Anime Season Winter 2015 : Kuroko no Basket 3rd Season

Type: TV
Episodes: Unknown
Status: Currently Airing
Aired: Jan 11, 2015 to ?
Producers: Production I.G
Genres: Comedy, School, Shounen, Sports
Duration: 24 min. per episode
Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older

Episode 1 : 480p SD[/URL] | [URL=“”]720p HD

Never stop … :v

my top list anime for genre sports :ok:

looking forward to watch seirin vs rakuzan , want to look how akashi in the zone :melting:


waiting for Reo Mibuchi’s appearance…

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weh sisen 3 da keluar ye sedot dulu da :ngacir:

subs nya b.ingrris loohh :hehehe:

reo mibuchi ? let me tell you that guy is GAY ! too many information for this character has known Gay ! :minum:

really? i didn’t know that reo is gay seriously i never expect this -_-

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  • A Mibuchi look-a-like was seen in the 2nd round of the Winter Cup wearing the jersey number 13 winning the match without Akashi who was benched. This was before Mibuchi debuted.

  • According to an extra, Mibuchi states that he’s interested in someone from his own team.


- His favourite food is cabbage rolls.
- His hobby is making sweets.
- His specialty is tarot reading.
- His motto is : "Soft on the outside, tough on the inside."  

According to KUROFES:

- His best subject is classic literature.
- He is a member of the Health Committee (infirmary).
- He has a mother and a father.
- He dislikes vulgar, indecent people.
- His best play is a three point shot.
- His favourite type is attentive person.
- He spends his free time shopping in general stores.
- He started playing basketball by watching NBA.
- The player he has his eye on is Koganei. 

You can read it in

:open_mouth: i’m a bit surprised, but looking at the facts i think you are right. anyway thank you for the information! i will read it later. c:

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Episode 2 : 480p SD[/URL] | [URL=“”]720p HD

wah gw tunggu2 ini gw kira uda gak rilis lagi di season 2

Nice dah

nice share brooo, lanjutkan yah :smiley:

hahay , oke2 , bakal di kasi update terus :ok:

indo ga neh ntar php bhs inggris :galak:
btw lanjutkan gan

semua yang gw share b.inggris gan :silly:

anggap saja nonton sambil belajar mata pelajaran bahasa inggris :sombong:

musti dipause-pause dong kalo mau liat :gakmau:
kalo cepet mana bisa dicerna :merengek:

:hehehe: , ada jga kok subs indonya , cuman hrs di search di google :silly:

share disini sekalian lah :minta:
itung" amal :sombong:

Episode 3 : 480p SD[/URL] | [URL=“”]720p HD