badass human parasyte , feel same . but sad story to leave that his girlfriend in epi 13 :haru:
ahaha , true sad story for his girlfriend to get away
i bet the next episode will more awesome :3
Episode 17 : 480p SD | 720p HD
i didnāt expect that last minutes will get watch ero time :3
whawhawa , me to get suprised get waow tragedy.
dafuq , that Gotou still alive and migi has r.i.p , but there are still left the piece cell of migi <.<
yeah didnāt expect to failed kill him , but migi will posibly return again.
migi come back alive :m129:
yeah damn right , so exciting to wait the last episode , what will happen still make me curious :m019:
whether the last episode would be a happy ending or sad ending ? to be continued in next week :hore:
haha , be prepared for it :lirik: