(Adelardo_Early)- [Cheat Menggunakan Jetpack]

Nama karakter yang melakukan pelanggaran: Adelardo_Early
Tanggal & Waktu Kejadian: 28 - 8 - 2015
Nama karakter anda: Fernando_Charro
Peraturan yang dilanggar: Cheat Menggunakan Jetpack
Jelaskan kejadian pada saat pelanggaran: Pada saat itu saya sedang naik naik ke Restoran American Burger dan saya melihat seseorang yang bukan admins atau helpers menggunakan Cheat Menggunakan Jetpack.
Bukti Utama: http://i57.tinypic.com/210eij9.jpg , http://i57.tinypic.com/28l4bjp.jpg
Bukti Pendukung: [16:26:06] * PM Sent to Angelina_Stephani (9): Oi ngapain jadi Perempuan ?

[16:26:07] Welcome to Los Santos, {33CCFF}Fernando Charro

[16:26:07] Last seen {33CCFF}< 1 minute ago

[16:26:07] [INFO]{FFFFFF} Press {FF0000}[Y]{FFFFFF} for quick action.

[16:26:07] New update!, Version Prototype v.2.4 [0.3.7]

[16:26:07] {CC0000}Fernando Charro {FFFFFF}has joined the server.

[16:26:14] * PM From Angelina_Stephani (9): meneng O !!

[16:26:36] * Private messages has been Disabled !

[16:27:11] GuardianAngel:{FFFF00} Adelardo Early (11), Has been Kicked for Possible Speed Hacking.

[16:27:19] [Newb-OOC]: Citizen Fernando_Charro: Kalau AFK Tidak In Public Ada Batas Waktunya Gak ?.

[16:27:25] ( ? ){F5DEB3} Butuh bantuan ? /atalk!

[16:29:17] ADVERTISEMENT: [Numeruno Cafe] Ayo rasakan kenyamanannya serta minuman yang lezat. Location : Market.

[16:29:17] ADVERTISEMENT: [Contact] : Aaron_Louis (Phone) : 9521

[16:31:43] ( ? ){F5DEB3} Ingin mengetahui leader dari faction yang ada ? Kamu harus mencari taunya sendiri melalui IC!

[16:33:52] Bus Driver Donnie_Chow is On Duty, fare: $1.00.

[16:35:06] * Fernando_Charro takes out his lighter and cigarette and lights it up.

[16:35:06] TIP: You will Loose your Cigarrete after 10 Smokes, You can Drop it by Pressing ‘F’ or ‘Enter’ !

[16:35:06] TIP: You can use /smokeanim if you want to.

[16:35:23] Bus Driver Roman_Morales is On Duty, fare: $1.50.

[16:35:51] USAGE: /b [local ooc chat]

[16:36:12] ( ? ){F5DEB3} Melihat leader faction kalian inactive dan tidak ada keterangan selama 1 minggu ? PM Faction admin untuk keterangan lebih lanjut.

[16:36:21] * Fernando Charro finishes his cigarette.

[16:37:16] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-000.png

[16:37:17] Screenshot Taken - sa-mp-001.png

[16:37:27] [VOTATION]:{FFFFFF} Fernando_Charro (1) has started a votation to kick Adelardo_Early, type /yes if you accept, /no if you don’t

[16:37:30] [VOTATION]:{FFFFFF} (Adelardo_Early) Yes 1 – No 0

[16:37:31] [VOTATION]:{FFFFFF} (Adelardo_Early) Yes 1 – No 1

[16:37:31] * You voted YES on the Votation

[16:37:31] [VOTATION]:{FFFFFF} (Adelardo_Early) Yes 2 – No 1

[16:37:31] [VOTATION]:{FFFFFF} (Adelardo_Early) Yes 3 – No 1

[16:37:31] [VOTATION]:{FFFFFF} (Adelardo_Early) Yes 3 – No 2

[16:37:33] [VOTATION]:{FFFFFF} (Adelardo_Early) Yes 3 – No 3

[16:37:35] [VOTATION]:{FFFFFF} (Adelardo_Early) Yes 4 – No 3

[16:37:38] [Newb-OOC]: Citizen Fernando_Charro: Cheat Mas

[16:37:53] [Newb-OOC]: Newcomer Adelardo_Early: ada bukti?

[16:37:58] * Now Tracking your car.

[16:37:58] Your vehicle’s location is shown on your GPS! if you found it type /trackcar

[16:38:06] * You have used this command recently, wait 40 seconds from the time that you used the command!

[16:38:11] * You have used this command recently, wait 40 seconds from the time that you used the command!

[16:38:17] ** That player is blocking messages!

[16:38:34] [VOTATION]: Yes (4), No (3). Yes won and Adelardo_Early (3) is being kicked!

[16:38:43] [Newb-OOC]: Citizen Fernando_Charro: Ada

[16:39:20] ADVERTISEMENT: Dibuka Pangkalan Faggio harga sewa murah cuman $5 dollar anda mau sewa?datang aja ke Jefferson Hospital

[16:39:20] ADVERTISEMENT: [Contact] : Jackson_Brayden (Phone) : 975160

[16:39:41] Fernando Charro says: Anterin gue

[16:39:59] Baron Constantine says: Ke mana?

[16:40:00] Baron Constantine says: Ke mana?

[16:40:04] Baron Constantine says: Ke mana?

[16:40:05] Fernando Charro says: Gue Joki Sini

[16:40:09] Fernando Charro says: Minggir

[16:40:12] Fernando Charro says: Gue Joki Sini

[16:40:14] Baron Constantine says: Lah joki

[16:40:21] Fernando Charro says: Lurus

[16:40:34] Fernando Charro says: Lurus

[16:40:35] ( ? ){F5DEB3} Bosan RP sendirian ? Coba pengalaman RP baru dengan bergabung ke faction!

[16:40:40] Fernando Charro says: Lurus

[16:40:44] Fernando Charro says: Salaujh

[16:40:46] SERVER: You have Typed An Unknown Command, Type /help or /atalk if you need Help!

[16:40:54] Fernando Charro says: Lurus

[16:41:01] Fernando Charro says: Ikuti jalan

[16:41:04] Fernando Charro says: Lurus

[16:41:10] You are not tracking your vehicle anymore

[16:41:16] Fernando Charro says: Stop

[16:41:18] Fernando Charro says: Stop

[16:41:23] Fernando Charro says: Thanks

[16:41:25] Baron Constantine says: Bayar bro

[16:41:26] This vehicle is owned to {33CCFF}Fernando_Charro

[16:41:26] This vehicle is owned to {33CCFF}Fernando_Charro

[16:41:30] This vehicle don’t have number plate! so drive carefully or the cops will notice.

[16:41:30] [INFO]{FFFFFF} Press {FF0000}[Y]{FFFFFF} to interact with your vehicle.

[16:41:30] [INFO]{FFFFFF} /speedo to active the speedometer. /changeview to FPS Viewing.

[16:41:30] Remember: Use your Seat Belt or Else you can get Ticked! (/belt)

[16:41:35] (Windows Open) Fernando Charro says: Nih Ada Tai

[16:41:35] Baron Constantine says: Sedikit aja

[16:41:43] (Windows Open) Fernando Charro says: Hahaha

[16:41:46] Baron Constantine says: Wah kaya doang. tapi pelit

[16:41:48] (Windows Open) Fernando Charro says: \

[16:41:51] * You just have Enganched your Belt to the Seat

[16:41:51] * Fernando_Charro Ticks on his Seabelt that comes out of the Seat

[16:41:56] ** You have sent money to Baron_Constantine(player: 0), $7.00.

[16:41:59] (Windows Open) Fernando Charro says: Cukup

[16:42:02] Baron Constantine Shouts: Kurang

[16:42:47] ADVERTISEMENT: [Numeruno Q’Dunking] Anda merasa lapar?? datang saja ke numeruno q’dunking. Locations : Market.

[16:42:47] ADVERTISEMENT: [Contact] : Jackson_Trevor (Phone) : 4886

[16:42:51] You have parked this {FF0000}vehicle here

[16:42:53] * You had Your seatbelt/helmet on, you removed it to exit the vehicle

[16:43:33] Bus Driver Donnie_Chow is On Duty, fare: $1.00.

[16:46:35] Bus Driver Roman_Morales is On Duty, fare: $1.21.

[16:46:35] ( ? ){F5DEB3} /me mengambil dompet dari dalam saku kanan celana adalah salah satu bentuk /me yang benar.

[16:46:35] GuardianAngel:{FFFF00} Adelardo Early (10), Has been Kicked for Possible Speed Hacking.