Game Name : AP PAGI
Game Length : 37:16
Dota Winner Side : Sentinel
Dota Mode : -ap
Host : Cr-1
[code]# Nick Hero Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
1 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker Finished 37:17 51s at 34:13 36s at 00:00 50( 64) 7 7 32 11439 17 6
2 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Finished 37:17 52s at 31:19 50s at 00:00 105(121) 13 3 66 01964 16 53
3 Hao Shadow Fiend Finished 37:17 104s at 00:39 29s at 22:27 104(116) 21 3 154 325577 17 20
4 rvgs-boydanREVA Admiral Finished 37:17 129s at 00:00 24s at 25:39 77( 84) 4 6 81 81317 23 11
5 ZAXCI Windrunner Finished 37:17 115s at 00:00 35s at 15:15 129(144) 6 6 48 51678 17 0
6 [Idterakhir] Stealth Assassin Finished 37:17 35s at 31:29 35s at 00:00 57( 70) 4 11 50 74382 4 4
7 ve-- Axe Finished 37:17 110s at 00:01 53s at 30:01 55( 68) 8 11 51 01068 2 7
8 LallonG Demon Witch Finished 37:16 336s at 00:10 51s at 33:16 47( 71) 2 10 11 01649 6 0
9 NYONG_MANADO Stone Giant Finidhed 37:14 57s at 00:01 44s at 34:28 115(150) 1 12 26 0806 9 1
10 DEVILMPV Juggernaut Finished 37:17 82s at 00:00 44s at 31:49 95(114) 8 8 93 53458 7 15
[details=Chatlog][code]00:00 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker All Shortest load by player [Hao] was 7.48 seconds.
00:00 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker All Longest load by player [RVGS~MARBELZ] was 19.20 seconds.
00:00 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker LallonG Your load time was 19.20 seconds.
00:00 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker All This Game host by MetroWorld
00:09 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker Allies -ah
00:13 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies plo mid gk
00:15 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker Allies -gedang goreng
00:17 Hao Shadow Fiend Allies ya
00:19 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies oke
00:19 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
00:21 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -ii
00:22 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -don
00:22 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
01:11 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
01:19 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
01:23 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
01:35 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker All ZAXCI: 187ms, rvgs-boydanREVA: 55ms, NYONG_MANADO: 54ms, LallonG: 51ms, rVGs-d12k: 46ms, RVGS~MARBELZ: 42ms,
01:35 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker All DEVILMPV: 33ms, [Idterakhir]: 27ms, ve–: 22ms, Hao: 13ms
01:35 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker Allies !p
01:38 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
01:53 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
02:38 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
03:16 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
05:32 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker Allies share
05:51 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
06:11 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
06:39 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
07:37 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
08:27 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
09:27 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
09:39 rvgs-boydanREVA Admiral Allies WAKKA
09:39 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
09:42 ZAXCI Windrunner Allies wkwkw
10:18 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
10:38 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies MISS
11:08 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
11:21 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
12:27 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
13:31 ZAXCI Windrunner Allies kok malah rame
13:38 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
13:54 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker Allies asu
14:32 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
14:46 rvgs-boydanREVA Admiral Allies -HHN
14:47 rvgs-boydanREVA Admiral Allies -ES
15:28 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
15:37 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
15:53 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
16:36 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
17:06 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
17:40 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
18:34 Hao Shadow Fiend Allies nm
18:37 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies nm
18:38 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
18:58 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
19:11 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker All rvgs-boydanREVA: 73ms, [Idterakhir]: 63ms, ZAXCI: 62ms, LallonG: 60ms, rVGs-d12k: 59ms, NYONG_MANADO: 49ms,
19:11 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker All RVGS~MARBELZ: 48ms, DEVILMPV: 28ms, ve–: 22ms, Hao: 17ms
19:11 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker Allies !p
19:12 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
20:42 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
20:55 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
21:23 rvgs-boydanREVA Admiral Allies NOkapal
21:24 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
21:35 rvgs-boydanREVA Admiral Allies ada kapal
21:57 Hao Shadow Fiend Allies gem
21:58 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies cd haunt
21:59 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
22:00 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker Allies rame
22:19 rvgs-boydanREVA Admiral Allies -CLeAR
22:21 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
22:36 Hao Shadow Fiend Allies riki tony mh
22:42 Hao Shadow Fiend Allies tiny
22:47 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies biarkan
23:18 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
24:05 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker Allies 2
24:20 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker Allies asu
24:20 rvgs-boydanREVA Admiral Allies EA
24:22 rvgs-boydanREVA Admiral Allies ASLI
24:22 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker Allies qiqiiq
24:31 Hao Shadow Fiend Allies kan gw da bilang
24:55 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies sama aja mh tp tolol plo
25:13 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
25:30 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
25:55 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
26:08 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
26:36 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
27:38 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
28:25 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
28:30 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
28:49 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
29:33 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
29:55 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
30:04 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
31:20 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
31:23 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies anjing kena
31:28 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
31:30 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
31:34 [Idterakhir] Stealth Assassin All tq
32:44 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
33:52 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
34:29 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
34:31 rvgs-boydanREVA Admiral All Suram lion mana barang nya
34:38 LallonG Demon Witch All di jual
34:38 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker All qiqiqi
34:42 LallonG Demon Witch All riki
34:45 [Idterakhir] Stealth Assassin All ZZ
35:21 LallonG Demon Witch All
35:30 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies kan oon gtu
35:30 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
35:55 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
36:02 ZAXCI Windrunner Allies jahat
36:04 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
36:16 ZAXCI Windrunner All jahat kali lo tin
36:17 RVGS~MARBELZ Spectre Allies -cLear
36:22 [Idterakhir] Stealth Assassin All tq om
36:23 [Idterakhir] Stealth Assassin All gg
37:10 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker All es na
37:14 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker All NYONG_MANADO has left the game voluntarily.
37:16 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker All hoam
37:16 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker All LallonG has left the game voluntarily.
37:16 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker All This game is host by MetroWorld
37:17 rVGs-d12k Spiritbreaker All rvgs-boydanREVA has left the game voluntarily.
[details=Gamelog][code]00:00:00 Game starting
00:02:31 Creep spawning
00:00:10 LallonG AFK started for 336s
00:12:44 DEVILMPV Denied external scourge mid Tower
00:15:51 Hao Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower
00:25:55 Hao Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower
00:28:03 Hao Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower
00:28:48 Hao Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower
00:28:58 Hao Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks
00:29:04 RVGS~MARBELZ Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks
00:29:33 Hao Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower
00:34:14 RVGS~MARBELZ Destroyed base scourge mid Tower
00:36:28 Frozen Throne at 75%
00:36:43 Frozen Throne at 50%
00:36:57 Frozen Throne at 25%
00:37:07 Frozen Throne at 10%
00:37:14 NYONG_MANADO Left the game
00:37:14 Hao Stats: 26 creep kills - 0 denies - 1 neutrals
00:37:16 LallonG Left the game
00:37:16 Sentinel Won
00:37:17 rvgs-boydanREVA Finished
00:37:17 [Idterakhir] Finished
00:37:17 Hao Finished
00:37:17 ZAXCI Finished
00:37:17 ve-- Finished
00:37:17 rVGs-d12k Finished
00:37:17 DEVILMPV Finished
00:37:17 RVGS~MARBELZ Finished
00:37:17 Game terminated
LallonG Stayer
[details=PendapatGw] Menit 33:xx Tiny TOS Lion Ke Arah Nvm Yang HP nya masih FUll dan menyebabkan Lion mati