wow]andi-: 147ms, PAK_SBY: 140ms, Azkahi: 128ms, RasahRusuh: 117ms, PdG-PRO: 116ms, sampai_tumpeh2x: 111ms,
(01:05 / All) PdG-PRO: [pdg]-lexxxa: 101ms, SDSO: 93ms, Audisi: 55ms, SUM41-: 52ms
(01:09 / All) PdG-PRO: Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
(01:12 / All) PdG-PRO: Setting game latency to 120 ms.
(01:19 / Allies) Azkahi: -checkme
(01:23 / Allies) Azkahi: !checkme
(01:26 / Allies) RasahRusuh: !checkme
(01:29 / Allies) RasahRusuh: -hhn
(01:30 / Allies) RasahRusuh: -ii
(01:35 / Allies) RasahRusuh: -don
(01:37 / Allies) [wow]andi-: -roll
(01:37 / Allies) RasahRusuh: -clear
(01:40 / Allies) RasahRusuh: -clear
(01:51 / Allies) [wow]andi-: -roll
(01:53 / Allies) SDSO: -clear
(01:53 / Allies) RasahRusuh: -clear
(03:54 / Allies) SDSO: MISS!!!
(03:54 / Allies) SDSO: MISS!!!
(04:22 / All) Audisi: as ngelag
(05:24 / Allies) SDSO: MISS!!!
(05:24 / Allies) SDSO: MISS!!!
(05:28 / Allies) [wow]andi-: siap lagi
(05:36 / Allies) [wow]andi-: tuggu gue berubah
(05:40 / Allies) RasahRusuh: yoi
(06:06 / Allies) SDSO: bwh
(06:07 / Allies) SDSO: siap
(06:11 / Allies) Azkahi: nm
(06:36 / Allies) SUM41-: b
(06:37 / Allies) SUM41-: b
(06:43 / Allies) SUM41-: nm
(06:52 / Allies) SDSO: wew
(07:08 / Allies) [wow]andi-: tau
(08:12 / Allies) SUM41-: 3 men
(08:22 / Allies) SUM41-: \
(09:07 / All) PdG-PRO: asuu
(09:08 / All) PdG-PRO: lag
(09:15 / All) PdG-PRO: Setting sync limit to 600 packets.
(09:18 / All) PdG-PRO: Setting game latency to 130 ms.
(10:34 / Allies) RasahRusuh: 0
(10:46 / Allies) RasahRusuh: kek mh
(10:54 / Allies) [wow]andi-: ya
(11:01 / Allies) [wow]andi-: parah gg rapih
(11:30 / All) Audisi: woey lag eoey ga gerak
(11:36 / Allies) SDSO: bwh
(11:47 / All) PdG-PRO: Audisi: 439ms, [wow]andi-: 196ms, sampai_tumpeh2x: 152ms, PAK_SBY: 144ms, PdG-PRO: 139ms, [pdg]-lexxxa: 121ms,
(11:47 / All) PdG-PRO: RasahRusuh: 117ms, SDSO: 92ms, Azkahi: 70ms, SUM41-: 47ms
(11:53 / All) PdG-PRO: Setting sync limit to 600 packets.
(11:55 / All) PdG-PRO: Setting game latency to 120 ms.
(11:59 / Allies) RasahRusuh: -clear
(12:11 / All) PdG-PRO: Audisi has left the game voluntarily.
(12:11 / QUIT) Audisi: Left
(12:44 / Allies) [wow]andi-: miss
(12:57 / Allies) SDSO: BACK!!!
(12:58 / Allies) SDSO: BACK!!!
(13:09 / Allies) SUM41-: huh babi
(13:24 / Allies) RasahRusuh: selamet
(13:25 / Allies) RasahRusuh: awokowa
(13:35 / Allies) [wow]andi-: haha
(13:35 / All) PdG-PRO: PAK_SBY has lost the connection (timed out).
(13:35 / QUIT) PAK_SBY: Disconnect
(13:44 / Allies) SUM41-: -clear
(14:01 / All) sampai_tumpeh2x: switch 1
(14:15 / All) sampai_tumpeh2x: 1
(14:30 / All) Azkahi: siapa?
(14:30 / Allies) RasahRusuh: -clear
(14:35 / All) sampai_tumpeh2x: bebas
(14:47 / Allies) Azkahi: swithc gi intel
(14:50 / Allies) Azkahi: salah 1
(15:02 / All) sampai_tumpeh2x: cepet
(15:09 / Allies) Azkahi: intel
(15:09 / All) sampai_tumpeh2x: cepet
(15:09 / Allies) SDSO: -switch 3
(15:09 / Allies) [wow]andi-: -ok
(15:09 / Allies) Azkahi: -ok
(15:09 / Allies) SUM41-: -ok
(15:09 / All) [pdg]-lexxxa: -ok
(15:50 / Allies) SDSO: BACK!!!
(16:00 / Allies) SDSO: BACK!!!
(16:00 / Allies) SDSO: BACK!!!
(16:00 / Allies) SDSO: BACK!!!
(16:00 / Allies) SDSO: BACK!!!
(17:48 / Allies) SDSO: -clear
(19:13 / Allies) sampai_tumpeh2x: spec jadiin ya
(20:01 / Allies) SDSO: mid
(20:13 / Allies) sampai_tumpeh2x: main bareng
(20:35 / Allies) SDSO: z
(20:44 / Allies) SDSO: bntu
(21:07 / Allies) SDSO: z
(21:07 / Allies) SDSO: z
(21:09 / Allies) SDSO: specnya
(21:19 / Allies) SDSO: blkgn spek
(21:28 / Allies) SDSO: super
(22:00 / Allies) PdG-PRO: suram bana ma rif
(22:03 / Allies) PdG-PRO: dek a tu?
(22:14 / Allies) [pdg]-lexxxa: dek adi
(22:17 / Allies) [pdg]-lexxxa: adit
(22:17 / Allies) SDSO: suram ini team
(22:28 / Allies) PdG-PRO: agi nya ga jadi
(22:29 / Allies) PdG-PRO: suram
(22:31 / Allies) sampai_tumpeh2x: spec vanguard
(22:33 / Allies) sampai_tumpeh2x: bm
(22:45 / Allies) [pdg]-lexxxa: wak kreep bwah
(22:47 / Allies) sampai_tumpeh2x: spec jadi bisa manang ko
(22:56 / Allies) SDSO: bareng aja dah
(23:03 / Allies) SDSO: jgn farming
(24:07 / Allies) SDSO: z
(24:10 / Allies) SDSO: jgn ide om
(24:19 / Allies) sampai_tumpeh2x: b
(24:41 / Allies) PdG-PRO: SURAM
(24:43 / Allies) PdG-PRO: ga guna
(24:45 / All) PdG-PRO: PdG-PRO has left the game voluntarily.
(24:45 / QUIT) PdG-PRO: Left
(24:48 / All) RasahRusuh: wew
(24:54 / Allies) SDSO: -clear
(25:14 / Allies) SDSO: asli
(25:15 / Allies) SDSO: cops
(25:19 / All) SUM41-: [pdg]-lexxxa has left the game voluntarily.
(25:19 / QUIT) [pdg]-lexxxa: Left
(25:30 / Allies) SDSO: -clear
(26:11 / All) SUM41-: sampai_tumpeh2x has left the game voluntarily.
(26:11 / QUIT) sampai_tumpeh2x: Left
(26:21 / All) SUM41-: Azkahi has left the game voluntarily.
(26:21 / QUIT) Azkahi: Left
(26:33 / All) SUM41-: SUM41- has left the game voluntarily.
(26:33 / QUIT) SUM41-: Left
(27:42 / All) RasahRusuh: wew
(27:44 / All) RasahRusuh: masi ada
(27:46 / All) RasahRusuh: awokoaw
(27:56 / All) SDSO: mrk bsa di post gak sih sob?
(28:04 / All) RasahRusuh: bisa
(28:06 / All) RasahRusuh: SR aja
(28:10 / All) SDSO: oc
(30:04 / All) SDSO: Aw
(32:09 / All) RasahRusuh: wew
(32:11 / All) RasahRusuh: sakit
(32:12 / All) RasahRusuh: owkakaw
(32:12 / All) SDSO: hha
(32:16 / All) RasahRusuh: bmnya
(32:22 / All) SDSO: telat
(32:24 / All) SDSO: [wow]andi- has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET).
(32:24 / QUIT) [wow]andi-: Disconnect
(32:31 / All) RasahRusuh: yah
(32:32 / All) RasahRusuh: Dc
(32:36 / All) RasahRusuh: udahan aja yok?
(32:42 / All) SDSO: hhe
(32:44 / All) SDSO: serah
(35:29 / All) SDSO: Aw
(35:32 / All) RasahRusuh: wkkw
(36:42 / All) SDSO: hhi
(36:43 / All) RasahRusuh: wkwk
(36:46 / All) RasahRusuh: mati juga
(37:19 / All) RasahRusuh: udahan yok ah
(37:23 / All) RasahRusuh: ato cepetin
(37:25 / All) RasahRusuh: gw lepas
(37:31 / All) SDSO: Sek
(37:33 / All) SDSO: :D
(37:46 / All) RasahRusuh: by 1 sekali
(37:49 / All) RasahRusuh: kwk
(37:53 / All) SDSO: kl gw kalah
(37:55 / All) SDSO: wkwkw
(38:15 / All) RasahRusuh: eh
(38:19 / All) RasahRusuh: cara dapet icon gitu gmana
(38:24 / All) SDSO: icon apa?
(38:38 / All) RasahRusuh: bara
(38:50 / All) SDSO: event
(39:11 / All) SDSO: wew
(39:15 / All) RasahRusuh: apa
(39:24 / All) RasahRusuh: event apa yg diikutin
(40:18 / All) RasahRusuh: event apa
(40:19 / All) RasahRusuh: uy
(40:22 / All) SDSO: bnyk
(40:23 / All) SDSO: wkwkwkw
(40:29 / All) SDSO: koq tau gw ada icon?
(40:38 / All) RasahRusuh: taulah
(40:44 / All) SDSO: ketik apa?
(41:15 / All) RasahRusuh: wkkw
(41:17 / All) RasahRusuh: masi
(41:27 / All) SDSO: wkwkwk
(41:39 / All) RasahRusuh: event apa
(41:41 / All) RasahRusuh: uy
(41:42 / All) RasahRusuh: uy
(41:45 / All) SDSO: bnyk gan
(41:46 / All) RasahRusuh: kapan ada event
(41:48 / All) SDSO: tngg info aja
(41:53 / All) SDSO: gw aja bruntung
(42:01 / All) RasahRusuh: add gw
(42:46 / All) RasahRusuh: eh
(42:57 / All) SDSO: katanya lo mau lepas T.T
(43:01 / All) RasahRusuh: wkwk
(43:05 / All) RasahRusuh: ga tega
(43:06 / All) RasahRusuh: okawkoaw
(43:15 / All) RasahRusuh: gw terlanjur gg
(43:17 / All) RasahRusuh: wkkw
(43:49 / All) RasahRusuh: ea
(44:55 / All) RasahRusuh: aokwkawo
(44:56 / All) SDSO: Aaaaaaaa
(45:48 / All) RasahRusuh: eh
(45:50 / All) RasahRusuh: add gw
(45:56 / All) RasahRusuh: kalo ada event pm
(45:56 / All) RasahRusuh: kww
(47:36 / All) RasahRusuh: niat amat
(48:22 / All) SDSO: aw
(48:27 / All) RasahRusuh: wwkwk
(50:47 / All) SDSO: itu
(50:49 / All) SDSO: annya apa?
(50:51 / All) RasahRusuh: apa
(50:55 / All) RasahRusuh: cw
(51:03 / All) RasahRusuh: clan ga daftarin
(51:05 / All) RasahRusuh: U,u
(51:10 / All) SDSO: wkwkw
(51:13 / All) RasahRusuh: clanmu apa
(51:17 / All) SDSO: forumdota
(51:21 / All) RasahRusuh: wew
(51:26 / All) SDSO: tau?
(52:46 / All) RasahRusuh: wkkw
(53:00 / All) RasahRusuh: jangan lawan pake attack
(53:03 / All) RasahRusuh: ga kerasa
(53:53 / All) SDSO: by one attack yu
(53:57 / All) SDSO: jgn ski;;
(54:06 / All) SDSO: z
(54:11 / All) RasahRusuh: wkw
(55:48 / All) RasahRusuh: wee
(55:54 / All) RasahRusuh: capek k
(55:57 / All) RasahRusuh: kk
(55:58 / All) SDSO: wkokwowk
(56:02 / All) RasahRusuh: wakookaw
(56:06 / All) RasahRusuh: kalo rame seru
(56:10 / All) RasahRusuh: ini kurang greget
(56:10 / All) SDSO: ea
(56:14 / All) RasahRusuh: abisin aja
(56:16 / All) RasahRusuh: gg tq
(56:17 / All) RasahRusuh: wkkw
(56:19 / All) SDSO: tq
(56:29 / All) RasahRusuh: kalo ada event pm ya
(56:37 / All) RasahRusuh: kk
(56:39 / All) RasahRusuh: tangkap
(56:59 / All) RasahRusuh: mantaaaappp
(56:59 / All) SDSO: tq
(57:22 / All) SDSO: join clan gw yu
(57:30 / All) RasahRusuh: ayu
(57:36 / All) SDSO: ch forumdota
(57:41 / All) SDSO: ==========================================
(57:41 / All) SDSO: This Game is Hosted by Victory Valley E-Sports
(57:41 / All) SDSO: ==========================================
(57:41 / All) SDSO: Thank for Playing with ViVa E-Sports
(57:41 / All) SDSO: ==========================================
(57:41 / All) SDSO: Check Your Rank
(57:41 / All) SDSO: ==========================================
(57:43 / QUIT) RasahRusuh: Finished
(57:43 / QUIT) SDSO: Finished
4 Audisi Ekee 0 Left the game 12:11 23s at 11:21 14s at 01:16 47( 49) 1 4 54 1 1 1 0
1 PdG-PRO Ofar 4Lag Left the game 24:45 20s at 09:04 16s at 00:38 106(109) 3 6 59 0 22 5 0
5 [pdg]-lexxxa E01B 0 Left the game 25:19 22s at 18:27 21s at 21:23 66( 73) 1 8 20 4 23 2 3
2 sampai_tumpeh2x N0M7 1 Left the game 26:11 23s at 21:58 22s at 25:48 98(107) 0 4 63 0 22 0 0
6 SUM41- H00N 1 Left the game 26:33 47s at 18:47 31s at 20:04 142(149) 3 2 88 0 12 5 0