
D-Frag! All Episodes 480p 50MB | 720p 80MB MKV

Kenji likes to think that he & his gang of friends are the offensive boys of their school. That is, until he meets the four insane girls of a game-making club whose personalities are all super weird (and a little on the violent side). When Kenji’s forced to join their little group, his life quickly takes a turn for the outrageous.

Titles: D-Fragments!,ディーふらぐ!,D-Frag!
Type: TV
Episodes: 12
Genres: Comedy, School, Seinen
Duration: 24 min. per episode
Rating: PG-13 – Teens 13 or older

Encoder: Soulreaper
Video Type: h264 8bit MKV 720p HD | 480p SD
Audio: Japanese
Subtitle: English
Fansubs: Horriblesubs
File Size: 480p – 40~60MB ; 720p – 80~110MB
Filehosts: Embedupload [MEGA,Mediafire…and 13 more ] , Mirrorcreator [Solidfiles,Tusfiles,zippyshare,sharebeast…and 6 more], Mega


Download D-Frag! All Episodes English Subbed 480p 60MB | 720p 90MB MKV:

Episode 01-12 : 480p SD[/URL] | [URL=“http://sh.st/rK5gl”]720p HD


Nah ini anime unik nih lucu banget tentang siswa sekolah bernama kenji bersama temannya mereka cukup ditakuti sebaga kelompok geng =_="

Namun justru Kenji malah terjerumus dan terjebak untuk mengikuti klub pembuat game yang gak jelas :ok:

Aku merekomendasikan banget yang loem nonton anime ini pasti ketawa lucu abis soalnya :smiley:

moe moe attaaaack ! :berseru:

ada trap jg disini. . .


hahaa trap

Suka yang TRAP ya ? :mikir:

Yupz hahaa kaya himegoto dll.