[Flaming Ortu / Kerabat] CAKUNG
ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : uBLuK_-
Screenshot Ping dan Time
[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i67.tinypic.com/o85edc.png
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Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus
[Flaming Ortu / Kerabat] CAKUNG
ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : uBLuK_-
Screenshot Ping dan Time
[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i67.tinypic.com/o85edc.png
Save Replay / SS Bukti
Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus
Screenshot Ping and Time Valid !
Game Name : AP FAST
Game Length : 64:08
Dota Winner Side: Sentinel
Saver : uBLuK_-
Dota Mode : Cr-1
Host : -clear
[code] # Nick Hero Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
1 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Finished 64:09 57s at 46:49 54s at 30:34 58( 70) 8 16 189 12692 12 58
2 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Finished 64:12 126s at 00:01 76s at 61:22 86(108) 20 10 147 12021 17 37
3 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Finished 64:12 83s at 00:00 67s at 51:51 101(115) 5 14 43 11456 9 1
4 smg-www Spectre Finished 64:11 43s at 58:45 39s at 62:18 85( 92) 11 10 146 71539 20 80
5 Sayang Silencer Finished 64:12 50s at 30:35 40s at 00:18 72( 78) 6 7 117 122652 15 6
6 initialD Goblin Techies Finished 64:12 59s at 61:40 54s at 40:35 92(106) 9 14 115 02383 6 0
7 agregor Spiritbreaker Finished 64:12 77s at 58:22 73s at 51:20 32( 49) 4 16 96 2996 16 9
8 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin Disconnected 63:05 305s at 58:00 62s at 45:34 64( 87) 16 6 163 7 6 7 26
9 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus Finished 64:12 63s at 40:26 52s at 36:14 88(106) 11 9 124 01026 27 2
10 madina_salma Legion Commander Finished 64:12 108s at 00:01 75s at 61:41 46( 58) 16 7 116 03414 14165
[details= ChatLog][CODE] 00:00 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Shortest load by player [smg-www] was 8.10 seconds.
00:00 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Longest load by player [agregor] was 22.66 seconds.
00:00 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe uBLuK_- Your load time was 13.23 seconds.
00:00 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All This Game host by MetroWorld
00:05 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies -clear
00:07 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies -ii
00:08 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies -clear
00:11 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies -don
00:12 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
00:13 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies -ggn
00:15 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies -hhn
00:16 smg-www Spectre Allies -weather moonlight
00:17 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies -tips
00:18 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies -ah
00:22 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies -clear
00:23 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
00:27 smg-www Spectre Allies -random
00:28 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
00:47 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -weather moonlight
00:49 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
00:50 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -water green
00:53 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -don
00:56 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -music up 1
00:59 smg-www Spectre Allies ada yg mau
00:59 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -di
01:01 smg-www Spectre Allies -clea
01:03 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
01:05 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
01:10 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -ah
01:13 smg-www Spectre Allies -repick
01:26 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
01:36 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
01:53 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies rvgs mau apa
02:00 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies str
02:05 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies oce
02:22 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
02:27 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All latency b60 don
02:29 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All g
02:35 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies pick gih
02:37 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All latency 60
02:46 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Setting game latency to 60 ms.
02:46 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies !l 60
02:52 smg-www Spectre Allies mid isi
02:59 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies axe mid?
03:01 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies boleh ugak
03:10 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies obs
03:15 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies curir
03:47 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies axe atas aha
03:54 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies kau mid?
03:58 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies iya
04:00 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies -clear
04:23 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All cakung jangan galak"{
04:29 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies 0000000000000000000000
04:46 Sayang Silencer Allies 0
05:28 Sayang Silencer Allies 0
05:37 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
05:43 smg-www Spectre Allies malah di lempar
06:08 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies maaf salah tos
06:20 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies 000000000000
07:11 Sayang Silencer Allies 0
07:21 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies share
07:29 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies -cler
07:32 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies -clear
07:46 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies 0000000000000
07:49 Sayang Silencer Allies 0
08:35 Sayang Silencer Allies 0
08:58 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies pick
09:12 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies 0000000000000000000
09:13 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies misss
09:17 Sayang Silencer Allies 0
09:36 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies b
09:49 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies was
09:52 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies 000000000000000
09:53 smg-www Spectre Allies 0
09:53 smg-www Spectre Allies 0
09:54 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies missssssssssssssssss
10:26 Sayang Silencer Allies 0
10:36 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies gw aja atas
10:40 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies fakk
10:43 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies set
10:43 smg-www Spectre Allies set
10:43 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
10:43 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies !sl 500
10:44 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies main slow aja
10:54 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
11:28 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All wew
11:33 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All galak nih
11:56 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All gslsk jg blh
12:25 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies tos
12:35 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All hahha
12:36 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
12:37 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All wakwakkawkwaaw
12:38 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All lu duluan lo
12:48 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All w aja blm siap
12:53 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies z
12:54 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All msk ngerokok
12:55 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies suruh tos
12:55 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All wkawkwakaw
13:01 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All tgn 1 nih
13:09 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All klau gua di rokok
13:38 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies miss’
13:40 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies ----------------
13:42 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies 00000000000000000
13:43 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
14:16 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
14:34 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies fly donk
14:55 Sayang Silencer Allies 0
16:04 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All wakawkawkwa
16:10 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All wew tertawa
16:14 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All kuce kucek mate e
16:30 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All ya biar seneng dulu
17:27 Sayang Silencer Allies bom
17:45 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies kalem
17:50 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies jadiin aja
17:57 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies ada boom
20:36 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies was
20:36 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies b
20:37 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies b
20:37 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies b
21:03 smg-www Spectre Allies b
21:26 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies udah bkb dia
23:02 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All hahha
23:07 initialD Goblin Techies All ..
23:10 Sayang Silencer Allies …
23:39 smg-www Spectre All geli
24:25 uBLuK- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies jaga
25:08 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies mid gas
25:41 Sayang Silencer Allies -st
25:55 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies ada bomm semua temopat
26:51 smg-www Spectre Allies bom
26:56 smg-www Spectre Allies hit tuh
26:59 smg-www Spectre Allies yg range
27:56 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
28:10 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
28:22 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All slrk mh jelas bgt
28:24 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies -clear
28:34 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All goblok guna mata gowo opo le
28:38 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All post AJA
28:46 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All id icon gua bagus
28:51 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies tu goblinya tau banget
28:52 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All keliatasn bgt
28:54 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All level tinggi juga
28:58 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies kena mulu gw bomnya
29:02 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All dewa jg bos
29:24 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All tau aja tata letak bom
31:01 Sayang Silencer Allies HAHAHAHH
31:06 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All hahha RATA
31:23 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies tadi minggir spec gw mau tos oted
31:25 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All katanya lu hebat ZEUS
31:35 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All u aja mati ama w mulu
31:41 Sayang Silencer Allies -st
31:43 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All mau ngmng sok hebat ama w
31:43 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All masak sih
31:52 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All
31:55 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All LAH LU SAMPAH tau
31:59 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All itil emak u gede
32:07 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All post tq
32:22 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All flaming
32:30 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All makasih id nya
32:39 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All liat aja
32:43 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All di forum
32:48 madina_salma Legion Commander All y
32:52 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All id forum gua ada gak
32:54 madina_salma Legion Commander All y
33:19 Sayang Silencer Allies b
33:29 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies NGAPAin lu
33:36 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies mh semua tu tau bener
35:02 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies aduh
35:05 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
35:07 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies goblok
35:08 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies ah
35:09 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies lo ngpain si tin?
35:15 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies ngapaint
35:19 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies maju sendirian
35:19 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies bolak balik doang
35:34 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies gw tadi mau tos tu oted
35:44 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies gk ke pencet
36:08 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All EASY
36:39 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies gw
37:40 Sayang Silencer Allies -st
39:22 smg-www Spectre Allies ocan
39:23 smg-www Spectre Allies cek
39:51 smg-www Spectre Allies mid jaga
40:00 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies dalem aja
40:44 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All wakwakwakwa
40:46 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All ngheri
40:47 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
40:51 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All ngeri bos
40:51 Sayang Silencer Allies tiny beli sentry sama obs saja
41:00 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All awkwakwakwawa
41:02 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All walwakiwakwakawawa
41:07 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All kwawakwakawk’]
41:10 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies tu ambil sen3
41:10 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All lu bisa apa su
41:15 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All wakawkwakwakwa
41:15 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies woe
41:22 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies silincer
41:38 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies lu itu bareng aja
41:44 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies legion mh tu
42:29 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies bkin difusal spek
42:45 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies legi nya ngeri
43:32 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies ,mid
43:33 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies gas
43:56 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies parah su
44:00 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies rak glem maju
44:07 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies wes dalem
44:13 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies jo kesuen
44:15 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies cok
44:39 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies buka axe
44:40 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies gas
45:09 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All awkawkakw
45:14 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All w di incer
45:52 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
46:02 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies -clear
46:32 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
46:45 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies asy
46:46 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies asu
46:49 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies goblok
46:55 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies pekok sy
47:01 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies dagger iket lagh
47:10 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies BARU PAKAI AXE YA
47:12 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies gausah ngajarin
47:16 Sayang Silencer Allies HAHAHAH
47:16 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies MLAH DI OBONG
47:20 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
47:21 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies NYATANYA
47:21 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies kalo bisa dagger tadi dah gw dahher
47:28 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies orang muter
47:30 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies ah
47:47 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies slow"
47:52 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies sayang
47:58 Sayang Silencer Allies uii
48:01 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies lu e9 kan
48:04 Sayang Silencer Allies iya
48:15 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies main lu mbok kyak earth
48:18 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
48:25 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies hahha
48:25 Sayang Silencer Allies item ga jadi2
48:28 Sayang Silencer Allies duit habis
48:31 Sayang Silencer Allies supp cuma 1
48:39 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies ngapaom
48:53 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
49:49 Sayang Silencer Allies gausah di ward aja ya?
49:53 Sayang Silencer Allies biar itemku jadi
49:57 Sayang Silencer Allies biar kill banyak
50:52 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
50:55 smg-www Spectre All wew
50:57 smg-www Spectre All tau aja
50:59 smg-www Spectre Allies -cleae
51:03 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
51:31 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
51:40 smg-www Spectre All mayan id bos
52:15 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
53:09 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
53:26 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All wkakaw
53:32 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All zeus MH TERIAK MH
53:48 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
53:56 smg-www Spectre Allies tau
53:58 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All MANA ZEUS CUMA SEGITU
54:14 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All malu kalah ama inteligen
54:14 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All EASY
54:16 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All awjawkjawkjwakaw’
54:24 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
55:07 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All HAHHA
55:14 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All W
55:18 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All hebat2
55:23 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All hebat bg5t
55:27 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All cuma SEGITU
55:34 Sayang Silencer Allies -st
55:35 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
55:42 [bocah]mael Stone Giant Allies axe ARC
55:44 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All gua MAH PAKAI TIDUR AJA
56:12 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
56:15 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All legion JUGA CUMA SEGITU UDAH MH PULA GOBLOK
56:31 madina_salma Legion Commander All y
56:38 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All sipp
56:51 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies ocan dulu
57:00 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
57:13 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All smaa gua sini legion ma oted
57:15 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All pada ocan tuh
57:41 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [angel_of_love] reconnected with GProxy++!
57:50 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies silent
57:51 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies siap
58:35 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All angel_of_love has lost the connection (timed out) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
58:35 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
58:35 smg-www Spectre Allies -clear
58:35 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All hjahha
58:35 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Setting sync limit to the maximum of 10000 packets.
58:35 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies !sl -1
58:37 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All PERGI
58:48 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All awkjawkawkwa
58:50 Sayang Silencer Allies -st
58:51 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (160 seconds remain).
59:06 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All wakawkwakaw
59:07 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All dor
59:11 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (140 seconds remain).
59:12 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All EASY
59:22 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All UDAH DI POR MASIH AJA KLAH
59:31 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (120 seconds remain).
59:36 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All wajar udh jadi u
59:37 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All wakwakwakaw
59:43 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All syg bgt
59:45 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All wakwakwakwawak
59:51 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (100 seconds remain).
59:55 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All Loh kan GUA LAKON
60:00 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All MENANG KERI
60:11 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (80 seconds remain).
60:31 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (60 seconds remain).
60:51 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (40 seconds remain).
61:11 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (20 seconds remain).
61:31 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (0 seconds remain).
61:40 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All gua kASIH NAFAS DEH
61:51 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
62:11 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
62:31 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
62:51 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (180 seconds remain).
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Setting sync limit to the maximum of 10000 packets.
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies !sl 10000
63:05 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (174 seconds remain).
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Setting sync limit to the maximum of 10000 packets.
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies !sl -1
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe Allies !sl 500
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All rop
63:05 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies !votekick angel
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All A votekick against player [angel_of_love] has been started by player [uBLuK_-]. 8 votes are needed within 60 seconds to pass.
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Type !yes to vote.
63:05 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler Allies !yes
63:05 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All Zzzzzzzzzz
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [smg-www] voted to kick player [angel_of_love]. 7 more votes are needed to pass.
63:05 smg-www Spectre Allies !yes
63:05 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (154 seconds remain).
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [Sayang] voted to kick player [angel_of_love]. 6 more votes are needed to pass.
63:05 Sayang Silencer Allies !yes
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [agregor] voted to kick player [angel_of_love]. 5 more votes are needed to pass.
63:05 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All lama
63:05 angel_of_love Phantom Assassin All Please wait for me to reconnect (134 seconds remain).
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [CAKUNG] voted to drop laggers.
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [RVGS-BOYREBORN] voted to drop laggers.
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [[bocah]mael] voted to drop laggers.
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [smg-www] voted to drop laggers.
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All Player [agregor] voted to drop laggers.
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All angel_of_love lagged out (dropped by vote).
63:05 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All A votekick against player [angel_of_love] has been cancelled.
63:13 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All slrk bawel bgt
63:23 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All emak nya ngidam itil siapa lg
63:53 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All BESUK LAGI BELAJAR YA
63:53 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All tq
64:07 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All This game is host by MetroWorld
64:09 RVGS-BOYREBORN Axe All RVGS-BOYREBORN has left the game voluntarily.
64:09 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All Game unlocked. All admins can run game commands.
64:11 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All smg-www has left the game voluntarily.
64:12 Sayang Silencer Allies -st
64:12 uBLuK_- Murloc Nightcrawler All CAKUNG has left the game voluntarily.
[details= GameLog][CODE] 00:00:00 Game starting
00:00:08 RVGS-BOYREBORN Mode : -clear
00:02:32 Creep spawning
00:05:32 initialD First Kill: Denied initialD
00:16:06 angel_of_love Denied external scourge mid Tower
00:18:55 RVGS-BOYREBORN Denied external sentinel bottom Tower
00:25:48 initialD Destroyed external sentinel mid Tower
00:38:57 initialD Destroyed external sentinel top Tower
00:41:12 madina_salma Destroyed intermediate sentinel mid Tower
00:55:22 uBLuK_- Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower
00:55:56 uBLuK_- Destroyed intermediate scourge mid Tower
00:56:25 smg-www Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower
00:59:24 uBLuK_- Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower
00:59:33 uBLuK_- Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks
00:59:41 uBLuK_- Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks
01:00:33 Sayang Destroyed scourge top ranged Barracks
01:03:05 angel_of_love Disconnected
01:03:06 CAKUNG Stats: 163 creep kills - 7 denies - 26 Neutrals
01:03:24 uBLuK_- Destroyed base scourge mid Tower
01:03:43 uBLuK_- Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks
01:03:59 Frozen Throne at 75%
01:04:03 Frozen Throne at 50%
01:04:06 Frozen Throne at 25%
01:04:07 Frozen Throne at 10%
01:04:08 Sentinel Won
01:04:09 RVGS-BOYREBORN Finished
01:04:11 smg-www Finished
01:04:12 CAKUNG Finished
01:04:12 madina_salma Finished
01:04:12 agregor Finished
01:04:12 Sayang Finished
01:04:12 initialD Finished
01:04:12 [bocah]mael Finished
01:04:12 uBLuK_- Finished
00:58:00 angel_of_love AFK started for 305s
01:04:12 Game terminated
31:59 CAKUNG Lord of Olympus All itil emak u gede
00:58:00 angel_of_love AFK started for 305s
//p Cakung Flaming Ortu/Kerabat http://mtrv.info/t39857
//b Angel_OF_love 15 Stayer http://mtrv.info/t39857
Close Thread.