[Flaming Ortu / Kerabat] titisan_maho

[Flaming Ortu / Kerabat] titisan_maho

ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : -rvgs-l

Screenshot Ping dan Time

[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i65.tinypic.com/2q8ylw8.jpg

Save Replay / SS Bukti

Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus


[BORDER=RED]Screenshot Ping and Time Valid ! [/BORDER]


Game Length : 52:39
Dota Winner Side : Scourge

Saver : -RVGS-L
Dota Mode : -ap
Host : Bot-Negara


#  Nick           Hero             Lag Reason              Time           AFK1          AFK2      APM  K  D   C  D  G  A   N
1  CALLMEBOKIS    Butcher              Disconnected        11:15  25s at 00:59  18s at 00:18  91( 97)  4  7  37  2  2  6  0
2  JKT48--VERANDA Omniknight       Lag Finished            52:40  24s at 28:43  22s at 00:36 124(131)  8 13  75  515921 13  0
3  Titisan_MAHO   Prophet              Finished            52:41  63s at 19:27  43s at 46:45  91(106)  6 10 119  215756 12  2
4  _EnotZ_        N0M0                 Finished            52:41  43s at 49:17  28s at 51:35 146(157)  5  8  89  017344 19  3
5  -SAMAEL-       Dwarven Sniper       Finished            52:41  64s at 46:37  52s at 00:42  57( 64)  3 10 121  115946 15  9
6  opera          Clockwerk Goblin     Finished            52:41  53s at 22:14  24s at 49:07  58( 61)  5  4 188  220252 13 32
7  navi106991     E02K                 Finished            52:41  28s at 40:09  27s at 03:05  73( 78)  3  7 242  016431  6169
8  DaengDoank     Ogre Magi            Finished            52:41  31s at 32:44  28s at 41:08  78( 82)  6  4 117  219151 25  8
9  -RVGS-L        Axe                  Finished            52:41  39s at 00:01  37s at 34:52  50( 55) 27  9 162  018101  9 69
10 coffe~         Invoker              Finished            52:41  72s at 48:35  45s at 30:51 103(112)  6  6 154  617958 19  7


[details= ChatLog][CODE]
00:00 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All Shortest load by player [CALLMEBOKIS] was 5.89 seconds.
00:00 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All Longest load by player [DaengDoank] was 21.94 seconds.
00:00 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher opera Your load time was 8.18 seconds.
00:00 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
00:00 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All Powered by MetroWorld
00:04 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -clear
00:09 DaengDoank Ogre Magi Allies -terrain city2
00:19 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -terrain
00:24 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -terrain snow
00:30 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -hhn
00:32 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -es
00:35 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -water 0 0 0
00:36 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -clear
01:04 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All kuingin kau tahu
01:09 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All kuingin kau slalu
01:14 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All dekat denganku setiap harikuu
01:19 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All sudahkah kau yakin
01:20 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -clear
01:23 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All Tuk mencintaikuu
01:34 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All sosweet :*
01:47 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All Wwkk
02:39 navi106991 E02K Allies -clear
03:54 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All lagi chat
04:02 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -clear
04:14 -RVGS-L Axe All wew porr?
05:03 -RVGS-L Axe Allies poho
05:06 -RVGS-L Axe Allies bagi
05:54 coffe~ Invoker Allies 0
06:05 navi106991 E02K Allies -clear
06:05 -RVGS-L Axe All wew
06:06 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -clear
06:45 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All Selamaa akuu
06:49 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All masih bisa tertawaa
06:55 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All ku kenang kau sebagai
06:57 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All memori kelam
07:00 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All hemm
07:05 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All salah liriknya
07:16 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All selama mata ku bisa melihat
07:24 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All ku kenang kau sebagai memori kelam :frowning:
07:46 coffe~ Invoker Allies 0
07:57 -RVGS-L Axe Allies bagi
07:59 -RVGS-L Axe Allies pohon
09:03 opera Clockwerk Goblin Allies legi sini
09:16 navi106991 E02K Allies ok
09:40 -RVGS-L Axe Allies MISSSS
10:52 navi106991 E02K Allies jaga atas
11:15 DaengDoank Ogre Magi Allies miss
11:15 -RVGS-L Axe Allies MISSSS
11:15 coffe~ Invoker All zzz
11:15 -RVGS-L Axe All Set
11:15 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All dia host
11:15 EnotZ N0M0 All host nya :smiley:
11:15 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All okwokww
11:15 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All peler
11:15 -RVGS-L Axe All set
11:15 -RVGS-L Axe All set
11:15 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All bodoh?
11:15 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All dia
11:15 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All host
11:15 -RVGS-L Axe All set kk
11:15 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All dah drop
11:15 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All gimana
11:15 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All set
11:15 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All ?
11:15 -RVGS-L Axe All set woy
11:15 opera Clockwerk Goblin All bacot loe
11:15 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All Player [JKT48–VERANDA] voted to drop laggers.
11:15 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All Player [-RVGS-L] voted to drop laggers.
11:15 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All Player [opera] voted to drop laggers.
11:15 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All Player [-SAMAEL-] voted to drop laggers.
11:15 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All Player [EnotZ] voted to drop laggers.
11:15 CALLMEBOKIS Butcher All CALLMEBOKIS lagged out (dropped by vote).
11:15 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All Game unlocked. All admins can run game commands.
11:20 navi106991 E02K Allies -clear
11:25 coffe~ Invoker All lanjut?
13:00 opera Clockwerk Goblin Allies gua hook
13:01 opera Clockwerk Goblin Allies duel
13:28 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -clear
14:48 -RVGS-L Axe Allies armlet
14:49 opera Clockwerk Goblin Allies rame
14:49 -RVGS-L Axe Allies PAKE
14:50 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -clear
14:55 navi106991 E02K Allies loss
14:58 navi106991 E02K Allies cntrl
18:47 coffe~ Invoker All wew
18:54 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All apa ???
19:19 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All apa wew wew ?
19:25 -RVGS-L Axe All ?
19:35 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All tu temen mu
19:38 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All wew wew
19:45 opera Clockwerk Goblin All dasar norak
19:49 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All pepek mu norak
19:55 opera Clockwerk Goblin All kenyataan
19:56 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All dia crepingan gw datang
19:59 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All salah ???
20:03 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All sadar kau babi ampas
20:17 -RVGS-L Axe All KOK CURHAT
20:28 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All pepek mamak mu curhat
20:33 opera Clockwerk Goblin All kwakaw flammming
20:37 opera Clockwerk Goblin All post tuh bocah
20:37 opera Clockwerk Goblin All kena
20:40 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All post
20:46 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All terserah
20:46 opera Clockwerk Goblin All gua kira dewasa
20:50 opera Clockwerk Goblin All ternyata bocah plastik
20:54 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All teman mu bocah
26:06 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -clear
26:11 coffe~ Invoker All i wanna die
26:30 coffe~ Invoker All oh my god
29:00 DaengDoank Ogre Magi Allies akakakk ampas
29:05 -RVGS-L Axe All asnet?
29:08 DaengDoank Ogre Magi Allies ngga dapat apa" :v
29:49 -RVGS-L Axe All GOBLOK INI
30:42 DaengDoank Ogre Magi Allies duel
31:09 -RVGS-L Axe Allies B
31:09 navi106991 E02K Allies wk
31:10 -RVGS-L Axe Allies WKAKAK
31:12 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -clear
31:16 navi106991 E02K Allies -clear
31:45 -RVGS-L Axe Allies b
33:46 coffe~ Invoker Allies !cm
34:54 -RVGS-L Axe Allies wah
34:55 -RVGS-L Axe Allies cuki
34:57 -RVGS-L Axe Allies gak duel2
35:03 -RVGS-L Axe Allies KOK TOLOL
35:03 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -clear
35:04 navi106991 E02K Allies gk siap
35:05 navi106991 E02K Allies sek
35:23 -RVGS-L Axe Allies B
35:33 -RVGS-L Axe Allies WAHH
35:39 -RVGS-L Axe Allies COK
35:40 -RVGS-L Axe Allies NEWBIE
37:43 opera Clockwerk Goblin Allies musuhnya ga maju2
38:38 DaengDoank Ogre Magi Allies barak"
39:35 -RVGS-L Axe Allies WAKAKA
39:35 opera Clockwerk Goblin Allies zz
39:36 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -clear
39:44 -RVGS-L Axe Allies tower
39:50 -RVGS-L Axe Allies armlet
39:53 -RVGS-L Axe Allies yaelah
39:54 -RVGS-L Axe Allies nob amat
39:59 opera Clockwerk Goblin Allies nob
41:35 opera Clockwerk Goblin Allies gua
41:57 coffe~ Invoker Allies mega
42:45 DaengDoank Ogre Magi Allies share msa
43:05 coffe~ Invoker Allies dorong
43:10 DaengDoank Ogre Magi Allies share mas
47:06 coffe~ Invoker All pertahanan yang bagus
48:42 -RVGS-L Axe Allies -clear
49:12 DaengDoank Ogre Magi Allies fountain" :v
49:23 opera Clockwerk Goblin Allies gua belum taras
50:36 DaengDoank Ogre Magi Allies moon nya belum kepake tuh kayanya
52:38 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
52:38 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All Powered by MetroWorld
52:39 opera Clockwerk Goblin All kawkaw
52:40 JKT48–VERANDA Omniknight All JKT48–VERANDA has left the game voluntarily.


[details= GameLog][CODE]
00:00:00 Game starting
00:00:05 CALLMEBOKIS Mode : -clear
00:02:31 Creep spawning
00:03:51 -RVGS-L First Kill: Killed JKT48–VERANDA
00:03:54 JKT48–VERANDA Lag
00:11:15 CALLMEBOKIS Disconnected
00:13:53 opera Destroyed external sentinel top Tower
00:14:22 opera Destroyed external sentinel bottom Tower
00:16:24 -RVGS-L Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower
00:23:42 coffe~ Destroyed intermediate sentinel bottom Tower
00:27:09 EnotZ Denied intermediate sentinel top Tower
00:31:48 DaengDoank Destroyed intermediate sentinel mid Tower
00:45:51 JKT48–VERANDA Denied base sentinel bottom Tower
00:46:29 navi106991 Destroyed sentinel bottom melee Barracks
00:46:52 opera Destroyed sentinel bottom ranged Barracks
00:47:15 navi106991 Destroyed base sentinel mid Tower
00:51:27 navi106991 Destroyed sentinel mid melee Barracks
00:51:33 opera Destroyed sentinel mid ranged Barracks
00:51:38 navi106991 Destroyed base sentinel top Tower
00:51:50 navi106991 Destroyed sentinel top melee Barracks
00:51:58 opera Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
00:52:00 navi106991 Destroyed sentinel top ranged Barracks
00:52:17 opera Destroyed final sentinel mid Tower
00:52:34 World Tree at 75%
00:52:36 World Tree at 50%
00:52:37 World Tree at 25%
00:52:38 World Tree at 10%
00:52:39 Scourge Won
00:52:40 JKT48–VERANDA Finished
00:52:41 opera Finished
00:52:41 Titisan_MAHO Finished
00:52:41 DaengDoank Finished
00:52:41 navi106991 Finished
00:52:41 EnotZ Finished
00:52:41 coffe~ Finished
00:52:41 -SAMAEL- Finished
00:52:41 -RVGS-L Finished
00:52:41 Game terminated




[details=Titisan_maho Flamming Ortu :
]20:28 Titisan_MAHO Prophet All pepek mamak mu curhat


//p Titisan_MAHO Flaming Ortu/Kerabat http://mtrv.info/t39839

Close Thread.