[TV-West] The Walking Dead

Isi lah, hari ini keluar episode yang terbaru dan makin mantap ceritanye.

lama gak ngikutin ini series pilem ini, terakhir gw nonton yang daryl di tangkep sama government dan di pertemuin sama kakak nya, merle. :nlol:

iyo ini lama film nya … setuju sama yang di atas :nhaha: . Film2 series di luar lama gara2 nunggu musim sih … nunggu 1 season brarti nunggu Winter selesai :nchair:

wah keren ini kyaknya saingannya GOT kan

TV West The Walking Dead

Ok they definitely ramped up the zombie and gore this week. Had me cringing a few times. Odd thing is the killing of the pigs bothered me the most. I liked them.

Not sure what to make of this virus. Seems a bit fast moving but then again with all the stuff out there germs could have a blast. I was a bit surprised to see Tyrees girlfriend get it so soon. I had a feeling someone was going to die a main character just wasnt expecting her.

Im a tad worried about Carol. She seems to be going a bit off the edge. I mean teaching the kids to kill walkers is one thing. Expecting the two girls to kill their own father… Um…yeah I get they have to get tough but jeez we dont need two female Carls running around.

And who is feeding the zombies. I thought it might be the girls but the person was tall. Im thinking it might be the guy Bobby but Im not sure. Could the Gov be around? Hmm…

And I was actually glad to see Rich take his gun back. They need him and not as a farmer. Curious to see how he handles being back in semi charge.
