Nama karakter yang melakukan pelanggaran: Ethan_Connor
Tanggal & Waktu Kejadian: 16 - 8 - 2015
Nama karakter anda: Rico_Chandrawinata
Peraturan yang dilanggar: OOClie
Jelaskan kejadian pada saat pelanggaran: Pada saat itu saya nge /pm dia dan saya memeinta tukeran sanchez saya dengan FCR Dia Katanya dia meminta tambah dan saya suruh ke bank kemudian saat di bank
dia meminta saya memeberikan sanchez saya dulu dan pada saat saya sudah memeberikan sanchez saya dia tidak mau memeberikan FCRDia Dan Dia langsung /q
Bukti Utama: , , ,
Bukti Pendukung: [10:47:22] Welcome to Los Santos, {33CCFF}Rico Chandrawinata
[10:47:22] Last seen {33CCFF}1 minute ago
[10:47:22] ** You have spawned with a weapon on your hand.
[10:47:22] [INFO]{FFFFFF} Press {FF0000}[Y]{FFFFFF} to interact with your weapon.
[10:47:22] New update!, Version Prototype v.2.4 [0.3.7]
[10:47:22] {CC0000}Rico Chandrawinata {FFFFFF}has joined the server.
[10:47:28] [Newb-OOC]: Citizen Rhey_Frankstein: cara ilangin modif gimana ?apakah bayar?
[10:47:35] * You have receive a Brass Knuckles with 9875 durabillity and added to your inventory.
[10:47:37] GuardianAngel:{FFFFFF} Server busy, please try again…
[10:47:38] You’re inventory can not hold this item.
[10:47:41] [Newb-OOC]: Citizen Adam_Weshley: /clearmods
[10:47:44] This vehicle is owned to {33CCFF}Rico_Chandrawinata
[10:47:45] This vehicle don’t have number plate! so drive carefully or the cops will notice.
[10:47:53] [Newb-OOC]: Newcomer Brombleuse_Ezequiraz: clearmods gak bayar, cuman semua modifan ilang
[10:47:54] [Newb-OOC]: Citizen Olivia_Jodha: /clearmods Itu akan hilang semua tidak bayar. bayarnya kalo ana ingin Memodif
[10:47:59] HINT : You Can Edit Your Hat Place By Typing /edithat!
[10:48:09] * You just have Took off your helmet
[10:48:09] * Rico_Chandrawinata Removes his Helmet and leaves it on the passanger seat
[10:48:11] * You just have Enganched your Helmet to your head
[10:48:11] * Rico_Chandrawinata Puts on his Helmet that is on the passanger seat
[10:49:51] GuardianAngel:{FFFF00} Ethan_Connor (3), Has been kicked for Flooding the Commands.
[10:50:23] (( Rhey Frankstein Says: jalan gini boleh gak? ))
[10:50:31] Rico Chandrawinata says: Oi
[10:50:39] * You just have Took off your helmet
[10:50:39] * Rico_Chandrawinata Removes his Helmet and leaves it on the passanger seat
[10:50:39] Olivia Jodha says: Ha ?.
[10:51:01] Olivia Jodha says: Ricoco
[10:51:07] Olivia Jodha says: Ricoco
[10:51:14] Rico Chandrawinata says: Apa?.
[10:51:14] ( ? ){F5DEB3} RP / Roleplay adalah bermain karakter dalam sebuah game, namun alur dari cerita karater itu kita sendiri yang mengatur.
[10:51:18] Olivia Jodha says: Kita palak Itu orang
[10:51:22] * Olivia Jodha Menunjuk
[10:51:23] Rico Chandrawinata says: Jagan
[10:51:29] Rico Chandrawinata says: Dia kawan gue
[10:51:32] GuardianAngel:{FFFF00} Ethan_Connor (13), Has been kicked for Flooding the Commands.
[10:51:35] Olivia Jodha says: Kenalin gue dong
[10:51:42] (( Rico Chandrawinata Says: Lepas tuh bandana ))
[10:51:46] (( Olivia Jodha Says: IC oy ))
[10:51:56] Olivia Jodha says: Mas
[10:52:08] Olivia Jodha says: Pajak jalan mana ?.
[10:52:14] Rico Chandrawinata says: Oi
[10:52:20] Rhey Frankstein says: Ya?
[10:52:25] Rico Chandrawinata says: Nggak kerja lu?.
[10:52:34] Rhey Frankstein says: Gak.
[10:52:40] Fernando Charro says: Rhey
[10:52:40] Rico Chandrawinata says: Owh.
[10:52:45] Rhey Frankstein says: Siapa ini?
[10:52:47] Olivia Jodha says: Ini kemaren kan temennya si Carlos
[10:52:57] * Fernando Charro membuka bandana dan memasukan ke saku kanan
[10:53:06] Rhey Frankstein says: Ohh Charro
[10:53:08] Fernando Charro says: Ea
[10:53:10] (( Rico Chandrawinata Says: Nggak pakek tangan mas. ))
[10:53:12] * Olivia Jodha Melepas bandana menggunakan tangan kanan lalu memasukkan kendalam tas
[10:53:15] Jack George says: rhey
[10:53:23] Olivia Jodha says: Hay bung
[10:53:26] Olivia Jodha says: Boleh kenalan ?.
[10:53:29] (( Rhey Frankstein Says: kita pernah kenal ya jack? ))
[10:53:30] Olivia Jodha says: Oh Gaboleh ya udah
[10:53:33] Rhey Frankstein says: Boleh
[10:53:37] * Fernando Charro mengambil bandana yang ada di saku kanan menggunakan tangan kanan lalu memakai nya kembali
[10:53:38] Jack George says: Rhey
[10:53:48] Rhey Frankstein says: Ya?kok tau nama saya?
[10:53:57] * You just have Enganched your Helmet to your head
[10:53:57] * Rico_Chandrawinata Puts on his Helmet that is on the passanger seat
[10:53:57] Olivia Jodha says: Charro
[10:53:58] Jack George says: Kan Kita Sudah Kenalan
[10:54:04] Rhey Frankstein says: Oh iya ya.
[10:54:04] Fernando Charro says: Ha ?
[10:54:07] Jack George says: Masak Lupa
[10:54:08] Olivia Jodha says: Duit
[10:54:21] Olivia Jodha says: Apa bisa saya bantu ?.
[10:54:22] (( Rhey Frankstein Says: afk mau makna ))
[10:54:34] (( Fernando Charro Says: Jangan di sini AFK ))
[10:54:42] (( Olivia Jodha Says: Di Dalem ))
[10:54:43] (( Olivia Jodha Says: Di Dalem ))
[10:54:57] USAGE: /dance [style 1-4]
[10:54:58] Olivia Jodha says: Mas dari pada pakai Truk ini mending yang satunya. Cepet lagi
[10:55:14] * You just have Took off your helmet
[10:55:14] * Rico_Chandrawinata Removes his Helmet and leaves it on the passanger seat
[10:55:17] You have put on your bandana.
[10:55:24] Fernando Charro says: Bro
[10:55:35] ( ? ){F5DEB3} Mau masuk faction ? Berkomunikasilah secara IC anggota faction tersebut.
[10:56:03] (( Adam Weshley Says: Jangan rusuh ))
[10:56:18] You’re inventory can not hold this item.
[10:56:21] * Rico_Chandrawinata threw out Baseball Bat to the ground
[10:56:27] * You have receive a Baseball Bat with 9387 durabillity and added to your inventory.
[10:56:27] * You have picked up Baseball Bat from the ground and put it into your inventory.
[10:56:33] This vehicle is owned to {33CCFF}Rico_Chandrawinata
[10:56:34] This vehicle don’t have number plate! so drive carefully or the cops will notice.
[10:57:22] ** You took Baseball Bat from your inventory to your hand, use /putgun to put return it back.
[10:57:22] [INFO]{FFFFFF} Press {FF0000}[Y]{FFFFFF} to interact with your weapon.
[10:57:26] * Rico_Chandrawinata threw out Baseball Bat to the ground
[10:57:33] USAGE: /give [name] [playerid/PartOfName] ([ammount])
[10:57:33] Available names: drugs, gun, mats, parts, vehkey, hirekey, rope
[10:57:39] ADVERTISEMENT: [Pizza Stack] Anda lapar? Ayo makan di Pizza Stack, Idlewood. Murah, Enak, Halal!
[10:57:39] ADVERTISEMENT: [Contact] : Billy_Zuckerberg (Phone) : 871913
[10:57:43] * You have receive a Baseball Bat with 9387 durabillity and added to your inventory.
[10:57:43] * You have picked up Baseball Bat from the ground and put it into your inventory.
[10:57:48] You have offer an item to a player, wait until he/she have accept your offer.
[10:57:52] Olivia_Jodha have accepted your give.
[10:57:53] Jack George says: Pak ?.
[10:57:57] This vehicle is owned to {33CCFF}Rico_Chandrawinata
[10:57:58] This vehicle don’t have number plate! so drive carefully or the cops will notice.
[10:58:34] This vehicle is owned to {33CCFF}Rico_Chandrawinata
[10:58:37] This vehicle is owned to {33CCFF}Rico_Chandrawinata
[10:58:38] ADVERTISEMENT: [ DiJual ] Mesa mesin mulus,terawat anda minat sms saya segera
[10:58:38] ADVERTISEMENT: [Contact] : Jack_Handerson (Phone) : 528886
[10:58:38] This vehicle don’t have number plate! so drive carefully or the cops will notice.
[10:58:57] * Your vehicle have been fixed
[10:59:52] ( ? ){F5DEB3} Ramboing adalah membawa senjata banyak - banyak seperti layaknnya rambo, dan dalam peluru yang tidak masuk akal
[11:00:02] Carid: 356
[11:00:02] * You buy car color for $150
[11:00:02] You’ve adjusted the: color1 to 59.
[11:00:58] You pay $5.00 for fuel
[11:01:47] * PM Sent to Ethan_Connor (3): Sanchezz tukar sama FCR lu gue nambah mau?.
[11:02:02] * PM From Ethan_Connor (3): Oke
[11:02:14] * PM From Ethan_Connor (3): Nambah 1000 lah lu
[11:02:36] * PM Sent to Ethan_Connor (3): Oke, bawak motor nya ke bank ,
[11:02:48] * PM From Ethan_Connor (3): Lu duluan tapi
[11:02:57] * You have successfully move your item to your inventory.
[11:03:00] * You have successfully move your item to your inventory.
[11:03:03] GuardianAngel:{FFFFFF} Server busy, please try again…
[11:03:06] * You have successfully move your item to your inventory.
[11:03:10] GuardianAngel:{FFFFFF} Server busy, please try again…
[11:03:12] * You have successfully move your item to your inventory.
[11:03:15] GuardianAngel:{FFFFFF} Server busy, please try again…
[11:03:17] * You have successfully move your item to your inventory.
[11:03:22] You can’t store more then 10 Items, use [/deleteitem] to delete unused item.
[11:03:26] SERVER: You have Typed An Unknown Command, Type /help or /atalk if you need Help!
[11:03:33] INFO:{FFFFFF} You can’t recover more then 100 Wellness, don’t waste your food
[11:03:35] SERVER: You have Typed An Unknown Command, Type /help or /atalk if you need Help!
[11:03:37] * You have successfully move your item to your inventory.
[11:03:39] GuardianAngel:{FFFFFF} Server busy, please try again…
[11:03:43] * PM Sent to Ethan_Connor (3): Iyah
[11:03:47] * You have successfully move your item to your inventory.
[11:03:49] GuardianAngel:{FFFFFF} Server busy, please try again…
[11:03:51] GuardianAngel:{FFFFFF} Server busy, please try again…
[11:03:53] You can’t store more then 10 Items, use [/deleteitem] to delete unused item.
[11:03:58] You have taken off your bandana.
[11:04:02] [Newb-OOC]: Citizen Jack_George: CMD Nya Tutup kaca Gimana
[11:04:07] [Newb-OOC]: Citizen Fernando_Charro: /wui
[11:04:07] [Newb-OOC]: Citizen Jack_Handerson: /wi
[11:04:08] [Newb-OOC]: Citizen Adam_Weshley: /wi
[11:04:10] [Newb-OOC]: Citizen Rhey_Frankstein: /wi
[11:04:12] ( ? ){F5DEB3} Mau mengiklankan barang - barang kalian ? /call 150 atau langsung datang ke Inter Global Group didaerah vinewood.
[11:04:13] * PM From Ethan_Connor (3): Okey
[11:04:26] You have offer an item to a player, wait until he/she have accept your offer.
[11:04:30] Olivia_Jodha have accepted your give.
[11:04:33] You have offer an item to a player, wait until he/she have accept your offer.
[11:04:35] Olivia_Jodha have accepted your give.
[11:04:42] * You have successfully move your item to your inventory.
[11:04:47] * You have successfully move your item to your inventory.
[11:05:20] * Fernando Charro start to repair a vehicle.
[11:05:26] You have offered Olivia_Jodha (4) to buy your vehicle for $0.00
[11:05:26] * Jack George start to repair a vehicle.
[11:05:27] Olivia_Jodha (4) has accepted your offer and bought the vehicle
[11:05:50] USAGE: /withdraw [amount]
[11:05:50] You Have $18094.27 in your account.
[11:05:53] You Have Withdrawn $1000.00 from your account Total: $17094.27
[11:06:01] (( Fernando Charro Says: Miss ))
[11:06:05] * PM Sent to Ethan_Connor (3): Mana lu?/.
[11:06:11] * PM From Ethan_Connor (3): Lagi perjalanan
[11:06:17] * PM From Ethan_Connor (3): Gwa di luar kota
[11:06:28] * PM Sent to Ethan_Connor (3): agak cepat yah.
[11:06:41] * PM From Ethan_Connor (3): okey
[11:07:03] * Jack George takes out a cellphone.
[11:07:16] * Jack George takes out a cellphone.
[11:07:19] HINT : You Can Edit Your Hat Place By Typing /edithat!
[11:07:29] Jack George Says (cellphone): Ada Apa
[11:07:34] Jack George Says (cellphone): Kamu Dimana
[11:07:38] Jack George Says (cellphone): Aku Di bank
[11:07:41] Rico Chandrawinata says: Nunggu bocah lama amat.
[11:07:52] Jack George Says (cellphone): ooo Kamu Ke Bank
[11:08:07] Jack George Says (cellphone): Emang Siapa Bocah Nya Co
[11:08:11] Jack George Says (cellphone): Oke
[11:08:15] Rico Chandrawinata says: Orang
[11:08:29] ( ? ){F5DEB3} /do adalah command yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan situasi RP yang berlangsung kepada player lain.
[11:08:40] Jack George Says (cellphone): kamu Masuk Bank Aja nanti ada orang
[11:08:54] * PM Sent to Ethan_Connor (3): dimana anda mas… saya sudah nunggu lama.
[11:09:14] * PM From Ethan_Connor (3): ini dah mau sampai
[11:09:20] * PM Sent to Ethan_Connor (3): Oke
[11:09:24] Jack George Says (cellphone): sudah kesini aja
[11:09:30] Ethan Connor says: Skip aja
[11:09:31] Rico Chandrawinata says: Ini motor nya?.
[11:09:32] (( Ethan Connor Says: ski paja ))
[11:09:35] Ethan Connor says: ta
[11:09:37] Ethan Connor says: ya
[11:09:41] USAGE: /sellv [player] [vehicleid] [price]
[11:09:49] * Olivia Jodha start to repair a vehicle.
[11:09:50] Jack George Says (cellphone): Aku Di Depan pintu parkir bank
[11:09:53] You have offered Ethan_Connor (3) to buy your vehicle for $10.00
[11:09:54] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-000.png
[11:09:55] Ethan_Connor (3) has accepted your offer and bought the vehicle
[11:09:55] {CC0000}Ethan Connor {FFFFFF}has left the server, Disconnected (quit).
[11:10:05] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-001.png
[11:10:07] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-002.png
[11:10:10] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-003.png
[11:14:36] Jack George says: Via
[11:14:36] Viana Rara says: hey
[11:14:36] * Olivia_Jodha looks at his/her notebook.
[11:14:36] * Olivia_Jodha looks at his/her notebook.
[11:14:36] ( ? ){F5DEB3} Fishing adalah pekerjaan yang paling mudah untuk pemula. Kamu bisa melakukan fishing di Santa Maria Beach
[11:14:36] * Fernando Charro start to repair a vehicle.
[11:14:36] * PM From Adrian_Septiaji (3): gan
[11:14:36] * PM From Adrian_Septiaji (3): jual kendaraan?
[11:18:04] * Jack George start to repair a vehicle.
[11:18:04] * Jack_George raises his hand and looks down at his watch.
[11:18:04] ADVERTISEMENT: (Dicari)Mobil Elegy,Murah Meriah,Kalo Bisa Berplate,Kalo ada call me.
[11:18:04] ADVERTISEMENT: [Contact] : John_Saddler (Phone) : 526024
[11:18:04] Adrian Septiaji says: a
[11:18:04] Adrian Septiaji says: a
[11:18:04] Adrian Septiaji says: pak
[11:18:04] {CC0000}Viana Rara {FFFFFF}has left the server, Disconnected (quit).
[11:18:04] {CC0000}Adrian Septiaji {FFFFFF}has left the server, Disconnected (quit).
[11:18:04] ( ? ){F5DEB3} Contoh dari PowerGaming adalah menembak polisi yang ada di City Hall.
[11:18:04] {CC0000}Ethan Connor {FFFFFF}has joined the server.
[11:18:25] * PM Sent to Ethan_Connor (16): jagan Scamm nanti banned
[11:18:32] * PM From Ethan_Connor (16): ya
[11:18:39] * PM From Ethan_Connor (16): leg gwa relog bentar
[11:19:08] 65535 is not an active player.
[11:20:24] GuardianAngel:{FFFF00} Bill Osbourne (17), Has been Kicked for Possible Engine Hacking.
[11:20:30] Rhey_Frankstein Has been Automatically Promoted to Regular Player Level 3!
Saksi : Olivia_Jodha Dan Jack_George.