[Advertising] brave_frontier
ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : MR
Screenshot Ping dan Time
[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i67.tinypic.com/286v8sk.png
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[Advertising] brave_frontier
ID B-Net ‘Pelapor’ : MR
Screenshot Ping dan Time
[details=Screenshot Ping dan Time]http://i67.tinypic.com/286v8sk.png
Save Replay / SS Bukti
Catatan Tambahan / Keterangan Kasus
Game Length : 29:18
Dota Winner Side : Sentinel
Saver :MR
Dota Mode : -ap
Host : CLAN-YwAF
[code]# Nick Hero Reason Time AFK1 AFK2 APM K D C D G A N
1 Simpleplan~ Butcher Finished 29:20 31s at 00:00 17s at 00:53 114(117) 2 3 52 4863 8 0
2 MR Priestess of the Moon Finished 29:22 37s at 00:33 27s at 14:09 54( 59) 5 0 46 22885 2 0
3 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Finished 29:20 61s at 00:48 27s at 27:29 80( 90) 2 3 70 2947 4 2
4 [LUNA] Slayer Finished 29:22 48s at 00:21 39s at 20:40 95(100) 7 1 101 12678 0 0
5 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Finished 29:22 68s at 00:42 32s at 00:00 77( 83) 2 3 84 0424 5 3
6 Geo- Ursa Warrior Left the game 23:20 33s at 16:51 30s at 16:21 86( 97) 1 4 29 0 9 3 16
7 SPARTHAN13 Lord of Olympus Finished 29:20 38s at 21:15 26s at 24:46 59( 63) 3 3 28 31344 2 0
8 Angel_Of_Death Spiritbreaker Disconnected 18:47 294s at 13:53 70s at 00:15 58(112) 1 2 18 0 6 1 0
9 Dorkz_ Dwarven Sniper Finished 29:13 52s at 01:43 35s at 27:29 91(106) 1 6 28 0 4 5 0
10 Gates_ Earthshaker Disconnected 20:53 44s at 00:02 19s at 18:17 132(146) 0 4 19 0 19 5 0
[details=Chatlog][code]00:00 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Shortest load by player [Brave_frontier] was 7.22 seconds.
00:00 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Longest load by player [Gates_] was 30.90 seconds.
00:00 Simpleplan~ Butcher Simpleplan~ Your load time was 13.24 seconds.
00:00 Simpleplan~ Butcher All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
00:00 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Powered by MetroWorld
00:03 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
00:10 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
00:10 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -hhn
00:10 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -don
00:10 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -ii
00:12 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -don
00:13 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
00:27 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -ii
00:28 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
00:28 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies kenpa ga di server Sunda :v
00:35 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -ah
00:38 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
00:38 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
00:39 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
00:40 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
00:41 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
00:42 [LUNA] Slayer Allies -clear
00:48 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Player [Angel_Of_Death] reconnected with GProxy++!
00:59 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
01:01 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
01:04 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -random
01:04 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
01:06 [LUNA] Slayer Allies server apaan itu tadi?
01:12 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
01:17 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Player [Angel_Of_Death] reconnected with GProxy++!
01:22 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
01:22 [LUNA] Slayer Allies kyk nya baru denger gw
01:23 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies ga
01:39 [LUNA] Slayer Allies mid?
01:45 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies ga om
01:48 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies ambil aja
01:49 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
02:01 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
02:03 [LUNA] Slayer Allies salah ambil skil gw
02:09 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
02:17 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
02:19 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
02:26 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
02:34 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
02:34 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Setting sync limit to 300 packets.
02:34 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies !sl 300
02:34 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
02:34 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Player [Angel_Of_Death] reconnected with GProxy++!
02:34 [LUNA] Slayer Allies ga ambil stun gw
02:34 SPARTHAN13 Lord of Olympus All aw
02:36 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
02:46 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies hook
02:48 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies crot
02:58 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies jauh ah
03:03 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies wekeke
04:26 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
04:47 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies Miss
04:47 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies Miss
04:48 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Player [Angel_Of_Death] reconnected with GProxy++!
04:52 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
05:28 Angel_Of_Death Spiritbreaker All lat 60
05:46 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
06:23 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies Miss
06:23 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies Miss
06:27 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies Miss
06:28 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies Miss
06:28 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies Miss
06:28 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies Miss
06:28 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies Miss
06:30 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies Miss
06:31 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
06:33 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
06:48 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
06:49 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching I Love You
06:52 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
07:04 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
07:06 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies gas
07:07 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies yu
07:08 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Player [Angel_Of_Death] reconnected with GProxy++!
07:09 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies snip
07:16 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
07:17 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
07:19 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
07:55 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
08:03 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies tq mang
08:04 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
08:07 [LUNA] Slayer Allies mang?
08:08 [LUNA] Slayer Allies ler
08:11 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies wkewkek
08:13 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
08:13 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
08:24 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
08:36 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
08:38 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching I Love You
08:39 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies Miss
08:39 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies Miss
08:40 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
08:58 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
08:59 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
09:04 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
09:05 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies 3
09:06 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching I Love You
09:07 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
09:07 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
09:07 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
09:08 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
09:09 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Angel_Of_Death: 80ms, MR: 77ms, Brave_frontier: 69ms, Geo-: 66ms, Dorkz_: 59ms, Gates_: 56ms, SPARTHAN13: 43ms,
09:09 Simpleplan~ Butcher All [LUNA]: 42ms, CALLMEBOKIS: 24ms, Simpleplan~: 19ms
09:09 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies !p
09:09 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
09:10 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
09:10 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
09:11 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
09:14 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies mid
09:22 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
09:41 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies Miss
09:42 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies Miss
10:51 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching I Love You
10:58 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
11:01 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies wew
11:01 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
11:03 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
11:04 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
11:06 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
11:11 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
11:16 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies wtf
11:16 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
11:17 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
11:18 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
11:25 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
11:29 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
11:31 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies wew
11:32 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
11:39 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
11:40 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
12:05 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
12:15 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies Missing Heroes in My Line , Thank For Watching I Love You
12:34 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
12:38 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
13:38 [LUNA] Slayer Allies nm
13:39 [LUNA] Slayer Allies ler
13:57 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies susah
14:03 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
14:23 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies r
14:25 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
14:53 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
15:46 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
16:03 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
16:08 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies hook
16:16 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
16:18 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
16:19 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies ,
16:32 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies …
16:32 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Angel_Of_Death has lost the connection (connection closed by remote host) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
16:32 Angel_Of_Death Spiritbreaker All Please wait for me to reconnect (174 seconds remain).
16:32 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Player [Angel_Of_Death] reconnected with GProxy++!
16:32 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies pfttt
17:28 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies hook
17:44 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies zz
17:44 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Setting sync limit to 450 packets.
17:44 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies !sl 450
17:44 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies fuck
17:44 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
17:44 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Setting game latency to 90 ms.
17:44 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies !l 90
17:44 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -1
17:44 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies …
17:44 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Angel_Of_Death has lost the connection (timed out) but is using GProxy++ and may reconnect.
17:44 Angel_Of_Death Spiritbreaker All Please wait for me to reconnect (163 seconds remain).
17:44 [LUNA] Slayer All oy zeus
17:44 SPARTHAN13 Lord of Olympus All apa
17:44 [LUNA] Slayer All mahal gw beli nih
17:44 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Setting sync limit to 500 packets.
17:44 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies !sl 500
17:44 Angel_Of_Death Spiritbreaker All Please wait for me to reconnect (143 seconds remain).
17:44 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Setting sync limit to 1000 packets.
17:44 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies !sl 1000
17:48 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
17:59 Angel_Of_Death Spiritbreaker All Please wait for me to reconnect (123 seconds remain).
18:08 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
18:09 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies parah
18:12 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
18:13 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
18:16 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies z
18:19 Angel_Of_Death Spiritbreaker All Please wait for me to reconnect (103 seconds remain).
18:20 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
18:32 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
18:33 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
18:39 Angel_Of_Death Spiritbreaker All Please wait for me to reconnect (83 seconds remain).
18:42 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
18:47 [LUNA] Slayer All drop ae
18:47 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Setting sync limit to 200 packets.
18:47 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies !sl 200
18:47 Angel_Of_Death Spiritbreaker All Please wait for me to reconnect (167 seconds remain).
18:47 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver All ribet
18:47 SPARTHAN13 Lord of Olympus All kik ae gan
18:47 Angel_Of_Death Spiritbreaker All Please wait for me to reconnect (147 seconds remain).
18:47 Geo- Ursa Warrior All Drop all
18:47 [LUNA] Slayer All y
18:47 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King All ok
18:47 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Player [CALLMEBOKIS] voted to drop laggers.
18:47 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Player [Geo-] voted to drop laggers.
18:47 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Player [Simpleplan~] voted to drop laggers.
18:47 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Player [Brave_frontier] voted to drop laggers.
18:47 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Player [SPARTHAN13] voted to drop laggers.
18:47 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Angel_Of_Death lagged out (dropped by vote).
18:48 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
18:56 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
19:04 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
19:07 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
19:16 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
19:21 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies tuod
19:21 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
19:44 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
19:44 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
19:45 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
19:55 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies bnyk
19:55 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
20:41 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
20:44 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
20:47 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
20:53 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Gates_ has lost the connection (connection error - ECONNRESET).
20:55 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
20:55 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
20:57 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King All WAH
20:58 SPARTHAN13 Lord of Olympus All aduhh
20:59 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
20:59 Dorkz_ Dwarven Sniper All ea
21:00 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
21:07 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -switch
21:08 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
21:15 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
21:19 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
21:20 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
21:21 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
21:23 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
21:53 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies w
21:59 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
22:04 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
22:47 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
22:51 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
22:59 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
23:00 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
23:09 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
23:09 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
23:12 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
23:13 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
23:15 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
23:20 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Geo- has left the game voluntarily.
23:24 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
23:24 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
23:26 Dorkz_ Dwarven Sniper All ea
23:37 SPARTHAN13 Lord of Olympus All langsung ajalah
23:49 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
24:32 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
24:34 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
24:43 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
24:45 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
25:48 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King All goodbye
25:56 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
26:10 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
26:12 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
26:15 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies WAW
26:18 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
26:41 SPARTHAN13 Lord of Olympus All lama amat gan
26:48 [LUNA] Slayer All jangan def ler
26:53 SPARTHAN13 Lord of Olympus All siapa yg deff
26:57 [LUNA] Slayer All itu snip
27:06 SPARTHAN13 Lord of Olympus All sendiri doang
27:19 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
27:23 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
28:03 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies hppl
28:04 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies hook
28:09 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies -clear
28:09 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
28:11 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies mek
28:30 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies wakwakwa
28:30 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
28:30 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies wkwkw
28:39 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies awas
28:41 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
28:45 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies di hook lu :v
28:51 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
28:53 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies hook
28:54 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
28:59 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies -clear
29:00 Dorkz_ Dwarven Sniper All asu
29:00 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King Allies good
29:05 Dorkz_ Dwarven Sniper All kasih jalan dikit dong
29:08 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver All lol
29:12 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies
29:12 Dorkz_ Dwarven Sniper All pepek
29:13 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Dorkz_ has left the game voluntarily.
29:14 Simpleplan~ Butcher Allies njeng ga kena
29:15 MR Priestess of the Moon Allies -cLeaR
29:15 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
29:18 Simpleplan~ Butcher All This game is hosted by RevoGamers
29:18 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Powered by MetroWorld
29:19 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies -clear
29:20 Simpleplan~ Butcher All Simpleplan~ has left the game voluntarily.
29:20 SPARTHAN13 Lord of Olympus All SPARTHAN13 has left the game voluntarily.
29:20 CALLMEBOKIS Sand King All CALLMEBOKIS has left the game voluntarily.
[details=Gamelog][code]00:00:00 Game starting
00:02:31 Creep spawning
00:07:15 Brave_frontier First Kill: Killed Dorkz_
00:10:57 MR Destroyed external scourge top Tower
00:14:43 MR Destroyed external scourge mid Tower
00:18:47 Angel_Of_Death Disconnected
00:18:47 SPARTHAN13 Stats: 18 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 Neutrals
00:20:53 Gates_ Disconnected
00:20:53 CALLMEBOKIS Stats: 19 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 Neutrals
00:23:20 Geo- Left the game
00:23:20 Geo- Stats: 29 creep kills - 0 denies - 16 Neutrals
00:24:29 [LUNA] Destroyed base scourge mid Tower
00:24:35 Brave_frontier Destroyed intermediate scourge bottom Tower
00:24:53 Simpleplan~ Destroyed scourge mid melee Barracks
00:25:04 Simpleplan~ Destroyed scourge mid ranged Barracks
00:27:25 Brave_frontier Destroyed base scourge bottom Tower
00:27:43 Simpleplan~ Destroyed scourge bottom melee Barracks
00:27:48 Simpleplan~ Destroyed scourge bottom ranged Barracks
00:29:02 Frozen Throne at 75%
00:29:08 Frozen Throne at 50%
00:29:13 Frozen Throne at 25%
00:29:13 Dorkz_ Left the game
00:29:14 MR Stats: 28 creep kills - 0 denies - 0 Neutrals
00:29:16 Frozen Throne at 10%
00:29:18 Sentinel Won
00:29:20 Simpleplan~ Finished
00:29:20 SPARTHAN13 Finished
00:29:20 CALLMEBOKIS Finished
00:29:22 [LUNA] Finished
00:29:22 Brave_frontier Finished
00:29:22 MR Finished
00:13:53 Angel_Of_Death AFK started for 294s
00:29:22 Game terminated
[details=RESULT ADVERTISING]00:28 Brave_frontier Nerubian Weaver Allies kenpa ga di server Sunda :v
Brave_Frontier Bawa-Bawa Server Lain/Advertising