

Screenshot Ping and Time Valid !


Game Length : 34:18
Dota Winner Side: Sentinel

Saver : Maou
Dota Mode : AP
Host : Crew-INF


#  Nick         Hero                  Reason              Time           AFK1          AFK2      APM  K  D   C  D  G  A   N
1  Maou         Legion Commander      Finished            34:19  48s at 20:28  41s at 29:42  92(100) 23  6 141  26212  3 31
2  uler         Priestess of the Moon Finished            34:19  32s at 00:02  25s at 28:53 102(111)  3  1  40  12842  4  9
3  the-hollow   Stone Giant           Finished            34:19  50s at 29:10  36s at 25:45  88(109)  4  3  59  41565  3 11
4  SkakMathyhY  Goblin Techies        Finished            34:19  26s at 29:58  25s at 00:11  71( 78)  1  2  49  0 33  2  9
5  echizenryoma Dwarven Sniper        Finished            34:19  33s at 15:35  31s at 00:01  79( 87)  2  3  50  13574  8  8
6  metalizer    Axe                   Left the game       25:24  57s at 00:00  37s at 19:02 119(135)  4  6  37  0 14  2  7
7  Zeref_       Shadow Fiend          Finished            34:19 207s at 30:18  42s at 01:31  84(108)  1  9  55 12539  3 15
8  kazeo        Skeleton King         Finished            34:19  89s at 00:01  36s at 33:42  85(110)  0  7  19  0338  5 30
9  vlnz_        Phantom Lancer        Finished            34:19  39s at 00:00  37s at 26:48 171(204)  3  5  74  51080  2 22
10 vr_mugello   Tinker                Finished            34:19  35s at 01:52  32s at 13:21  46( 54)  5  7  42  0607  2  0


[details= ChatLog] 00:00 Maou Legion Commander All Shortest load by player [the-hollow] was 7.54 seconds. 00:00 Maou Legion Commander All Longest load by player [vlnz_] was 19.62 seconds. 00:00 Maou Legion Commander Maou Your load time was 19.46 seconds. 00:00 Maou Legion Commander All This game is hosted by RevoGamers 00:00 Maou Legion Commander All Powered by MetroWorld 00:02 Maou Legion Commander Allies -ap 00:04 Maou Legion Commander Allies -hhn 00:04 Maou Legion Commander Allies -ii 00:05 Maou Legion Commander Allies -don 00:05 the-hollow Stone Giant Allies -ii 00:07 Maou Legion Commander Allies -weather moonlight 00:07 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 00:17 Maou Legion Commander Allies -ah 00:24 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 00:45 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 00:47 uler Priestess of the Moon Allies belajar mir lagi ah 00:48 Maou Legion Commander Allies !P 00:48 Maou Legion Commander All Maou: 426ms, uler: 226ms, echizenryoma: 125ms, kazeo: 99ms, SkakMathyhY: 82ms, the-hollow: 45ms, vr_mugello: 45ms, 00:48 Maou Legion Commander All Zeref_: 43ms, metalizer: 10ms, vlnz_: 8ms 00:50 Maou Legion Commander Allies !sl 500 00:50 Maou Legion Commander All Setting sync limit to 500 packets. 00:52 Maou Legion Commander Allies !l 80 00:52 Maou Legion Commander All Setting game latency to 80 ms. 00:54 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 01:05 Maou Legion Commander Allies !checkme 01:05 Maou Legion Commander Maou Checked player [Maou]. Ping: 343ms, From: ??, Admin: Yes, Owner: Yes, Spoof Checked: Yes, Realm:, Reserved: Yes. 01:15 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 01:17 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 01:29 Maou Legion Commander Allies !P 01:29 Maou Legion Commander All Maou: 175ms, uler: 133ms, kazeo: 118ms, SkakMathyhY: 88ms, echizenryoma: 87ms, Zeref_: 62ms, vr_mugello: 60ms, 01:29 Maou Legion Commander All the-hollow: 45ms, vlnz_: 10ms, metalizer: 8ms 01:32 Maou Legion Commander Allies !sl 350 01:33 Maou Legion Commander All Setting sync limit to 350 packets. 01:35 Maou Legion Commander Allies !L 80 01:35 Maou Legion Commander All Setting game latency to 80 ms. 01:48 Maou Legion Commander Allies mid ga ada isi ? 01:49 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 01:53 uler Priestess of the Moon Allies kaga 01:55 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 01:58 uler Priestess of the Moon Allies wah axe 02:24 Maou Legion Commander Allies !checkme 02:24 Maou Legion Commander Maou Checked player [Maou]. Ping: 61ms, From: ??, Admin: Yes, Owner: Yes, Spoof Checked: Yes, Realm:, Reserved: Yes. 02:26 Maou Legion Commander Allies !p 02:26 Maou Legion Commander All kazeo: 119ms, uler: 106ms, SkakMathyhY: 93ms, echizenryoma: 90ms, Zeref_: 65ms, vr_mugello: 63ms, Maou: 61ms, 02:26 Maou Legion Commander All the-hollow: 39ms, vlnz_: 11ms, metalizer: 9ms 02:28 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 02:29 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 02:36 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 02:47 Maou Legion Commander Allies !checkme 02:47 Maou Legion Commander Maou Checked player [Maou]. Ping: 63ms, From: ??, Admin: Yes, Owner: Yes, Spoof Checked: Yes, Realm:, Reserved: Yes. 03:18 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies aneh ti nvm 03:21 Maou Legion Commander Allies wkewkew 03:21 Maou Legion Commander Allies liat ya 03:25 uler Priestess of the Moon Allies weh 03:26 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies iya 03:35 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 03:39 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 03:39 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 03:43 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies lumayan :D 05:04 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 05:05 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 05:05 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 05:30 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 06:13 uler Priestess of the Moon Allies asu 06:15 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 06:17 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 06:18 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 06:26 the-hollow Stone Giant Allies pnah 06:27 echizenryoma Dwarven Sniper Allies !cm 06:33 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 06:33 Maou Legion Commander Allies !p 06:34 Maou Legion Commander All vlnz_: 132ms, uler: 99ms, SkakMathyhY: 94ms, echizenryoma: 85ms, vr_mugello: 85ms, kazeo: 78ms, Maou: 70ms, 06:34 Maou Legion Commander All Zeref_: 53ms, the-hollow: 39ms, metalizer: 15ms 07:13 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 07:26 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 07:33 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 07:33 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 08:20 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 08:20 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 08:31 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 08:31 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 08:32 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 08:44 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 08:47 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 09:13 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 09:18 echizenryoma Dwarven Sniper Allies 0 09:19 echizenryoma Dwarven Sniper Allies 0 09:19 echizenryoma Dwarven Sniper Allies 0 09:41 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 09:43 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies tower 09:45 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies hit 09:54 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 09:54 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 09:54 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 10:29 the-hollow Stone Giant Allies share donk 10:32 Maou Legion Commander Allies bntar 10:36 the-hollow Stone Giant Allies ok 10:50 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 11:03 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 11:14 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 12:16 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 12:59 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 13:00 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 13:01 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 13:19 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 13:19 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 13:20 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 13:54 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 13:56 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 13:57 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 14:55 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 15:20 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 15:26 metalizer Axe All ? 15:34 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 15:36 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 15:36 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 16:32 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 16:35 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 16:35 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 16:57 Maou Legion Commander Allies !P 16:57 Maou Legion Commander All uler: 111ms, SkakMathyhY: 105ms, echizenryoma: 98ms, Maou: 88ms, kazeo: 86ms, vr_mugello: 79ms, Zeref_: 58ms, 16:57 Maou Legion Commander All the-hollow: 42ms, metalizer: 21ms, vlnz_: 11ms 17:20 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 17:20 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 17:24 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 17:26 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 18:45 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 18:47 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 18:51 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies 1 19:08 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 19:08 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 19:13 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 19:16 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 19:16 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 19:21 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies wanjir dia yg dapat :d 19:23 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 19:25 Maou Legion Commander Allies hh 19:39 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 19:49 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 20:10 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 20:25 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 20:29 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 20:30 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 21:22 Maou Legion Commander Allies pasang gentong di sini 21:23 Maou Legion Commander Allies cis 21:49 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies blm die 21:51 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies ah 21:54 Maou Legion Commander Allies --a 22:12 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies jgn buat ambil gw kptsan yg cepet donk :v 22:49 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 22:50 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 22:54 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 24:51 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 24:53 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 25:24 Maou Legion Commander All metalizer has left the game voluntarily. 25:25 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 25:30 the-hollow Stone Giant All ea 26:35 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 26:35 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 26:44 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 26:47 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 26:48 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 27:23 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 27:26 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 27:49 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 27:55 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 27:56 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 28:04 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 28:12 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 28:12 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 28:16 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 28:53 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies ada yg bisa jellasin gw ngapain sekarang 29:05 uler Priestess of the Moon Allies tini diem aja 29:06 uler Priestess of the Moon Allies anjer 29:07 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 29:10 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 29:18 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 29:20 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 29:21 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 30:30 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 30:38 Maou Legion Commander Allies !P 30:47 Maou Legion Commander All uler: 113ms, SkakMathyhY: 109ms, kazeo: 107ms, echizenryoma: 97ms, Maou: 91ms, Zeref_: 62ms, vr_mugello: 54ms, 30:47 Maou Legion Commander All the-hollow: 50ms, vlnz_: 15ms 31:01 Maou Legion Commander Allies !P 31:01 Maou Legion Commander All Maou: 284ms, uler: 115ms, SkakMathyhY: 108ms, kazeo: 104ms, echizenryoma: 94ms, Zeref_: 59ms, vr_mugello: 54ms, 31:01 Maou Legion Commander All the-hollow: 49ms, vlnz_: 15ms 31:16 Maou Legion Commander Allies boom 31:17 Maou Legion Commander Allies bom 31:22 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies ah 31:23 Maou Legion Commander Allies akowewakoewao 32:07 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 32:08 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 32:20 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 32:20 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 32:20 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 33:32 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 33:32 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 33:44 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 33:46 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 33:57 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 34:05 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 34:09 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 34:18 Maou Legion Commander All This game is hosted by RevoGamers 34:18 Maou Legion Commander All Powered by MetroWorld

[details= GameLog] 00:00:00 Game starting 00:00:03 Maou -ap 00:00:03 Maou Mode : -ap 00:00:03 Maou -ap 00:00:04 Maou -hhn 00:00:04 Maou -hhn 00:00:05 Maou -ii 00:00:05 Maou -ii 00:00:05 Maou -don 00:00:05 Maou -don 00:00:05 the-hollow -ii 00:00:08 Maou -weather moonlight 00:00:08 Maou -weather moonlight 00:00:09 Maou -clear 00:00:09 Maou -clear 00:00:17 Maou -ah 00:00:17 Maou -ah 00:00:17 kazeo -clear 00:00:21 kazeo -clear 00:00:24 Maou -clear 00:00:24 Maou -clear 00:00:42 kazeo -clear 00:00:46 Maou -clear 00:00:46 Maou -clear 00:00:54 Maou -clear 00:00:54 Maou -clear 00:01:12 kazeo -clear 00:01:16 Maou -clear 00:01:16 Maou -clear 00:01:19 Maou -clear 00:01:19 Maou -clear 00:01:50 Maou -clear 00:01:50 Maou -clear 00:01:56 Maou -clear 00:01:56 Maou -clear 00:02:02 kazeo -clear 00:02:28 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:02:29 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:02:35 Creep spawning 00:02:36 Maou -clear 00:02:36 Maou -clear 00:03:33 SkakMathyhY First Kill: Killed vlnz_ 00:03:35 Maou -clear 00:03:35 Maou -clear 00:03:39 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:03:39 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:05:04 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:05:05 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:05:06 Maou -clear 00:05:06 Maou -clear 00:05:31 Maou -clear 00:05:31 Maou -clear 00:05:32 kazeo -clear 00:06:15 Maou -clear 00:06:15 Maou -clear 00:06:17 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:06:18 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:06:19 kazeo -clear 00:06:33 Maou -clear 00:06:33 Maou -clear 00:06:46 kazeo -clear 00:07:13 Maou -clear 00:07:13 Maou -clear 00:07:26 Maou -clear 00:07:26 Maou -clear 00:07:33 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:07:33 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:08:20 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:08:20 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:08:31 kazeo -clear 00:08:31 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:08:32 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:08:32 Maou -clear 00:08:32 Maou -clear 00:08:44 Maou -clear 00:08:44 Maou -clear 00:08:47 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:09:13 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:09:41 Maou -clear 00:09:41 Maou -clear 00:09:54 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:09:54 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:09:55 Maou -clear 00:09:55 Maou -clear 00:10:50 Maou -clear 00:10:50 Maou -clear 00:10:59 vlnz_ Denied external scourge top Tower 00:11:01 kazeo -clear 00:11:04 Maou -clear 00:11:04 Maou -clear 00:11:14 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:12:16 Maou -clear 00:12:16 Maou -clear 00:12:59 Maou -clear 00:12:59 Maou -clear 00:13:00 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:13:01 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:13:19 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:13:20 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:13:20 Maou -clear 00:13:20 Maou -clear 00:13:55 Maou -clear 00:13:55 Maou -clear 00:13:56 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:13:57 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:14:56 Maou -clear 00:14:56 Maou -clear 00:15:21 Maou -clear 00:15:21 Maou -clear 00:15:34 Maou -clear 00:15:34 Maou -clear 00:15:36 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:15:36 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:16:32 Maou -clear 00:16:32 Maou -clear 00:16:35 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:16:35 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:17:20 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:17:21 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:17:22 kazeo -clear 00:17:24 Maou -clear 00:17:24 Maou -clear 00:17:27 Maou -clear 00:17:27 Maou -clear 00:18:46 Maou -clear 00:18:46 Maou -clear 00:18:47 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:19:08 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:19:09 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:19:14 Maou -clear 00:19:14 Maou -clear 00:19:16 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:19:16 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:19:24 Maou -clear 00:19:24 Maou -clear 00:19:39 the-hollow Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower 00:19:40 Maou -clear 00:19:40 Maou -clear 00:19:50 Maou -clear 00:19:50 Maou -clear 00:20:11 Maou -clear 00:20:11 Maou -clear 00:20:25 Maou -clear 00:20:25 Maou -clear 00:20:30 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:20:30 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:21:55 Maou --a 00:21:55 Maou --a 00:22:49 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:22:50 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:22:54 Maou -clear 00:22:54 Maou -clear 00:24:20 kazeo Denied intermediate scourge mid Tower 00:24:51 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:24:52 kazeo -clear 00:24:53 Maou -clear 00:24:53 Maou -clear 00:25:24 metalizer Left the game 00:25:25 Zeref_ Stats: 36 creep kills - 0 denies - 7 Neutrals 00:25:25 Maou -clear 00:25:25 Maou -clear 00:26:34 Maou Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower 00:26:35 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:26:35 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:26:44 Maou -clear 00:26:44 Maou -clear 00:26:47 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:26:48 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:27:21 kazeo -clear 00:27:24 Maou -clear 00:27:24 Maou -clear 00:27:27 Maou -clear 00:27:27 Maou -clear 00:27:49 Maou -clear 00:27:49 Maou -clear 00:27:55 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:27:56 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:28:03 Maou Destroyed base scourge mid Tower 00:28:05 Maou -clear 00:28:05 Maou -clear 00:28:12 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:28:12 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:28:13 Maou Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks 00:28:16 Maou -clear 00:28:16 Maou -clear 00:28:19 Maou Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks 00:29:07 Maou -clear 00:29:07 Maou -clear 00:29:10 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:29:19 Maou -clear 00:29:19 Maou -clear 00:29:20 Maou -clear 00:29:20 Maou -clear 00:29:21 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:30:31 Maou -clear 00:30:31 Maou -clear 00:32:08 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:32:08 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:32:12 the-hollow Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower 00:32:20 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:32:20 Maou -clear 00:32:20 Maou -clear 00:32:20 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:32:27 kazeo -clear 00:32:42 uler Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower 00:32:50 Maou Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks 00:32:55 Maou Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks 00:33:10 Maou Destroyed base scourge top Tower 00:33:22 Maou Destroyed scourge top melee Barracks 00:33:32 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:33:33 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:33:44 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:33:47 Maou -clear 00:33:47 Maou -clear 00:33:52 kazeo -clear 00:33:56 Maou Destroyed scourge top ranged Barracks 00:33:58 Maou -clear 00:33:58 Maou -clear 00:34:05 Maou -clear 00:34:05 Maou -clear 00:34:07 Maou Destroyed final scourge mid Tower 00:34:10 Maou -clear 00:34:10 Maou -clear 00:34:10 Frozen Throne at 75% 00:34:13 Frozen Throne at 50% 00:34:16 Frozen Throne at 25% 00:34:17 Frozen Throne at 10% 00:34:18 Sentinel Won 00:34:19 vr_mugello Finished 00:34:19 kazeo Finished 00:34:19 vlnz_ Finished 00:34:19 echizenryoma Finished 00:34:19 SkakMathyhY Finished 00:34:19 Zeref_ Finished 00:34:19 the-hollow Finished 00:34:19 uler Finished 00:34:19 Maou Finished 00:34:18 Game terminated



Metalizer Leaver

Screenshot Ping and Time Valid !

Game Length : 34:18
Dota Winner Side: Sentinel

Saver : Maou
Dota Mode : AP
Host : Crew-INF

#  Nick         Hero                  Reason              Time           AFK1          AFK2      APM  K  D   C  D  G  A   N
1  Maou         Legion Commander      Finished            34:19  48s at 20:28  41s at 29:42  92(100) 23  6 141  26212  3 31
2  uler         Priestess of the Moon Finished            34:19  32s at 00:02  25s at 28:53 102(111)  3  1  40  12842  4  9
3  the-hollow   Stone Giant           Finished            34:19  50s at 29:10  36s at 25:45  88(109)  4  3  59  41565  3 11
4  SkakMathyhY  Goblin Techies        Finished            34:19  26s at 29:58  25s at 00:11  71( 78)  1  2  49  0 33  2  9
5  echizenryoma Dwarven Sniper        Finished            34:19  33s at 15:35  31s at 00:01  79( 87)  2  3  50  13574  8  8
6  metalizer    Axe                   Left the game       25:24  57s at 00:00  37s at 19:02 119(135)  4  6  37  0 14  2  7
7  Zeref_       Shadow Fiend          Finished            34:19 207s at 30:18  42s at 01:31  84(108)  1  9  55 12539  3 15
8  kazeo        Skeleton King         Finished            34:19  89s at 00:01  36s at 33:42  85(110)  0  7  19  0338  5 30
9  vlnz_        Phantom Lancer        Finished            34:19  39s at 00:00  37s at 26:48 171(204)  3  5  74  51080  2 22
10 vr_mugello   Tinker                Finished            34:19  35s at 01:52  32s at 13:21  46( 54)  5  7  42  0607  2  0

[details= ChatLog] 00:00 Maou Legion Commander All Shortest load by player [the-hollow] was 7.54 seconds. 00:00 Maou Legion Commander All Longest load by player [vlnz_] was 19.62 seconds. 00:00 Maou Legion Commander Maou Your load time was 19.46 seconds. 00:00 Maou Legion Commander All This game is hosted by RevoGamers 00:00 Maou Legion Commander All Powered by MetroWorld 00:02 Maou Legion Commander Allies -ap 00:04 Maou Legion Commander Allies -hhn 00:04 Maou Legion Commander Allies -ii 00:05 Maou Legion Commander Allies -don 00:05 the-hollow Stone Giant Allies -ii 00:07 Maou Legion Commander Allies -weather moonlight 00:07 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 00:17 Maou Legion Commander Allies -ah 00:24 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 00:45 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 00:47 uler Priestess of the Moon Allies belajar mir lagi ah 00:48 Maou Legion Commander Allies !P 00:48 Maou Legion Commander All Maou: 426ms, uler: 226ms, echizenryoma: 125ms, kazeo: 99ms, SkakMathyhY: 82ms, the-hollow: 45ms, vr_mugello: 45ms, 00:48 Maou Legion Commander All Zeref_: 43ms, metalizer: 10ms, vlnz_: 8ms 00:50 Maou Legion Commander Allies !sl 500 00:50 Maou Legion Commander All Setting sync limit to 500 packets. 00:52 Maou Legion Commander Allies !l 80 00:52 Maou Legion Commander All Setting game latency to 80 ms. 00:54 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 01:05 Maou Legion Commander Allies !checkme 01:05 Maou Legion Commander Maou Checked player [Maou]. Ping: 343ms, From: ??, Admin: Yes, Owner: Yes, Spoof Checked: Yes, Realm:, Reserved: Yes. 01:15 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 01:17 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 01:29 Maou Legion Commander Allies !P 01:29 Maou Legion Commander All Maou: 175ms, uler: 133ms, kazeo: 118ms, SkakMathyhY: 88ms, echizenryoma: 87ms, Zeref_: 62ms, vr_mugello: 60ms, 01:29 Maou Legion Commander All the-hollow: 45ms, vlnz_: 10ms, metalizer: 8ms 01:32 Maou Legion Commander Allies !sl 350 01:33 Maou Legion Commander All Setting sync limit to 350 packets. 01:35 Maou Legion Commander Allies !L 80 01:35 Maou Legion Commander All Setting game latency to 80 ms. 01:48 Maou Legion Commander Allies mid ga ada isi ? 01:49 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 01:53 uler Priestess of the Moon Allies kaga 01:55 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 01:58 uler Priestess of the Moon Allies wah axe 02:24 Maou Legion Commander Allies !checkme 02:24 Maou Legion Commander Maou Checked player [Maou]. Ping: 61ms, From: ??, Admin: Yes, Owner: Yes, Spoof Checked: Yes, Realm:, Reserved: Yes. 02:26 Maou Legion Commander Allies !p 02:26 Maou Legion Commander All kazeo: 119ms, uler: 106ms, SkakMathyhY: 93ms, echizenryoma: 90ms, Zeref_: 65ms, vr_mugello: 63ms, Maou: 61ms, 02:26 Maou Legion Commander All the-hollow: 39ms, vlnz_: 11ms, metalizer: 9ms 02:28 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 02:29 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 02:36 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 02:47 Maou Legion Commander Allies !checkme 02:47 Maou Legion Commander Maou Checked player [Maou]. Ping: 63ms, From: ??, Admin: Yes, Owner: Yes, Spoof Checked: Yes, Realm:, Reserved: Yes. 03:18 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies aneh ti nvm 03:21 Maou Legion Commander Allies wkewkew 03:21 Maou Legion Commander Allies liat ya 03:25 uler Priestess of the Moon Allies weh 03:26 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies iya 03:35 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 03:39 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 03:39 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 03:43 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies lumayan :D 05:04 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 05:05 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 05:05 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 05:30 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 06:13 uler Priestess of the Moon Allies asu 06:15 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 06:17 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 06:18 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 06:26 the-hollow Stone Giant Allies pnah 06:27 echizenryoma Dwarven Sniper Allies !cm 06:33 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 06:33 Maou Legion Commander Allies !p 06:34 Maou Legion Commander All vlnz_: 132ms, uler: 99ms, SkakMathyhY: 94ms, echizenryoma: 85ms, vr_mugello: 85ms, kazeo: 78ms, Maou: 70ms, 06:34 Maou Legion Commander All Zeref_: 53ms, the-hollow: 39ms, metalizer: 15ms 07:13 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 07:26 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 07:33 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 07:33 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 08:20 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 08:20 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 08:31 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 08:31 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 08:32 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 08:44 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 08:47 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 09:13 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 09:18 echizenryoma Dwarven Sniper Allies 0 09:19 echizenryoma Dwarven Sniper Allies 0 09:19 echizenryoma Dwarven Sniper Allies 0 09:41 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 09:43 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies tower 09:45 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies hit 09:54 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 09:54 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 09:54 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 10:29 the-hollow Stone Giant Allies share donk 10:32 Maou Legion Commander Allies bntar 10:36 the-hollow Stone Giant Allies ok 10:50 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 11:03 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 11:14 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 12:16 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 12:59 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 13:00 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 13:01 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 13:19 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 13:19 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 13:20 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 13:54 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 13:56 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 13:57 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 14:55 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 15:20 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 15:26 metalizer Axe All ? 15:34 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 15:36 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 15:36 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 16:32 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 16:35 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 16:35 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 16:57 Maou Legion Commander Allies !P 16:57 Maou Legion Commander All uler: 111ms, SkakMathyhY: 105ms, echizenryoma: 98ms, Maou: 88ms, kazeo: 86ms, vr_mugello: 79ms, Zeref_: 58ms, 16:57 Maou Legion Commander All the-hollow: 42ms, metalizer: 21ms, vlnz_: 11ms 17:20 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 17:20 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 17:24 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 17:26 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 18:45 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 18:47 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 18:51 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies 1 19:08 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 19:08 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 19:13 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 19:16 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 19:16 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 19:21 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies wanjir dia yg dapat :d 19:23 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 19:25 Maou Legion Commander Allies hh 19:39 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 19:49 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 20:10 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 20:25 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 20:29 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 20:30 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 21:22 Maou Legion Commander Allies pasang gentong di sini 21:23 Maou Legion Commander Allies cis 21:49 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies blm die 21:51 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies ah 21:54 Maou Legion Commander Allies --a 22:12 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies jgn buat ambil gw kptsan yg cepet donk :v 22:49 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 22:50 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 22:54 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 24:51 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 24:53 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 25:24 Maou Legion Commander All metalizer has left the game voluntarily. 25:25 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 25:30 the-hollow Stone Giant All ea 26:35 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 26:35 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 26:44 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 26:47 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 26:48 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 27:23 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 27:26 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 27:49 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 27:55 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 27:56 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 28:04 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 28:12 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 28:12 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 28:16 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 28:53 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies ada yg bisa jellasin gw ngapain sekarang 29:05 uler Priestess of the Moon Allies tini diem aja 29:06 uler Priestess of the Moon Allies anjer 29:07 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 29:10 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 29:18 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 29:20 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 29:21 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 30:30 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 30:38 Maou Legion Commander Allies !P 30:47 Maou Legion Commander All uler: 113ms, SkakMathyhY: 109ms, kazeo: 107ms, echizenryoma: 97ms, Maou: 91ms, Zeref_: 62ms, vr_mugello: 54ms, 30:47 Maou Legion Commander All the-hollow: 50ms, vlnz_: 15ms 31:01 Maou Legion Commander Allies !P 31:01 Maou Legion Commander All Maou: 284ms, uler: 115ms, SkakMathyhY: 108ms, kazeo: 104ms, echizenryoma: 94ms, Zeref_: 59ms, vr_mugello: 54ms, 31:01 Maou Legion Commander All the-hollow: 49ms, vlnz_: 15ms 31:16 Maou Legion Commander Allies boom 31:17 Maou Legion Commander Allies bom 31:22 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies ah 31:23 Maou Legion Commander Allies akowewakoewao 32:07 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 32:08 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 32:20 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 32:20 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 32:20 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 33:32 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 33:32 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 33:44 SkakMathyhY Goblin Techies Allies -clear 33:46 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 33:57 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 34:05 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 34:09 Maou Legion Commander Allies -clear 34:18 Maou Legion Commander All This game is hosted by RevoGamers 34:18 Maou Legion Commander All Powered by MetroWorld

[details= GameLog] 00:00:00 Game starting 00:00:03 Maou -ap 00:00:03 Maou Mode : -ap 00:00:03 Maou -ap 00:00:04 Maou -hhn 00:00:04 Maou -hhn 00:00:05 Maou -ii 00:00:05 Maou -ii 00:00:05 Maou -don 00:00:05 Maou -don 00:00:05 the-hollow -ii 00:00:08 Maou -weather moonlight 00:00:08 Maou -weather moonlight 00:00:09 Maou -clear 00:00:09 Maou -clear 00:00:17 Maou -ah 00:00:17 Maou -ah 00:00:17 kazeo -clear 00:00:21 kazeo -clear 00:00:24 Maou -clear 00:00:24 Maou -clear 00:00:42 kazeo -clear 00:00:46 Maou -clear 00:00:46 Maou -clear 00:00:54 Maou -clear 00:00:54 Maou -clear 00:01:12 kazeo -clear 00:01:16 Maou -clear 00:01:16 Maou -clear 00:01:19 Maou -clear 00:01:19 Maou -clear 00:01:50 Maou -clear 00:01:50 Maou -clear 00:01:56 Maou -clear 00:01:56 Maou -clear 00:02:02 kazeo -clear 00:02:28 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:02:29 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:02:35 Creep spawning 00:02:36 Maou -clear 00:02:36 Maou -clear 00:03:33 SkakMathyhY First Kill: Killed vlnz_ 00:03:35 Maou -clear 00:03:35 Maou -clear 00:03:39 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:03:39 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:05:04 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:05:05 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:05:06 Maou -clear 00:05:06 Maou -clear 00:05:31 Maou -clear 00:05:31 Maou -clear 00:05:32 kazeo -clear 00:06:15 Maou -clear 00:06:15 Maou -clear 00:06:17 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:06:18 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:06:19 kazeo -clear 00:06:33 Maou -clear 00:06:33 Maou -clear 00:06:46 kazeo -clear 00:07:13 Maou -clear 00:07:13 Maou -clear 00:07:26 Maou -clear 00:07:26 Maou -clear 00:07:33 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:07:33 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:08:20 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:08:20 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:08:31 kazeo -clear 00:08:31 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:08:32 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:08:32 Maou -clear 00:08:32 Maou -clear 00:08:44 Maou -clear 00:08:44 Maou -clear 00:08:47 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:09:13 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:09:41 Maou -clear 00:09:41 Maou -clear 00:09:54 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:09:54 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:09:55 Maou -clear 00:09:55 Maou -clear 00:10:50 Maou -clear 00:10:50 Maou -clear 00:10:59 vlnz_ Denied external scourge top Tower 00:11:01 kazeo -clear 00:11:04 Maou -clear 00:11:04 Maou -clear 00:11:14 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:12:16 Maou -clear 00:12:16 Maou -clear 00:12:59 Maou -clear 00:12:59 Maou -clear 00:13:00 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:13:01 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:13:19 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:13:20 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:13:20 Maou -clear 00:13:20 Maou -clear 00:13:55 Maou -clear 00:13:55 Maou -clear 00:13:56 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:13:57 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:14:56 Maou -clear 00:14:56 Maou -clear 00:15:21 Maou -clear 00:15:21 Maou -clear 00:15:34 Maou -clear 00:15:34 Maou -clear 00:15:36 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:15:36 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:16:32 Maou -clear 00:16:32 Maou -clear 00:16:35 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:16:35 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:17:20 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:17:21 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:17:22 kazeo -clear 00:17:24 Maou -clear 00:17:24 Maou -clear 00:17:27 Maou -clear 00:17:27 Maou -clear 00:18:46 Maou -clear 00:18:46 Maou -clear 00:18:47 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:19:08 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:19:09 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:19:14 Maou -clear 00:19:14 Maou -clear 00:19:16 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:19:16 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:19:24 Maou -clear 00:19:24 Maou -clear 00:19:39 the-hollow Destroyed external scourge bottom Tower 00:19:40 Maou -clear 00:19:40 Maou -clear 00:19:50 Maou -clear 00:19:50 Maou -clear 00:20:11 Maou -clear 00:20:11 Maou -clear 00:20:25 Maou -clear 00:20:25 Maou -clear 00:20:30 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:20:30 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:21:55 Maou --a 00:21:55 Maou --a 00:22:49 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:22:50 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:22:54 Maou -clear 00:22:54 Maou -clear 00:24:20 kazeo Denied intermediate scourge mid Tower 00:24:51 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:24:52 kazeo -clear 00:24:53 Maou -clear 00:24:53 Maou -clear 00:25:24 metalizer Left the game 00:25:25 Zeref_ Stats: 36 creep kills - 0 denies - 7 Neutrals 00:25:25 Maou -clear 00:25:25 Maou -clear 00:26:34 Maou Destroyed intermediate scourge top Tower 00:26:35 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:26:35 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:26:44 Maou -clear 00:26:44 Maou -clear 00:26:47 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:26:48 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:27:21 kazeo -clear 00:27:24 Maou -clear 00:27:24 Maou -clear 00:27:27 Maou -clear 00:27:27 Maou -clear 00:27:49 Maou -clear 00:27:49 Maou -clear 00:27:55 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:27:56 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:28:03 Maou Destroyed base scourge mid Tower 00:28:05 Maou -clear 00:28:05 Maou -clear 00:28:12 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:28:12 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:28:13 Maou Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks 00:28:16 Maou -clear 00:28:16 Maou -clear 00:28:19 Maou Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks 00:29:07 Maou -clear 00:29:07 Maou -clear 00:29:10 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:29:19 Maou -clear 00:29:19 Maou -clear 00:29:20 Maou -clear 00:29:20 Maou -clear 00:29:21 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:30:31 Maou -clear 00:30:31 Maou -clear 00:32:08 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:32:08 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:32:12 the-hollow Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower 00:32:20 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:32:20 Maou -clear 00:32:20 Maou -clear 00:32:20 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:32:27 kazeo -clear 00:32:42 uler Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower 00:32:50 Maou Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks 00:32:55 Maou Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks 00:33:10 Maou Destroyed base scourge top Tower 00:33:22 Maou Destroyed scourge top melee Barracks 00:33:32 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:33:33 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:33:44 SkakMathyhY -clear 00:33:47 Maou -clear 00:33:47 Maou -clear 00:33:52 kazeo -clear 00:33:56 Maou Destroyed scourge top ranged Barracks 00:33:58 Maou -clear 00:33:58 Maou -clear 00:34:05 Maou -clear 00:34:05 Maou -clear 00:34:07 Maou Destroyed final scourge mid Tower 00:34:10 Maou -clear 00:34:10 Maou -clear 00:34:10 Frozen Throne at 75% 00:34:13 Frozen Throne at 50% 00:34:16 Frozen Throne at 25% 00:34:17 Frozen Throne at 10% 00:34:18 Sentinel Won 00:34:19 vr_mugello Finished 00:34:19 kazeo Finished 00:34:19 vlnz_ Finished 00:34:19 echizenryoma Finished 00:34:19 SkakMathyhY Finished 00:34:19 Zeref_ Finished 00:34:19 the-hollow Finished 00:34:19 uler Finished 00:34:19 Maou Finished 00:34:18 Game terminated


Metalizer Leaver

GOODLIKE~ , mau yang mana satu ?